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"If all demons end up in hell, how do you explain me?" - In which Y/N is a police officer who is assigned to... Еще

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Your Most Wanted ?'s
First Q&A!
New Chapters Comings + Update Schedule!!!!


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"You smell pretty" the drunkard slurred as I desperately attempted to haul him into my car in handcuffs.

"That's great." I commented, not really caring about the comment and just hoping I could get him into the car without getting vomit on my uniform like what happened two nights ago.

He was the fifth one I've picked up all week. I get these calls all the time. Picking up anyone who seems disorderly and loud (and mostly drunk) or is being a disturbance is usually what I do. It's not anything enjoyable or fun.

Just some drunk bastards who don't know what respect is.

If it's a female, I usually get slapped.

If it's a male, I'll get anywhere from a slap on the ass to them groping a boob before they get the good ol' silver bracelets locked on the wrists.

But this particular case was a little different and intense than what I usually get called in for.

"I gave you a compliment you ungrateful whore, might as well take it." the man started to grumble, jerking in his handcuffs. The more he talked, the more he struggles to get in the vehicle and soon I was just going to have to shove his dirty self in there if it meant I could just leave already.

"I don't need people to tell me I smell pretty, I already know it." I told him, urging him to duck his head into the car, but he only resisted more, causing me even more irritation.

"Listen up here you fucking bitch, I —"

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't speak to my partner like that." I heard a husky voice from behind me cut in.

I turned around only to see a dazzling set of bunny set teeth smiling charmingly at me.

"I see you needed my help with this one." He said.

"Don't flatter yourself, Jungkook. I got this one." I tried to persuade him, but it was obviously clear that I wasn't getting anywhere with this bastard taking up all of my time by throwing profanities and resisting arrest.

"Don't worry, I got him. I think you should actually take care of the girl. She's still pretty shaken up and I'm getting no where with her. I think she'll be more comfortable talking to you." He says while taking the man off my hands and nodding over at the shivering teenage girl staring into space sitting on the sidewalk a few feet away.

I sighed, giving up as I made my way over to her.

She was probably only 16, 17 years old. But all shriveled up and shaking on that sidewalk, she looked about as small as 5. I did a once over of her face. Her face was dirtied, streaked with dry tears and mascara darkening her milky white skin. Her clothes, an off the shoulder maroon blouse paired with a black skater skirt and black high heeled boots.

I could see from observation that she was missing one of her boots, a sleeve of her blouse was slit from the top to bottom, and her skirt had one tear from the bottom going up, almost revealing her womanhood. I made sure to grab a blanket along from the trunk to cover her up.

"Good evening." I started, hoping to get her to make eye contact, but she only kept staring off into the distance, hugging her knees even closer to her chest. A tear slipped down her cheek.

"I'm Officer Y/N, what's your name?" I asked, sitting down next to her. She noticed my presence sitting down, and scooted hurriedly a few centimeters away from me. She now looked down at the pavement underneath, probably praying to herself that I would eventually leave her be.

I carefully draped the blanket across her pale and shivering shoulders. Thankfully, she didn't scoot away from touch. If anything, she was leaning into it. As if she was yearning for some sort of embrace to comfort her.

"You are safe." I reassured her. At those words, multiple tears started to spill down her cheeks.

"That bastard who thought he could take advantage of you, we will make sure he spends a good deal of time in prison. Not a lot of women who go through this come out as safe and protected as you do. Some don't even come out alive. Now dear, if we want to get you back to complete safety, you're going to have to tell me your name." I told her.

At this point she was sobbing. I understood, seeing as she was dressed up and even looked like a woman, she still only a child. The experience that she went through was probably one that she never though would've ever happened to her, but it did.

"My name is Kim Jieun." she said through constant sniffling and a river of tears.

"Okay, now what exactly were you doing here." I asked, hoping to get more out of her.

She hesitated, not wanting to tell me why.

