Welcome to Riverdale (Reggie...

By queenrihbih

145K 3.4K 960

"You know, you had me at a point where I would've left the entire world behind for you." Reggie shook his hea... More



4.8K 122 70
By queenrihbih

"Dear Diary,

There is maybe ten pages left in this diary of mine. But out of all the pages, I don't think I've been as terrified as I am right now, while writing.

Yours Truly,

"And where do you think you're going?" The young adult asked her duplicitous niece. The leather dress that cladded her body along with the long faux fur coat made Blaire believe her niece was going out to another teenage party. One filled with drugs and horny teenagers.

"Pop's to see Veronica." Roselle replied with all honesty, keeping her promise to Veronica from yesterday that they would talk over milkshakes. She had felt bad for not listening to what had happened between her and Nick so she decided it'd be milkshakes on her and Veronica wouldn't have to spend a dime.

Blaire rose an eyebrow while sitting in a chair near the fire. Roselle had wanted to slightly laugh at the view as it reminded her of a scene from the Incredibles. Her Aunt looked like Elastigirl when she waited for her husband to come home when he was late. "At 8? Wearing that?"

"At 8. Wearing that." Roselle rolled her eyes, not seeing how her choice of attire was wrong. The Parker girl liked being dramatic, even when she's going to somewhere as simple as a cafe. It was her personality. Blaire remained emotionless, making anger tick inside of Roselle. "Why don't you believe me!"

"How do I not know that you're not going to some party again to take jingle jangle with that Mantle boy?" The blonde put her book down, standing up. Her green eyes stared at her with worry, one that Roselle always took for granted. She knew that, but today was not the day to tell her that. Because Blaire herself had been blurting out secrets that were not hers to begin with

"Blaire, I'm the most straight up person you've ever met in your life." Roselle begun, putting her phone in her bag while looking at her Aunt at the same time. "If I wanted to go to a party and smoke some fucked up American drug, I would've told you right now."

Blaire laughed quietly yet sarcastically while folding her arms. She looked around the house before slowly looking at the teenager, shaking her head. "Yeah, I'm sure you would." Blaire replied sarcastically.

"You know what? How about I'll be straight up right now." Roselle begun, finding this fight very funny. Not in a humorous way but at how stupid the argument actually was. "Who did you tell about Brett and I?"

Blaire looked slightly taken back, uncrossing her arms. A faint red tint appeared in her face, like she was caught in a deadly act. "What?"

"Don't 'what' me. You're the only person in Riverdale that knows. You told someone Blaire!" Roselle yelled at her Aunt, clenching her jaw. "Tell me who the hell you told before I lose my shit."

Blaire sighed, rubbing her temples. "You know how I said I got job?"

"Yeah?" Roselle replied, still angry.

"It's with Hiram. He wants me to invest in his company. It was only suitable since we used to be friends anyway." Blaire explained, before whispering the next part. "Your mum and I used to be friends with him."

"So because he's close with Mum you thought to tell him my whole life story?" Roselle questioned her, furious at her shameless excuse.

"It wasn't like that, we had tea and we just started talking-"

"It's my life Blaire! If I wanted people to know everything about me, I would've written a book about it!" The raven haired girl raged on. "Sometimes I feel like I don't trust my own family."

"Roselle, wait a minute-" Blaire begun but was met with nothing but the loud sound of a door being slammed shut in anger.

"And that's when I hit him." Veronica finished, taking a long sip from her milkshake that was free of charge thanks to the girl that sat in front of her. Roselle narrowed her eyes in disgust of Nick St. Claire.

"You know, I ain't even surprised." Roselle replied back, taking a sip of her double chocolate milkshake. "He tried that with me and roofied Cheryl. But the thing is, you know how sometimes you say you'd do something if the time ever calls for it?"

"Flight or fight." Veronica nodded, wanting her to continue. Roselle sighed, looking rather disappointed in herself.

"I didn't fight or flight. I just...froze." Roselle whispered, shaking her head. Veronica smiled sadly at her, grabbing her hand.

"It's okay Ree. At least Reggie was there." Veronica told her, making Roselle nod slowly. She was right, Roselle needed to think of the positive things from that situation because it could have turned out worse. "You're lucky he was there."

"I'm lucky that I even have him." Roselle whispered, thinking about the countless times he managed to make her heart flutter by caring about her wellbeing. She hadn't had someone like that in a long time, someone who never tried to lie to her.

