Awesome Threesome

Por Mimilvly

29.9K 502 52

Celebrity couple Joey and Daniel have a bad breakup. Joey is crushed thinking Daniel cheated on him. Daniel i... Más

1. The Break-Up
2. Missing Each Other
3. A New Chance
4. Meeting the Macho Model
5. Missing Daniel
6. A Terrible Nightmare
7. A New Bonding
8. The Kiss
9. Love at First Sight
10. Pietro and Daniel Kiss
11. Joey's Family
12. Daniel in Danger
13. Daniel's Dark Past - I
14. Harvard Hottie
15. Daniel meets a Fan
16. Daniel's Dark Past - II
17. Daniel's Dark Past - III
18. Janiel - Tangled in Love
19. Daniel is Safe
20. The Breakup - Joey's POV
21. Janiel Goals
22. Pietro and Nick - Passion Unleashed
23. Will Joey and Daniel Meet?
24. Daniel and Joey's Family
25. Raging Joey
26. Daniel Meets Sean
27. Horny Pietro
28. Joey and Daniel - Alone in the Elevator
29. An Old Deal
30. Daniel Surprises Pietro
31. Was it a Mistake?
32. Janiel - First Meeting
33. Daniel Proposes to Joey
34. Janiel's Switzerland Trip
35. Janiel - Dancing under the Stars
36. A Heart Full of Love
37. A Heart full of Love - 2
38. Daniel Hits Pietro
39. Pietro is Trapped
40. It is Mine
41. I am Special
42. Janiel - Second Meeting
43. The Heart Want What it Wants
44. Heart Pain
45. Reaping Joey's Mistake
46. Daniel Meets Kiera
47. Joey wants Daniel Back
48. None Like You
49. Daniel's Dramatic Night
50. Green Hair
51. Daniel get's Worse
52. The Best Boyfriend in the World
53. Joey Saves Daniel
54. Joey is a Gem
55. Pietro Meets Joey
56. Joey and Pietro
57. Bleak Future
58. Joey Hurts Daniel
59. P's Mischief
60. Daniel's First Boyfriend
61. Lover's Tantrums
62. Desperate for Daniel
63. Joey's First Book
64. You are my Everything - Joey's Love
65. Montana Magic
66. I am Your Boyfriend - Joey's Love
67. Joey's Singing
68. Cry Baby
69. Joey and his Mother
70. I Want Him Back
71. Pietro's Project - Changing the World
72. Joey Kisses Pietro
73. Wolf's Cleverness
74. Misconception
76. Morrison's Master Plan
77. Joey's Miracle
78. Just Too Real

75. Only Me

174 5 2
Por Mimilvly

"Are there no hotels in London?" Joey asked looking at P sharply after a long pause. His hands were folded tight in front of him. His face was like a police officer interrogating a criminal. It seemed like the childish Joey had disappeared and a very strong man had emerged.

"There's no need to get this serious. Daniel loves you madly. We just sleep in the same room. We didn't even do it even once," P assured.

"Are there no other rooms in your house?" Joey asked in the same tone he used further.

"Oh come on. Don't get mad at me now. I am the good guy here," P patted Joey's thighs playfully.

"Are there no mirrors in your place?" Joey asked in the same tone again.

"What?" P asked confused.

"Have you ever looked at yourself? How can I be calm? I am competing with a WBFF champion for God's sake," Joey said mockingly.

"You are not competing with anybody," both Mr. Woods who just arrived and P said in unison.

"Do you know him?" Joey asked Mr. Woods surprisingly. He nodded a yes. "The tickets for the show. Did you give them? But why?" Joey asked confused.

"Daniel is sick. He misses you a lot. I thought meeting you will make him better," P said.

"Meet him? I saw him practically every single week ogling new boyfriends," Joey said irritated.

"Joey, just stop suspecting Daniel. He told me you lived like a hermit during your first breakup. He is doing the same now. I tell you again and again he is sick. We cannot leave him alone. That's why he is always with someone. Daniel thinks only about you. He loves only you. Everything you saw in Cobo was my set up," P took some time to explain the Cobo incident.

"P is interested in my pig. Great. Just great," Joey thought. "Why did you even save me? Let me die. You both deserve each other," he said.

"Joey, just think about Daniel for once instead of yourself," P said quite angrily.

