Scottish Stars Cross

By RedCherry25

1.5K 10 0

Sorcha has been waiting her whole life to find a man who will sweep her off her feet. So far, she's struck o... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35

Part 6

54 0 0
By RedCherry25

Zefora's laughter echoed in Sorcha's ear as she hung up on her cousin. Sorcha left her phone on the couch as she grabbed her empty mug and headed back into the kitchen. Calleach was waiting with the coffee pot. He steadied Sorcha's hand with his own as he poured hot coffee into her mug.

"Thanks," Sorcha said as her fingers tingled from the warmth of Calleach's hand.

"You're welcome."

Sorcha sat at the table and waited for Calleach to join her before she dug in. The kitchen was quiet except for the sounds of eating and the birds that always sang outside Sorcha's kitchen window. Sorcha wondered when Calleach turned off the radio. Calleach watched her eat. Sorcha blinked at him before she swallowed her food and took a sip of the orange juice that Calleach had sat in front of her plate.

"Why are you watching me eat?"

Calleach shrugged as he took a bit of egg. "I like watching you eat. I like slim girls, but you need to gain a little bit of weight. You are too skinny."

Sorcha toyed with her eggs before she took another bite. "I used to be a hearty eater, but that changed after I got tired of listening to my parents critique what I ate."

"Your parents are not here Sorcha. You can eat however much you want when you're with me."

"Where'd you learn to cook?" Sorcha asked changing the topic.

Calleach laughed and started telling her the story of how he learned to cook. It was a fascinating story and Sorcha learned towards him as he told the story. She laughed as he told how he got caught sticking his finger into the cake batter and was forced to help do the dishes. Sorcha told her story of learning how to cook as they finished breakfast and started doing the dishes. Sorcha had completely forgot about the fact that she was wearing nothing but a lace night gown that stopped short of her knees when she caught Calleach staring intently at her as he handed her plates to put away.

"Why are you staring at me like that?"

Calleach cleared his throat before he nodded at her night gown. "It's hard keeping my eyes off of you, when you are dressed in that scrap of lace with no underwear on."

A blush stole across Sorcha's face as she tried to pull her night gown down lower and crossed her arms over her chest. "I should go change."

Calleach stopped her as she went to move by him. "I find you very sexy in this and I want nothing more than to peel this thing off of you."

Sorcha blinked up at him. "I would like that, but I haven't done this sort of thing before."

"I can show you if you'd like." Calleach took Sorcha's hands and drew them away from her body so that he could kiss each knuckle.

All Sorcha could do was nod. Calleach stared at her as he kissed her knuckles and softly licked each one. At Sorcha's nod he brought her hands up and placed them on his shoulders. Calleach ran his hands down her arms causing Sorcha to shiver. His hands felt warm through the lace of her night gown as Calleach ran his hands down her sides and around to cup her ass and pull her hips closer to him. Sorcha gasped as her breasts rubbed against the lace covering them as they made contact with Calleach's chest.

"Do you want more?"

All Sorcha could do was nod as Calleach dipped his head and gently brushed his lips against hers. Sorcha slid her hands around Calleach's neck and held him close. The bite of his fingers against her hips hurt, but Sorcha didn't care. She was getting kissed for the first time and it was by Calleach.

A tiny little part of her mind told her that they couldn't be doing this, that they were co-workers. That's what her mind told her, but her body wasn't paying any attention. All Sorcha was aware of was Calleach's lips at her neck and the bite of his fingers as they held her to him.

Sorcha wasn't even aware that they were moving till her back collided with the kitchen wall.

Calleach moved his attention to her breasts. Sorcha let out a moan as he teased her breasts with his mouth and lips. Sorcha buried her fingers in his hair and held his head to her breast.

Calleach chuckled as Sorcha's body jerked as his hands traveled lower.

Calleach surprised Sorcha by dropping to his knees in front of her. Sorcha's breath caught in her throat as her heart rate accelerated and butterflies began dancing in her stomach. Calleach looked up at her with his beautiful eyes as he ran his hands up her calves to her thighs. Calleach leaned forward and followed the path his hands took with his mouth. Sorcha leaned against the wall and closed her eyes at the sensations racing through her body. Her body begged for his touch and a certain part of her yeaned to feel him inside of her.

