Pushed Away

By elphiemenzel

52.1K 1.4K 185

Just read it I'm bad art descriptions. After cotillion, Evie begins to notice a lot has changed. People are p... More

Broken Dreams
Mood Change
Role Reversal
Let Me Go
He Knows
You Go, Or She Does
Coronation Pt 1
Ghosts of My Past
Torn Family

Coronation Pt 2

2.2K 77 8
By elphiemenzel

I watched as the limo with Evie drove off and I choked back my tears. I could cry after coronation. If I can last that long.
"Mal!" I heard Ben call and I jumped.
"Ben, hi.." I said awkwardly, he went to kiss me but I turned my head quickly.
"Come on your coronation is starting" he said and I smiled.
"Oh how am I doing?" I said and he rolled his eyes laughing.

After the coronation the party began. I was officially a princess, but I wasn't happy. Something, well someone, was missing. I declined Ben's offer to dance and he sat next to me.
"Alright, you won't kiss me, you won't eat, you won't dance. What's wrong." He asked and I shook my head putting on a fake smile, was this going to be my life, fake smiles and the distant memory of who I love.
"Nothing Ben I'm just a little tired." I said and he nodded.
"Well I'm going to get something to eat." He said standing up and walking away. I immediately dropped my smile and began playing with my dress. Thats when I realised this is the dress Evie made me. I felt a lump in the back of my throat and swallowed hard trying to get rid of it.
"Mal are you alright?" I heard Jay say and I looked up wiping my eyes.
"Uhh, yeah I'm fine." I said and he looked extremely disappointed.
"Mal." He said and I broke. He quickly pulled me away from the crowd and Carlos soon followed. Jay hugged me and rubbed my back.
"Mal, whats wrong?" Jay said. I sat down leaning against the wall and just cried. When I finally calmed down I was able to talk.
"It's.. Evie.." I said and they exchanged a look.
"What about Evie?" Carlos said and I shook my head.
"I... I... Need her.." I said realising for the first time who I truly wanted to be with.
"Mal, then what are you doing here?" Carlos said handing me his car keys. I looked up at the two of them and smiled.
"We'll cover for you, that's what family is for." Jay said winking. "Good luck Mal." He said and I rushed out the back door. I ran to Carlos' car and looked back to see Jay waving me off. I got in and pulled the note out from Evie that had her address. I entered it in the gos and began to drive.
I paid the taxi driver and got out of the car. I walked up to my door and went in locking the door behind me. I sat down with my back against the door resting my head back. I had hoped to see Jay and Carlos before I left but I couldn't stay, seeing Mal was to difficult. I stood up and walked upstairs to my room. I quickly changed into a comfortable sweatshirt and sweat pants. I grabbed my phone and walked back downstairs, I hadn't eaten anything so I called and ordered a pizza. A couple of minutes later there was a knock. I payed for the pizza and brought it over to my table. My phone buzzed but I ignored it I was to tired to care right now anyway. I flipped on the tv and turned on a random movie. I was about to sit down when there was a knock on my door, I got up and walked over to the door looking through the peephole. On the other side I saw someone I didn't exactly want to see. I opened the door.
"Hey Evie, I didn't see you at the coronation but I kinda was.. it's been a while.." Doug said awkwardly. I shrugged and stood there not letting him in, I was hoping he'd get the hint.
"Look Doug, nows not really a good time.." I said hearing my phone start to ringing. "Uhh.. hang on a second." I walked over and answered my phone, and at that point Doug had entered my house.
"Evie I'm on my way home, I'll be there soon." I heard Dizzy say and hang up. I clutched my phone in my hand and turned back to Doug who was now looking around.
"Like i was saying, not a great time, maybe you could come over another time and we can talk?" I said but he approached me and began to corner me. He reached out to take my hand but I pulled it away.
"Oh Evie, why can't you see that you belong with me." He said and pushed me against the wall. I pushed him back and stepped away.
"I'm not a child anymore Doug and I've told you before I don't like you that way." I said and opened the door pointing out, that's when I realised there was another person standing there, ready to knock.

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