The End (Matt and Nash)

By lxuiswt

5.2K 165 38

What could go wrong two girls meeting 9 boys, or what could go right. Jess and Tatyana go to magcon to meet t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 26

75 4 0
By lxuiswt

Taty's POV

So exams were going great! Pretty easy nothing to worry about.... But no, one teacher decides to mess with all of us.

We all took our seats and the invidulator came into the room. "Alright guys so for your history exam there is no package you are going to be given a piece of loose leaf and you will write everything you know in paragraph form. That is all I'm allowed to say, good luck and you have 2 hours."

My jaw dropped. I looked over at Jess and she had the most terrified look on her face.

I looked at my sheet of blank paper and had no idea how to do this.

I looked at the kid sitting next to me and he had already written a paragraph.

I tried my best but u doubt I did well.

Jess's POV

I'm done. I'm failing history and now this. I'm screwed.

I tried to look at people's paper beside me. I had no idea what I was writing but I scribbled away for the whole two hours.

The bell rang and Taty and I litterally screamed! We are leaving for California in less that 24 hours.

We said our goodbyes to everyone and met up with Ally.

She drove us to my house and we all pack my stuff.

I had my huge hot pink suitcase and my purple JanSport.

I packed basically my entire summer wardrobe plus my hair heat tools, Toiletries, shoes. And I'm my backpack i had candy for the plane, my Mac, all my chargers a couple pairs of headphones, a notebook and my phone.

I brought all my stuff to my moms car cause she was driving us all to the airport so Ally didn't have to leave her car there.

Next we drove to Taty's house. She had a few last minute things to pack. And Ally was fully packed.

All we had to do was sleep and wake up bright and early and head to the airport.

For convenience the girls slept at my house.

***the next day***

Matt's POV

Today's the dayyy! I'm flying out to California to spent the summer with my one and only Jessica valentine.

My flight was at noon and it was only 9. I had tons of time.

I finished packing and made some breakfast. I spent the morning with my family since I wouldn't be seeing them for 2 and a half months.

At 11 my mom wanted to get to the airport so I had time to get threw security.

When we got there she said goodbye. She didn't come any further because we had become used to it.

I passed security and customs in like 30 minutes so I had another half hour to kill. I was just sitting around at my gate.

Jess's POV

We were on the plane! I was so jumpy it was crazy. The flight was about 5 hours so we had tons of time still.

I put my headphones in and just tried to doze off.

"All passengers please make sure your tray tables and seat belts are securely fastened. we are arriving into California in approximately 5 minutes."

I woke up to the sound of the pilot speaking.

We are here. We are finally here.

We were all pitching in to rent a huge beach house for the summer. It had 6 bedrooms and a huge kitchen and it just had everything. There was a privet beach and a pool and a hot tub!

We got a taxi and got to the house befor the guys. They said cam would be wre first since he was driving. It was 6 and cam said he'd be here at 6-6:10. So we just waited on the porch.

"Why hello ladies. Are y'all ready for the best summer!"

We whipped around and it was cam standing with the keys to the house dangling from his fingers.

We all waited with anticipation.

He unlocked the door and we ran to pick our room.

We settled in and we decided to just chill till Matt,Nash and right Taylor is coming too.

At round 7 there was a knock at the door. My heart stopped and I ran over.


Alrighty so this is were it starts! hope you liked this chapter :) and are still enjoying the book!

500+ reads!! thank you so much! I love everyone who reads this and votes it means so much

550 reads for the next chapter or 800 followers on twitter!

Twitter: _Espinossa_

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