"Open your legs for me."

Sorcha obeyed without opening her eyes. She wasn't prepared for what Calleach did next. Her body jerked and her back bowed as a gasp escaped past her lips. Sorcha opened her eyes and looked down to see that Calleach had pushed her night gown up and his mouth was at her core.

Sorcha grasped the hands that Calleach had placed on either side of her hips to hold her still.

"Calleach," Sorcha gasped as he took her on a magic carpet ride through a whole new world of stranger feelings that caused her body to shake and quiver.

Calleach was unrelenting in his feasting. Sorcha finally came apart when he gently inserted a finger in her most private of parts. Calleach supported Sorcha's weight as she came flying apart at the seams. Sorcha felt him move and she opened her eyes to see him standing in front of her. He kissed her and Sorcha tasted herself on him.

"Did you like that?"

Sorcha giggled as she accepted Calleach's kiss. "I think there'd be something wrong with me if I didn't like that. I love the way your hands feel on my body."

Calleach chuckled. "We can continue if you want to."

Sorcha's answer was to kiss Calleach. They were in the middle of kissing when the phone rang.

Sorcha pulled back with a sigh. Calleach stopped her as she went to go answer the phone.

"They can leave a message."

"It's my mom. She'll keep calling if I don't answer."

Calleach didn't seem too happy. Suddenly he gave Sorcha a devilish grin as he went over and picked up the phone. "Hello."

"Who is this?"

"This is Calleach. May I inquire as to who you are?"

"I am Sorcha's Mother. Where is my daughter?"

Sorcha shook her head as Calleach looked at her. He moved out of reach as Sorcha made a move to grab the phone. Calleach caught Sorcha as she tried again and pinned her beneath his shoulder. All the while Calleach kept a hold of the phone.

"Sorcha is currently unavailable. Can I take a message?"

"I want to speak to my daughter."

Calleach sighed. "Sorcha is in the shower and I really don't want to disturb her. I'll tell her you called."

Before Sorcha's mom could answer Calleach hung up on her. Sorcha pushed away from Calleach and finally managed to grab hold of the phone. Sorcha stared at the phone before she hit Calleach on the arm. Calleach frowned and rubbed at the spot where she hit him.

"I can't believe you just did that."

"You need to stand up to your mom."

Sorcha gave Calleach a pained look. "I would like to, but I learned my lesson long ago on how far to push my parents."

Calleach took the phone from Sorcha's hand and set it down on the counter. He pulled Sorcha close to him and kissed her. Sorcha leaned against him and wrapped her arms around his waist.

Calleach pulled back and his eyes were blazing at her.

"Does your mum have a key to your house?"

Sorcha shook her head. "None of my family does, except for my cousins. Why?"

All Calleach did was give her a wolfish smile. "I have a feeling that your mum is on her way over. Shall we give her a show?"

A bubble of laughter escaped Sorcha as she shook her head. "She'll figure out even if we don't give her a show. I've never brought a guy home before."

Calleach ran a hand down Sorcha's stomach so that his fingers could brush through the moist curls at the juncture of her legs. "Do you want to continue?"

Sorcha's breathing hitched as she nodded. Calleach leaned down and captured Sorcha's lips.

Their kiss was deep and sensual. Sorcha was out of breath when Calleach pulled away. The doorbell rang followed by some pounding on the door.

Calleach tugged on Sorcha's hand and pulled her out of the kitchen. They passed the front door where Sorcha could hear her mother talking to someone on the other side. Calleach picked Sorcha up and carried her down the hallway to her spare bedroom. He kicked the door shut and sat Sorcha on her feet making sure that her body rubbed against his as her feet touched the floor.

Calleach stepped back and opened his arms wide. "Do what you will to me?"

A smile curved about Sorcha's mouth as her gave went to his groin. Calleach laughed as Sorcha pushed him back against the door and kissed him as her hand trailed down his abdomen to dip beneath the waistband of his pants. Calleach sucked in a breath as Sorcha's hand cupped him.

