Invisible || Kyoya Ootori ||

بواسطة SingingGeekyBookWorm

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━━━━ [ invisible ] All of her life, Fumika Fujioka has been invisible. Not literally... المزيد

『Chapter One || Starting Today, You are a Host!』
『Chapter Two || The Job of a High School Host!』
『Chapter Three || Beware the Physical Exam!』
『Chapter Four || Attack of the Lady Manager!』
『Chapter Five || The Twins Fight!』
『Chapter Six || The Grade School Host is the Naughty Type!』
『Chapter Seven || Jungle Pool SOS!』
『Chapter Eight || The Sun, the Sea, and the Host Club!』
『Chapter Nine || A Challenge from Lobelia Girls Academy!』
『Chapter Ten || A Day in the Life of the Fujioka Family!』
『Chapter Eleven || Big Brother is a Prince!』
『Chapter Twelve || Honey's Three Bitter Days!』
『Chapter Thirteen || Fumika's Feverish Fun!』
『Chapter Fourteen || Covering the Famous Host Club!』
『Chapter Fifteen || The Refreshing Battle in Karuizawa!』
『Chapter Sixteen || Fumika's First Love!』
『Chapter Seventeen || Meeting (some of) the Family!』
『Chapter Eighteen || Kyoya's Reluctant Day Out!』
『Chapter Nineteen || Chika's Down With Honey Declaration!』
『Chapter Twenty || Lobelia Girls Academy Strikes Again!』
『Chapter Twenty Two || Mori-senpai Has an Apprentice Candidate!』
『Chapter Twenty Three || Kyoya's Raging Jealousy!』
『Chapter Twenty Four || Invisible Once Again!』
『Chapter Twenty Five || The Host Club Declares Dissolution!』
『Chapter Twenty Six || This is Our Ouran Fair!』
『Epilogue || The End!』
『Chapter Extra || Kyoya's Unfortunate Luck!』

『Chapter Twenty One || Until the Day it Becomes a Pumpkin!』

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بواسطة SingingGeekyBookWorm

A/N: Happy Halloween!

"All right, let's move on to the next item on the agenda," the class president, Kazukiyo Soga, said to Class 1-A, "I would like to discuss the plans for next week."

"Plans?" Haruhi in confusion.

"Halloween," Hikaru said.

"Haruhi-kun, you and Fumika-chan became honor students here starting in high school, so you wouldn't know about it, huh?" Vice president, Momoka Kurakano, said, "Here at Ouran, during the grading of our in-school trial exams, we're allowed to take off until the last of October every year, and hold costume parties here on campus."

"Also, to promote camaraderie, we are allowed to take a whole day and use it however we like, as a class event," Kazukiyo added.

"An event?"

"Well, usually, we have tea parties, watch movies, and so on," Kaoru told the sisters.

"Not good enough! Not good enough! Not good enough!" Renge chanted, jumping onto a desk, "Halloween! It's the day that signals the end of summer, and the start of winter. Halloween. The day when people come out against the spirits and devils that come by, by making themselves look like them. Halloween. It also, in time, became a festival of dressing up in costumes, and playing pranks."

"Ah yes, a cosplayer's best time to shine," Fumika mused, watching Renge in amusement as the girl posed on the desk.

"Some people don't wait for permission to have costume parties and engage in cosplay all year round," Haruhi muttered, thinking back to the many, many times in which Renge cosplayed. "So, what's with that uniform?"

"To tell you the truth, this is the uniform for the girl characters who will be appearing in Uki-doki Memorial 2, which isn't scheduled to come out until next spring," Renge explained, "I obtained some advance, unannounced information, and made this."

Fumika sweatdropped, "Um, you're not going to try to make my boyfriend fulfill your otaku fantasies again, right?" The only response she got was a haughty laugh.

"Hoshakuji-san, we're having homeroom," Kazukiyo said, "Please come down off of the desk."

