Wolf Queen (The Fate of Berri...

By JsReadings

49.7K 1.9K 197

I am the ruler of these lands. Conqueror of evil. I am a warrior, unmatched in strength. My one flaw is him... More

Chapter 1-Rejection
Chapter 2- Great Escape, Fantastic Journey
Chapter 3- Changes
Chapter 4 - Wolf Queen
Chapter 5 - New Home
Chapter 6 - Berrilium
Chapter 7 - Blood Moon Pack
Chapter 8 - DillFarm's Strawberry Milk
Chapter 10 - Darkness
Chapter 11 - All Good Things Must Come To An End
Chapter 12 - Back to Berrilium
Chapter 13 - The Horrid Truth
Chapter 14 - Rabid Wolves
Chapter 15 - Agony
Chapter 16 - Dark queen
Chapter- 17 - Pure Queen
Chapter 18 - Bonds
Chapter 19 - Injured Heart
Chapter 20 - Stubborn
Chapter 21 - Step by Step
Chapter 22 - The beginning of the end
Chapter 23 - Jake
Chapter 24 - Jake 2
Chapter 25 - Dark Death
Chapter 26 - The Fate of the wolf Kingdom
Dragon Queen(The Fate of Berrilium Book 2)

Chapter 9 - Awakened

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By JsReadings

Chapter 9 - Awakened

A thumping and vibration against my back, woke me with a start. I release a low groan as my body unfolds itself from the position I stayed in the entire night. As I raise my head off my knees, I try to blink away the dried-up crust from my eyes, caused by my tears.

"Destiny! What the hell are you doing? Training starts in five." I jerk upwards. "Shit." I curse as I stand.

"Shit, shit, shit." I pull the door open, meeting Adrianna's raised fist, posed for another knock. Her eyes widen as she takes me in.

"What the hell? What happened to you? You look like death when he died." Adrianna pushes me aside, stepping into my room, and shuts the door.

I rub my forehead. "I'm fine. Bad night is all." Her eyebrows furrow with worry. "Yeah I can tell. Want to talk about it. I'm sure Derek can handle the training by himself today." She touches my arm gently. I step back, not in the mood for softness right now.

"No." I snap. Adrianna jerks back startled. "Sorry. I'm good, no need to talk about anything. I'll just change my clothes and be out there in the next three minutes. I'll skip breakfast." Not that I could stomach the thing anyway.

Adrianna studies me with a tight frown and gives me a reluctant nod. I walk over to my luggage and rip it open. I rummage through my clothes, not turning around when I hear the door shut. I pull off my top and bottom, quickly exchanging it for a workout shirt and pants. I exchange my black combat boots with running sneakers, and headed out my room. I ignore everyone as I pass through the halls. I ignore the looks of fear, hate, and disgust. The fear is new, but the rest I can deal with, just as I always have. I walk towards the training grounds, instantly seeing Jason and Jake off to the side, conversing. My heart clenches at the sight of Jake, and I blow out a breath in order to control my wayward emotions. The gaping hole inside me ever so big. I clench my fist as he turns in my direction. Refusing to look at him any longer I turn away, scanning the field for Derek. Spotting him, I move over to him quickly.

"Good to see your finally here." He greets, grouchy. I smile, a sense of normalcy seeping into my bones. My smile fades as guilt soon eats it away. Derek and I might not be a couple but we are something, and that something is extremely important to me. A sense of wrongness envelops me as I remember all the times I've been with him. Instead of feeling like I cheated on him, I feel like I've been cheating on Jake. Curse this fucking bond. Anger heats up my skin. I fight to control it, a swirling power inside me. A power that I refuse to ever use again.

"Yeah, sorry. Overslept. Who are we dealing with today?" I step closer to him, forcing myself and my wolf to dismiss the feeling of wrongness. Derek looks away from the people standing before him, and turns to give me all of his attention. Like Adrianna worry wraps around him colors. Before he can ask, I shut him down.

"I'm fine. I'm itching to get some exercise, so what are we doing today boss man." His jaw clenches, obviously irked by my dismissive manner.

"There's a lot of them, and few of us. Michael is also late, but he'll have his own section of a hundred members, each of us will take on a hundred members. Thankfully this pack is not like our own. Not everyone is a fighter, there is only sixteen hundred fighters, and the rest are mostly children, mothers, and the elderly. Jason, Adrianna, Annabelle, and Alpha Moon, and his beta will be integrating our pack battle styles."