"Think about Daniel?" Joey laughed, "I haven't done anything other than that for the past three years. What do you even know? You think I hurt him? He is the one who told me to get out. He is the one who said he only wants his Lucas. I was the one dumped," Joey shouted like a maniac.

"Just stop it Joey. You forgot all that in a fortnight didn't you? Otherwise you wouldn't have come to meet him in Soul that day. Hell, you went to Canada for him even now. What is really bothering you?" P asked. He went closer to Joey and took his hands within his. It was icy cold.

"God, it's so cool," P started rubbing it. Joey was touched. A third person is trying so hard to get them together.

"He just won't come with me P. I met him in the community hospital that day. I called him. He wasn't even angry. He acted so normal.........But he went away with Nick when I came back. He did not even turn towards my side....."Joey sobbed uncontrollably.

"You both did not meet that day or talk. I know for sure. I was there. Petar, Sean, everybody were there," P said.

"Joey, exactly when did you wake up? How did you sneak past all of us?" Mr. Woods interrogated sharply. Joey started explaining. Mr. Woods and P understood what should have happened.

"We were all busy for two minutes and fate played a cruel trick," Mr. Woods said.

"He won't remember anything after his blackout idiot. He is sick," P said.

"Daniel would not have known about your fight or breakup or anything when he woke up. And he would have forgotten meeting you completely and gone with Nick the second time," Mr. Woods explained.

"What do you mean blackout? I thought sick means cold or fever. London weather is unpredictable. Plus his exploits with boyfriends," Joey asked worried.

"There are no boyfriends. Only you. Just you," P shouted again.

"Excuse me? Can you tell me who all these men are?" Joey asked flashing some more pictures from his mobile.

P snatched the mobile from him. "Don't think he will tell you everything just because he lives with you. I lived with him for three years. I didn't know 90% of his activities," Joey said thinking about his parents and the costly things in his house.

"Joey, this is Ben, my tailor. This is Diego, he is a sports nutritionist. Daniel allows me to eat only as per his instructions," P said looking at the pictures sharply, "this is Sanders our apartment security. I promise I will make you meet them all when you come to London. This is his therapist. This is Dr. James," he crossed his eyebrows with concern.

"Who is this P?" Mr. Woods looking at the pictures with Pietro asked. There was a person in the background of every picture.

"I don't know. But, I am very sure I have seen him somewhere," he rubbed his forehead.

"Joey, all the people you saw with Daniel are my friends. Danny is very fragile. He gets terrible seizures. He gets untimely blackouts anytime like the one you saw that day. He fell on a burning stove one day. He blacked out once out during swimming. That's why Sean, I or someone always accompany him," Pietro explained.

"I can't believe any of this," Joey said still very grim.

"You saw him falling from the third floor with your own eyes. What more proof you want?" P shouted.

Mr. Woods touched his shoulder. He took his mobile and showed a video. Daniel's body was convulsing with seizures and he was shouting, "Joey I did not do anything. Believe me. Come to me please. Joey." Chris gave him a shot and he started sleeping. Mr. Woods fast forwarded the footage. Daniel woke up and gave a wild screech. "Who are you? Where is Joey?" he shouted at Nick.

"Dan relax, you are in Canada," Nick talked to him soothingly.

"Joey...." Daniel clutched his head and moved back in fear.

"Dan don't you remember this place? Our house is just across the street," Chris said opening the window.

" head hurts.....where is Joey? Who are you?" Daniel blacked out again.

Joey was watching everything. He was beyond shocked. Daniel did not recognize his own brother Chris. But, he remembered Joey.

"Mr. Woods how did you record this?" P asked surprised.

"I did not record this. This is from the hotel CCTV camera. I saw Shane getting something from  Daniel's hotel security. I wanted to know what it was. I gave him more money and said Shane wanted another copy. He gave it to me. I seriously thought, he will show it to Joey and try to patch them up," Mr. Woods said.

"And he told Joey, Nick was Morrison and they married. He is brilliant. He played a beautiful game," P said.

"P, that man in the photo, I think I saw him with Morrison during your championship competition. He was talking to Shane," Mr. Woods said.

"Yes. I remember now. He was with Mr. Morrison when I hit him. Damn. I should have broken his neck. Not his nose," P's face got red with anger.

"P," Joey called slowly. His hands were shaking.