"Cosplaying and having tea parties is something we do all the time in the Host Club," Renge declared, ignoring the class president's request, "What good is having Halloween without any further stimulation?"

"This is to be a class event," Kazukiyo said.

"I hereby propose that we have a Halloween special test-of-courage tournament!" Renge exclaimed.

"A Halloween special..." "...test-of-courage tournament?" the twins repeated, intrigued by the idea.

"We'll ask the superintendent to open the school to us at night," Renge planned, "Then we all take turns dressing up as monsters and scaring each other. It will make for wonderfully high-spirited, exciting communication!"

"Great! That sounds great! We're in!" The twins agreed. "I like the part about..." "...the school at night."

"The school at night, huh?"

"That could be kind of exciting."

"I just thought of a scary idea!"

"Everyone takes turns as frighteners, and one by one, we test our courage!"

"Going one at a time wouldn't be very efficient, would it?" Kazukiyo pointed out, "We also have to consider time allocation. There should be at least three or four at a time."

"It would be better if it were really scary, right?" Momoka chimed.

"For anyone who runs out in the middle of it, we'll have them featured on the front page of the school paper as 'Minister of Pantywaists,'" Hikaru declared.

"Seconded!" the rest of the class cheered.

"Okay then, does anyone have any objection to a majority vote?" the class president asked, staring directly at Haruhi. When no one said anything, he decided to ask again, "Is anyone opposed?" Again, no reponse. "Is there really no one?"

"Yes!" Fumika finally said, putting up her hand.

"Eh?" Kaoru whined, "Why?"

Hikaru smirked at the girl, "Is it by any chance because you're scared?"

"Yes," Fumika answered bluntly, "I am absolutely terrified of the dark."

"You can group with us, Fumika-chan," Momoka offered, "We'll bring a flashlight with us."

"Really? Thank you," Fumika beamed, "Okay, then no objections from me."

"Very well then, for 1-A's class event...settled," Kazukiyo mumbled, "...we would like to settle on the Halloween special test of courage proposed by Hoshakuji-san.

|| Time Skip ||

"Hey there!" the twins said as they, Fumika, and Haruhi entered Music Room #3.

"You guys are late," Tamaki chided, breaking out of his vampire character, "Hurry up and get changed."

"Oh, from now until Halloween day..." "...we're skipping club activities..." " your leave," the twins said.


"How come?" Honey asked.

"We have a class event until Halloween day, so we're busy getting ready for that," the twins explained.

"Then it can't be helped," Kyoya said.

"That being the case, carry on!" the twins chirped, dragging Haruhi with them as they went to leave.

"Wait, wait, why are you taking Haruhi with you?!" Tamaki questioned.

"Well, Haruhi is in our class, after all," Hikaru said, grinning.

"We're having a special test-of-courage tournament at the school, at night," Kaoru added, making the same face.

"The school?! At night..." Tamaki trailed off as he went into his brain theater.

"A test-of-courage tournament, huh?" Kyoya mused, smirking at Fumika, "Are you sure you don't need me there to protect you?"

Fumika scoffed, "Protect me? Please. You're already a demon at night. I'm sure you'll turn into the Devil on Halloween night."

"I am hurt that you think of me like that," Kyoya said, but he was smirking nonetheless.

"Haruhi, are you seriously planning to attend such an improper nighttime event?!" Tamaki shouted.

"Well, class camaraderie is important, and all," Haruhi said.

"Camaraderie? Camaraderie, you say?" Tamaki repeated, "What kind of camaraderie is that?! How trampy... Letting his little girl go playing around at night is something that Daddy...Something that Daddy absolutely forbids!"

"Alrighty, then, and this is where I cut in," Fumika said, pulling Haruhi out of Tamaki's grip, "We gotta go, guys. Bye-bye."

"Adieu, sir!" The twins cheered.

"Hey, wait! Include me in your event, too!" Tamaki cried, but the first-years had already left the club room.

|| Time Skip ||

"What should we do about the budget?" Momoka wondered, "Once we start going in for the ghost costumes, there'll be no end to it."

