Change Me (BoyxBoy)

By AliJarNightmare

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Ethan is just a regular guy with a regular life except the fact that he is a direct descendant of one of the... More

CM: Chapter One
CM: Chapter Two
CM: Chapter Three
CM: Chapter Four
CM: Chapter Five
CM: Chapter Six
CM:Chapter Seven
CM: Chapter Eight
CM: Chapter Nine
CM: Chapter Ten
CM: Chapter 12
CM:Chapter 14

CM: Chapter Thirteen

107 4 0
By AliJarNightmare


Its was finally Monday. None of us from the pack had gone to school and seeing the vice principal was from our pack, we were all able to get the day without it seeming weird or causing any alerts.

The whole place was a buzz as everyone went about doing last minute preparations.
Zack and I had spent the weekend together and it was just so refreshing to just hang out and just be us and put the past behind us. 

I was a bit excited myself seeing as my mom and I would be meeting the Alpha for the first time in years. Well,she had meet him before since they knew each other because of my dad.
I saw pictures of him before and heard all the stories about him and our Luna and it's just sad that this was the occasion we were going to meet under.

I knew deep down though weirdly that it was going to happen and bigger things were to come. I couldn't quiet put my finger on it but I know everyone in the the pack would stand together and fight what ever was to come.

"Ethan, come downstairs will you and help me move these supply boxes" I heard my mom yell, as if I couldn't hear her with a normal voice.

"Mom, your a werewolf, where is all that womanly strength gone?" I replied heading down the stairs as I heard her huff something about me being a smart mouth.

"You know, were wolf or not the boxes are heavy, so help me move them to the car will you" She said walking through the front door with two big boxes in hand.

We were apparently helping with setting up the tables for the party we were to have later. It was really important that everything was done.
Alphas from allied packs were visiting with a few of their members so it was going to be one big monster mash..

I picked up the remaining boxes which clearly proved my mom didn't need my help and packed them in the back of the car.
I saw a few of my friends from school bustling about with their parents and a few girls milling about and talking about what they would wear in the event they meet their mates.
I hadn't even thought about that, all this time. What if I did meet my mate tonight? 

With all these packs coming in someone is probably bound to get mated.

"Ethan, stop zoning out and get in, we have work to do." My mom said snapping me out of my thoughts.

I groaned, preparing myself for the brutal on slaughter of work ahead. I can bet Zack didn't have better luck that me,his mom was at the epicenter of all this madness and was a scary women when she was in planning and preparation mode.

We finally arrived at the hug back yard behind our pack house.

 Well it was more like a field you ask me. It was were we would have the Luna's funeral and where we have our training done. The school training grounds weren't too far from here either.

It was good to see everyone working together and in a good mood. The Alpha wouldn't be here until around one pm and it was ten in the morning now.

I helped my mom take boxes and brought what she needed around the back where people were setting up big picnic tables that could hold about fifty people each. There were about eleven of those setup, with one set as the main table were the Alphas,their Luna's and Betas would be sitting around.
I saw Zack helping his brother lift one of the tables and decided to go help. I placed the boxes beside Dana one of the pack mothers.

"Hey Z, need some help?" I asked as I walked up to him.

He grunted in response as they placed the table down, he immediately wiped at the bead of sweat that had gathered on his brow.

"I honestly can't wait for this to be over, my mom has us running round like pups on a sugar high all morning" He stated plopping down on the table they had just placed down.

I laughed in response as Nathan nodded in agreement. 

"Yea, you're lucky, we've been up since 4:am and I'm tired" Nathan added.

I looked around observing the scene, everyone was pretty much involved in some way and seeing as wolves were social creatures, the sheer excitement was very tangible.  It seems most of the work was almost done though as the last of the tables were set up.

One of the pack mother came to the table we were at, shooing us a way in the process as she decorated the table with big tables cloths, while another added lamps and flowers to it.

We moved to help the other guys who were bringing in the big sound boxes and help them set it up.

Soon after helping out here and there , everything was done and we were given time to head back home and prepare for meeting the Alpha as he drove in. It seems his flight was also delayed so he would get in a bit later than expected.

I was suddenly feeling extra excited as the day wore on and as I sat in front of my walking closet, I couldn't help the feeling that something exciting was going to happen and I mean other than meeting the Alpha. I had this urge to ensure I looked my absolutely sexy best and my wolf was prancing in my head in nervousness wasn't helping my cause any better.