The jingle of the bell echoed in the shop, making Veronica instinctively look at the person who had walked in. Veronica slightly raised her eyebrow before looking at Roselle. "B-train, 6 O'clock."

Roselle turned around, looking at Betty who sat down next to Sheriff Keller. They looked like they were having a deep conversation, one that made Sherrif a tad bored and frustrated. He then proceeded to wipe his mouth with a napkin before leaving the girl, sitting alone on the stool in her own world.

"Drafting your next savage takedown?" Veronica asked Betty sarcastically while Roselle sat awkwardly in her seat, eating the last fry. Betty sighed, getting up from her seat to walk towards the girls.

"I don't expect you to believe me, but I didn't mean what I said." Betty begun, glancing at Roselle with worried eyes. "There's no sane excuse."

"No, there isn't." Roselle spoke out, making Betty slightly surprised she even acknowledged her presence. "So tell me, B, what's the insane excuse?"

And that's Betty begun retelling the horrific story of what she had to endure from the black hood. How she had to break up with Juggie, befriend Veronica and make Roselle feel like she had no one. And when Roselle heard that the black hood wanted to make her feel lonely and unwanted, she did feel a slight twinge of sadness. Because the black hood didn't need Betty to do that for him when she already felt that way.

"So, to recap you're talking to a serial killer on the reg and he's been puppet-mastering you?" Veronica asked, shock evident in her voice.

"I'll never forgive myself for what I did to both of you guys." Betty shook her head, glancing at Roselle who she sat beside and then Veronica. "To Jug, to my mom. Hell, even to Nick St. Clair."

"Girl, I would've given Nick's name and then happily treated myself to a facial." Veronica replied to Betty, making the blonde feel slightly at ease.

"I would've given Nick's name and then, when he has a funeral, I'd wear a couture dress with red bottom heels." Roselle chimed in, making Betty slightly laugh. It was true though, Nick was a pig in Roselle's eyes. And even if there's a saying that goes 'Everyone deserves a chance to live', Roselle felt like he was an exception.

"But, yes you're in a toxic relationship with the Black Hood and you need to break up." Veronica told Betty, making her sigh before shaking her head.

"Or I could turn the tables on him." Betty replied back, determination in her eyes. "He says he'll go away if I do one last thing. Find out who's behind the jingle-jangle. Some creep called the Sugarman."

"Okay. So, what's the problem?" Veronica asked, not knowing where her blonde best friend was going at.

"If the Sugarman exists and I find out who he is, I can't just give up his name.
The Black Hood would kill him. Drug dealer or not, he's still a human being." Betty told the pair, voice seeping out sympathy.

"Barely." Veronica scoffed, taking another sip of her milkshake.

"I'm so close. Will you help B and Ree?" Betty told them too, hope in her voice.

"I'm in." Veronica replied. Roselle stayed silent, shaking her head at Betty.  She wanted to know something before she joined her and Veronica. She needed to know something about the black hood, and she was so annoyed that he knew everything about him but she knew almost nothing about him.

"I need to know how the black hood got that information about me." Roselle told Betty, making her slightly tense up.

"I don't know, Ree I swear. He just told me everything but he never told me who told him." Betty shook her head, being honest. "Don't let him get to you. He knows where Polly is and who I was talking to and if I ever spilled something to someone."

Roselle slightly nodded, taking the information in. Her thoughts were targeted at Hiram, knowing he had a role in this. But she didn't want to tell Veronica that, she was just beginning to feel happy having her dad, she didn't want to ruin it. Plus, what if she was wrong? That would just start a fight between her and the Lodge girl.

"Fine. I'm in." Roselle finally spoke, looking at Betty with boldness in her eyes. "But if we catch him, I'm going to make him regret even knowing my name."

The plan was simple. It was one that Veronica had written out like the genius yet cunning person she is. Yet Roselle felt horrible for doing it and the glares of Betty and Veronica demanding her to take action didn't help the situation.

"Pickens Park? More like Needle Park." Kevin grumbled in disgust as he picked up rubbish from the park. "I wouldn't even go cruising here."

Roselle eyed Reggie, taking a deep breath before slowly walking towards him. In Veronica's words, Reggie was 'whipped' over Roselle and 'he would literally do anything' for her, so going through this plan should be easy. But Roselle didn't believe Veronica. And even if it were to be true, she felt bad for leading him on.

