Grease 2


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The T Birds rule the school but the Pink Ladies rule the T Birds! Еще

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 (Part 1)
Chapter 10 (Part 2)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 5

1.4K 62 30


'Now that is why we're going to enter this talent contest,' Johnny tells us as he looks at a poster advertising the talent contest, or more specifically the prize. 'One hundred long playing albums.' I look at Goose and Dimucci and can see they are as dubious as I am. T birds entering a talent show?

'But Johnny we got zero talent,' I point out. Since I'm the smallest I can get away with saying stuff like this cos Johnny doesn't see me as a threat to his leadership.

'He's got a point, Johnny.' Dimucci backs me up, and Goose is nodding.

'We've got more chance of winning than anyone else,' Johnny says adjusting his collar.

'Johnny we gotta have an act,' I point out.

'Cool, we'll get one.' Inwardly I groan, I guess Johnny will just have to realise in his own time that we're not cut out for this. The other kids that'll enter, they'll be members of the drama club and all that shit. Stuff we're too cool for.

'I want those Roy Orbison records,' Goose suddenly announces perking up.

'You'll get them,' Johnny assures him, getting his right-hand man onside. I look at Dimucci, it'll be down to us to make Johnny see sense but he doesn't say a word. Jeez, it looks like we're actually gonna enter.....



'You really wanna do this?' Steph says while we eat our lunch. 'It's a talent contest.'

'But Sharon has a piece we can perform, and I bet we get to be on TV,' Rhonda says. I'm not sure where she's got that idea from.

'It'll take a lot of work to learn the piece,' I say trying to temper Rhonda's enthusiasm. 'We spent months on it back when I did performance classes.' I'm beginning to regret mentioning it, I can't see any of the pink ladies putting in the effort that would be needed to recreate the act.

'But you can show us what to do, you already know,' Paulette says, and I roll my eyes thinking Paulette'll be the last person who'll put the effort in.

'I guess you guys really wanna do it,' Steph says taking a bite of her sandwich. 'Well so long as Sharon organises it.' They all look at me expectantly, and I'm not sure I want to do it. I never much liked public performances. And we're supposed to be pink ladies, if we do this everyone will expect us to put quite the show on, and if we fail....ahh I don't want to do it!

'Fine I'll organise but you've all gotta do what I say.' I wave my cigarette holder at them to emphasise the point. We're in school so I don't actually have a cigarette in it but it freaks the teachers out.

'Well you can't be bossing us around,' Paulette says pouting.

'Look, if we do this, we do it properly or I won't do it at all.' I put on my best strict voice, sounding like my mother. God, she'll probably come watch, if we do badly I'll never hear the end of it.

'You're such a pain Sharon,' Rhonda says.

'I don't know how Dimucci puts up with you,' Paulette adds.

'Neither do I,' I say. 'But if I figure it out I'll let you know, you might be able to try it with Johnny.' I tilt my head, smiling at her.

'I don't need advice where Johnny's concerned,' she says fluffing her hair.

'Yeah It's working out really well for you isn't it?' I say sarcastically. She scowls at me but she can't think of a come back after the scene at the Bowlarama. The T birds saunter over.

'Hi Johnny,' Paulette cooes, her cheeks turning red. Hello, didn't he just humiliate you? Johnny barely acknowledges her but she sits there making eyes at him, kinda like a cow. I giggle.

'What's so funny?' Louis asks sitting down next to me. I shuffle closer to him, and he puts his arms around me.

'Nothing,' I say giving Paulette a side long look and he smirks. Paulette's now trying to get Johnny to talk to her but she's barely getting grunts in reply. She's a cow and he's a pig!

'So we're gonna enter the talent contest, do you think we'll do well?' she asks him, her eyes boring into him.

'Yeah, sure,' he says looking at Stephanie who is more interested in her sandwich than him.

'You guys as well?' Davey asks. 'So are we.' I look at Louis and he shrugs, I guess he's not happy about it.

'Oh Johnny you'll be so cool,' Paulette says sighing. Could she be any more of a creep?

'Actually Louis, there's something I might need your help with.' I look up at him giving him my best seductive look. He leans closer, his face inches from mine.

'And what's that?' I kiss him slowly, my lips lingering on his.

'Oh just a little something with the talent show.' I kiss him again, lightly biting his bottom lip, forgetting we have an audience.

'Right,' he says slowly, no doubt disappointed. 'You'd better make it worth my while then.' I look up at him, running my tongue over my lips and he can't look anywhere else.

'Oh I'll make it worth your while,' I say teasing him as he pulls me closer. I place my hand on his leg, my eyes meeting his.

'You'd better,' he says his voice catching, and I can see Paulette watching us, and boy does she look jealous. I pull a face at her thinking if she didn't make herself so available for Johnny maybe he'd be a bit more interested. She doesn't exactly make it a challenge for him.

'Jeez you guys should get a room,' she snaps drawing everyone's attention to us. I feel my cheeks start to flush but Louis laughs at her.

'Yeah, don't I wish,' he says, pulling me closer to him. The guys all laugh but I feel extremely uncomfortable. I think I'm getting in over my head here....

Thanks for reading, votes/comments welcome :)

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