The Revenge of the Badass Age...

By outcasts_

200K 6K 751

5 year old Hannah had a normal life. That was until her parents were murdered. 12 years later, Hannah Porter... More

Copyright Statement
Chapter 1 - Getting ready
Chapter 2 - Introductions and a Party
Chapter 3 - I'm going to get breast cancer!
Chapter 4 - 'Who are The Slayers?'
Chapter 5 - 'You're kidding right?'
Chapter 6 - 'While I'm thinking, just don't talk to me okay?'
Chapter 7 - 'I really have to go!'
Chapter 8 - Forever until the day I die
Chapter 9 - Hospital
Chapter 10 - Feelings
Chapter 11 - 'May I remind you, this is a marble floor!'
Chapter 12 - The Door
Chapter 13 - Adam
Chapter 14 - 'Dude, no offense, but you are a disgrace to mankind.'
Chapter 15 - Just a dream
Chapter 16 - Just a Little Friendly Game of Twister
Chapter 17 - Plane Ride
Chapter 18 - Italy
Chapter 19 - New Places
Chapter 20 - 'Looking for us sweetheart?'
Chapter 21 - Explanations
Chapter 22 - Getting to know each other
Chapter 23 - 'What are you doing here?'
Chapter 24 - 'Looks like I can't trust you, Noah.'
Chapter 25 - First Dates
Chapter 26 - 'Are you on your period or something?'
Chapter 28 - All of Me, Loves all of You
Chapter 29 - 'Please open the door!'
Chapter 30 - Finally Home
Chapter 31 - The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 32 - Forgetting Him
Chapter 33 - A Step in the Right Direction
Chapter 34 - Heartbreak
Chapter 35 - Step 1 in Getting Over Noah Stone
Chapter 36 - 'What are you doing here?'
Chapter 37 - Not Your Average Sleepover
Chapter 38 - The End.

Chapter 27 - Taken By Surprise

2.6K 101 9
By outcasts_

Chapter 27 - Taken By Surprise

"I can't believe we have to leave already!" Melissa wailed, throwing a shirt into her suitcase. "I love this place! We really need to come here again some other time." I nodded, agreeing with her. I tried not to talk because if I did, then I would stop packing and lose focus, but I can't do that. We're leaving in an hour, and I barely started packing.

"Ugh, I'm finally done." Natalie sighed out, collapsing onto her bed. Natalie, unlike me, started packing before me. I ran over to my drawers and continued packing, ignoring Melissa and Natalie's chatter. AS I was putting the last of my shirts and was about to start on my pants, a hand went in front of my face and started snapping at me.

I snapped out of my trance and faced them. "We're going to the kitchen to find something to eat. Do you want to join us?" Natalie asked. I shook my head. "No, I need to finish in order for us to make our flight. But you guys can go on ahead, I'll meet you there." They nodded and made their way out of the room and down the hallway.

I sighed and continued packing. A few more minutes passed by and I found myself constantly looking at the clock, hoping that it wouldn't be time to leave yet.

Ten more minutes later, and I was done. I sighed in relief and flopped onto the bed in exhaustion. Who knew that packing could be that tiring? I rolled onto my side and checked the time again to see that we would have to leave in ten minutes in order to make our flight. I groaned but got up anyway. I was gathering my luggage together when the door to my room opened.

"Yeah?" I asked without turning to see who was there. "Hey, we're getting ready to leave. Are you almost done?"

At the sound of his voice, I turned around and tried to suppress a sigh of satisfaction. He looked absolutely amazing. He had low cut jeans and a light blue shirt which clung to his muscles, sending my hormones crazy.

What the hell?

I snapped out of it and nodded. "Yeah, I'm just getting them together. I was actually about to head downstairs right now." I said. He nodded over to my stuff. "Need help with that?" I shook my head. "No, I'm good." I started to walk past him but was stopped when I felt a tug at my suitcase. I turned my head back and saw Noah prying one of the suitcases out of my hands. When he saw my questioning stare, he smirked. "You really didn't think that I was going to actually let you go down the stairs with all of those suitcases, did you?" He asked, humor laced in his tone.

