Pyrrha Nikos x male reader: A...

By Shadow_Eureka

78.6K 710 458

Well fellow readers, Pyrrha won the voting pole in my Blake story, so here it is. And in this one I will not... More

Semblance, outfit, and weapon
Chapter 1: The Warriors meet and Beacon Academy
Chapter 2: Training
Chapter 3: A step closer
Chapter 4: Hanging out with Pyrrha
Chapter 5: The Mission and the awakening
Chapter 6: Avenging the family
Final Chapter: The confession
Bonus Chapter: True Warriors Love (Lemon)

Prologue: Another Warrior rises

17.9K 115 129
By Shadow_Eureka

(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers. Here is the prologue to this story, and if you don't read the description, here is the story:

This will not have the childhood friend aspect like I did in my Yang, Weiss, and Blake stories you (the reader) will just meet Pyrrha. And in this story there will be a legend that I thought of a power that the reader (you) will possess,

Now with all that said, let the reading begin.)

Long ago, the world of Remnant was close to destruction that they was not prepared for. There was no hope in surviving the attack and will face death and extinction. But, one person with extraordinary power was able to fight the threat and save Remnant.

Then, the power was moved on to another, man or woman and they used the power to protect the innocent and never using it for evil. After years of conflict, the warrior with the power is known as  Absolent Ascension. The power is activated by ones heart full of courage, bravery, and love for the ones important to them. And after those conflicts, no one that was born was able to have this power for years.

Until Now........

3rd P.O.V

9 years ago

"(Y/N) (L/N), the son of Alec (L/N) was an extraordinary kid, his generosity has earned respects of others and his family was respected by everyone that no one despised them. But, until the White Fang was formed, the family didn't know that they was gonna be a target until one faithful night. (Y/N) was run through the forest with his older sister Mia running from the White Fang. They was going to the city to hide from them.........

Mia: "Keep running (Y/N). Don't look back."

(Y/N): "Okay."

.......they was running from the White Fang and as they make it to an open field, then a White Fang mech came outta nowhere and knocked them down only for (Y/N) to be knocked unconscious.......

Mia: "(Y/N)? (Y/N) wake up."

.......then the Mech was moving close to them and Mia prepares to fight to defend her brother. She rushes at the mech and delivers strikes that only damage it, but not completely. Then they mech shot a rifle from its arm and it shot through her abdomen and she screams in pain and goes on one knee......

White Fang 'in mech': "Listen girl, you better give up or you'll suffer the same fate as your parents."


.......she rushes at him and stabs her weapon in his cockpit stabbing his shoulder and he grabs her and he squeezes her making her scream in pain, then he shoot another round into her chest and he throws her and at the same time (Y/N) wakes up........

(Y/N) P.O.V

(Y/N): "What happened?"

.........then he hears thudding sounds and metal hitting the ground even the sound of grunting, and he turns around to see his sister on the ground bleeding and he runs to her.......

(Y/N): "Mia."

Mia: "(Y/N), are you okay?"

(Y/N): "Yeah."

Mia: "I'm so......happy...."

.......her eyes closed and her breathing stopped and (Y/N) realized what happened........

(Y/N): "No. Please don't die."

.......he starts crying seeing his sister on the ground dead and he got angry that a certain power was breaking out his body........

(A/N: Music starts here.)

(Y/N): " Mia, please......"

.......then (F/C) aura surrounded his body and as he starts to cry he feels the power coursing through his body and that's when he felt the true power in his body........

(Y/N): "AAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH." he cries out his aura then starts to spike outta control and it powers in an extent that it shot straight up in the sky start to go through the clouds and caused the weather to go outta control and his cries was heard from miles away and what the White Fang soldier in the mech saw frightened him, and (Y/N) looked at the White Fang mech with his (H/C) hair changed to (F/C). And his (E/C) changed to (S/F/C) and he is terrified completely........

White Fang 'in mech': "His semblance unlocked at that age, how is this possible? It's impossible."