"Mr. Woods, talk to Brandon. He should know more about him. Why the hell is he following Daniel?" P gave Brandon's number to Mr. Woods.

"P," Joey called again, "I want to see Daniel," he said finally.

Pietro, Joey and Mr. Woods were flying to London in P's brand new private jet. They were taking Wolf and Storm too with them. Joey was on P's lap crying profusely still. His back was shaking vigorously and attractive ass jolted rhythmically with is sobs. 

"Joey, stop crying," P said for the hundredth time, "I am going to rape you  if I continue to see you in this angle for five more minutes." 

"Just push me out of the plane. I don't deserve to live. I let my Danny suffer," Joey said sitting at last. 

"Yeah. You die here. Daniel will join you soon. Both can continue your love story in heaven," P said. He handed out a cup of tea to him. 

"P, Daniel did not pay for Lucas's treatment. He spent all the money only to buy things for our house," Joey said drinking the tea. 

"Yes. I know. Actually I sent Ethan there," P explained. 

"He did not have any contact with Lucas except for sending gifts to him. Ethan said he would have introduced me as his boyfriend proudly to him if that Lucas was not sick," Joey said again. 

"Yes. He actually did. Chris said Daniel will email Lucas all about you. I had his email linked to mine during the Ethan matter. See his sent mails. He had written an essay about you," P showed his laptop. 

Joey saw the mails. Daniel had emailed Lucas on the very first day they met at the bar, "Lucas, I found my soulmate today. You were so right. I just knew it in my bones when I saw him." Daniel had mailed him about every important instance in their life from their first date to breakup, patch ups, Swiz trip, Joey coloring his hair green everything. 

"Daniel did not cheat me. He did not use me for money. He did not go out with others. He did not think living with me was waste. And he is not married," Joey said. He was delighted. His Daniel was gold. He loved only him. 

"Of course he is not married idiot. How will he? The paramedics said it was a miracle your heart did not stop. How will it stop? It is with Daniel isn't it?" P joked. 

"That. Plus you kept giving CPR," Joey smiled. "I am the luckiest person on earth. This is the best day of my life. God! I am going to Danny," Joey closed his face with both his hands. 

"I am the shittiest, worst, most inconsiderate boyfriend ever. I never knew anything. Why did he choose me P? Why?"

"Why did you choose him instead of Shane? Some questions have no answers. Some people are just meant for each other," P rubbed his back lovingly. 

"He is never going to accept me again," Joey mumbled.   

"Fool. Chris said Lucas pushed Daniel out of the house one night without any reason. He just wanted Danny to hate him to the core and stay away from him. Did you read the letters? Daniel never wrote anything like You threw me out of the house. But, I am still fine."

"It is just I will always care for you. I am fine. I am in good hands. Don't worry about me. He couldn't hate anybody. I started respecting him a lot after reading this. You are his life. How will he say no to you?" P asked. 

The jet landed. "P, what's this place? It doesn't look like an airport," Joey said climbing down. 

"It is my apartment landing space," P said. 

"You are mighty rich for a model. Private jet, such a luxurious apartment. Personal tailor, sports nutritionist," Joey listed. He was taken aback when Sean bought his Lamborghini Veneno to pick them up. 

"Joey, it's all Nick. He ordered this jet after our last adventure in the flight," P said. 

"Does Daniel know we are coming?" Joey asked Sean. 

"He does. Nick told him P is bringing you. He did not believe," Sean said. They reached the ground floor. They got down to take the private elevator. 

"P, Sean, how do I look?" Joey asked. 

"As usual. Why?" 

"I need to clean up. At least wash my face. I need to get him something. A gift or bouquet or something," Joey said tensed. 

"Joey, there is a florist shop in this floor. There is a huge mall and exquisite gift shops too," Sean said. 

"I will go with him," Mr. Woods said. "Yes. You both go. I will buy something and come in five minutes," Joey said. 

P and Sean reached the apartment. P saw Daniel waiting at the doorstep eyeing the elevator eagerly. Storm and Wolf ran to him.  "Your boyfriend went to buy you a gift," Sean said. 

"Danny is getting sad. You waited this long. Can't you wait another five minutes?" P teased. 

"Did he come really? He is very egoistic," Daniel asked disbelievingly. 

"He came. Promise. Just wait five minutes," they both assured. 

Five minutes turned to ten and fifteen. Joey did not come even after half an hour. 

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