Unexpected | Zelink (modern A...

By PandaDawgBE

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(Cover by @Zelinkie) - (Art by finnichang on tumblr) {-------------------} Zelda's eyes were glued to the pag... More

Second Home
Deja Vu {pt. 1}
Deja Vu {pt. 2}
History {pt. 1}
History {pt. 2}
The Royal Family


4.1K 102 233
By PandaDawgBE

Days passed.

It had been three days since Zelda and Link had first seen each other and it was no secret the two were enjoying each others company and were excited for when they would see each other again. They texted each other almost everyday whenever they were available to do so.

Urbosa found it sickeningly cute, but she also felt proud of Zelda for she had never talked that long to a boy before. She had asked Zelda more than once to give her Link's contact information so that Urbosa could see who it was Zelda seemed to fancy—Zelda denied it more than once. She was afraid Urbosa would say something to Link and embarrass either Link or Zelda herself.

Zelda wasn't wrong, because Urbosa had those exact intentions.

While the blonde was really excited and energetic that she would see Link again that weekend to come, there was a slight problem; she still had not told Lana her plan. Yes, Lana was trustworthy and practically a sister to Zelda but she was still nervous. It was her first time asking of a favor such as the one Zelda had in mind for Lana, therefore she was not sure how Lana would have taken it.

Zelda was standing in front of said Lana's door, staring at the polished wood for longer than what was necessary.

Urbosa knew about the plan itself, but all she could've done was cheer her best friend on and hope for the best.

Link still thought Zelda was able to go with consent and no worries of getting in trouble; oh, how wrong he was. But that was partly Zelda's fault, she did say she was free and said her father didn't mind but that was just a load of buffoonery—of course the richest man in Hyrule had minded, her own father.

Zelda calmed down her nerves, her hand still closed in a fist as she hesitantly brought it up to knock on one of the many doors in one of the large hallways.

Lana had her own room there, just like Tingle and all the other servants and maids because they were always needed—what was the point of going back home when they were needed at the mansion 24/7? Zelda was glad that they stayed—she didn't feel so lonely—but also pitiful because they were pulled from the potential family they have.

Her hand was still hovered over the painted doors, debating right on the spot. Maybe I'll tell her tomorro-

Lana's door swung open before Zelda was able to even finish her thought, and there Lana was. Obviously, she had not expected Zelda to be in front of her—or anyone, for that matter—so she couldn't stop herself from letting out that scream of fright.

"Z-Zelda! You scared me," Lana breathed out. She let out a breathy laugh and placed her hand over her beating heart, calming it down the best she could. "I didn't expect you to be there. I was going to go over and see how you were doing. Haven't seen you in a while."

"Oh...well...I'm here." Zelda smiled. "And I'm doing fine." She looked to the ground, biting her inner lip whilst she fiddled with her hands. She was hesitating, and Lana had noticed.

Zelda looked back up to Lana when the blue-haired woman tenderly placed her hand on her shoulder. "Zelda, are you okay?"

"U-uh...yeah... Um, Lana, do you have anything to do at the moment?" Zelda was immensely nervous, and she really did not know why; she had known Lana ever since she was a little kid and grew close to her because the two were only two years apart, forming a friendship and a sister-like bond throughout the years.

Lana shook her head. "Not really, I've done all my duties for now. I'm free unless your father asks me to do something for him."

Zelda grinned. "Great. Would you mind if we went in your room? I want to talk to you about something."

Lana nodded and stepped to the side so that Zelda can enter. "You may enter, milady."

Zelda smiled and entered, Lana doing the same afterwards and closed the door to commence the privacy Zelda had wanted. She walked off to sit on her chair tucked in her desk, Zelda seated on her bed. "Okay, so what is it?"

"Well..." Zelda started off, not knowing how to continue. She folded her hands together on her lap and tried to stall and take her time to word what she had wanted to say. Gods, why is this so much more harder? "I-I...met this boy..."

Lana's face burst into a grin. "You did?! Oh my gosh! Finally!" But, she had then turned serious again after a thought had come to her head. "Wait. Online?"