(Y/N): "You killed my sister, my only sister. The one person that was more close to me in my family. And you killed her. I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU AND THE WHITE FANG. NEVER."

.......his hand starts glowing and he does a pose that makes an aura like blast attack come from his hand and it goes to the mech and he summoned a shield to try and stop it, only for it to break and it strikes the mech and it was pushed back with the parts broken off and blowing up completely. And it sent shockwaves of energy that it caused the trees to shake outta control..........

(Y/N): "Mia."

........he then felt the power rush in him again that his aura once again shot to the sky and his scream was once again heard that the rest of the White Fang soldiers that attacked his family ran and the ground under him started to crack and broke, then with too much he gave off his hair and eyes went back to their original color and he passes out......

(A/N: If the music is still going, end it here.)

Time skip-3 days

........(Y/N) woke up and he suddenly is in a bed and he looks around to see that he's in a room he never seen before and he rubs his head and he hears the door open to show a man walking in........

????: "Oh, you're awake."

(Y/N): "Where am I?"

????: "You're in my house. You was unconscious for three days, so I brought you here."

(Y/N): "Three days. *eyes wide open, then starts to cry* Mom, Dad, Mia."

????: "It's hard after the loss of your family. I'm sorry for your loss."

(Y/N): "Who are you?"

Ozpin: "My name is Opzin. And I'm a close friend to your family. I'm gonna take care of you."

(Y/N): "You would do that for me?"

Ozpin: "Yes. And I'm gonna train you until you get the use of your semblance. I won't let anything happen to you, I promise."

(Y/N): "Thank you."

........Ozpin kept his word and took care of him, and he did train him where he was able to unlock his semblance, but it's not like the similar power he unlocked when he destroyed the White Fang mech. But, Ozpin knew the power he unlocked after witnessing the death of his sister.........

8 years later

Pyrrha P.O.V

......Beacon Academy, a great school for students to become huntsmen and huntresses, and one in particular is achieving that goal. Pyrrha Nikos, a talented fighter is in the Emerald Forest with her team JNPR and Team RWBY. They was assigned to check for Grimm activity and for hours they haven't found any.......

Jaune: "We've been walking for hours and haven't found any Grimm. This is going nowhere."

Weiss: "For once I agree with Jaune."

Ren: "Grimm could ambush anytime so we still have to search."

Ruby: "I just want to het this over with."

Pyrrh: "How about we look some more and if we can't find any Grimm we can tell Ozpin that we haven't found any?"

Blake: "That seems reasonable."

.......they continue their walk then, as they do they hear rustling and they look to see a pack of Beowolves and Ursas come out and they get ready to fight. They charge at the Grimm and they dispersed the Beowolves and Ursas and they see that no more are around........

Jaune: "Is that all of them?"

Yang: "I think so."

.......then a Alpha Ursa came out and roars in anger.......

Weiss: "Oh great, an Alpha."

Jaune: "Aw no." charges at them, then they fight and Yang was delivering punches to it and it staggers back only for Yang to be knocked back and was knocked into Nora, then Ren and Blake runs in and attacks it only to be knocked back as well. Then Ruby and Weiss attacks it and they get knocked down and the Ursa was gonna strike Ruby until Pyrrha stopped it and attacks it, but she too was knocked down and her weapons flew out her hand and they Ursa walks to her........

Jaune: "Pyrrha."

......the Ursa was gonna strike her and she closes her eyes for the impact until she heard a punching like sound and she looks to see the Ursa being launched back acouple of feet and she looks in front of her to see a guy she never met before. He slowly turned around and she saw his (E/C) eyes and she sees him turn around and look at the Ursa."

Pyrrha: (Who are you?)

To be continued......

(A/N: Well that's the end of this prologue, if you enjoyed this let me know. And in the next chapter I'm gonna tell you what you'll be wearing and what your weapon is and what semblance you will have in this story,

Now with all that said, see y'all next time.)

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