I shrugged and he laughed. "No, I wouldn't let you do that." He walked around me and went out the door. But before he was fully out of the door, he called out over his shoulder, "don't be late." I rolled my eyes and followed him out the door, closing the door behind me. As I walked into the living room, I saw everyone standing there without their stuff, talking. I raised an eyebrow. "Where are your things?"

At the sound of my voice, everyone stopped talking and looked at me. "Oh, we all put our things away a long time ago. I guess you were still packing." I nodded and left the hotel room to put the rest of my luggage in the car.

I entered the elevator and silently thanked God that there was no one in there. I pressed the ground floor and waited, listening to the elevator music on the way down. The elevator was passing the second floor when it stopped. The door opened and I saw an older guy get in.

He had greasy, oily hair and he looked at me with a seductive smile. "Hey there." I blocked my nose when the stench hit me. He was certainly drinking. I turned away and coughed discreetly. I decided to ignore him and faced the front, wishing for the elevator to hurry down.

His smell was filling the elevator rapidly, and let me tell you, it was not a pretty smell. I held my breath, and by the time the elevator doors opened, I zoomed out of there, but not without taking my things. I didn't look back the whole time I was leaving. I could hear his raspy chuckle from a far way behind me, and I shuddered in disgust.

Italy can be beautiful, but some of the people here are very creepy.

I slowed down once I spotted the car and I made my way towards it. I saw Noah putting my duffle bag in the back with ease, and I started to wonder how he could even lift that thing up. I honestly had so many clothes in there, it would equal about two tons of bricks.

I reached him and set my luggage down. "Here you go. You can fix them. I'll be heading back." Without waiting for his response, I turned around and headed back into the hotel. I could hear his groan from behind me and I snickered in response.

I started toward the elevator, but stopped short when I saw the same oily and greasy guy getting in. I backed up and went to the stairs instead. There was no way I was riding in the same elevator as him again.

By the time I reached my floor, I was sure that I took quite a while. I opened the door to the hotel room and went straight for the couch. "What time is the flight again?" I asked whoever was in the room. "Um, it's in an hour. I think we should leave already." Brian said, finishing off his water bottle and throwing it away. I nodded and got up. "Where's Noah?" I asked.

"Right here honey." A voice breathed into my neck.

I jumped up and whirled around to see Noah standing there with an amused smile on his face. I glared at him and all he did was smirk. "Why didn't you wait for me outside?" Now it was my turn to smirk. "Whoops?"

He glared and rolled his eyes. "Whatever." Aiden came out of the room and he walked to the door. "Come on guys. We need to leave. Plus, we need to pick Luca up."

"Luca? Why are we picking Luca up?" I asked.

"Remember we took his car the first day here?" Jacob asked, his arms wrapped around Melissa. I nodded in understanding and we all started to the door. "Let's go then." Natalie sighed, sadness evident in her tone.

"This place was absolutely amazing." Melissa sighed, walking side by side with Jacob. "I know." I agreed with her. "It all ended way too soon." Natalie just nodded and we made it to the car. Brian slipped in the drivers seat while Aiden went into the passengers seat. The rest of us squished in the back as best as we could. "Wait." Melissa stopped. "How is Luca going to fit in this car if we can't even fit here ourselves?"

Brian groaned and threw his head back while Aiden laughed hysterically. I rolled my eyes and smacked Aiden in the back of his head. "Shut up." He stopped laughing immediately and I smirked.


We pulled out and away from the hotel and we started driving to Luca's house. "Hey," Natalie started. "Do you remember the directions to Luca's house?" She asked Brian. I could see him tense up in the front and Aiden snorted. "Nope." Aiden pulled out his phone, and right when I thought that he was going to get a GPS, he started texting someone. I huffed out. "Aiden, can you please be useful for once and get the GPS through your phone?" I was seriously holding on to any little strand of patience that I had left.


I growled and was about to lunge when Jacob held me back, Natalie helping him. "You little motherfuc-"

"Hey, Aiden. You mind getting the directions on your phone?" Jacob asked, his voice strained. I saw Aiden shaking his head from the front and that only fueled my anger even more. "Come on Aiden." Jacob urged. "This is kind of a life or death situation."

