Dreams and Disasters

De ZuzuSF

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A tripping tale of a young Girl who embarks upon layers of trouble in a struggle to find herself in time to s... Mais

Dreams and Disasters
The Ferry
Mystery Man
The Hotel
Matthew Cain
The Beach
The Hospital
Break-outs and Break-ups
Permission Un-Granted
Alpha Dream...
Back to Reality
Bye-Bye Blakes

Back to School

145 11 0
De ZuzuSF

Mum stood there; right before my very eyes. She looked directly at me but didn’t say a word. I couldn’t find it in myself to muster one myself. Her expression seemed as casual as the daylight, yet she looked so drained. Drained of everything; life, energy…                               It felt so painful to see her in such a horrid state, what’s worse is that I knew she could never become the once happy mum that I used to have. I reached out a frail hand for her, hopi- but my thoughts were cut short. All because of the sound of…

"Look familiar?" Aiden asked with a grin plastering his face. 

"Mum" I tried calling to her again, ignoring Aiden; but her face and her expression remained exactly the same, it was as though she didn’t even acknowledge my presence. But hey, this was my dream! 

"Oh, she can’t hear you, dim-wit"  

"Then what is she doing in my dream and what are you doing in my dream? AGAIN?!" 

"Well, I just thought I’d bring her here so you could see her, I expected you to be happy, maybe even let out some tears you know I like seeing people get emotional, it makes me feel like I actually accomplished something but you are obviously hard to impress" he answered sounding pleased with himself. That jerk! How was it so damn easy for him to get on my nerves? However, that wasn’t the thing that got to me. It was the sincerity in his voice- he’d bought her here for me. And only me. Wait- why was I thinking like that? This is just a dream.

Determined not to let him see me weak, I replied coldly, "You still haven’t answered my question properly. Why-Are-You-Here?” I said, breaking my sentence down in a patronising way, “And another thing, could you please take Mum away, I feel uncomfortable with her here, like this.”

"You do realise she can’t hear anything we are saying, this isn’t her real body, it’s just an image of what it looks like in reality. That’s how powerful a dream can be." He walked to Mum and tapped her on her shoulder and she suddenly disappeared. "And, about why I am here, hmm... I wanted you to beg for the answer but I guess I’ll just tell you seeing as I have nothing better to do. I have been appearing in your dream from the moment you were born but you were too young to understand anything and so your imagination wasn’t adjusting to me. Ever since you had that little issue with your Mum, there has been a lot of stress on your shoulder and when you are in that state of stress and depression, your thoughts become much more intense and deep and your imagination becomes a lot more creative. The more creative it is the better and clearer I will appear in your dreams." 

"Well I need to start thinking less creatively then" I mumbled in a childish manner, playing with my nails.

"Anyway, I have to go now, speak to you later" he left as soon as he said that and I woke up straight away with a sudden jolt striking through me. I checked the time on watch. ‘8:00 AM’I was going to be late for school. Not again!

I pulled myself off my bed and ran into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I went back to my room to get dressed and do my hair. 

"Caitlyn come downstairs, breakfast is ready" Dad shouted from the stairs. 

"Coming Dad, I’ll be down in five minutes" 

I tied my hair up into a loose ponytail and applied light make-up onto my face.  I’d never really been a fan of make-up too much.

I ran downstairs and saw Chase sitting in the kitchen eating a cheese sandwich.  

"It’s your first day and you're late" Chase spoke through mouthfuls, I cringed at the sight.  

"Yeah Caitlyn, why did you wake up so late?" Dad asked looking at me. Awkward. All eyes on me.

"Had a long dream" 

"Okay than," he replied sounding displeased with my answer "anyway, take this sandwich and run into the car, you're going to have to eat in the car" I took the sandwich and hopped into the car, Chase followed shortly and sat beside me.. Dad went to lock all of the doors and started driving the car. The house was completely empty because Macie had to leave really early to go university.

The car journey to school was only five minutes because we lived so close to school. Normally we would walk to school but today we were in a rush. 

"Bye kids" Dad shouted from the car and drove off. 

"Bye Dad" we shouted back. 

I wanted to drop Chase off to his class because I started feeling more over protective since our holiday; there was no way in hell that I would let him get hurt.

"Caitlyn, you can’t walk me to my class, my friends are going to laugh at me" Chase whined. I laughed at that, we were all the same. 

"Okay Chase I’ll go now, take care" I laughed back and turned round to walk to my class.

"Oh my gosh, Caitlyn, you're back" someone shouted from behind me. I turned around to see Alana and Yvaine my two best schoolmates running towards me and gripping me into a bear hug.  

"Caitlyn! How was your holiday?" Yvaine screetched 

"It was great" I lied forcing a fake smile. 

"Well, to make up for the days you missed, we have to go shopping after school" Alana included. 

"I don’t know, I'm going to have to ask if Tyra can come too" 

"Sure, why not" Alana answered. Alana and Yvaine knew Tyra because I used to bring her along with us whenever we went out. She got on really well with them, it was as if she came to this school as well.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Call her" Yvaine said  

"Okay, can I have your phone?" Yvaine handed me her phone and I started to dial Tyras number.  

"Hello?" Tyra answered 

"Hey its Caitlyn, Yvaine and Alana are asking if you'd like to come to the mall after school?" 

"Umm... I’m busy... I have to... help my Mum" Tyra answered more hesitantly than normal. She was trying to cover up something and it was so obvious. 

"Please come Tyra it won’t be fun without you' I grumbled, earning a pout from Alana and Yvaine.

"Sorry I have to go, Mums calling me downstairs, bye" 

"See ya" I hung up the phone and gave it back to Yvaine. 

"I’m guessing it’s a no" Alana said. 


"We can still go just the three of us, it'll wil

l be fun" she answered. 

"Oh.... fine" I gave in to their puppy dog faces. 

"The bell has gone get to lesson girls" A gloomy teacher interrupted our conversation and started pushing us to walk ahead. We had Maths lesson one, I hated maths but thank God Yvaine and Alana were in all of my lessons. 

We started to walk up the stairs and we eventually got to the top but with much difficulty because of the annoying kids who felt the need to park themselves a spot on the stairs.  

The classroom door was open so we luckily slipped in without Sir noticing. No one even knew his name so we kust called him Sir, he was a grumpy old man who hated kids but I never understood teachers like that, if they hated kids so much why did they become teachers?  

We sat at the back of the class so it Sir couldnt see us and shout for talking although he never shouted, he would juat sit on the computer all day and let us do whatever we wanted. 

Alana and Yvaine sat opposite me because the table was set out in groups. Alana had long wavy blonde hair and really small eyes, and Yvaine had long straight black hair.  

"Alright Cait, tell us all about your holiday" Alana giggled 

"Well, I went on a ferry, went to the beach and came back to London" 

"I meant proper detailed" 

"Detailed? Alright, I went to the ferry dock, met Tyra and her family, we boarded the ferry and got off at The Isle of Wight. We went to a hotel and went to the beach the next next day, than we came home."  

"Is that all you did?" Yvaine asked with a shocked expression. 

"It was a lot more than just that" I mumbled making sure they couldnt hear me.

A slightly awkward silence followed and we all stood there, thinking about- well everything really. And the

“Yes Sir” I answered

“Your headmaster would like to see you.”


A/N: Thanks to all of the readers who've carried on reading until now! Please fan and vote; you may know that I am entering this in the watty awards so I want as much votes as possible!! Please leave comments if you like it and how to improve. The next chapter will be uploaded after 60+ votes... please help me reach my targets!

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