"Jieun, dear, you're going to have to tell me if you want to get back home safe and sound. This will also help us with your statement to show that the activity wasn't consensual if he chooses to defend himself and wants to go with that statement in court." I tell her.

She gulped, letting more tears spill in the action as she looks up at the sky.

"I ran away from home." she told me as she wiped her nose since she noticed snot was starting to run down her nose.

"Eomma and me got in a fight. She said I couldn't go to this college party, saying that I was too young to go. I told her I'm not a child, but she refused to listen. So I decided to ran away to show her that I didn't need her —" she stopped as she started crying harder, hurrying her face in the palms of her hands.

"I'm so stupid." she whispered underneath her breath.

"Hey, you are not stupid, Jieun. It wasn't your fault that this happened to you. Just let it all out." I reassured her while rubbing her back lightly in small circles.

"After two days, I ran out of money. I was starving, Officer Y/N! I didn't know what to do. So I put on some clothes I stole from a store —" she stopped as she looked up with teary eyes.

"It's okay, I won't tell anyone." I told her. I could hear her sigh in relief before she went on.

"So then I came down here so I could ..." and this time she drifted off. She looked down, ashamed as to what she was about to say next.

"And you came here so you could sell your body for money." I finished for her. She let out a bitter laugh as she was still looking down at her 1 boot and her other exposed foot.

"They pay extra for virgins, you know?" she flicked a tear out from the corners of her eye. It seemed the more she talked to me, the more of her composure she started to regain.

"That guy you arrested, he came up to me on the sidewalk that I was waiting on and asked if he could buy me a drink in the bar over there." she said as she pointed over at the cushy bar just two buildings down from where we were sitting. "I only ordered water, even though he kept urging me to drink alcohol. I didn't even get to finish before he dragged me out back to the ally. I could smell the alcohol on his breath the whole time. I was afraid to go with him knowing he was drunk, but I needed the money. When we got to the back, he started giving me love bites and was pulling on my hair, hard."

She stopped there. Even though she was gaining confidence in talking, every time she hit a tough spot in her story to put into words, she would stop, not wanting to put the actions into words.

"It's okay." I've said for probably the millionth time tonight.

She went on as she choked up on tears.

"I told him to stop multiple times, because he was going too rough and I wanted to back out. But he only got more rough. He then tried to pull my top down from one side, but he grabbed it really flimsy and the material is really thin, so he just started cursing. He got mad, and I was scared. That's when he pushed me down on a pile of garbage bags. I started screaming, and that's when he ripped my skirt and took off my underwear —"

Another pause.

She took a deep breath and went on.

"— and he used it to gag me. He took my arms and pinned them above my head. Since I was on top of garbage bags, it was too hard for me to regain my balance and fight back. That's when I saw the door open from behind him. I didn't see the face, but I knew for sure he was the bartender. He just stood there for about 10 seconds before going inside." she gulped as the tears slowed down, but were still falling. "I thought he just left me there as I got assaulted. The drunk man started to pull off my other boot."

Her voice finally cracked. She finally looked into my eyes. In her stare, I saw the lonely and frightened child inside her.

"I thought I was gonna be raped, Officer Y/N." she said, her voice barely a whisper. Her tears had now stopped as she looked forward at the flashing police car.

I followed her gaze to see the asshole screaming profanities at Jungkook from inside the back seat of the car. Jungkook was leaning on the car, rolling his eyes at the man's sad attempt to anger him into picking a fight with him. Knowing Jungkook, he was just amused at the man's extensively colorful vocabulary.

The other policemen were busy getting statements from the bartender that called the police and other people in the bar who saw the account before Jieun was pulled out.

"That's when I heard sirens coming down the street. He heard them and stopped kissing me and let go of my hands. I - I kicked him as hard as I could in his ... nether regions. And that's when you and the other officers arrived and tackled him." she finished.

