Grease 2

By Holly-60s

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The T Birds rule the school but the Pink Ladies rule the T Birds! More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 (Part 1)
Chapter 10 (Part 2)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 8

967 57 24
By Holly-60s


'So how did your date with Louis go on Friday?' Rhonda asks me, her voice sly.

'Eyes on the rode Rhonda,' I snap since she's paying more attention to me than her driving, and her driving is diabolical at the best of times.

'So how did it go, Johnny said you had the house all to yourselves?' Paulette adds, obviously desperate for the sordid details. I inhale on my cigarette.

'Actually Davey turned up.' And thank god he did, things were getting far too heated.

'He did what?' Paulette gasps. Wow she sounds indignant on Louis's behalf!

'Yeah we were only watching a movie, it was no big deal.'

'I bet Dimucci didn't think so,' Paulette laughs. 'There he is hoping to have sex with you and...'

'What?!' Obviously I know what Louis would liked to have happened but what does Paulette know about it?

'Oh come on, stop being coy with us, we all know what he was expecting.' I can feel myself starting to flush. There's the thing, if I ever did do it with him, everyone would know out about it, and I hate being talked about.

'I don't care what he's expecting, it isn't happening,' I say getting uptight.

'Lighten up Sharon,' Paulette says and I know she thinks I'm a total prude.

'Do what you want Paulette but I'm not gonna risk getting pregnant,' I tell her in my best haughty voice.

'Fine die a virgin,' she says and I roll my eyes. That's one thing she doesn't have to worry about!



I'm sat in biology. I was hoping we wouldn't do any work since Mr Spears is sick but they've got us a substitute teacher, Mr Stuart.

'Mr Jaworski?' Mr Stuart, says getting our attention. 'When is the best time of the month for a woman to conceive?'  He's doing that thing of asking the kids at the back of the class the questions cos he thinks we're not paying attention. He's right there, Johnny's got a playboy magazine in his work book and we're all more interested in that.

'What's conceive?' Davey stammers. I smirk at Johnny, after Friday night I'm glad he's squirming.

'To be fertile, when is the best time?'

'Ugh ask Nogerelli.'

'Ask Goose,' Johnny fires back.

'Mr Goose?' Mr Stuart doesn't know our names.

'Ask Dimucci.' I knew this was coming.

'What?' I say insolently.

'Conceive, when is the best time?'

'At night.' The back row laughs.

'I can see that we are not getting very far here.'

'I got the same problem,' I say to Johnny, loud enough that the whole class hears. I daren't look at Sharon, I know I'm gonna pay for this later. Mr Stuart goes back to the black board and starts drawing a diagram. I can feel Sharon's eyes on me and eventually I can't resist looking at her.

'What?' I say and she purses her lips.

'If it's a problem you're not getting very far go find someone else,' she hisses loud enough that Johnny and Goose hear. I groan, I knew this was coming.

'It was a joke babe.'

'Don't babe me,' she snaps getting all ratty.

'Must be the wrong time of the month,' Johnny laughs but I keep quiet, she's pissed off enough as it is.

'Hey,' Johnny suddenly shouts out. 'I gotta question.' Mr Stuart turns to him all pleased cos he thinks Johnny's taking the lesson seriously.

'Can a girl do that thing where she adds up the days of her mentalstration?' The girls around us are rolling their eyes and mocking Johnny but Mr Stuart tries to answer his question. By the time he's finished we're none the wiser and he's getting embarrassed. You can tell he's glad when the bell goes.



I was glad to get out of biology and go for lunch, it was getting a bit uncomfortable in there. I think I can live without knowing about a girl's reproductive cycle.

'Learn anything Steph?' Johnny says, still trying to get Stephanie's attention. Now if that'd been me I'd have left her alone. Why chase after a chick who's dumped you?

'Are you going to the canteen, we'll come with you?' Paulette says. Great so now I'll have to make nice with Sharon.

Dimucci sits next to Sharon so I sit opposite him, and next to Rhonda. I thought Goose might have sat with Rhonda but he's with Johnny at the next table, along with Paulette and Stephanie.

'How did it go with Goose and your mom and dad?' Sharon asks Rhonda. I'd forgotten all about it. Rhonda sighs and gives Goose a dirty look.

'Ok but he kept making these stupid jokes and now my dad thinks he's an idiot,' Rhonda admits. I'm not surprised.

'He was probably just nervous,' Sharon says being unusually reasonable.

'I know but I'd told him to be sensible.' Rhonda sounds annoyed but she knows Goose goofs around so what was she expecting? I was about to defend Goose but Sharon was talking again.

'Louis stop touching me!' I bet she's pissed off about his crack in biology, she has no sense of humour.

'I'm not,' he says pulling a face at me.

'Your hand is on my knee.' She sounds like she's telling off a child.

'Is it?'

'Yes it is,' she says but I can see she's trying not to smile. Urgh, I don't get all this game playing. So she's pretending she's mad but really she isn't, she obviously likes Dimucci fawning all over her. I try to tune her out, and turn my attention to the other table.

'So when are you taking me out again?' Paulette asks Johnny and he starts to stutter.

'I guess we'll all be going bowling this Friday?' He looks at us desperately.

'Sure Johnny,' I say, and Goose joins in, helping get Johnny off the hook with Paulette.

'You chicks will be coming right?' Johnny says, his comment aimed at Steph. Paulette pouts.

'Yeah,' Steph says.

'Prepare yourself for another beating,' Johnny laughs.

'If you didn't make the rules up as you go along it'd be a different story.' She's right there.

'Actually, we should have boy-girl teams,' Paulette suggests, and I think Johnny's gonna disagree but then he looks at Steph again.

'That might not be a bad idea,' he says and Paulette's pleased but I think Johnny has something else on his mind.


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