Zelda started to turn red a little, but she giggled nonetheless. She shook her head. "No. I went to central park a few days ago 'cause my father let me go out to have a break from being inside for so long. So I met him there."

"Mm-hm. Okay, and I'm assuming your father doesn't know about this?"

Zelda nodded. "Correct. If he found out I was even conversing with a stranger he would get mad— Well, actually...," Zelda bit her lip and recalled the night she had gotten back home to her father, "he does know. He just doesn't know I ended up hanging out with the guy I met, or anyone else. All I said was I encountered a Hylian, Zora, then another Hylian...which is who I ended up hanging out with."

"All of them?"

Zelda shook her head again. "No, just the last Hylian. His name was Link."

Lana laughed. "That's funny."

Zelda tilted her head. "What is?"

"Your name's Zelda and his is Link."

Zelda rolled her eyes playfully and smiled a little. "So far you and Urbosa had been saying that. Even Link himself! I know it's no surprise everyone knows about our land's legend, but since I'm the only Zelda and Link is probably one of the many Links out there, Urbosa won't stop making references or joking around."

Lana laughed again. "I know how you get annoyed sometimes being called a Princess, but you can't deny it is really coincidental. Come on, I don't think there's any other person named Link aside from him because it's an age old tale that probably didn't even exist. Maybe Hyrule made it up just to make this land sound interesting."

Zelda sighed. "I know you don't believe in the monarchy and legends from long ago, but I can assure you it did happen. There's tons of pictures and paintings from back then, Hyrule Castle somewhere in the background. There are also some ancient portraits of all the Zeldas and Kings and some Queens, there were some Links in there somewhere as well."

"You really are dedicated to your he—" Lana shook her head, quickly catching herself—"history, Zel. It can be true, but it also can't. Maybe most stories and pictographs were changed to hide something from long ago that really happened. It is true though that there was a monarchy before us, though; that I cannot deny no matter how much I want to."

Zelda tilted her head in question. "Oh. Well, of course I'm dedicated to it all." Zelda smiled. "I have more proof that there really were Heroes though."

Lana raised an eyebrow. "Oh, really?"

"Yup. I...kind of didn't want to tell this to anyone—not even Urbosa—but...Link had taken me through the Lost Woods and over to Korok Forest. You know of those, right?"

"You're kidding." Lana had her eyes widen again. "I thought those areas were just a myth?"

"You think everything is a myth." Zelda waved her off. "It's more north from here. If I left to go there now, it'll take me about three hours walking. Central park is about thirty minutes by foot from here, but Link and I had gone to Tarrey Town just before heading toward the woods. It was in a more secluded area, hardly anyone was near when we entered."

"But...don't you turn into a skeleton once you enter?"

"No, Lana. That's only if you get lost, and you actually turn into a Skeleton Kid or Skull Kid, or something like that. Hence, Lost Woods."

"Ah." Lana tilted her own head. "Wait, isn't only the Hero allowed through there? If you're not him, you get lost...don't you?"

"Oh, so now you're interested and suddenly know your facts?" Zelda laughed despite her remark, but she answered. "I don't know, it's what the history books say. And the historics. Scientists are not so sure on how it all works because it just doesn't combine with the physics of it, but they don't mess with it because it's its own thing. But Link and I made it through no problem, he just had his own technique to making it through there."

Zelda grinned, gladly rambling on since Lana always had let her. "Hear this—I know you are not one for historics, but legend says that there is a sword that seals the darkness hidden somewhere in the Lost Woods lodged into a pedestal. Link's not sure on where it is, but he knows of the prophecy. No one's ever tried to find it because it's far too deep into the woods."

"If you find it, would you try to pull it?"

Zelda shook her head. "Heck no. It's said only the Hero was able to do it. But, I don't think the Hero exists any longer. So I don't expect anyone to have it pulled out anytime."

"What if Link tries?"

Zelda smiled slightly. "Then I'm rooting him on, but also kinda won't. It's apparent if you're not the chosen one then you die trying to pull it out."