"But that only covers half of the groups, what about the other eight?" "Simple, we do a full rotation. We teach the first eight groups, while the other eight sits out, then we give the first group a break and switch out to the second group. They have never done our type of training, they will need a resting period if we don't want them to keel over. I think you remember well, how well your first days of training went." I wince, don't I ever.

Footsteps behind us causes Derek and I to turn around. Michael greets us with his charming smile, with a perky Adrianna and a sullen Annabelle beside her. Behind them are Jason, Jake, and Jordan. I steel myself, hardening both my heart and soul. My mind ran its usual mess, but it was easier to ignore, than my heart.

"You've filled her in?" Jason asks Derek. Derek gives him a nod, as do I. I focus my gaze on just my family, refusing to acknowledge Jake or Jordan.

"Good, so let's get this party started. Jake and Jordan will watch the techniques of the first group, to get familiar with it, and then begin with their own groups." On first name bases, are they. My lip twitch with irritation. "Depending on how this training goes, I want everyone to pick out the best of them, and the worst, I want division. I need to know weaknesses, faults, strengths, I want it all. By the end of this training, I want these men and woman to act as soldiers nothing less." Jason, nods his head at each of us. His voice forceful but also respectful, he must still acknowledge the fact that this is Jake's pack.

The others and I quickly respond with a "Yes alpha." I can feel the eyes of Jake and Jordan as the words slip from my lips like butter. Second nature almost. I have only one alpha, and that is Jason Scott.

"At random pick one hundred members. Move out." Without hesitation, my eyes scan the crowded field, while Jake and Jordan announces what will be taking place. My eyes land on a lanky figure of a young woman, and an incredibly buff man standing next to her.

"You! And You, with me!" I don't bother watching to see if they follow me. Their alpha gave instructions, I expect them to follow them, no matter who I am. And they saw what I did yesterday, I think the people I hand pick may be smart enough to realize that I am not to be fucked with. I continue calling on others, taking more and more members, as I move further across the field. The training grounds were big enough of course, but I wanted warmed up muscles for my training. This is going to be hell for them. Even after I complete my one hundred I demanded that my group follow me around in circle, not caring about the grumbles and insults flung my way. I can practically feel their abhorrence for me.

Finally, raising a hand, signaling for my group to stop, I turn towards all of them and nod in pleasure as they form a basic military formation. Jake's been doing well I guess.

"Pair up. I want pairs, not threes, not fours, I want two." They all shuffle about, finding partners, I can see smiling faces of friends, some of them mates, while others, just picked randomly."

"How many of you picked a friend, family member, or a mate, raise your hand?" I watch as the majority reluctantly raised their hand. I nod watching the familiar faces of my past. I sigh.

"To be a pack, one hundred must act as one. To be a soldier, you are prone to death and loss. You would not be able to pick partners on a battle field, some of you will be better at running, others close quarters combat, or maybe distance combat, or even weapons and fists. Some of you will be sectioned off in that way. No matter who you're with, they are all pack, you will lay down your life for them if need be, because that's what pack mates do!" A viciousness incases me. None of them would have laid down their lives for me, and they were originally my pack. I went into a new one, and that's where I learned what a real pack should look like.

With anger in my voice, and a queenly command to back it up, I yell out my instructions. "Change partners, I want you paired with those you are not close to, someone who might not be your friend, but is part of your pack. I don't want to see paired mates, sisters, or brothers, I want pack!" Everyone stilled, frightened. "Now!" My voice harsh and demanding.

They all shuffle frantically around like scared ants. I watch the new pairs, the ones picked randomly. I give them a brief nod. Good. "Your partner is in this with you, and in this training session, its life or death. Drop and give me one fifty." I watch them all fall, not bothered by the number I gave them, they just moved like robots given a command. I wasn't a fan of using my superiority over others, but this sight is what I needed to bring me out of my funk. They might not have ever been there for me, but I will complete this mission, they will all be there for each other. Determination flushed through me, as I dropped down and moved with them.

Two and a half hours passed, and the rotation happened after I picked the best from the worst. Training went on from one rotation to another for eight more hours. I watch with a satisfied smirk, standing next to my family, as Blood Moon pack members panted and wailed on the grassy ground. The entire sixteen hundred were barely able to move.

"A job well done, I'll say." Says Michael, grinning. I nod, in high spirits. I feel an elbow dig into my side. I glare at Adrianna as she laughs with glee. "That was fun, wasn't it? You were practically drooling at the sight of them passing out. Evil little thing you are." I laugh too, at her silliness. I look over at her sister, whose eyes were focused on Jordan, who is standing off to the side speaking to Jake. My laughter dies as I watch her stare at my brother. I squint at her, wondering what her problem was.

