My First Love MaBill

By Anime18Forever

2.1K 95 22

This story is all about a high school life when Mabel and dipper enrolled in gravity falls they surprise that... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapert Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter TwentyFour
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty SIX
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter TwentyNine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter ThirtyOne
Chapter ThirtyTwo
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter ThirtySix
Chapter ThirtySeven
Chapter ThirtyEight
Chapter ThirtyNine
Chapter Forty
Chapter FortyOne
Chapter FortyTwo
Chapter FortyThree
Chapter FortyFour
Chapter FortyFive
Chapter FortySix
Chapter FortySeven
Chapter FortyEight
Chapter FortyNine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-one
Chapter Fifty-two

Chapter Thirty Five

27 1 0
By Anime18Forever

Mabel Pov

 Wirt accompanied me to my home and I say good bye with a sad face but he suddenly embrace me and he said:

"Stop crying Mabel if your Uncles know your crying about Bill they will kill him" Wirt whispered into my ear

"Thank you Wirt for always there for me" I smiled to him

Wirt wave his hand and saying goodbye then I enter my house then I walk upstairs and Dipper saw me.

"What happened" Dipper ask

"Nothing I'm just tired for all activities in school that's all" I lied

"Okay! Hey Mabel, We should go in Pacifica's grand ball" Dipper said

"grand ball! But why?" I ask

"Because her parents 25th anniversary next Sunday so she invite me and she said I should invite more friend" Dipper explained

"Okay! Roger that" I smiled

After that I went to my room then I lie down to my bed and I was thinking why did Bill do such a thing I thought he was different but I was wrong. I hear my cell phone ring then I look at it. It was Bill who's calling but I didn't answer because of what happened. I begin to fell asleep.

12:30 AM Saturday

I slowly open my eyes then when I look to my alarm clock it was 12:30am, so I walk down stairs then It was so dark  that I can't see a thing so I switch the lights-on then I hear someone is outside the house so I grab a baseball bat and I sneak peek on the window, someone is standing outside at the mystery shack and he or she walking towards our house so I open the front door then I beat him really hard when I turn the lights-on It was Wirt.

"Wirt what are you doing here?" I ask

"Well I just want to visit you that's all" Wirt grin and touch his head

"In the middle of the night" I sore

"Sorry! But I just want to see you cause you know I cared about you hehehehe" Wirt smiled

We sit on the bench and talking about what happened.

"Mabel are you alright?" Wirt look worried

"Yeah I'm fine" I smirk

"Mabel its okay. you've been depress since Bill and Nina kiss" Wirt blue

"Wirt why does love its so complicated?" I ask

"Well, love its not complicated but people are!" Wirt smiled to me tenderly

"Why?" I ask curiously

"Let me tell you something,We are the ones who bewilder love by the feelings of possessiveness, expectations. Our moodiness is what creates the nuisance. Love never hurts. Rejection, envy and loneliness hurts. Its assembles all your broken pieces and makes you a stronger individual when people don't even take a second to dump someone. Love makes you feel attached while human nature is what causes you to detach. Love makes you grow. " Wirt explained

"I..I didn't know you're good in this kind of way, But your right ! thank you Wirt for being there for me" I smiled with a blush

"Well you know me I'm good in making advice for everybody" Wirt feel proud to himself

"hahahahaha..Wirt Before you go Dipper said I should invite you and Will to Pacifica's party next sunday so are you free?" I ask

"Yeah! I'm totally free but what about Bill you should invite him" Wirt smirk

"You should tell I'm not ready to face him cause I want to think about this okay see you" I said

But when I was going inside of the mystery shack Wirt suddenly hug me tightly and he gently kiss me on the forehead when Bill always kiss on my forehead before, After that he begin saying good-bye then I blush all-over my face. I said to myself: Why Wirt suddenly do that" I touch my forehead.

Wirt Pov

I suddenly hug and kiss Mabel so, I walk straight to the forest and then Shadow appeared.

"So Wirt are you in love with her?" Shadow ask curiously

"Uhh! Will you stop that! it came over me" I feel confused

"Stop hanging-out with them you know why you're here" Shadow said

"I know but  I think.." I hollow

"Stop that! I need more blood" Shadow begin to feel hunger again

"Please stop! I can't do this anymore every night we kill so many innocent people. I feel guilt inside of me I can't" I cried

"You live me no choice" Shadow suddenly used my body so he can drink more blood


Bill Pov

I hear my cellphone ringing so I taught Shooting Star was calling but it was Nina. I turn off my cellphone and went to bed then I hear Will is called me outside the house so I open the window and I said:

"What do you want Will?" I feel sleepy

"There's some thing happened in the human world" Will panic

"What!" I shock

So I run down stairs then my Mom and Dad saw me, But I smiled to them and went out. Will and I used our magic to return to the human world.

"What happened Will? What's going on?" I ask curiously

"Someone is killing all the victims back there and it was horrible their face was pure white and I think someone is sucking their blood" Will explained

"It must be a vampire" I said

"No! It wasn't a vampire" Will said

"What do you mean?" I ask

"It's like a whole teeth beating on their neck" Will calculated the difference of their teeth

"How is Shooting Star? Is she okay?" I worried about Shooting Star

"She's fine don't worry I tell Uncle Stan and Uncle Ford about this and they begin to investigate all around the places" Will explained

"I wish Shooting Star is okay" I worried..

To be continued

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