Rosalie (Previously His Rose)

By Armouroza

306K 2.2K 1.5K

She needed protection. He needed her in order to gain more power. Meet Rosalie a 22 year old Italian woman on... More

Cast List
Chapter 1 - You Again.
Chapter 2 - Decisions.
Chapter 3 - Untraditional.
Chapter 4 - Exiled.
Chapter 5 - Chip off the ol'block.
Chapter 6 - Truce
Chapter 8 - Too Hot To Handle

Chapter 7 - Rose Tinted

6.5K 216 67
By Armouroza

Cole's P.O.V -

Something startled me awake at the crack of dawn. I turned to look beside me and realised what had woken me. Rosalie... she was shivering, tossing and turning, mumbling something incoherent, with the blanket completely off her body. It sounded like she was having a nightmare. Without thinking I pulled her small frame into mine and wrapped the blanket around both of us and within seconds she was calm, sleeping like a baby.

I smiled watching her sleep for a while until I realised how creepy I must have looked and got out of bed immediately. That woman is really something, but every time I look at her I'm reminded of what her father took from me. I know it's not her fault, she's so beautiful and innocent in all of this. She doesn't deserve any of this, but I can't let myself feel too much towards her. I refused to let anyone in ever again, because only when you love do you open yourself up to a world of pain.

As I headed down stairs to start my day I sent a quick text to my men to let them know the plan for today. Once Rosalie wakes, we will head to Drea's and locate her father Stefan. Then I will give my guy the details and the okay to infiltrate. That bastard won't know what hit him! The things I'm going to do to him once I get the council's blessing, well to be perfectly honest I could give a f*ck whether I have their blessing or not, one way or another he is a dead man.

"Well hello there handsome, you're up early," a high pitched voice chirped behind me.

"Lindsay, good morning," I replied with no interest in starting a conversation.

She smirked at me, flipping her long red hair over her shoulder, "I hear a certain hoe is off the streets..."

"What the f*ck are you on about?"

"You got married!" she shrieked, "and what you weren't going to tell me? I was just supposed to find out, by you not bending me over everything anymore!?"

I took a step closer to her and immediately felt her whimper under my gaze, "what you think just because I f*cked you a few times that I'm in love with you!? I told you I'm not interested in that with you and you said that was fine, so what you're a lair now?"

A tear streamed down her face and I felt bad immediately, but I couldn't let her know that. I had to get rid of her once and for all.

"I was only okay with it because you told me that you'd never fall in love! That what we had was the best it was going to get so I just accepted it! Now you're all loved up and married to the woman who's father is responsible for your parents death? How am I supposed to be okay with that?"

"I don't care how you come to terms with it, because you will have to just deal with it! I'm happily married so if you'll excuse me I'd like to get back to my wife now," I snapped.

She eyed me for a moment before speaking, "no... something isn't right here and I'm going to figure it out. There's no way you've found the love of your life and become a completely different person over night! I'm on to you Cole," she glared at me before storming out of the room.

For f*cks sake, yet another problem I will just have to add to the list! I shouldn't have slept with her, this is all on me. Sighing I started making coffee for myself and Rosalie. I know the lack of action on my part is making her anxious and I want to help ease some of that anxiety today. I finished in the kitchen and made my way back upstairs to where Rosa was still fast asleep. Nudging her awake I chuckled at her confused face, she's so cute in the morning.

"It's six in the morning Cole, what the hell," she groaned before sitting up.

I handed the coffee to her and smiled before heading over to the curtains and reefing them open. She hissed and tried covering her eyes with the blanket but I reefed that off next.

"Come on get up! You loved complaining to me yesterday about how I've done nothing, well now I'm getting proactive," I teased, watching her grumpy little face turn into a small smile.

She chugged the coffee down in a second and jumped out of bed, "okay but I get first shower!" she announced sprinting for the bathroom.

I laughed and went to leave to room when my phone rang, "yes?" I answered.

"Boss, you've gotta get down here shìts crazy. The whole place just went up in flames!" one of my men informed me.

"F*ck sake, was anyone inside?"

"I don't know, I hope not because there is no way they survived."

"F*ck!!! I'm on my way, I hope you called the fire brigade first."


"Idiot!" I yelled before ending the call.

Shìt! One of my warehouses had been hit. There goes millions of dollars worth of weapons and ammunition, this is really going to set my business back months. Who the f*ck would do something so stupid? This was an act of war, and I'm curious to know how they found my warehouse in the first place. I had a feeling there's a rat lurking close to me, too many unexplained coincidences and accidents lately.

"Rosalie!" I called out.

The bathroom door opened and she walked out wrapped in a towel, a sweet fruity scent filled my nose as she walked past me into the closet, which I found irresistible.

"What's up?" she called from inside the wardrobe.

"One of my warehouses has been burned down, I need to go assess the damage and deal with that. So we will have to see Drea a bit later unfortunately."

"Oh my god, why would that happen?"

I sighed "I think someone did it on purpose, I lost millions Rosa, this is going to f*ck me up for at least a month before I can do anything to retaliate."

She walked out of the closet wearing the tightest jeans I've ever seen with a black sweater to match, I lost my train of thought for a second shamelessly checking her out.

"You don't think my father had anything to do with it do you?" she gasped.

"I think there's a fat chance."

I caught her expression change from surprise to sadness. She looked up at me with guilt written all over her face.

"Cole I'm so sorry, all the pain and drama my family has brought into your life is unforgivable, that's why you helping me means so much, you could easily turn me away and you probably should. But you haven't and I will be forever grateful to you even though you're a massive pain in my ass," she giggled.

"Hey!" I laughed.

"We are going to make them pay, I swear it!"

Something came over me right then, a sense of relief like I wasn't in this alone. It was strange but in that moment when I looked at her, I didn't see her father brutally murdering my parents in front of me. I just saw her, standing before me with all her beauty nearly knocking the wind out of me. I had always known she was attractive but right here, right now I was not looking at her through tainted lenses and I thought she was the most beautiful woman I'd ever laid eyes on.

Before I could stop myself I closed the gap between us pinning her to the wall. She gasped and stared at me with anticipation, awaiting my next move. I smirked and leaned in closer to her face, hovering my lips above hers ever so slightly. She stared into my eyes with a look of lust but also confusion. I had no idea what I was doing, I shouldn't get close to her but I couldn't help it, there had always been something about Rosalie that pulled me in.

"What are you waiting for?" she whispered.

With that one little question I was happy to risk ruining everything...

Authors Note:

Hey lovelies! 🌹

How did you like this chapter? Leave me a comment down below!

Till next time.


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