"And...if he does pull it out?"

Zelda was grinning. That was the most conversation they've made involving one of Zelda's interests. She was glad Lana was intrigued. "Then I would be absolutely baffled to no limit. I would be surprised, yet not."

"Why the 'yet not'?"

"Well, Link has admitted to me he is quite smitten with swords and anything to do with chivalry."

Lana laughed again. "What a very strange man. He sounds quite adorable. How old is he?"

"My age." Zelda smiled, looking down at her hands with a soft look on her face and a light blush. "Not to mention, he is quite similar-looking to the past Hero."

"How did you two meet, may I ask? 'Cause I'm sure stuff like this doesn't just happen out of the blue."

Zelda laughed anxiously. "Lana, you see...it kind of did. So, he was going through a rejection of confessing to that Zora I mentioned earlier...it didn't go well."

"No, the poor boy..." Lana frowned and sympathized for Link, despite having not been there in person.

"I know, which is why I went over to him and went to go comfort him. He was really quiet, so he didn't talk to me at all. When I saw he wasn't going to give me responses I ended up dragging him with me to Tarrey Town to get ice cream, which is where this whole adventure started. He opened up to me more in the end, by the way."

"Huh," was all Lana managed to say at the end of Zelda's story. "So this was all a few days ago? How long ago was it, exactly?"

"It happened on Sunday."

"Ooh..." Lana's head tilted again. "Why am I just hearing about it now?"

"Well..." Zelda scratched her cheek, "you know how my father doesn't let me interact and have friends with anyone outside of this house, right?"

Lana nodded. "What about it?"

"So, Link and I ended up exchanging emails since I don't have a phone. Since then, we've been chatting and talking whenever get the chance to. Now—" Zelda grinned—"this is where you come in."

Lana felt kind of weird under Zelda's gaze as of that moment, but she nodded either way. "What am I in need of then, milady?"

"You know you can always just call me Zelda, Lana." Zelda laughed slightly. "You don't always have to go by my father's orders when it comes to you saying my name and whatnot. Just call me Zel or Zelda when we're alone, yeah?"

"Yeah, sorry. I've just grown to have a habit of calling you 'milady' or lady. But...I will try."

Zelda smiled at her close friend. "Alright, so continuing...you come into place now. Link asked me to hang out with him again out to the park so that he can show me around more, since I obviously don't go out much and he knows that."

"Does he know of your personal life?" Lana asked.

Zelda shook her head. "Nope. But he does believe I go to Nayru High. He isn't out of school yet himself, though; he goes to Hyrule High."

"Oh... I used to have a rival who went there. His name was Ghirahim. Gods, he annoyed me to no end!"

Zelda laughed at seeing Lana distressed. Lana used to go to Hyrule High, only before she had graduated a year ago. "What happened to him?"

"I left for graduation and actually stayed here as a full-timer. Ghirahim was a grade lower than me so he's in 11th, like you."

"Oh, maybe Link knows him!" Zelda laughed, having gotten eager to message Link and ask of Ghirahim.

Lana smiled. "If he does, tell Link to smack him for me."

"Rodger." Zelda smiled and continued on with her favor. "Oh, yeah. The thing I needed from you... Uh...would you mind if on Saturday you keep Father distracted?"

Lana seemed to be in thought for a while, making Zelda's anxieties skyrocket. "I...I can try, Zelda." Lana grinned and winked toward Zelda. "Anything to make you happy with the man of your dreams."

"Lana!" Zelda turned red. "Why does everyone think I like him? I honestly just see him as a friend, no less!" Her voice quieted down to a mumble. "I just met him recently, anyway..."

A laugh came out of Lana. "I know Zelda, I was just teasing."

"Besides, I'm sure he's still not over the Zora he confessed to. And I doubt I'll fall for him anytime. Every person I try to befriend outside this house doesn't stick with me for long. Soon, my father will find out somehow and forbid me from talking or seeing him...which I would absolutely hate. He doesn't even know about Urbosa, blessedly."