"Following the commoners' rule of keeping it under 300 yen," "on the cheap will make things interesting," the twins said.

"We might have people who will faint, so, maybe we should have a doctor standing by," Renge said.

"Oh, I actually know first-aid, so it's okay if we can't get one," Fumika said.

"Wow! That's amazing, Fumika-chan!" Momoka gasped, "How do you know that?"

"Um, Kyoya actually taught me," Fumika said sheepishly, "Since his family practically runs the entire medical business, Kyoya knows how to do the basic first aid. And for some reason, he decided to pass that knowledge onto me."

"Wah~ You two are so cute together!" Momoka squealed.

Renge let out a dreamy sigh, "They are my real life OTP."

"'OTP?'" Fumika repeated.

Renge nodded. "That's right! 'OTP' which stands for 'One True Pairing!' It is when you ship one character with another character and no other character. For example, Ninian and Eliwood from Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade! Sweet precious Ninian and her beloved Eliwood belong together. Not Eliwood and Lyn because Lyn belongs with Hector! Oh, and their children belong together, too! Roy and Lilina are so adorable!"

"I'm just going to nod my head and pretend that I know what you're talking about," Fumika said.

"Okay, since we got the budget and medical emergencies out of the way, we should decide on the groups," Momoka said, bringing them back to the original subject. "We will be in one group, right?"



"Okay, then...huh? Where did Haruhi-kun and the twins go?" Momoka wondered looking around the classroom.

Fumika looked around, too, before spotting the opened door. "I think they may be in the hallway, Momoka-chan."

|| Halloween Day...Evening... ||

"This is really exciting," Momoka whispered to Fumika. They were currently walking around the school because it was their turn to get scared.

"I guess..." Fumika reluctantly agreed, looking around. Maybe she's being paranoid, but she has a gut feeling telling her that something that wasn't planned was going to happen.

"Ohohoh, is that all you got?" Renge laughed. Team C had just tried to scare them by jumping in front of them, wearing a monster costume. "There are monsters in the animes I watch that are scarier than that!"

"Eheh, don't be too harsh on them, Renge," Fumika said in an attempt to calm the girl down, "We made the budget to be only 300 yen, remember?"

"That is no excuse!" Renge shouted, "You two go ahead. I will stay behind to teach Team C how to actually scare people!"

"Okay, have fun with that," Fumika said, pulling Momoka away.

|| Time Skip ||

"Momoka-chan, what's wrong?" Fumika asked, seeing the look on the brunette's face, "It looks like something's bothering you."

"Oh, it's nothing," Momoka said, plastering on a smile.

Fumika gave her a look. "Uh, no. It's obviously something. Come on, you can tell me."

Momoka sighed and looked at the ground. "I'm worried about Kazukiyo-kun," she admitted, "He's deathly afraid of anything terrifying."


"He tries to hide it," Momoka said, a fond smile on her face, "But we've been friends since childhood so-"


Startled, Momoka and Fumika both jumped, slightly clinging to each other.

Fumika glanced at Momoka. "Momoka-chan, was that...?"

Momoka nodded, "That was Kazukiyo-kun. Let's go!"

|| A little bit later... ||

"Eh? Where'd they go?" Everyone in Class 1-A-except for Haruhi, the twins, and Kazukiyo-were standing at the location where Team B should've been.

"It's not their turn yet," a classmate said, "Why would they leave their post."

"Maybe something spooked them," another classmate guessed, "There was that scream from earlier."

"Everyone," Fumika exclaimed, getting her classmates' attention, "We should split up and try to find Team B. If we can't find them in 20 minutes, then we'll meet back in the cafeteria."

"Got it!"

|| 18 minutes later... ||

"Why is this school so big," Fumika grumbled as she wandered through the halls, "They could be anywhere..."

"Looking for someone?"

