Brave ~ Sequel to Jay Cee El

Por HisPrincess6996

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*BEING REWRITTEN- DO NOT READ IT WON'T MAKE ANY SENSE* The girls are going on the first tour, and are super e... Más

Brave ~ Sequel to Jay Cee El
Chapter One ~ Ha, The Zit Fairy Came Last Night.
Chapter Two ~ But at what cost?
Chapter Three ~ I can't believe I just did that.
Chapter Four ~ You're an idiot.
Chapter Five ~ Come Out Of The Bathroom
Chapter Six ~ Better Than I Thought.
Chapter Seven ~ Can't Even Look At A Picture Of Him
Chapter Eight ~ And That Scares Me The Most
Chapter Nine ~ The Four Girls
Chapter Ten ~ The Music Video
Chapter Eleven ~ I'm Going To Regret This
Chapter Twelve ~ Fuck You Styles, fuck you.
Chapter Thirteen ~ How Could I Ever Learn To Trust Him Again?
Chapter Fourteen ~ Psh, I Know I'm Right
Chapter Fifteen ~ Okay Caitlin, Don't Drool
Chapter Sixteen ~ You're Too Pretty To Cry
Chapter Seventeen ~ Who is Cindy Rose?
Chapter Eighteen ~ Guess What? Chicken Butt
Chapter Nineteen ~ Opening Act
Chapter Twenty ~ Maybe Niall's Making A Choice
Chapter Twenty One ~ What? It Was Just A Question!
Chapter Twenty Two ~ The Life Drained From Me
Chapter Twenty Three ~ I Am Jealous
Chapter Twenty Four ~ Just... Leave
Chapter Twenty Five ~ You Could Be My Motivation
Chapter Twenty Six ~ I Love You Too, Liz
Chapter Twenty Seven ~ I Promise, You Won't Regret This
Chapter Twenty Eight ~ She Looks Happy
Chapter Twenty Nine ~ I Don't Want To Get Up
Chapter Thirty ~ Make Their Day
Chapter Thirty One ~ Lucky Butts
Chapter Thirty Two ~ You
Chapter Thirty Three ~ It's Got To Suck
Chapter Thirty Four ~ How Hard Is It To Send One Text?
Chapter Thirty Five ~ What Year Do They Think This Is?
Chapter Thirty Six ~ All Nice And Wet
Chapter Turdy Seven ~ I Can't Wait
Chapter Thirty Eight ~ Hell Yeah
Chapter Thirty Nine ~ What Are You Doing?
Chapter Forty ~ Do I?
Chapter Forty One ~ Sing Me A Song
Chapter Forty Two ~ Tattoo
Chapter Forty Three ~ That's Different
Chapter Forty Four ~ What Do You Want To Do
Chapter Forty Five ~ For Real
Chapter Forty Six ~ Say Cheese
Chapter Forty Seven ~ I Really Am
Chapter Forty Eight ~ I Am Super Hungry
Chapter Forty Nine ~ You're The Worst
Chapter Fifty ~ Red As A Tomato
Chapter Fifty One ~ I'm The Better Twin
Chapter Fifty Two ~ Just Thinking
Chapter Fifty Three ~ Argue Him On That
Chapter Fifty Four ~ Photos Niall Sent To Me
Chapter Fifty Five ~ Love You, Baby
Chapter Fifty Six ~ Blueberry Pancakes
Chapter Fifty Seven ~ Blogs and Best Days
Chapter Fifty Eight ~ Stop Being So Whipped
Chapter Fifty Nine ~ Credit Cards and Worries
Chapter Sixty ~ Got To Keep It A Secret
Chapter Sixty One ~ They Are Amazing
Chapter Sixty Two ~ I'm In Fricken Love
Chapter Sixty Three ~ Thank You And I Love You All
Chapter Sixty Four ~ Ready Or Not
Chapter Sixty Five ~ Crowds and Men Old Men
Chapter Sixty Six ~ Why Don't We Go Have Some Fun
Chapter Sixty Seven ~ Keep Yourselves Grounded
Chapter Sixty Eight ~ Johnny Parkenson
Chapter Sixty Nine ~ One Word. Two Syllables.
Chapter Seventy ~ For Caitlin's Sake
Chapter Seventy One ~ It Would Mean A Lot To Us
Chapter Seventy Two ~ The Interview Type Show
Chapter Seventy Three ~ Two Things
Chapter Seventy Four ~ I Hope It's All Good
Chapter Seventy Five ~ You All Suck
Chapter Seventy Six ~ Get The Door
Chapter Seventy Seven ~ Once And For All
Chapter Seventy Eight ~ Tension
Chapter Seventy Nine ~ Consider It
Chapter Eighty ~ Melt Your Guy Into A Puddle
Chapter Eighty One ~ Stop Thinking About Harry
Chapter Eighty Two ~ Roll Right Out
Chapter Eighty Three ~ Go Fuck Off, I'm Tired
Chapter Eighty Four ~ Sisterly Love
Chapter Eighty Five ~ Monkey's Ass
Chapter Eighty Six ~ A Surprise For You All
Chapter Eighty Eight ~ Damn, Did It Feel Great
Chapter Eighty Nine ~ Does It Fit
Chapter Ninety ~ The Last Chapter :'(

Chapter Eighty Seven ~ Who Cares?

328 14 7
Por HisPrincess6996

Here is the next chapter!



Julie's P.O.V

"Alright, everyone, here is our new single. Everytime We Touch." I said, making the crowd  cheer. The music started and lights began to flash everywhere. Smoke started to appear, and Liz took center stage.