"But why would you let that stop you from going out to meet Link from time-to-time? Just sneak out like you're doing so now and find a way to make it work well. It's going swell right now, isn't it?"

Zelda sighed, letting her body fall back to lay on Lana's twin bed. She whined and draped her arm over her eyes. "But what if Link loses interest and doesn't want to stick with me after finding out my father forbade our friendship?"

"Then that would be a really messed up thing to do. But how are you going with him now? Doesn't he know your dad doesn't let you out?"

Zelda sighed again, stressing. "I don't know...he wanted to make sure I was able to go with consent so that I don't get in trouble—me in trouble is something he really wants to avoid. But...I lied and said my father would be okay with me going. I just...I really want to see and hang out with Link."

"Zelda..." Lana frowned and a breath came out of her. "I'll try my very best for you to sneak out safely and not get caught. I would really love for you to have a nice day off and make fun memories with Link. It seems he makes you happy if you're willing to sneak out for him."

Zelda wasn't aware, but her cheeks had grown a pink tint. A small smile made way to her face. "I suppose he does..." She removed her arm and sat with a grin on her face. "Thank you so much, Lana."

Said Lana smiled and bowed her head to Zelda. "For how long will I have to keep distracting your father on Saturday?"

"Well," she bounced a little on the spot on Lana's bed, "I'm leaving at around 4:30. Then I will come home by ten or so at night since eleven is usually my curfew...which means my father will come and check on me to either say goodnight or tell me to sleep."

"Alright, sounds like a plan. But...what am I going to use as an excuse for your father to not get suspicious?"

"Say I have a high fever? Um...you could be staying in my room from time-to-time and pretend I have a high fever. If my father comes and tries to see me...uh..." Zelda scratched her head.

Not a minute later did a thought come. "Oh yeah! Just say I don't want anyone but you coming in because you're the one taking care of me and that I'll be fine, also that I don't want my father catching a fever as well. Let's just pretend something didn't settle in right with me. "

Lana smiled. "Now that sounds like a plan. You're all settled now?"

Zelda nodded eagerly, a grin on her face. "Yup! Thank you so much, Lana!"

Lana laughed at her friend's happiness, feeling a sense of joy at being able to make her friend content. "Anything for you, Zelda."


Lana ended up getting back to work—per orders of Zelda's father.

Zelda insisted he gave Lana a day off—mostly because Zelda wanted to have a day to herself with Lana for she has not had one of those in a very long time—but, alas, Rhoam said she dedicated herself in working under his rules so work was what she was given.

Zelda sighed, seated on her desk chair. She wish she could've at least gone with Lana since she was given the task of going out to buy groceries for the cooks.

Sometimes, if Zelda really thought about it, it really surprised her on how...wealthy her family was. They have cooks, servants, maids, security guards—Zelda wasn't sure why there was security needed all over the mansion if there was a large gate with enough security all on its own though. But, she supposed her father was willing to be better safe than sorry.

Heck, even Lana has her own personal library in her room. As mentioned before, Zelda even had her own lab for experiments or a place she could go to to study if her room wasn't spacious enough.

Zelda sighed once more, checking the time on her laptop. Having seen that it was 2:45, she was positive Link would have been released from school by then.

She went to her email and indeed it was confirmed Link had been released, for he had sent a message the minute he was out.


"Hellllooooo" Link sent. He was walking himself out of the campus and into the outside, where freedom was more accepted.

He blew out into the cold air. Winter had come upon Hyrule once again, which meant the climate had gotten a lot more colder. And that meant scarves, gloves, earmuffs, cozy hats, etc.

An arm draped over Link's shoulders, scaring him out of his mind whilst he stuffed his phone away. Link looked up to his right to see one of his very best friends, Sidon.

"Hey there, Link!"

Link smiled softly at the Zora. "Hi."

