Family Ties (BOOK V)

By daexstories

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secrets, lies, and FAMILY TIES.. More

Hey you guys
37.5- flashbacks
Author Info Challenge ๐Ÿ’“


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By daexstories

"You ready?"Amaru asked, as he tied up his shoes.

"As ready as I'm going to get."Damita sighed, pulling her phone off of the charger.

"You know you don't have to go through with this if you don't want to. I completely understand if you." Amaru said in a comforting voice.

"I know, I've made my decision though. We can keep the baby." Damita said in a voice that made Amaru feel as if she was unsure. He nodded his head and grabbed her keys off of their dresser.

"You want me to drive?" Amaru asked and she nodded her head, telling him she wanted him to drive. They walked out to the car and he started to drive. For most of the ride, Damita only spoke few words. She was thinking, she had an uneasy feeling about her doctors appointment today.

"You alright, baby?"Amaru asked as he opened the door for her. "I'm fine babe, just a little nervous." She replied, grabbing his hand as they walked into Dr.Anderson's building. After all these years she was still in the same place.

They had gotten there right in time, so Damita was taken straight back. Dr.Anderson was very happy to see them.

"Well if it isn't my favorite couple. I knew I'd see you guys back in her someday."She smiled, making them both laugh.

"Hey, you know I can't keep my hands off her." Amaru smirked and looked at his wife.

"Oh I know."Dr.Anderson laughed as she set up her equipment.

"So, Damita, before we get started do you have any questions or concerns?"Dr.Anderson asked as Damita raised up her shirt.

"Well, I don't really feel pregnant. I know I just found out, but I'll usually notice by now. Also, I've been doing some things that a pregnant women shouldn't be doing." Damita sighed and Dr.Anderson nodded her head.

"Alright, well let's take a look."She replied, squeezing the gel onto Damita's stomach.

Her and Amaru nervously looked up the screen, anxious to what she'd say.

"So, you're about five weeks. As you can see, your baby is very small."Dr.Anderson said, pointing at the screen. "The Baby is just a little underdeveloped, but that's normal for your age group and it's still early."

"Is the baby okay though? She's going to be fine right?"Amaru asked, nervously.

"It's a bit too early to tell, honestly. The pregnancy can go either way."Dr.Anderson replied. "I'm going to refer you to my friend, Dr.Robinson. She's a fertility specialist."

"What can she do for me?" Damita asked,worriedly.

"I'll have her give you this treatment that will help with the development of your baby. I'm also going to need you to gets lots of rest Damita."She explained and Damita nodded her head. "So as of right now, until your next appointment with me, you're on bedrest."

"Yes ma'am." Damita replied with a small sigh.

"I'm going to go give Dr.Robinson a call and let you know when she could see you. Stay put."Dr.Anderson instructed before walking out of the room.

Amaru stood up and sat down at the edge of the bed. "I'm going to take very good care of you for the next nine months. You won't be lifting a finger."He smiled and placed a soft kiss on her stomach.

She sighed and bit down her lip to hold the tears that were trying to burst through her eyes. "Amaru, I'm scared."she took a deep breath and started to cry. He knew she was serious because she never called him by his name.

"Babygirl."He started and grabbed her hand, looking directly into her eyes. "I'm telling you,everything is going to be okay. Don't stress yourself out."

"I'm sure everything will be fine and even if it isn't, we will be fine."He kissed her forehead and wiped her face. "I'm going to make sure you have nothing to worry about."

Dr.Anderson entered the room once again and handed a couple of papers to Amaru. "She said that she could see you now, the address is at the top. When you get there, just give them those papers when you check in and they should take you straight back."Dr.Anderson informed them.

"Thank you for your help, Dr.Anderson."Damita smiled weakly and climbed off of the doctors bed.

"No problem, I also scheduled you a follow up appointment in 3 weeks. To make sure everything looks good."

"We'll Be here."Amaru smiled and they walked out of the room.

"Did you talk to Amari today?" Amaru asked as they walked out of the building.

"Yeah." Damita replied. "I told her happy birthday when I woke up."

"I can't believe our baby is 21. I feel so old." Damita chuckled, looking down at her phone. She was making a post on Facebook to honor her babies special day.