She looked down at the pavement once more, her arms squeezing around her knees a little tighter than before. She proceeded to bury her wet chin between them.

"I just want to go home." she whispered. At the same time, one of the accompanying officers came over.

"Good evening, Miss, I'm Officer Dongwoo. Could you give us an address so we could drop you off at home?" Dongwoo asked. I rolled my eyes. Dongwoo was practically the last person who should be dropping off  this girl at home. He'd probably get hungry and stop at three different fast food restaurants before she got there.

"Um yeah." she replied. After she gave it to him, he ushered her to get in the car. She took about eight steps forward, stopping in front of the waiting vehicle p, before she turned around to stare straight at me. I was half shocked to see a smile evident on her tear streaked face.

"Thank you." She mouthed before ducking into the flashing black and white car, disappearing in a roar of speed and tire smoke.

I smiled as I walked back to Jungkook waiting for me at the car. He wasn't smiling back. I already knew why.

"Let me guess, Captain called and knowing this was a case way out of our league, said we should step off it and give it to officers who could handle it 'better' than us?" I asked.

He nodded, making me sigh in disappointment.

"Wow, at this point, I'm not even surprised." I say, stepping into the vehicle with the drunkard mumbling under his breath as he was probably talking about some unrelated and imaginary shit that he was thinking while being drunk off his ass:

"It seems like we'll never be able to climb up the totem pole." Jungkook sighed as we pulled out from the scene.

"Easy for you to say. Captain is starting to put you on more serious and better cases than me. You know sometimes I have to go on jobs with Seowoo?" I cringed.

That man clearly doesn't know what a shower is. He smells like garbage and doesn't know how to clean up anything. The last job I was with him on for a noise complaint, he dirtied the seat with Flaming Hots Cheeto dust. No wonder him and Dongwoo are usually partners, they both are just as filthy.

"Ew. I deeply apologize for scarring you like that." Jungkook cringed along with me.

"Yeah." I said.

I smiled to myself, remembering the smile that girl gave me before she left. I did feel good about helping her out. I just hope she learned something from this and her and her mother could get along when she got back home safely.

That's when the drunkard from behind started to speak.

"Any one of you got any *belch* scotch on you. Or maybe *belch* sake would do." He slurred hot and heavy next to my ear. The stink of dark beer and whiskey wafted up to my nose and almost made me gag from the stench.

"Dirty assholes like you don't get the privilege of  picking their choice of poison." Jungkook snarled at the idiot. He only sank back in his seat, cursing us out some more as he looked outside the window.

"Talking about beverages, I have some coffee with a double dose of espresso for you." Jungkook said, handing me the warm cup. I looked back at him, confused. He only kept looking forward at the road as he blushed lightly from my gaze.

"I know how many sleepless nights you have from filing all that stupid paperwork for useless and minimal casework, so I thought the least I could do was get you something to fuel you for a few extra hours." He said. I smiled, thankful that I had such a caring and considerate partner such as Jungkook to look after me.

We've been partners ever since graduating from the police academy and working at the station, since we both started at the same time.

I took a few gulps of the hot beverage before placing it down in the cup holder. He watched me drink it the whole time.

After moments of drinking it, I began to feel sleepy. I was confused, since I was pretty sure that he said it was coffee.

"Hey Jungkook, are you sure this is coffee?" I asked, turning to him.

"Yeah, it shouldn't be anything else, right?" He responded, still not taking his eyes off the road.

My eye lids started to feel heavy, and I let out a long and dragged out yawn.

"Jungkook, maybe you got something on the order wrong, man." I told him in a sleepy and yawn filled voice. We stopped at a red light.

"Dude, how are you going to tell me that—" But he got cut off by the man in the back.

"Hey guys —" his voice didn't show any sign of intoxication anymore. But it was wavering. As if he was ... scared?

"What! What do you possibly have to say now?" Jungkook exclaimed in irritation. But the man didn't respond with a slurred and stupid comment or bad words about us. I don't know why, but I sensed that maybe he was trying to warn us of something.