The differences between them two were very drastic—Sidon: an energetic, super active "popular" kid in school with a lot of positivity to everything. Then, there was Link: a calm, quiet, well-known kid in high school. Yeah, almost everyone knew him, but that was because he was deemed to be handsome looking; not a lot of people tried to actually try and mend a friendship with him. If they did, he let them do the talking unless they got something out of him; they usually gave up when he didn't respond at first, though. Usually, he was more known as the "mute" junior.

Sidon, on the other hand, was very charming with the ladies and very attractive for all he was—a tall, broad, encouraging, and optimistic Zora. Despite being a sophomore and a fish of his kin, he won the hearts of almost everyone in more ways than one.

Also, a fact almost forgotten, Sidon was Mipha's little brother.

"Would you mind if I walk home with you? I know we live in different areas but I would appreciate if we can walk together. I don't think you take the bus, do you?"

Link shook his head and that small smile he had turned to a bright one. "Sure."

"Excellent!" Sidon laughed and walked forward with Link still wrapped in his arm on his side. "I have a question, do you know where my dear sister is?"

Link seemed to be in thought for a moment but then he shook his head. "Nope. Last I saw her was at Chemistry."

"Hmm... Usually she's here with you..."

Link was not sure if Sidon was speaking to him or to himself, but either way he moved away from Sidon's arm and scratched his cheek in slight nervousness. "Well...you see, about that..."

"Anyway," Sidon spoke out, not letting Link finish what he was going to say, "I wanted to talk to you. One, we have not hung out together for a whole week, and two, I've wanted to ask you something regarding one of your friends."

"Sure, what is it?" Link looked up at the Zora.

"Well..." Sidon removed his arm from Link and held onto his backpack straps, "you know your friend Revali?"

"Ugh." Link immediately grimaced just hearing that bird's name. "He's someone I don't even want to be acquaintances with."

Sidon laughed slightly. "Well, I was just curious on if you knew if he was hanging out with Mipha lately. Most girls are rather smitten with Revali and I was just wondering if you had any thoughts if Mipha may be as well."

Link bit his lower lip and shook his head, eyes downcast. His voice was soft when he spoke. "I kind of doubt it... I know Mipha isn't one to fall for such an ass like Revali; she's too kind and much more better than that."

Sidon nodded in agreement. "That you are not wrong about. You know, Link, there are times I think she may actually like you."

Link let out a mighty laugh. "As if! I really doubt anyone likes me like that, Sidon." He gave a side glance toward the fish. "If they did, it would quite possibly be just for my looks."

"Well, Link, I don't mean to make this sound weird but I think you're a pretty amazing guy as is. Charming or not, you do have a great personality. I also know you've dated a few girls in your past."

Link softly smiled at the tall Zora beside him. "Thanks, Sidon. But...I dunno."

"Come on, Link! Trust me, if you were to confess to someone I'm positive they will accept you," Sidon exclaimed.

Link's mind went back to Mipha. He sighed and it didn't go past Sidon.

"What's wrong?"

Link wasn't sure if telling Sidon about what happened between him and Mipha that day at Central Park would've been a good idea, so he kept it to himself. "Nothing. I'm just thinking about what you said and it's like...what if they do end up denying me? There's always that possibility."

Sidon smirked, his pearly white teeth glinting animatedly in view. "Don't worry Link, I'm sure you'll magically find the one you're looking for someday."

Unexpectedly, Link's mind shifted over to Zelda. He was not sure why, but he assumed it was likely the context of Sidon's words.

In all honesty, Link was not reluctant to say he was quite excited to meet up with Zelda again and show her more areas he was sure she would be fascinated with. He was not sure on why she was so interested in history, but she was certainly not alone so he shouldn't be one to judge—as if he was from the start, anyway.

If Link was going to be honest with himself, he had been getting strange dreams lately. He usually forgot them but the ones he remembered were those of him with an actual Princess. Was it Zelda? He wasn't sure, but it was likely just the fact he met a Zelda and the thought of princesses triggered the dreams he had been having, so it was probably nothing special.

A sigh was had come out. "I guess..."

