pure ( negan. )

Od mudblud

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❝puppet on a string, you claw me back to life, boy, i'm forever tied to you❞ in which a sarcastic and overcon... Viac



555 27 33
Od mudblud

( P R E T T Y L I T T L E B I R D )


YOU KNOW THAT MOMENT WHEN YOU THINK SHIT CAN'T GET ANY WORSE? Turns out it can always get worse. Valerie knew she should've just stayed back at Alexandria and let Rick handle it. But no being as stubborn as she is, she had to come with. And now here they were surrounded by those so called saviours. They had taken all their weapons so making a escape wasn't an option here. The group was getting lined up.

"Gonna need you on your knees." Some lanky guy with a bad haircut and moustache called out to them. So that's what they all did. But Valerie never did do what she was told to do. Only when another one of those saviours shoved her with a rifle in the ribs she somewhat complied. Holding her hands in the air in a mocking surrender.

"Okay fine, no need to get your panty's in a twist, I'm kneeling." She told him as she got on her knees next to Sasha.

"Let's get other one. Right now." The man ordered.

"Dwight!" He called. "Yeah." Another voice answered.

Valerie turned her head to see who this Dwight was. Her eyes fell upon a blonde man who's half of his face was serverly burned. She mentaly cringed at the thought of how that had to hurt.

"Chop-chop." The man from before said.

Dwight walked over to another truck and opened it to reveal the rest of Rick's people. "Come on. You got people to meet."

A bunch of saviours pulled them out of the truck and set them down on the ground in the same line. They were all lined up in front of the RV that was supossed to distract the saviours. The man from before standing in front of them.

"All right! We got a full boat. Let's meet the man." He knocked on the RV walking back to stand beside the rest of the saviours.

Valerie looked to the rest of her people. Everyone was breathing hard and a lot of them looked scared. Valerie herself was worried as wel, she just didn't show it. She wasn't about to let these assholes see how she really felt. She sighed to herself, she could feel the pain in her legs from sitting in this position for to long but she decided to try and ignore the pain.

Suddenly the door of the RV opened to reveal the big bad wolf himself.

Valerie looked up from the ground to see who this so called 'Negan' was. She didn't really know what to expect. Her eyes widening for a split second upon realizing that this man was actually very atractive. He was surely old enough to be her father but that definitely didn't stop this man from looking this good for his age that's for sure. Valerie silently scolded herself for thinking that this man was simply put sex on legs. From his dark hair which was neatly pushed back not a single hair out of place to his salt and pepper scruff. He wore a black leather jacket with a red scarf tucked in, some washed jeans and black boots. But what stood out the most was his bat that proudly leaned on his shoulder wrapped in barb wire. The entire picture of him just screamed that he was not someone to be messed with. 

"Pissing our pants yet?" Even his deep voice was perfect.

"Boy, do I have a feeling we're getting close." He slowly made his way towards the group. "Yup, gonna be pee-pee pants city here real soon."

"Which one of you pricks is the leader?" He asked. "This one." The guy with the moustache said as he pointed his finger at Rick. "He's the guy."

Negan stopped in front of Rick, looking down at him and getting closer. "Hi, you're Rick right? I'm Negan. And I do not appreciate you killing my men- also when I sent my people to kill your people for killing my people, you killed more of my people."

"Not cool. Not fucking cool. You have no fucking idea how not fucking cool that shit is. But I think you're gonna be up to speed here shortly."

Out of the corner of her eye Valerie could see her dad looking up at Negan. She still couldn't imagine her dad looking like this. She knew her dad was so used to being the one in charge, always being the one making the decisions. Sure she had seen him afraid sometimes, but this was different. He looked powerless, beaten down. And this guy, this Negan, in some twisted way she could see he liked being this powerfull, having this power over them, over her father.

"Yeah, you are so gonna regret crossing me in a few minutes."

She could see the taunting smile making it's way on Negan's face. If it had been about anything else, she would have gone weak in the knees for that smile. "Fuck yeah you are."

"You see Rick whatever you do, no matter fucking what- you do not mess with the new world order. The new world order is this- and it's really very simple even if you're fucking stupid which you very well may be. You kan understand it. You ready?"

"Here it goes pay attention." He pointed the bat at Rick, making Rick move his head to the side due to how close the bat was to his face.

"Give me your shit or I will kill you." That same smile showing again.

"Today was career day." He began. "We invested a lot. So you would know who I am and what I can do. You work for me now."

"You have shit you give it to me. That's your job."

Rick started breathing heavier staring straight ahead of him, a hopeless look in his eyes.

"Now I know that is a mighty big nasty pill to swallow. But swallow it, you moet certainly motherfucking will."

Valerie watched him speak from her place in the dirt. The pain in her legs getting worse by the second. Looking at him with a mixture of interest and dislike. He sure did now how to talk.

"You ruled the roost. You.. built something. You thought you were safe. I get it. But the word is out. You are not safe- not even fucking close. In fact you are fucked, more fucked if you don't give me what I want- and what I want is half your shit- and if that's too much, then you can go make, find or steal more and it'll even out sooner or later."

He pinched the bridge of his nose turning around and spreading his arms. "This is your way of life now. The more you fight back the harder it will be."

He stared pacing again. Raising his voice. "So, if someone comes to your door you fucking let us in- we own that fucking door."

"You try to fucking stop us, we will fucking knock that fucker down. You understand?" He demanded once he was in front of Rick again.

Rick kept quiet, obviously not willing to comply with this douchebag.

Negan mockingly cupped his ear getting closer to Rick. "What? No answer?" He whispered.

Moving his hand through his scruff, he stepped back again. "You don't really think that you were gonna get through this without being punished now, did you?"