"What is she doing?" Amaru asked, as he climbed into the drivers seat.

"She's having a dinner at this lounge in West Hollywood. I told her I'd pay for it."She explained, still typing in her phone. "She wants us to go, but I'm not really in the mood. I don't want to be a buzz kill."

"You might just need a nap and some food baby. Plus, this is your last hoorah cuz you ain't going anywhere else."Amaru chuckled and grabbed her hand then kissed it. "Better break that laptop out, because you're not going to work either. I'll take Amaru and Aaliyah to school too."

"I don't think I can be stressed out by driving, Amaru. It's not that deep."She replied, rolling her eyes.

"Damita, What part of bed rest don't you understand?" Amaru asked raising his voice a bit and Damita rolled her eyes.

"Roll them again." Amaru chuckled and she ignored him, continuing to play on her phone.

He shook his head at her sudden annoyance and continued to drive her to the doctor.

Once they arrived to the doctor, Amaru got out and opened the door for Damita. She grabbed his hand as if she didn't just have an attitude with him seconds before.

"I hope this doesn't hurt." Damita sighed and put her head on his shoulder.

"I'm sure it won't, but if it does I'll hold your hand the whole time."He replied and kissed her cheek.

They walked in and handed the check in desk the papers that Dr.Anderson gave them. She sent them to the back and got them settled in a room.

Damita sat down in the bed and Amaru stood in front of her. He wrapped his arms around her and started to kiss her lips. "You're nervous. I can feel it."He whispered and kissed her lips once again. "Calm down, Baby."

"Ooh ok, I hope I'm not interrupting anything."Dr.Robinson joked, breaking up their romantic moment.

"Sorry about that." Damita giggled and Amaru backed away from her. "My husband and I are very affectionate."

"Oh, don't worry about it. I'm only joking Dr.Anderson already told me about you guys."Dr.Robinson chuckled and waved them off. "Are you ready to get started?"

"Definitely." Damita smiled and Amaru sat down in a chair across from her.

"Alright, So Dr.Anderson sent me a couple of your ultrasounds. Your baby is very underdeveloped as of now, but we're going to save him or her today."She explained with a smile.

"So first we're going to do a vaginal ultrasound to get a closer look at the baby. Just to get a closer look at what we're dealing with. I'll leave the room, so that you can get undressed."Dr.Robinson instructed and Damita nodded her head.

She left the room and Damita stood up to pull off her pants and underwear. "This is the part I don't like." Damita sighed and laid back down, pulling the sheet over her bottom half.

"It hurts?" Amaru asked.

"It doesn't hurt, it's just uncomfortable." She sighed and waited for Dr.Robinson to return.

"You need me to hold your hand?Amaru asked.

"I just need you to help me relax. It only hurts if I'm not relaxed." She sighed and he rubbed on her had.

"You all set?"Dr.Robinson asked walking back into the room.

"Yeah. I'm ready."Damita sighed and put her feet in the stirrups.

Dr.Robinson sat down and turned on her machine to get everything ready.

"Damn. What you doing with that?"Amaru asked, making Dr.Robinson laugh. "I feel like she cheating on me."He laughed.

"Baby, shut up." Damita chuckled.

"Alright Damita, I need you to relax. You can close your eyes if you need to." She coached Damita as she put the utensil where it needed to go.  Damita closed her eyes for a short time, before or opening them to look at the screen.

"Alright. Here is your baby baby."Dr.Robinson pointed at the screen. "The baby is a bit smaller than it should be, but it's a little to early to tell if the fetus is just underdeveloped or positioned wrong." She explained.

"When will you be able to tell? Dr.Anderson said that it was normal for things to be a bit slower because of her age. She's been pregnant before, why are things different now?"Amaru asked with much concern for his wife.

"Well, Mr.Shakur Damita's body is different now. It's much more sensitive than probably was before. Also, from the notes I've seen pregnancy was already a bit tough for her. So now that she's older, things will be a bit more difficult." She explained and Amaru nodded his head.

"Is he always this concerned? I find that so cute."Dr.Robinson chuckled.

"Always." Damita giggled.