"Anna? Are you alright? You've been off ever since we got here. Did he do something to you? Because I swear, I'll kill him if he did." Annabelle looks at me with a start and growls. I jerk away, shocked. Her eyes widen and she slaps a hand over her mouth. "I... I'm...uh... I'm sorry." She shakes her head and turns away, jogging towards the pack house.

I look at Adrianna. "Do you know what's going on with her? She's never acted like that before." I ask worriedly. Adrianna bites her lip, and shakes her head, while not meeting my eyes. I narrow my own and turn away from her to look to the others. They each raise their hands up, and shook their heads, no. Feeling the high of training die down, I look at Jordan whose looking at Annabelle's retreating figure. I couldn't stop my lip from curling in distaste. Feeling eyes on him, Jordan turns my way. I give him a nasty look, while his face contorts in sadness. My eyes widen at the expression. Feeling even more rattled, I look away, only for my eyes to land on Jake, whose making his way over to us.

With my eyes glued on him, I didn't notice the approaching figure of Lorry.

"Alpha Scott, it's such a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance." Lorry slides up and takes Jason's hand, holding it a bit too long.

Jason shakes Lorry's hand, his eyes slightly glazed over. Ugh men. "I'm sorry, who are you." Jason asks with a confused and lost look. "Oh, forgive me, I'm Jake's mate, the alpha female of this pack." She grins, her eyes flitting over to me and then back to Jason. I couldn't stop the darkness inside me even if I wanted to. With my lose control over my wolf ever since last night's episode, my skin rolls over my bones. I clench my hands, the scent of Jake attacking my senses now that he's much closer. Jake made no move to correct Lorry. I guess even without a mark, they are still mated. She is still the one he wants.

"Oh. I was unaware, that you had a mate Jake, such a beautiful one at that." Jake smiles, and slides his arm around Lorry's waist, much like he did to me last night. My heart erupted, it's getting harder and harder to keep my composure.

"I just had to meet the man who helped poor Destiny. She was always so troubled, no one ever thought she would run away." Before Jason or I can open our mouths, Adrianna cuts in.

"Yeah, she came to us troubled, and looking at you, well I can clearly see why she ran away, can you look and speak any more like a bitch." She says hotly. Lorry mouth pops open in surprise, her smile turning tight.

"How dare you, you little-" I step in front of Adrianna, not caring that Lorry was alpha female or not, I out ranked her. She may not know it but I did. I stare Lorry down straight in her eyes. Not breaking contact. My wolf barked and howled in my head. There is no doubt that Lorry can feel the stirring storm inside me. Slightly worried, Lorry takes a step back with a distant look on her face. She moves closer to Jake and clutches his muscled arm tightly. The motion causing my wolf to go feral. Before I can step towards her, a strong hand grips my elbow. I refrain from biting the hand.

"Why don't you go for a walk." I turn my gaze to up at Derek, tenderness in his eyes, but his tone firm. I look at him staring into his eyes, wishing that I would stop feeling this emotion of wrongness. Wishing that he was my mate instead of the man whose hands is wrapped around another woman. A low growl interrupts our moment. My head whips towards Jake, who released Lorry, and had taken a step towards me. He watched the hand on my elbow, his lips curled and angry, with possessiveness in his gaze. Jesus, I'm going to go crazy with all this.

Ripping my arm out of Derek's hold, I take off into a speedy run, towards the trees. I cross the field in record time, not caring who saw the break neck sped I was running at. My emotions thrashed and curled inside me. Something is wrong, so wrong here. Unlike ever before, the urge to shift got painful. Running, through the thicket of trees, I follow the lack of scents somewhere in the wood. I couldn't let anyone find me. I rip my shirt and pants, and shoes off, truly uncaring. Still running in my underwear, my skin rolls and my bones crack against each other as I shift. My paws slammed against the earth. I push down the urge to howl. I can't let anyone hear me, I can't let anyone know. A sense of danger, darkness and confusion overwhelm me. My emotions moved up and down, left and right. My wolf fought me for control. My head fills with thoughts of evil and destruction, but also with love and hope, gentleness.

Somethings wrong! Something's wrong! My nails dug into the ground as I skitter to a stop. The smell of blood and decay washing crashes into me. The trees seemed to still, unmoving, almost like they were holding their breaths. Waiting. I stand still holding my own, getting the feeling of something wrong yet right all at the same time. Even my wolf grew cold and silent. My muscles lock up, and nausea hits stomach.





He comes! You must run!