Sidon smirked, his sharp teeth being exposed to the world. "I believe you will, Link." He chuckled and ruffled Link's hair—one of the many advantages of being taller for Sidon. "Trust me!"

Link was sincerely smiling by then. He looked up at the taller teen as the two stopped walking on a curb, waiting for the light. "Thanks Sidon, really."

Sidon still had that smirk. "Just come to me if you need any help or advice, whatsoever!"

"Indeed I will," said Link.

The two started walking when the light gave them the signal it was okay.

"Also...Link," started Sidon, "will you ever join football? I went to tryouts and I got in."

Link scoffed on the inside. Of course you did; look at you! He shook his head and kept his eyes straight ahead. "Nah. I'm not one for sports."

"Are you sure about that? 'Cause even though you may seem lanky, you do have a fairly-built body." Sidon tilted his head, adjusting the straps of his backpack.

Link laughed softly, side-glancing Sidon. "That's 'cause I work out or do some other active things. I'm just not one for sports, trust me." He looked down and nervously bit his lip. I wouldn't tell Sidon that I actually just work out and practice swordsmanship almost every day when I get the chance, that's just embarrassing; I was just lucky someone like Zelda didn't call me out on it and actually found it coincidental.

The tips of Link's ears turned red as he felt that familiar sizzle in his cheeks, that memory he just remember triggering another one. She even found me being unused to girls...cute... He whimpered slightly and went small, hating that he was blushing so easily.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Link looked at Sidon, his pink cheeks visible. "Y-yeah! Yeah...I-I am. I just thought of something, don't worry."

"Hmm." Sidon grinned. "But you're looking a little red; you sure it isn't about some girl, perhaps?"

Link shook his head with a chuckle, looking down. "No."

"You say that, but I'm pretty sure you're lying," Sidon exclaimed.

Link looked taken aback as he gave Sidon a face, his legs still moving from the walk. "What? How would you know?"

"You look down a lot, and usually when people lie they do the same exact thing." A smile came out of Sidon.

Link didn't have anything to say at that moment—his mouth was left hanging open—but he felt the twitch of his lips and gave a half-smile. "Well...I...am positive I am 90% sure I'm not lying."

Sidon laughed and shook his head at Link's choice of response, looking ahead and walking along the cement with Link beside him.

A few minutes had passed, Link's home being at least one more mile away. The Hylian and Zora were both talking until Link's phone gave off a notification, sounding off with a mini "Hey, listen!"

Sidon stared amusingly at Link when he looked embarrassed at the fact Sidon heard his notification ring.

"S-sorry. I just find it to be helpful telling me I have notifications." Link pulled out his phone as he and Sidon stopped off to the side of the sidewalk so that Link was able to tend to whatever notification he had gotten. "The Slate wasn't very well-made with notification rings."

Sidon laughed to himself. "You're not wrong about that." Link started smiling broadly at his phone, piquing Sidon's curiosity. "What'd you get?"

Link stuttered as he briefly looked up at Sidon, moving back to his screen afterwards whilst he unlocked it. "Just a message from a friend."

"Is it someone I know?" Sidon knew better than to just look at the message himself, he did not want to invade Link's privacy—if it even was privacy, anyway.

"Uh...I don't think so." Link read the message and smiled softly.

Zelda: "Hi there. sorry for responding so late I was a little busy haha"

He scratched his cheek while thinking of a response.

Link: "Haha thats okay :))) im just glad you were able to get to the computer and talk to me lol"

"Hm. Where do they live?"

Link looked up when he heard Sidon speak, sliding his phone back in his pocket. "Huh?"

Sidon smiled with his hands behind his back as he and Link started walking back to his house. "The person. Where do they live?"

"Oh. I'm not sure, but I think she told me she lives near central park..." He shook his head, voice getting softer as he was seemingly talking to himself by then. "No. I don't think she actually told me; we just separated and hoped to see each other again..."

"Awww, would you look at that?"

Link jumped a little, for he was in his own world for a moment. "H-huh?"

Sidon smirked, a glowing aura around him as he said, "Seems like you've found your Juliet."