I decided on a nice pair of black skinny jeans, a new grey sweater and a pair of white comfortable sneakers. I did my hair and ensured it was nicely styled in my quiff. 

[A/N Outfit idea]

I don't think anyone was going to be dressed in suit and tie plus he outfit was sexy and casual. I really didn't want to go over board with the other outfit I had in mind to wear. 

"Ethan, Honey, are you ready yet?" I heard my mom yell from downstairs, making me wince at how loud she was. Geez I'm a werewolf lady, you don't have to shout. I'm sure out neighbors heard her from were they were.

"Yes, ma!" I yelled back just to spite her.

"You don't have to shout you know" She replied back as I rolled my eyes. How ironic.

I took one last look in the my full length mirror before I took my phone and headed downstairs to meet her.

If I thought the atmosphere was buzzing before well it was even worse now. Everyone was heading out to the front gates to greet the Alpha once his vehicle arrived. I'm sure he would be jet lagged with such long flights but the party would start until much later in the evening at around six. 

This was just the customary welcome procession before he went in to freshen up and meet with Beta Tiexson.  Some other Alphas and a few members from their pack were arriving as well and so far there has only been one mating that happened since some new packs arrived. I'm sure we will have more as the evening progressed and more pack arrived. 

Speaking on which, my wolf has been antsy all day and I didn't really know why. He's been way too active and just kept prancing around in my head. I shrugged it off though. Chalking it up to him being happy to finally meet his Alpha for the first time and being officially welcomed by him into the pack.

I spotted Elizia and few of my other friends as I left my moms side to go great them. Everyone was dressed casually and damn were some of these guys in the  different packs were going all out. I'm sure I drooled a bit as I ogled some of them.

"Stop staring,  your might wet your pants" Elizia chuckled as she greeted me, swatting me on the back of the head playfully.

"Ouch" I replied feigning being hurt before we both burst out laughing.

"Nice, to see you haven't lost your sense of stalker-ish behaviour" she chided.

"Nah, nothing wrong with looking at the beautiful specimens provided for my entertainment tonight even though none of them seem to be my mate but hey more time to enjoy the goddess's delights" I replied throwing my arm over her shoulder.

"Well, yea that's true" she stated as we made our way to the main gates.

"Have you seen Z anywhere?" I asked noticing that he wasn't among out group and I didn't see Nathan either.

"Oh, they're still getting ready and said they would meet us in half hour at the gates" She answered as she took a basket of flower petals that one of our pack members Alicia was handing out.

It was rather an all out affair as we went by the gates and sat on one of the benches that were free. We continued chit chatting while watching some of the members of the other packs that were arriving, some of the girls giggling exited at every new guy that exited the cars that arrived.

So far two of the girls and one guy in our group where swooned away by the mating pull, much out our excitement and theirs. It was beautiful thing to see two destined should finally meet and emotional too.

Zack and Nathan had finally decided to grace us with their presence and I almost choked at the sight that was Zack.  HOT Damn!

This boy was trying to kill me! 

He was dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans with cut at the knees, which he paired with a long white tee, red leather jacket and a pair of white sneakers  along with some black shades. His hair was also gelled up  giving him this bad boy vibe 

 I'm sure my jaws were on the floor right now. His mate was one damn lucky bastard if you ask me but then again his mate was also a hot piece of ass, so it's well suited.

All this talk about mates, made me realize just how lonely things were gonna get once the funeral rolled around and everyone was paired up but me.

"You know if you keep staring at me like that with your mouth open you might catch flies" I heard Zack chuckle knocking me out of my stupor as I huffed. 

"Well I can't help staring if you come out dressed like that" I countered gesturing to his outfit as he laughed and sat beside me on the bench.

"Well thanks for the compliment" He said blushing a bit.

"Aww how cute" Elizia cooed at him as he rolled his eyes.

The time continued like that until around 3pm when it was announced the Alpha was few minutes away. We all gathered  on both sides of the road at the open gates waiting anxiously. Not long after we saw the approached of three black SUVS.

 One of my friends Darla grabbed on to my arm excitedly as she chattered away about how awesome it was to finally meet the Alpha in person. My wolf was also anxious it seems and it paced and started repeating the words close.