"You're so big," Sorcha murmured against Calleach's lips as she fondled him.

Calleach chuckled rather dryly. "I've been told that before by women who took one look at that part of my anatomy and wanted nothing else to do with me."

Sorcha pulled back to look at him. "How many women have you slept with?"

"Not many," Calleach replied. "I finally quit trying after the last woman I slept with wanted nothing more than to call me when she was horney and expected me to come at her beck and call."

"How long has it been since you've slept with anyone?" As they talked Sorcha's fingers were busy exploring the length and breadth of Calleach. Sorcha was pleased to see the hot look Calleach gave her before he answered her question.

"Four years ago."

Sorcha kissed Calleach before she dropped to her knees in front of him as she pulled down his pants. Calleach gathered Sorcha's hair and held it out of her face as she started to explore him with her mouth and hands. Through lidded eyes, Calleach saw movement over at the window. There was a gap in the curtains and a woman was peering into the house. There was shock on her face as she stared at them. A man's face appeared beside hers and rage descended on his face at what he saw. Calleach guessed that these were Sorcha's parents and he didn't care if they saw what was going on. Calleach could use their peeping to his benefit in case he needed to protect Sorcha from her parents.

Calleach let out a groan as Sorcha took him into her mouth. Sorcha looked up at Calleach to see him with his eyes closed, teeth clenched, and head leaned back against the door. The pleasure she saw on Calleach's face emboldened Sorcha and she used her tongue, hands, and teeth to give Calleach pleasure.

"I'm going to come in your mouth," Calleach warned.

Sorcha pulled back from what she was doing long enough to speak. "I don't care. I want to know what you taste like."

Calleach gave a moan and flexed his hips as Sorcha returned to torturing him. Sorcha braced herself on Calleach's thighs as he held her head still and thrust gently into her waiting mouth. It only took a few thrusts before Calleach emptied himself in her mouth with a shudder. Sorcha didn't particularly like the taste, but the look on Calleach's face made it worthwhile.

Sorcha licked her lips as she looked up at Calleach. He looked at her out of hooded eyes before he pulled her to her feet and kissed her. Calleach pulled back so that he could open the door.

Sorcha laughed as he pulled her through the door and headed for the stairs.

"Why are we changing rooms?"

Calleach threw Sorcha a look over his shoulder as they gained the stairs. "You parents were at the window and I don't want them to see you naked and withering beneath me."

Sorcha jerked to a stop, but stumbled as Calleach pulled her down the hall. "You knew they were at the window and you didn't tell me."

"I wanted them to see. It's about time that your parents leave you alone."

"I will hear about it tomorrow or even later today. You got me into this mess Calleach and you better help get me out."

Calleach pulled Sorcha into her room and shut the door behind her. He kissed her suddenly and pulled back once she had sagged against him as her knees turned to jelly. "I have a plan."

"Will you tell me what it is?"

"And what would be the fun in that?"

Sorcha rolled her eyes as she turned away from Calleach. Calleach caught her from behind.

Sorcha leaned against him as his lips found a tender spot beneath her ear. His arms wrapped about her waist and Sorcha rested her hands on his arms. Sorcha moved her head to the side to give Calleach greater access. A thought suddenly occurred to Sorcha. She pulled away from Calleach and turned so that she could splay her hands against his chest.

"Do you have a condom?"

Calleach blinked at her before he gave her a sheepish smile. "I'm not in the habit of carrying around condoms. I don't sleep with very many people."

Sorcha turned from Calleach and went to her sock drawer where she pulled out a handful of condoms. Calleach raised an eyebrow when he saw Sorcha with her hidden stash. Sorcha laughed as she tossed them down on the dresser.

"A girl can dream can't she?"

Calleach shook his head. "I'm not knocking it, but how old are they."

"I just bought them last month. I actually keep them on hand for my cousins when they come to town. You wouldn't believe how many times they have called me to save their asses when they are on a date."

"You are very kind towards your cousins."

"They are the only family I have that I claim."

"Well," Calleach said as he pulled Sorcha towards him so that he could kiss her. "They are lucky to have you."

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