"Hey Reg." Roselle greeted Reggie who was bored cleaning, but more happier when he saw Roselle walk up to him. The duo hadn't spoken since two days ago, Reggie wanting to give her break that Roselle wished she never requested in the first place.

"Hey Elle." Reggie smiled at her, stopping himself from cleaning to listen to her. "How unfair? We have to clean whereas the Mayor's stuck up daughter just stands there, doing nothing."

"Give her a break Reg, she's not used to the life of commoners." Roselle joked, making Reggie crack a grin. Roselle sighed, before doing what Betty and Veronica wanted her to do. "I need to ask you something."

"Anything." Reggie responded, nodding at her to continue. Roselle bit her bottom lip, the voice of Veronica popping into her head.

'He would literally do anything for you'

"Um- I." Roselle stuttered before letting out a deep breath and looking Reggie straight in the eye. "I need your drug dealer's number. It's important."

Reggie looked slightly stunned, not expecting those words to come out of her mouth. "What? No Roselle, I need to know what you're doing."

"Look Reggie, you need to trust me on this one." Roselle shook her head, pleading with him.

"I do trust you Roselle, shit- I fucking trust you with my life." Reggie told her, taking a step forward. "But I'm not stupid. I'm not giving you the number of someone who is clearly dangerous."

"Reggie, this isn't the time to be all protective." Roselle told him with a calm voice. "I appreciate it, I swear. But this is one of those plans where it involves the black hood."

"Oh my god, the black hood?" Reggie said with a fake excited tone. "That makes me feel positive about your safety, as long as he brings you home by 8."

"Reggie." Roselle groaned out, letting out a laugh before slapping his arm. "I'm being serious. Please, just give me his number."

"Fine." Reggie nodded, crossing his arms while slowly looking around to make sure no one was listening. "Under one condition."

"What is it?" Roselle rolled her eyes, matching his stance.

"I come with you to make sure you're safe." Reggie told her. Roselle shook her head no, not agreeing with him.

"No way." Roselle begun. "Drug dealer sees you and he knows something weird is going on."

"Okay, how about this." Reggie begun explaining his alternative plan. "I get involved in this plan of the black hood somehow. Because I do remember promising you that I'd help you find him. Even if it risks my life."

"Fine." Roselle rolled her eyes at the stubborn Mantle boy. "Find Archie and Jughead. God only knows they need an extra pair of hands."

"But I want to go with you." Reggie mumbled like a kid, making a puppy dog face.

"Please Reggie, just trust me?" Roselle asked once again. Reggie huffed, taking out his phone, making Roselle giddy. Maybe Veronica was right, maybe he'd do anything for her. But was she willing to do everything for him? After all, the way her last relationship ended left her traumatised.

"Like I said before, Roselle Lilly Parker. I trust you with my life."

And just like that, once again, her traumatic memories disappeared for a slight second. For that slight second, Roselle felt pure bliss.

Betty and Roselle stood side by side, hidden in an alleyway, waiting for Veronica's signal. Betty had many thoughts running in her head, all of them including Roselle and her star crossed lover; Brett Peter Harper.

"Ree, I just wanted to personally apologise." Betty begun, nothing but the wind of the Southside breezing passed through the alleyway. "You know I didn't mean any of what I said?"

"Everything you said was true." Roselle shook her head, avoiding eye contact with the Betty girl. "Everything but Reggie as my next target. Reggie and I are just friends."

"Is that why you didn't fight back?" Betty questioned her with an unbelievable look in her eyes. "You think you deserved it? Roselle it was some reckless guy who was not right in the head-"

"And if I wasn't so stubborn, none of it would've happened." Roselle cut her off, finally looking at Betty. The Cooper girl slightly shrunk back when she saw the tears in Roselle's eyes. "I was so stubborn. I wanted to know the truth- I wanted to know and then everything went into chaos and it was loud and- and then he just...died. He died in my arms Betty."

Roselle let out a little sob before Betty walked over to her, embracing her into a hug. She rubbed the Parker girl's back, not caring if her clothes got stained from her tears. "I know you have that urge that you should blame yourself, But Ree, you shouldn't. None of it was your fault."