Voices attack my mind, but my body doesn't move. Who is he? Who is coming. I'm going fucking insane.

'if you can't handle it...you must go'

I should have left, I should have told him couldn't handle it. Despair crushes my lungs. The sense of foreboding weighing on me like a ton of bricks. Somethings wrong here, with these lands. Sickness and death comes, but also love and gentleness. Something reaches inside me and pulls.

He comes!

My body releases itself from its state of paralysis as a shouting voice rocks my inside. I take a step forward, only to halt at the sight of another werewolf. His fur matted and ears torn. Foam dripped from his lips and his eyes glowed a violent red. I crunch low, flattening my ears and growl a warning. The wolf limped closer as if he didn't hear me. My nose twitch at the rotten scent wafting off him. This rouge is as feral as they come. Is this who I'm supposed to be running from? No. Whatever danger is out there hasn't shown itself yet, but I can feel it, him, lying in wait. I notice a shift in the wolf, suddenly he grew larger, his own growl matching my own. Fear jangle inside me, causing panic to activate my flight or fight reaction. In this case, my wolf is up for the fight. Before the wolf could trap me between his jaws, the wolf slams into an invisible wall.

Shocked and thankful that that's the queenly power that decided to make an appearance, I leap onto the wolf and tear out his throat. I step back, and watch as the werewolf's breath seizes. His bloody red eyes turn into a light brown, and his body shrinks. I whip my head around, the sky now darkened. The moon shines its light on me as the aftershock of both battle and my own power almost overwhelms me. All those years ago, after stepping into my role as queen, I never expected that there would be more I would be able to do with my body. Telekinesis came first to me. Mark had quickly explained that the manifestation of this power came to all queens who come into their power. I hadn't asked at the time if there would be anymore, and Mark never mentioned it. He seemed incredibly worried at the fact that my powers manifested. So, I trained in my ability, that only really came out in short bursts. Only a year later, I received another gift. A gift that matched my sister soul, in the dragon kingdom, fire. It was reckless, and didn't come out in short bursts like my first power. This gift raged and if I didn't keep a tight hold on it, would destroy everything in its path.

'Run.' Another whisper is pushed to the forefront of my brain. My ears twitch as I hear footsteps. Darkness once again causes my bones to lock up, but before I can be frozen completely, I make a mad dash for the trees. My paws dug up grass behind me in my ferocious speed. I can feel him, he's following me. Stumbling ahead, my head not completely frantic, I remember that I can't go dashing through Blood Moon pack's lands in my wolf form. Even though I know it would slow me down, I shift into my human form. Still running, my legs ache at the neck breaking speeds I'm pushing them at. I turn my head, trying to see who it was that's chasing me. Nothing but darkness eclipses my vision. It's as if the darkness was on the move. It's as if the darkness is what's chasing me. I turn around again, and push myself, not willing to have the darkness swallow me hole. My heart pump in my chest, and my lungs tried its best to give me breath. I see a flash of color on the ground, and without stopping, I scoop it up, finding myself with my shirt in my hands. I push it over my head, noticing soon after the pants I left behind on a fallen branch. Scooping it up and forcing myself to slow, I hurriedly push my legs through the two openings. Feeling my wolf tremble inside me, beating against my skin, I moan in pain. The darkness moved closer, as I ran, so close that I could feel its breath on my legs.

I feel something inside me unfurl, waking and greeting whatever it was behind me. I feel a soft caress against my legs just as I break the tree line. I keep running refusing to stop. I thank the goddess that everyone seems to be in their homes. Feeling a tingle run through my body, and a strong buzzing inside my head, I slow my steps. I stumble forward, panting. I try to mind link to anyone from my pack, but the buzzing grew louder. I shiver, as an icy breeze wash over my skin. I stumble closer to the porch steps, wanting with everything inside of me to not be outside anymore.

I drop to my knees, with my entire body vibrating. What the hell is happening to me? I release a silent scream, as pain started up from my legs and forced its way between my rib cage, tapping directly at my already fragile heart. Dark intention slammed into my mind. I open my mouth to scream but no sound escaped my lips. My wolf releases her own howls of pain, as our soul was attacked, and something other, begins to join with it. My stomach heave, and I vomit up bile. The earth moved beneath me, rolling and shifting. Pain increases inside my chest, my heart beating frantically, until it couldn't handle it anymore. Unable to stand it anymore, tears pour out of my eyes, as I released a monstrous scream, and with it, the stopping of my heart.

'Mine,' I hear a masculine voice whisper before everything in my world goes dark.

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