"I have to be concerned so that I can know how to take care of my baby."Amaru smiled.

"As of now Damita, the treatment will not be needed. Just take your vitamins, and get lots of rest. Come back to see me in 2 weeks. If the baby hasn't grown by then, that's when we'll worry."She continued, turning off her machine.

"If you don't have anymore questions or concerns you can put your clothes back on."

"I have one question." Damita, wrinkled her nose.

"Ok, go." She chuckled.

"Sex is fine right? It won't make things harder right?" Damita asked as if she was nervous to ask the question.

"Yes ma'am. Sex is fine. You can treat this just like a regular pregnancy. There's really nothing to worry about."Dr.Robinson laughed.

"Ok,no further questions. I mean that's it."Damita laughed and she walked out.

"Somebody's horny." Amaru chuckled as she got up to put on her clothes.

"I wonder why." Damita replied with an attitude. "You be playing too much."

"If you act right, I'll give you some tonight."He laughed and kissed her on the cheek.

"Fuck that. I'm getting some tonight whether you like it or not."She laughed and zipped up her pants.

"Says who?" Amaru laughed as they walked out of the door.

"Says me. It's mine, I can get on it whenever I please and there's nothing you can do about it." Damita laughed and rolled her eyes.

"Are you hungry?"Amaru asked as they walked out to their car.

"I am, but we have food at home. I'm ready to go home." Damita sighed and climbed into the passenger seat.

"You sure you don't want to get anything?"Amaru asked, before closing the door. 

"Yes. I have food at home and I'm kind of sleepy."She sighed and laid her head on his shoulder as he drove down the street.

"You aight? What's wrong?"He asked, sitting his hand on her thigh.

"I'm okay. I think I just need to eat and take a little nap. I'm a bit nauseous."She sighed and rubbed on his arm. "I just want to go lay down."

"Do you want me to call Amari and tell her that you aren't feeling well?"Amaru asked, rubbing on her thigh.

"No, No I'm just going to take a nap and I should be fine by that time. It'll probably break her heart if we don't come." Damita sighed, tiredly.

Finally, they had arrived home and Amaru helped her out of the car. He always babied her when she was pregnant.

"Just go upstairs baby, I'll get your stuff."Amaru offered and she disappeared into the house. He got her purse and all the papers she had gotten from the doctor. He then locked up the car and met her in the house.

"You supposed to be in the bed." Amaru chuckled, noticing her sitting on the couch.

"I was waiting on you." She replied. "The kids aren't back yet? Amari needs to bring my babies home, I miss them."

"They won't be home until late tonight. Now, you come on. Let's go upstairs so you can rest."He instructed, holding his hand out so that she could grab it.

She grabbed his hand and they walked up the stairs together. "Do you want to take a shower."Amaru asked.

"We can take one when I wake up, I don't feel like it now babe."Damita sighed, pulling off her shoes. She threw them to the side and took off her pants.

"I thought you were hungry?"Amaru chuckled.

"I changed my mind. I want to sleep."Damita rolled her eyes and pulled the blankets back. "Now, come on."

Amaru shook his head and climbed in bed with his wife. She laid on his chest and he rubbed her butt.

"You good,baby?"Amaru asked, still rubbing on her to relax her.

"Yes. I wish you'd stop asking me that baby. I'm fine." Damita explained closing her eyes.

"I'm just asking."He kissed her forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too baby."She replied in a low tired voice. Amaru wasn't tired so he just let her sleep on him, occasionally kissing and rubbing her. Even though she was laying all over him, he was comfortable. Sleeping on him made her happy, so it made him happy too.

He'd let her sleep for almost an hour, but now it was time to get ready for Amari's dinner.

"Babygirl. It's time to wake up."Amaru shook her a bit, so that she'd wake up.

She sat up and wiped her eyes before climbing out of the bed.

"Do you feel better now?" Amaru asked, as he walked into the bathroom to turn on the shower.

"Kind of. I'm hungry now though."Damita laughed and pulled her shirt off.

"Well, you're about to eat now." Amaru chuckled and grabbed her. "What are you wearing?"

"I don't know. You want to find me something?"Damita asked, wrapping her arms around him.