"It's coming! You need to hurry up and get us out here!" He yelled like a mad man. Now I'm starting to think maybe he was still drunk. If possible, even more drunk.

"Wow, are you possibly high, too?" Jungkook said, shaking his head.

The red light felt like it was staying on red forever. Especially since it was already 2 AM in the morning and the roads were practically empty. It was getting real weird as to how long the light was on red. So to pass the time, I glanced out the window.

But that's when I noticed it through heavy eyelids.

The bright flashing headlights coming from Jungkook's side of the car.

And it was coming straight to us. Full speed.

"Hey, Jungkook." I said, nudging him on the shoulder, still looking out the window. From the looks of it, it looked like a really large truck that was gaining acceleration by the second was coming straight at us. I knew by common sense, even just seeing the police car, it would eventually have to stop since the light went to yellow on the opposing side, meaning it had to brake and stop.

But the speed at which the truck was going, it didn't seem like it was stopping anytime soon.

"What is it, Y/N?" He asked me.

But soon the light had turned green, but before I knew it the truck was speeding towards us. And there was indication that it was gonna be stopping anytime soon.

Jungkook caught my gaze as he looked out at his side of the window.

"Oh shit." He breathed out with wide eyes.

"Let me out of here!" The man in the back screamed. He started banging his head against the divider separating us from him.

"Would you fucking stop that?!" Jungkook screamed at him.

"Jungkook, the truck isn't stopping. You need to go." I told him, seeing as the truck was speeding up, and our window of opportunity was closing up each second we wasted time by talking.

"Fine." But when he steps on the gas, the car stuttered, then just shut down. I look back at him confused as he starts to press down repeatedly down on the gas, and that's when he looks up in horrid realization.

"I didn't fill the car with gas." He says looking back at me.

"Are you fucking kidding me, Jungkook?!" I yelled in frustration.

"Get out the car." He said.

"What —"

"I said get out the god damn car! Now! We don't have much time!" He yelled at me as he hurriedly took off his seatbelt and stepped out the car.

I followed along as I hurried out of the dead vehicle. The sleepiness of the coffee was getting the best of me as I stumbled outside and was rubbing my eyes hoping that I could ebb the tiredness away.

I looked back at the drunkard still handcuffed in the back seat, yelling at us to help him out the car.

"What about him?" I asked Jungkook as I pointed at him.

"Forget him." He replied, calling in for someone to come get the car and drive us back.

"What?!" I exclaimed.

"Come on we need to —" but his voice was drowned out by loud blaring and bright lights folding our faces. We looked in the direction, only to see the blasting truck mere inches away from us.

From instinct, I felt myself get pushed out the way by Jungkook's strong arms.

"Jungkook!" I yelled out to him.

He looked back at me, running in my direction.

Everything started to move in slow motion.

I could hear the drunk man banging on the door of the police car to be let out

I could even hear his sobs as he begged

I heard Jungkook scream my name as he came closer to me

His heavy boots stopping against the pavement.

But above all else, I heard the blaring of the truck as it inched closer.

Sleep crawled underneath my eyelids, dragging them down over my irises.

I don't remember when the tears started to fall freely down my cheeks. I couldn't even feel them as I lost all feeling in my face.

The last thing I saw was Jungkook's boots as they hit one last step on the pavement.

That's when the wheels of the heavy vehicle came into view.

And then there was black.


i've been working on this story for awhile, but there was a dry spell in writing it and for some time, it was just sitting in my google drive collecting dust before I continued on it, now i came back to work on it and put it up.

it was part inspired by watching "Law and Order: SVU"  episodes on repeat all summer, so here's my gift to y'all!

hope y'all show it lots of love and enjoy!

(I said I would be putting this up @ 9, and I didn't upload until past 10. I'm so srry!)

Vote, comment, and share!

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