Link started to turn red, slightly. "Sidon! I'm not Romeo...a-and she was just someone I happened to meet at the park a few days ago."

"Uh-huh. And what was her name?"


"Ah." Sidon nodded. "I'm assuming she goes to another school?"

Sidon was given a nod. "Yeah."

"That kinda amusing. From what we've recently learned in history class, there was a Princess who went by the name of Zelda and had a companion, or Hero, named Link by her side," inquired Sidon.

Link sighed. He had a feeling everyone b would say that about him and Zelda if they found out their encounter. "Yup."

"It's kind of interesting. I never would've thought our ancestors of this land had something interesting going on."

"Well..." Link thought back to the Lost Woods and Korok Forest, the sword he was told about coming to mind, "it could be kind of surprising to most people."

"Maybe so, yeah." Sidon stopped walking, a view of Link's home in the way. "Well, here we are, my good friend."

Link looked away from Sidon and saw his home. "Ah, we're here." He turned to Sidon once more and sent a wave, smiling as he walked to his porch. "I'll see you later, Sidon."

Sidon waved back, a grin on his face. "Farewell!"

All Link heard was the chirping of the birds before the door he had opened was then shut closed, the familiar scent of his home hitting him.

"Impa?" Link walked over to the kitchen, peeking around the corner into the noise-filled area. "I'm home."

Impa, a middle-aged woman in her thirties, turned around and made a noise of acknowledgement when she saw her nephew. "Link, hello!" She slowly stopped stewing and put the lid over the stock pot. She walked over to Link and wrapped her arms around him in a hug. "How was your day?"

Link hugged her back before stepping back so he could look up at her face. "It was the same as always—pretty decent. I walked home with Sidon today."

Impa laughed, a smooth grin on her face. "Sidon always seemed like a good kid."

"Oh, he really is." Link smiled and peeked back into the kitchen, turning back to the silver-haired lady after. "What are you cooking?"

"Oh!" Impa went back to her spot on the kitchen and held up the lid, silently motioning Link over. "I'm just making a roasted meat stew."

Link walked over and peeked in. "Huh. Is it any good? I don't remember you ever making that."

"Yeah, that's cause I've never made it before. I prayed to the goddesses that my cooking made it good, I just found the recipe online and hoped it was decently easy." She shrugged and closed the lid, turning back to Link. "I needed something new to cook."

"Yeesh. Good luck with that." He started walking back to the stairs hallway that led to his room. "When is it ready?"

"In about an hour or two, I'll call you over." Impa walked over to the couch and plopped down onto it. "Do your homework first, or something."

"I don't have any today, but I'm sure I won't be bored." Link gave Impa a sweet smile and walked into the hallway that held his room. He smiled to himself instead at that moment, thinking back to talking with Zelda.

I wish there was a way so I could talk to her in a video chat or just with our voices. Link opened the door to his room and set his backpack down to rest on the side of his bedside.

Link kicked off his shoes and fell back onto his bed, pulling out his phone and turning it on.

He had gotten a few notifications, but the one he was looking for was Zelda's—which he had found...well, as long with another message. Mipha's.

In complete truth, the two hadn't been talking to one another once the confession happened, and Link hated himself for it, so having seen she sent him a message kind of unnerved him.

Link decided to read Zelda's message first before heading onto Mipha's.

Zelda: "Oh yay! Good lol 'cause I've been wanting to ask you lately if you had Skype? Phone or laptop or something? Because I really would love to be able to talk to you freely and not through text all the time lol not that I don't mind it tho."

A grin formed onto Link's features. That was exactly what he had been wanting! He sent, "Yeah : D I do have skype but i didnt know if you did so i just waited lol I barely use it and so i was actually wondering recently if we could talk verbally to each other as well, faces involved ;p

His smile turned soft after he sent the message, debating with himself if he should say what was on his mind.


Will she think I'm weird? Maybe not...but also, maybe yes. Ugh. I'll just do it, no harm done. I'm a man.