"I still hear your voice, when you sleep next to me. I still feel your touch in my dream. Forgive me my weakness, but I don't know why without you it's hard to survive." Liz sang, holding out the end of the word survive. The music picked up and both Caitlin and I moved in closer to their microphones, getting ready for the chorus.

" 'Cause everytime we touch, I get this feeling. And everytime we kiss, I swear I can fly. Can't you feel my heart beat fast? I want this to last. Need you by my side. 'Cause everytime we touch, I feel the static. And everytime we kiss, I reach for the sky. Can't you hear my heart beat so... I can't let you go. Want you in my life."

                The music picked up once again, launching into the techno dance sound that we all love a lot. The music was pounding into my ears from the amps, and I swear every inch of me was on fire. Recording one of your own songs is absolutely amazing, but singing your new song in front of a crowd is ten times better.. I looked over at Caitlin and just from the smile on her face I knew she was feeling it too. The music slowed down to almost a stop as Caitlin took center stage, singing her solo.

"Your arms are my castle, your heart is my sky. They wipe away tears that I cry. The good and the bad times, you've been through them all. You make me rise when I fall." Her voice sounded amazing. The music picked up again and I launched back into the chorus again by myself.

" 'Cause everytime we touch, I get this feeling. And everytime we kiss, I swear I can fl. Can't you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last. Need you by my side. 'Cause everytime we touch, I feel the static. And everytime we kiss, I reach for the sky. Can't you hear my heart beat so... I can't let you go. Want you in my life."

                The crowd seemed to love the song so far, they were all dancing. I was trying to follow the dance steps that Keegan, our choreographer, had picked out for us but it was a bit hard. I was already really hot from being up on stage. So dancing didn't make anything any better. Besides, Caitlin's the real dancer in this group. I snapped out of my thoughts when the instrumental part of the song ended. We were all joining together to sing the last part of the song, which happened to be  about half the chorus.

" 'Cause everytime we touch, I get this feeling. And everytime we kiss, I swear I can fl. Can't you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last. Need you by my side." We all sang, the music holding out in the end. The crowd was ten times as louder, making me laugh. God, being on stage is such a rush. It's my favorite thing in the whole world.

"Alright, Everytime We Touch is now available on ITunes, don't forget to get your own copy! Sadly we've got to go, but you were a great audience. We love you Gladstone!" Liz said, her voice echoing from the microphone.

                The usual song that played while we left the stage, it was just a beat type thing, was playing and we walked off the stage. I had a huge smile on my face. I love performing live. And I am so tired from running around on stage. I wish that I could wear more sneakers or sandals or something. But I do like the heels. They are my favorite. Anyway, Johnny was waiting for my by the table that held some snacks. Liz always makes sure that there are snacks for everyone working here and ourselves. I'm not going to lie, I like it. Especially the jelly donuts that are there almost everytime.

                I walked up to Johnny, who wasn't as sweaty as before due to the amount of time he had to cool off, and hugged him. I know I might be using Johnny for the wrong reasons. Well, kind of. I mean I do like him. He's nice and sweet and really caring. But... he's not Harry. No one is, and that's a problem I'm trying to get over.

"You did great, and I'm not just saying that. Hey, I'm staying a little later to go out and talk to fans and then Justin is going to have a car ready for me. Want to stay with me?" Johnny asked, looking down at me. I was still entangled in his arms, but I pulled away as I looked up at him. His arms were still around me, but I was leaning back. I wasn't sure if I wanted to go outside with him. I mean, I love the fans. I'd love to go and see them and talk, but I am just so tired. But they are my fans, and I love them. When I love someone, or something, I stick with them.

"Sure, I'd love to."


"Shh, I think they are still asleep." I said, going to open the door to my hotel room. We had just gotten back to the hotel, we are leaving tomorrow morning to Brisbane. So tonight is our last night in the hotel room. Just as I was about to open the door, Johnny grabbed my arm and gently tugged me in his direction.

"Can I ask you a question?" Johnny asked. I smirked and told him that he just did. That led him to roll his eyes, which only made me laugh harder than I already was.

"Okay, seriously. I was uh, well, we've been out a lot and I really like you Julie. I'm not going to lie, or be one of those big mocho guys. It's not my style. So anyway, what I'm saying is that... well, will you be my official, public girlfriend?" Johnny asked, losing confidence in the beginning but obviously gaining it at the end.

                I widened my eyes in shock. Wow. I honestly couldn't believe that Johnny likes me this much to ask that. I mean, I like him too. Don't get me wrong, but I didn't know he felt that way towards me. I didn't know what to do in all honesty. I mean, I like him. I like him a lot. But there is that one guy that's holding me back. I could see his frown etched onto his face, his head shaking, his arms crossed. It wasn't a pretty sight. He'd be so mad at me.

                But you know what? Who cares? I don't care if he's mad at me or anything like that. Fuck Harry, I don't need him. He lost his chance with me the second he lied to me about that shit. And I know it may be a little childish to bring this shit back up, but I mean come on! If he can do that to me, while we were dating, then I could date Johnny while we are only friends. He'll just have to deal.

"Of course I will, Johnny. I'd love to be your girlfriend."


There's the chapter! I can't believe I've only got three more chapters left. I'm going to be so sad when it ends. Hell, I already am :'(

Anyway, I don't have much to say. Like seriously, I'm so boring. You should all comment something exciting! Lol, tell me what's new scooby doo? Sorry...

Please VOTE and COMMENT my lil' Gummy Worms!

~Amanda<3 xXx

 --Pic on the side is an edit I made of Johnny and Julie. I know it's horrible, but I tried okay? haha, I'm sorry.

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