Fumika yelped and quickly spun around. Leaning against the wall nearby was her boyfriend, Kyoya Ootori.

"Kyoya? What are you doing here?"

"Nekozawa-senpai thought that it would be a fun idea to scare your class," Kyoya answered, "And of course, Tamaki thought that it would be a brilliant way to keep the twins in line."

"Do I want to know the details?" Fumika wondered before quickly deciding, "Actually, I really don't. I just want to go home and sleep."

Kyoya smirked and walked over to her, pushing her against the wall. "I know of a way to keep you awake," he murmured, leaning down into a kiss.

Fumika kissed him back for a few seconds before pulling away. "Kyoya, we can't." She ducked underneath his arms to escape his hold. "My 20 minutes of searching is almost up, so I should probably make my way back."

"Would you like me to wait for you and take you and Haruhi home?"

Fumika gave him a cheerful nod and a quick peck on the lips. "I love you~"

|| Time Skip ||

"Ah, they're coming back!"

"Oh, my, we were so worried about all of you!"

"What do you think you were doing, leaving your post like that," Fumika scolded as Haruhi, the twins, and Kazukiyo ran over to join the rest of Class 1-A. "We were all worried sick."

"That's right," another classmate agreed, "We called off the test of courage to look for you!"

"That was all of you playing a trick on us, right?" Kaoru asked.

"Huh? We didn't do anything."

Suddenly, Momoka and Renge let out some shrieks.

"What's wrong?" Fumika asked in concern.

"Just now, outside the window..." "...there was something white out there!" At those words, everyone up and was shocked to see a gigantic shadow loom over the dome windows.


|| The next morning ||

"They sure got us," Haruhi admitted. Her, Fumika, the twins, Momoka, and Kazukiyo were standing in front of Ouran's bulletin board. Plastered on it, was Ouran's newspaper with the frightened Class 1-A on the front page.

"That rotten Nekozawa-senpai," Hikaru grumbled.

"If you look closer, it's clearly Belzenef, isn't it?" Kaoru pointed out.

"I know, you know," Momoka suddenly said to Kazukiyo, "Kazukiyo-kun, you're really a scaredy-cat, but for the sake of the class, you put up with this?"

"No, well...Sorry," the class president apologized.

"How big of you!" Momoka said, "I was honestly worried at first, but I now have newfound respect for you!"


"Nice mood, eh? I guess the spell on the carriage can't go on forever, after all," Kaoru mused.

"What are you talking about?" Hikaru asked.

"Well, if he ran towards me in that situation, I guess it's still all right," Kaoru randomly said.

Hikaru gave his twin a confused look. "What?"

"Nothing, it's my own little joke," Kaoru reassured him, letting out a little laugh. "Come on, come on."

Fumika watched with a soft smile when she noticed Kaoru stay behind as Hikaru and Haruhi walked ahead. "You're gonna have to go your separate ways at some point," she said to Kaoru, "Maybe next year you should start trying to find yourself."

Kaoru nodded in reluctant agreement, "Yeah..."

A/N: I'm sorry this chapter was short. This episode was mostly Kaoru/Hitachiin twins-centered, and to be honest, I only wanted to write this chapter because, well, a Halloween chapter could be published on Halloween, and I just couldn't pass that up. *warning. long rant* I'm also really stressed about school right now. Junior year is way too stressful (personally, I think my school just makes everything way too stressful.) Like honestly, the kids in my grade are so overly competitive and smart. Like having 4.0 (weighted) isn't even considered good! It's just average (and I have a 3.95 weighted). And then I took honors classes so I wouldn't have to undergo the AP stress. Ha! Boy, was I wrong! I am practically doing the same amount of work-if not MORE-as AP Lang! And then I'm also taking Academic US History-because my school doesn't like having Honors History for some reason-and I actually AM doing more work than APUSH. Like you know the stress in courses are bad if AP AB Calculus is actually one of your more fun classes! Like ugh! My school is so stressful!


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