Roselle sniffed, letting her head stay in Betty's shoulder for a while. It felt quite nice to Roselle, to have someone who you could cry on their shoulders. "Look at us. You comforting me in a middle of an alleyway on the Southside of Riverdale while Veronica is talking to a drug dealer slash gang member who we'll soon chase."

Betty laughed, letting go of Roselle who had a smile on her face while wiping her tears. That was also one for Roselle's many traits; making up jokes to mask the pain she was feeling. "But seriously Ree, never feel like it was your fault."

Roselle nodded, smiling back at the blonde girl. Quietness had set upon them once again, but it was less tense then before. In fact, it was slightly calming and enjoyable.

The hum of a phone vibrating made both the girl jump before Betty grabbed her phone and brought it near her and Roselle. "Our Drugstore Cowboy should be passing you in three, two, one."

And just like Veronica had predicted, a man wearing a leather jacket had ran passed them, making both Betty and Roselle smirk. "We've got eyes on him."

The chase had begun. Three girls against one man. The girls thought it was doable, achievable because it was three against one. They thought they could catch him, or whatever the hell they were trying to achieve, and he would lead them to the sugar man.

It was meant to be an easy task, as the girls had the advantage. It was meant to achievable, until the guy had called for back up which resulted in the girs being dragged into some sort of secret room. "Let go of me you jerk!" Roselle struggled against him as he opened the door to the room.

"They were following me. Tried to get into the garage." The man that held Roselle told Malachai, the Ghoulies' leader. When Roselle looked at the room, she widened her eyes at the sight of Jughead, Archie and Reggie who were standing in the centre.






"Donkey!" Roselle replied back, referencing shrek. Reggie let out a little snort at that comment.

Malachai, however, was mesmerised by the presence of Roselle. He hadn't seen someone so exotic looking in his life, someone with eyes that hypnotise one's soul.

"My wife?" Malachai asked out, standing up to look at Roselle. Roselle put her hand on her hip, glaring at me.

"Douchebag?" Roselle called out sarcastically.

"What are you doing here?" Reggie, Archie, Betty, Veronica and Jughead had asked at the same time whereas Roselle was still glaring at Malachai.

"Wait. So, these are your bitches?" Malachai yelled at the boys, clenching his fists. He then looked back at Roselle, smirking while shaking his head. "Not you mamacita, you can be my princesa. Te haré gritar y haré que tengas el mejor momento de tu vida"

"I beg your misogynistic pardon?" Veronica snapped at him. Reggie cracked his neck, trying to contain his anger. He had this feeling he couldn't describe, a feeling where he just wanted to beat the shit out of Malachai.

"Qué tal si cierras la boca, hijo de puta, no soy la princesa de nadie." Roselle spoke back to Malachai, not foriegn to the language of Spanish. She was in fact part Spanish, so she took classes to explore her other side.

"Well that was hot." Reggie commented, folding his arm. Roselle looked down, trying to hide her smirking -yet blushing- face.

Malachai got angry, not liking it when a women defied him. Malachai was the type of guy that got protective, not because he cared for the girl but because he thought women are weak and need a man in their life in order to survive. "Why don't you take your skanks and get the hell out of here? Until you make me a better offer, there'll be no race."

"If you win we'll give you the Whyte Wyrm. You can expand your drug-dealing horizons and upgrade out of this literal hellhole." Jughead spoke out, making the girls confused to what he was going on about.

"How about this. We'll take the Wyrm and Sunnyside Trailer Park." Malachai started, slowly walking around the room before his eyes stopping at Roselle. "And the girl."

"What?" Reggie stepped out, looking at him in anger. "No way man, fuck you and your stupid race. Jughead this isn't happening. Let him take over the serpents for all I care!"

"Wait, is this what this is about?" Roselle asked, looking at Jughead who looked like he was contemplating something.

"Reggie's right." Jughead shook his head. "I can't just bet on someone's life."

"Guess there's no deal for you then amigo." Malachai smirked, falling back into his seat.

"No, Jughead." Roselle disagreed with him, shaking her head. These were the people who were dealing drugs, the people that made her mad at Reggie and the people who made Reggie's Mum worried along with probably other mums, and if the only way to stop them was for Roselle to promote herself, she was up for it. "I want to do this. I'm not letting some airhead sell drugs to people in Riverdale and ruin lives."