"Wear the black dress baby. The short one." Amaru smiled and kissed her forehead. "Come on, the shower running."

He grabbed her hand and pulled her into the bathroom. They climbed into the shower and did their normal routine. They had bathed, but decided to stay in a bit longer.

Amaru had something up his sleeve.

Damita stood in front of him, letting the water pour down on her and Amaru wrapped his arms around her, kissing her neck.

"Baby, don't do that."Damita giggled and tried to push him away. He softly sucked on her neck and she giggled, biting her lip.

"I thought you wanted some of this."Amaru whispered, starting to suck on her neck again.

"I do, b-but not now. I don't want to be late."Damita's breath hitched as she tried to hide a moan.

"We won't. I'll just give you a sample. Just make you cum a little bit, because you been waiting."He chuckled and continued to suck on her neck.

He rubbed his fingertips from her lips down to her stomach, making her body grow goosebumps from his touch. He did it once more before placing his finger on her clit.

He rubbed it slowly and she moaned lightly. Lastly, he slid a finger into her and she raised her leg onto the soap shelf, allowing him more access into her.

He inserted a second digit and started to move a bit faster. She was close and grabbed onto his hand, breathing heavily.

Finally, he picked her up and had her laying down on the floor of their stand up shower with her legs around his neck. "'re gonna get my hair wet."Damita moaned, placing her hand behind his head.

He continued swirling his tongue around her clit and her legs shook. She was cumming all over the place, but he didn't stop. He slid his fingers into her on last time as he continued to circle her clit with his tongue.

She heaved ecstatic sighs as she tried to pry his head away. She couldn't handle it anymore. "Daddy-y-y"She cried in orgasmic pleasure.

He locked her legs around his shoulders and continued for a spell. Once he was done, she was shooting like her Crystal Geyser. He loved when he made her like that. That's why she was his 'super soaker.'

"Now, get up and put on your dress."Amaru chuckled and kissed her. It was slow, soft, and comforting. He rested his hand next to her ear and smiled at her before kissing her once more.

She reached her hands up and rested them on his cheeks. She looked up at him, her eyes glistening with love and smiled.

"I love you. So much."Her eyes and lips smiled.

"I love you too."Amaru smiled back and walked out of the bathroom.

Damita struggled to get up, but she managed it. She bathed one last time and walked out of the shower to get dressed.

She pulled the out the short black dress that Amaru asked her to wear. It was backless, tight and stopped just above her knee.  It showed a small amount cleavage, but hugged her everywhere else.

Her hair had gotten a little wet, but it didn't get too damaged. She straightened it and slid on a pair of black  red bottoms that strapped around her ankle and showed her toes.

Black was definitely her color.

Lastly, she put on some light makeup and her favorite lip gloss.

"You're beautiful,baby."Amaru smiled, as Damita walked over to button his shirt.

"Thank you."Damita blushed and kissed his lips, leaving some of her gloss on his lips.

Damita grabbed her black clutch and put everything she needed in it. Amaru then grabbed her keys and they were out the door.

Amari's party was at a chic upscale restaurant lounge called 'Spark'.

They arrived and the valet opened they cars doors and took their keys. It was very Hollywood.  Amaru grabbed Damita's hand and they entered the restaurant together.

A waitress walked up and showed them to Amari's party room.  The room was dimly lit, playing Ed Sheeran's shape of you very low. It was loud enough to hear, but low enough that you'd still hear people talking.

"Mommy!"Amari smiled and stood up to hug her mother.

"Happy birthday, honey."Damita smiled back and embraced her daughter. "You've got some explaining to do."She continued to smile and whispered to her daughter.

"It's not a big deal mom. He's here as a friend."Amari replied through her smile and pulled back from her mother.

It already looked bad that Amari invited Jermaine, but it was even worse that he was sitting next to Erin.

"Don't get caught up, Amari Jo. I feel like this is going to get messy."Damita ended the conversation and took her seat. Amari sighed and took a big gulp of her drink. She knew that her mother was right and something had to be done about her situation.

Besides, she knew who she wanted to be with when her party was over and sadly, it wasn't Erin.

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