Let Love Bleed Red

By hopebaegel

54.7K 2.5K 5K

Komahina Royalty AU. The world is split into two kinds: the Royalty and the Others. My name is Hinata Hajime... More



1.6K 101 35
By hopebaegel

"Komaeda my dear, can I come in?"

Without waiting the maid opened the door, she knew he wasn't going to respond.

All lights were blocked out. The room was pitch black unless the trace of light coming from the opened door.

"Komaeda?" She called out as she closed the door. With her hand she searched for the lights and switched the dimmed lights on.

A groan came from underneath the blankets on the humongous bed.

She smiled sadly as she walked to the side of the bed.

"Komaeda, it's been three days. You should come eat."

"I'd rather starve."

She sighed. "I'm going to remove the blankets."

With one hand she grabbed the edge. "Going in 3, 2, 1-"


The blankets where gone and the maid stared in horror.

Komaeda was no longer the beautiful albino but looked like a total drama. Eyes red and puffy, hair in a mess, bags underneath his eyes.

"Oh Komaeda..." She didn't know what she should say. Not in her 16 years she's been here has she seen such a scene.

She quickly dropped onto her knees besides him and pulled him in for a hug. His head rested onto her chest.

"Are you that attached to the boy?" She asked.

Komaeda only hummed.

"Today he will be in trial, I was being send to come get you. But if you're not ready I will let you rest."

With that Komaeda pulled himself out of her embrace.

"Trial did you say?" His sore voice said.

The maid nodded. "Knowing the King he would probably be life sentenced or even worse..."

"I don't know if I'm ready for that.." Komaeda sighed and let his face fall into the pillows.

"The trial will start in two hours. Think about it."


Even though they were called the Knights they're pretty stupid.

Hinata was quietly running through the hallways of the big castle.

They aren't on their guards.

Someone could kill them any second huh.

Hinata didn't know which way to go and wasn't familiar with castles at all.

If he just could find an easy target.

As if god had heard him a maid walked past him. He quickly had jumped onto one of the pillars.

The maid had brown hair, tied into a bun.

Before entering the next room she turned around and looked straight into his eyes.

Of this sudden situation Hinata almost lost his balance.

"Come out of the dark."

Hinata quickly jumped off the pillar and without hesitation he grabbed her wrist and turned it behind her back.

The maid groaned but showed strenght.

"What do you need?" She asked.

"Prince. Where can I find the Prince. I can smell that you've been with him just an hour ago."

"What business do you have with him?"

She tried turning her head around but Hinata pulled a knife from his pocket and held it by her throat.

"Highest tower. Next door then follow the stairs."

She didn't feel the pressure of the knife anymore and her arm was moving again. When she turned around hoping she would see the person he was gone.

A door opened, creaking. Immediately her head turned into that direction.

The figure turned around for a second before running into the room next door.

"Those eyes look familiar..." she said.

Hinata was running up the stairs.

With 5 minutes of jumping from stair to stair he finally stopped by a door.

He slowly opened the door. There was no sound of people breathing.

He stepped into the room and quietly closed the door.

That exact same moment a shadow from another room was becoming bigger and bigger till a figure appeared.

The figure stopped when he spotted Hinata standing before the door and dropped his towel.


Hinata quickly ripped off his mask into a choker and ran to Komaeda, almost stumbling over his feet.

One of his arms wrapped around his neck and the other onto the back of his hands and pulled him in for an embrace.

"I'm so glad you are safe." Hinata said.

Komaeda just stood there, not knowing how to react when the male who was supposed to be in jail was now right in front of him.

He just wrapped his hands around his waist and pulled him closer, breathing in his scent.

"I'm glad you're ok." He just said.

Komaeda pulled away first and looked at Hinata. He still had a few scratches on his face and a few bruises were seen on his collarbone.

While Hinata was walking with all the injuries, Komaeda's ankle was all okay now. It wasn't completely healed but he could walk.

"But how?" Komaeda asked.

Hinata scratched his neck. "Just knocked out a guard."

Komaeda chuckled. When he looked at the male right in front of him he just wanted to drop on his knees and start to cry.

"So eh, I should be in trial in an hour or something but I really don't like trials. So we should probably get going."

"Oh, you have an experience with trials." Komaeda tried to joke.

Hinata only answered with a firm yes.

He touched the walls and knocked sometimes onto it.

"Here was supposed to be a window right?" He asked. Komaeda nodded.

Hinata grabbed his knife again and just saw into the wall, trying to find an opening.

"You know what, this isn't going to work." He put the knife back and started kicking against it.

Slowly but with success the bricks started to fall apart. When a small trace of light was seen Hinata tried again with his hands. The bricks slowly fell onto the ground.

When it was big enough to fit a person in it Hinata stopped and looked at the bars.

"They really don't want you to escape don't they."

Komaeda sadly looked away.

It was time for the knife again, Hinata hung out the window and with his knife his tried to pull out the nails.

This was a lot faster then pulling out the bricks.

He only disbanded 3 out of the 4 nails so the bars wouldn't hit the ground.

"We need the blankets." Hinata said as he ran towards the bed.

This time Komaeda took action too and with a fast instruction of Hinata he knew exactly what to do.

The blankets were knotted with each other and around on of the pillars of the bed.

Hinata pulled it to check if it was safe.

He nodded.

So Hinata hung the rope of blankets over the window, it did not reach the ground.

"I'll go first, when I'm almost at the ground you'll go. I will catch you if you fall so don't worry."

Hinata didn't hesitate before holding onto the blankets and let himself almost sliding to the ground.

"Go!" He yelled.

Komaeda grabbed the blankets but started shivering when he looked to the ground.

"I'll catch you!" Hinata's words circled around in Komaeda's head as he jumped from the window.

That exact time the door flew open and Komaeda could hear the guard's armour clicking on the ground.

"The window is open!" Someone screamed.

Fear rushed through Komaeda's body and without hesitation he let himself slide off the blanket rope.

When he was almost at the ground the guards looked over the broken window. "Cut the rope."

Komaeda could feel the suspense of the rope. It was slowly tearing apart and before Komaeda could move again he and the rope were falling down.

Komaeda closed his eyes and hoped that Hinata would held his promise.

"Komaeda!" Hinata yelled.

His hand were ready to catch the Prince.

And when he opened his eyes again he met Hinata's.

"We should get out of this place."

Komaeda nodded.

"Back to being free again."

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