"Mi Amor, I'm not as bad as you make me out to be." Malachai smirked at Roselle while putting his hands behind his head.

"No, no way." Reggie shook his head, standing in the middle of everyone. "Is no one listening to how stupid this sounds?"

"Reggie shut up." Roselle snapped at him. "I'm a women and I make my own choices."

"Well sometimes I have to interfere if they're stupid choices that put your life in danger." Reggie gritted his teeth, glaring at Roselle and her stubbornness.

"You guys act like I'm gonna carve her skin off." Malachai shook his head in disgust.

"Oh yeah." Reggie challenged him, walking up to the gang member. Malachai stood up to, both of them face to face. Malachai's men pulled out their knives, yet this didn't make Reggie back down. "Then what are you planning to do with her?"

Malachai's face dropped to one of amusement, letting out a drowsy smile at the Mantle boy as he discovered his weakness. "I'll make her scream my name until she can't speak anymore. Something you have failed to do. But then again, you haven't even gotten a taste to even fail."

"You son of a bitch." Reggie muttered before raising his fist up. Roselle stood back, a little frightened whereas Archie and Jughead were smart enough to pull Reggie away from the Malachai boy before his men stabbed him to death. Malachai let out a little laugh before looking at Jughead.

"So we have a deal?"

Jughead looked at Roselle for confirmation. The girl nodded, giving the permission he needed for the race to continue.

"It's a deal."

"And yeah, that's how B, V and I ended up in that hellhole of a room." Roselle spoke on the phone, explaining the events that had occurred today while sitting on her bed with her baby pink satin slip on.

"All that just to find out a name for the black hood." Reggie spoke through the phone as Roselle stared at her ceiling peacefully. "So you're positive Betty has nothing to do with the black hood?"

"No but-" Roselle cut herself off, thinking about what her Aunt told her last night.

"But what?" Reggie asked, wanting her to go on. Roselle put her phone on her shoulder, leaning her head onto the phone while playing with her fingers.

"I think Hiram might have something to do with it." Roselle mumbled out tiredly.

"Veronica's dad?"

"Yeah." Roselle nodded, even though he couldn't see her right now.

"Why?" Reggie had asked out in confusion. "I mean I get he was in jail and everything, but would he actually target his daughter's best friend?"

"He kinda knows a secret that I told you I'd never tell you and the black hood now knows about it. He's the only person in Riverdale, besides my Aunt, who knows the secret." Roselle replied, biting her bottom lip. "He must've somehow told the black hood, or he is the black hood."

"Am I ever going to know this infamous secret?" Reggie asked jokingly, but was slightly serious. He wanted to know Roselle better, he wanted to know that she trusted him.

"No." Roselle replied quietly. Roselle felt bad that she kept turning him down, so she told him a different truth that she felt like he deserved. "I feel like if I don't tell anyone, it'll just go away."

"You're high-maintenance Roselle Lilly Parker." Reggie slightly laughed, before yawning. "And that stunt that you pulled out today with the Ghoulies was very stupid. You keep attracting danger."

"At least I have you to protect me." Roselle replied back, a playful grin on her face.

"One day you'll be the death of me Elle." Reggie whispered, making Roselle smile while moving to her side on the bed.


"Yeah?" Reggie answered. Roselle smiled to herself, eyes beginning to droop.

"Call me Rose." She replied back. Roselle heard Reggie's breath stop for a minute before her eyes met with the clock that hung on her wall. "Well I have to get to bed now, tomorrow's the big race. Goodnight Reg."

"Goodnight Rose." Reggie whispered before Roselle hung up the phone. The girl then smiled to herself, hugging her phone to her chest. She felt like a little girl who had a crush on the boy next door. She hadn't felt like this in a long time. She then turned around to place her phone near her nightstand before a paper caught her eye.

And just like that, it seemed to Roselle that she could never be happy. Because happiness is temporary. Happiness is a lie that your mind plays with you before letting something very bad happen next. It's called balance. Like the ring on her middle finger.

Talking to Reggie, hearing him call her Rose, that was the happiness. And the note that laid near her nightstand, written in blood. That was the thing that balanced it, the negative. Roselle couldn't help herself from re-reading it over and over again. As if it was some sort of joke.

'Don't trust your family Roselle, because even they want you dead. - Black Hood'


TODAY'S QUESTION: What do you think happened with Roselle and Brett when he died?


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