As the suvs pulled up one of the windows rolled down and a hands tuck to scan the check in pass, which all the guards usually do once they leave or enter the compound. The continued driving as we all began to cheer and throw the flower petals we were given. The sunroof of the second suv had opened and he handsome face of our Alpha was revealed as the the vehicles drove through the procession drove through the crowed street.

Some people were in tears, some where cheering and shouting happily as he waved at us. One would thing it was some royal that had come to visit but in a way he was royalty. The loyalty and love from a pack that truly loved their Alpha was unmatched and in a way a lot of the pack members could feel the sense of completion that washed over us as he drove in through the gates. Though it was evident that the lose of the Luna was also there . 

I felt a pang of pain in my heart as the thought crossed my mind, which caused Zack to look at me a bit worried as he mouthed if I was ok to me. I blinked a few times to fight the tears that had some how gathered in my eyes and tried to regain my composure as I let him know I was ok.

It was a really weird feeling seeing as though I've never met the Luna in person only heard about her in the stories Zacks dad would share with us. I also remembered the day she had died and the emotions that washed through me that day. My wolf whined at the memory. I was surprised by how much her death had affected me and even know no one was able to even say for certain what happened or what was going on.

The cars drove into the compound and came to stop in front of the grand pack house. Which mainly consisted of the Alphas quarters and meeting rooms and the emergency shelter. It was a big three story house that was made of wood that was stained a nice dark tone with a green roof. It had big windows that faced out unto the front of the compound. It was really a sight to see at night when the lights were on through the big windows.

[AN, my inspo]

As one of the drivers from the vehicles at the front and the back came out, we watched as one of them opened the door to the truck the Alpha was in. He stepped out turning to the group that had gathered as howls erupted as we all howled in joy. 

It was something that was beautiful to behold. The howling died down as the alpha waved at the crowed before moving forward to greet the other Alphas and their Luna's and Betas that had gathered in the yard in front of the house from the packs that were present.

He greeted then one by one uttering words of thanks, with hands shakes or with hugs.  He continued until it was only Zacks dad left and the two greeted each other in a warm tight embrace. You could feel the warmth wash over the pack as our two leaders hugged each other in a silent embrace before they pulled apart so he could greet Zacks mom, Emily.

After all the greetings were made, the other alphas and tier parties were ushered into the pack house as the pack members all broke off into different groups some going back to the task to ensure that everything was all ready for the party to start in the next 2 hrs, since it was almost 4pm. 

The Alpha would freshen up and taken care of and settle in, since I'm sure it was a long light from England.

Zack had left us to go take a call and judging by the blush on his face, I can bet it was his mate tat had called. We teased him before he dashed away to get to some where quiet. The rest of that were left went about helping out anywhere else help was needed before we went to cool out under of the gazebos with some drinks and cupcakes we were rewarded with for our help.

Our friends that had been mated that day came by to introduce their mates to us, as we welcomed them and introduced our  selves. I was really happy for them and jut seeing the adoration in their gazes was enough of a reassurance that the love was reciprocated. 

Being rejected by your mate was something devastating and I'm glad there were no rejections to dampen the festivities for the day. It would have been a tragedy. There were no gay couplings though much to my chagrin and all this hetero love in out group was making me itchy. Nathan and Elizia was enough lovey dovey to last me a lifetime and well Zack was in a gay pairing but his mate wasn't here.

I sighed as Elizia gave me a knowing look before giggling as if sensing my discomfort.

"All this hetero love getting you down pup" She cooed cuddling up to Nathan who chuckled.

"Ughh tell me about it" I exclaimed dramatically earning a few curious stars and a few laughs.

"You can always go find a cute guy for the day" One of my friends Jessica pointed out as I scrunched up my nose cutely.

My wolf didn't seem to like idea of some reason and growled in my heard before stating don't you dare.

"Nah, I think I'll be fine, I just hope I can survive with all this hetero love and hope it doesn't turn me straight" I replied as the group burst out laughing at my antics.

Zack came back a few minutes later to join us as we discussed my dramatics. I was having a good time with my friends as we got to know the two new guys and girl that had joined our group.

I had nagging feeling in the back of my head as my wolf started chanting close every few minutes on my head. I ignored it for the most part but I couldn't lie that there was this strange  feeling every time my wolf surfaced to say the words close.

Every time he did I would get goosebumps and shivers. It was weird to say the least and I'm glad no one seemed to notice as we were all engrossed in the conversation at hand. I honestly didn't know hat this all meant and I was really hoping to find out.

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