Link: "Also, I rlly like to hear your voice haha its very soothing to listen to. And that little accent of yours is also quite interesting ;D

Phew, there you go, Link. Link smiled to himself and gave himself a pat on the back...well- the best he could, considering he was laid down.

Now...on to Mipha. Link closed his email app and went onto his messages, finding Mipha to be the first one. So what does she have to say now?

He skimmed over the message at first, but he went back and read it again a lot more carefully when he saw the word "love".

Mipha: "Link, I'm sorry I havent been talking to you lately... I've been kind of avoiding you I guess? I just...after you confessed to me...I didn't know what to think. I'm not sure if I love you the same. There was a point in time I did, but I didn't think you'd feel the same so I gave up and moved on. I thought it was just a childish crush I had back in middle school."

Link's breathing became more calm, his heart beating slowly for he was not able to comprehend what was going on. He saw Mipha sent another line of a few messages, so he moved on to that.

Mipha: "Also uh"

"I don't know how to put this into words...but I think im just simply not ready for a relationship. I truly hope you understand and that we can still be friends? I don't want this to ruin anything."

Link sighed. He didn't really bother to answer Mipha, so he just turned off his phone and set it aside on the bed.

He contemplated on responding or just closing his eyelids and resting, for he was stressed and fearful their friendship may actually break apart.

Mipha was right, though. Just because he confessed, something so measly wouldn't have ruined what they had. Link was glad he was at least able to be friends with the red Zora. It was better than losing her.

Better having my heart broken than losing a friendship I care so deeply about. Link closed his eyes and turned to his side, the need of sleep wanting to take over. It wanted to, but it never happened because he heard the little voice of his notifications echo around the room.

Link forced his arm up to grab his phone, his eyes remaining closed until the phone was within a comfortable distance. He saw it was a notification for some subscription he signed up.

A sigh came out of Link as he closed his eyes once again and let his phone go limp in his hold. I should really unsubscribe from that thing, but I'm too lazy and I also don't even know how; how sad.

Link had started falling asleep, but a notification from his phone a few minutes later caught his attention and woke him right back up.

Softly, he had groaned. He wanted to ignore it, thinking it was another subscription or some useless email of some sort, but he was worried it might actually be Zelda or Mipha or someone of importance trying to talk to him, so he used his willpower to grab his phone again and answer it.

A grin grew on his face.

Zelda: "YAY! :D okay so I'm just going to assume your email for your skype is the same as the one you have now and we can work something out with that. Check your phone or laptop in a few.

Link laughed in spite of himself. Zelda's eagerness started to warm him every time she had her moments of excitement over little things, which happened pretty often whenever they chatted.

Feeling a little bright, he sent back, "Alright ! : D"

Grinning from ear to ear, the corner of Link's eyes crinkled. He was so happy he had met Zelda, because, honestly, he became a lot more comfortable with than he did with anyone in his life, aside from Impa. Even Mipha took a while to grow accustomed to.

What he was not aware of, though, was the amount of secrets he would find. All of them tying up to the girl he encountered.

Hello :) I'm sorry for not updating in a while. I didn't have much motivation and I've been busy because of school. I honestly feel like this story isn't good, so I've been wallowing in self-doubt lmao. BUT, some of you guys seem to enjoy it so it wouldn't be nice to those people who do enjoy this fic lol. I have a two new zelink fics in mind. One is a zombie apocalypse AU and a short multi-chapter single parent AU, but these are going on fanfiction.net only lol

Any-who, I do hope you guys enjoyed this. I apologize for any errors :)

Till next time :)

P.S, here's a little thing my friend wrote when Link was about to read Mipha's first message. She wrote this during study hall when I wasn't looking and I decided to keep it cause it was hilarious to me.

Mipha: "no homo"

Zelda ; "thought vyou were bae but your only famn"

Mipha " jk i fucke link.

Zelda " three sum

Mipha " i said nho homo!"

Link " ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Mipha " ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°),

Zelda " ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°),

And they live happy ever after

But they got stds from the fish and died

The end by green gaint.

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