Aiden looked back and his eyes widened when they saw me trying to get him. "Uh, o-okay, I'll get it right now. J-just hold on." He stuttered, fumbling with his phone. When I saw that he was getting the GPS, I relaxed in Jacob's grip and smirked in satisfaction. "Good boy." I praised. He shot a scowl at me and all I did was smile at him.I sat back in my spot and closed my eyes for a second.

"Why were you so mad?"

I snapped my eyes open and whirled my head to the side to see Natalie looking at me with an amused smile on her face. I rolled my eyes. "Well, all that boy does is text on his phone. I bet you anything, one day if we're stranded anywhere and all of our phones are dead except for his, he'd use up all his battery by texting some horny chick."

Melissa snorted and Natalie burst out laughing. I looked and saw Jacob laughing silently in his seat, chuckles wracking his body, and Noah was cracking up right beside him. "Man, you know Aiden so well!" Jacob said while pretending to wipe a tear from the corner of his eye.

"Shut up. You know that I can hear you right?" Aiden growled. I shot him a cheeky smile and winked. "We know. But we don't care."

I felt the car pull to a stop, so I looked out of the window. Sure enough, we were pulling up at Luca's house. Brian stopped the car and he pulled the key out of the ignition. "Okay guys, we're here." We all started piling out of the car one by one and when we were all out of it, we started to walk to his front door. I stopped to take a rock out of my shoe when I saw Noah from the corner of my eye looking glum. I furrowed my eyebrows and walked up to him.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I said, nudging him with my shoulder. He looked up at me and shook his head. "Nah, there's nothing wrong. Don't worry." I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "I may be wrong, but usually when there's something wrong with guys, they walk with their heads down, kicking rock with their hands in their pockets. Please correct me and say that I'm wrong."

He looked up and I saw a small blush form it's way onto his cheeks. A smile tugged at the corners of my mouth and I tried to hold it down, but I failed.

"Okay fine. Maybe there is something wrong. But it's not like I'm going to tell you." He pointed out and started walking quickly away from me. My mouth fell open in surprise and I scoffed. "Oh come on!" I said but he didn't hear me because he was already inside the house. I quickly scurried and ran after him.

When I entered the house, I heard laughter and greetings coming from some part of the house. I followed the noise and came to the living room to see everyone sitting on the couch.

"And this is Noah. He wasn't here last time we were here." Aiden explained. Noah nodded his head but made no effort to move. I raised an eyebrow but stepped out and into the living room where everyone else was.

"Hannah! There you are! I was starting to wonder where you were!" Luca exclaimed and chuckled at the end. He held his arms open wide for a hug and gestured for me to go to him. "Are you going to give me a hug?" I chuckled, but headed over to him nonetheless. He wrapped his arms around me and I did the same.

Now, when most girls hug some guy, they find out that they feel so safe in his arms and they never want to let go. But in my case, his hug just felt like a normal hug. Like a friendly hug. I'm not sure if he felt the same way, but that's how I felt.

I started to pull back and I guess that he got the hint because he let me go. I turned around and headed over to the couch so that I could sit down with everyone else. But the look on Noah's face almost made me stop in my tracks. He had this murderous look on his face and I wanted to go over there to check up on him, but I went to the couch instead.

I was about to sit down when Brian stood up and started walking over to Luca. "Okay, we need to leave now if we want to make out flight." Luca nodded and we all started walking out of the house. I was right behind them, but stopped when I felt myself get pulled back by someone. They whirled me around and I crashed into their chest. I backed up and looked up to see Luca looking at me with a smile on his face. "Hey." He whispered. I smiled back politely and tried to move back a little bit, but he had me trapped in his hold. "Hi." I trailed off.

"Before you leave, I need to do this." Before I could even ask him what he was talking about, he leaned in and touched his lips with mine.

I saw movement from the corner of my eyes and I looked over there to see who it was. I was met by the sight of two beautiful blue eyes that always hold me captivated.

And by one look, I knew who it was.

Noah Stone.



Hey guys! I tried to make this long enough for you guys, but I don't think it was... :/

But here's an update!

Comment maybe?



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