Biting the inside of her cheek in irritation Valerie turned her eyes back to the ground, glaring, and praying to god that this guy was done soon, so that they could finaly leave.

"I don't wanna kill you people, just wanna make that clear from get-go. I want you to work for me and you can't do that if you're fucking dead now can you?"

He shook his head. "I'm not growing a garden."

"But you killed my people. A whole fucking damn shitload of 'em. More than i'm comfortable with- and for that, well for that you gotta fucking pay. So now.."

"I am gonna beat the holy fuck fucking fuckity fuck outta one of you."

He spun his bat around. Nobody really seemed to know where to look, not wanting to look this guy in the eyes.

He showed off his bat. "This, this is Lucille and she is awesome."

"All this, all this is just so we can pick out which one of you gets the honour."

He started walking again, inspecting the people lined up for him, stopping in front of Abraham, who sat up straighter looking him straight in the eyes, showing no fear. Valerie let a tiny smirk form upon her lips at seeing this. She always liked Abe, he always was brave. Negan's head turned scanning the crowd. His eyes met Valerie's and her smirk quickly faded away as she turned her head back to the ground.

Negan looked slightly impressed with Abraham. "Huh." He stroked his scruff again. "I gotta shave this shit."

Valerie could hear his footsteps moving closer and she prayed that he wouldn't stop in front of her.

When the footsteps stopped she let out a sigh of relief and turned her head back up. Only to feel dread fill her body once more when she saw him crouched down in front of her leaning on his bat for support, an amused smirk upon his lips.

"Well hello there. Aren't you just a pretty little thing- you got a name darlin'?" Valerie just plainly stared at him, unamused. "My name's none of your bussiness, that's what." She sneered.

Negan's eyebrows went up in amusement, and his smirk turned into a smile. "Well damn little lady, you got some big fucking balls on ya, don't you?"

His expression changed from amused to serious. His gloved hand coming up to grab her chin and forcing her to look him in the eyes. "Now be fucking polite and tell me your name."

Valerie's eyes turned to meet her father's concerned gaze upon her, who was silently begging his daughter to just comply for now, letting out a sigh she turned her gaze back to the man in front of her.

"Valerie." She mumbled. Negan got closed to her face. He was so close to her she could feel his breath on her face. "What was that?" Valerie calmed herself down and looked him straight in the eyes. "Valerie, my name's Valerie." She spoke louder now.

Negan let go of her chin, his hand instead moving over to a strand of her hair that had moved in front of her face. And agonizingly slow moved it away from her face. "Valerie." The way her name rolled of his tongue made Valerie feel all kinds of things she shouldn't feel for this man.

"Pretty name for such a pretty bird as yourself." If this situation wasn't as fucked up as it was, she would have been flattered.

He moved back a little and sighed. "Would be a shame to harm any hair on that pretty fucking head of yours."

Valerie was biting on the inside of her cheek so hard she didn't even notice that the skin broke. Negan began to stand back up. "Well, we'll see."

He moved in front of the group again. Which made Valerie breathe out in relief. But then the worry once again returned to her as Negan stopped in front of her little brother. Pointing at him. "You got one of our guns."

He once again crouched down, just like he did with Valerie. "You got a lot of our guns." Carl just glared at Negan.

"Shit kid, lighten up. At least cry a little." Negan looked away and let out a chuckle. He stood back up again, adjusting the gun which rested in his pants and clearing his throath. He started pacing again, this time stopping in front of Maggie.

"Jesus, you look fucking shitty." He raised his bat in the air. "I should just put you out of your misery right now." But before he could even do anything, Valerie's and everyone else's attention turned to Glenn as he cried out. "No! No!" He tried to go at Negan only to be kicked down by Dwight and another saviour. They kicked at him, making Valerie's eyes water and Maggie cry out for them to stop. Negan turned around shaking his head.

"Nope, nope, get him back in line."  He sighed. As Dwight pulled him back towards the line. Glenn still protesting.

His protesting making Negan smile. "All right listen, don't any of you do that again. I will shut that shit down- no exceptions."

He pointed at Glenn. "First one's free it's an emotional moment. I get it."

He turned back to the group a smirk on his face. "Suck don't it? The moment you realize you don't know shit."

Negan looked between Carl, Valerie and Rick. Suddenly realizing the how much the tree actualy looked alike. He pointed at the brother and sister. "These are your kids right?" He walked closer towards Carl and Valerie, laughing. Inspecting both of them closer, his gaze lingering a little longer on the female Grimes. "These are definitely your kids."

That made Rick snap. "SO STOP THIS!" Valerie turned her head towards her father in concern. She could see her father breaking down bit by bit. "HEY!" Negan yelled at her father, making Valerie flinch from his booming voice, she was getting more concerned as Negan made his way back to Rick. "Do not make me kill the pretty little bird and little future serial killer- don't make it easy on me."

"I gotta pick somebody, everybody is at the table waiting for me to order."

He whistled tauntingly as he paced in front of the group again. He stopped, laughed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I simply cannot decide." Then al of a sudden he turned back to the group with a smile on his face. "I got an idea."

He walked back up to Rick pointing his bat at him. "Eeny." He pointed to the next person "Meeny." And the next. "Miny."

All the color drained from Valerie's face as she realised what he was doing, dread filling her up. She didn't want to lose any of these people. They were her family, they were good, decent people. Which was now a days pretty damn hard to find. She just turned her head to the ground, not wanting to see any of it. "And you"



Valerie looked to see where the bat had landed. Her gaze finding Negan standing in front of Abraham. Her eyes watering up again once she realised that she was gonna lose a good friend of hers.

"Anybody moves, anybody says anything, cut the boys other eye out and feed it to his father- and then we'll start."

Valerie let out a shaky breath a stray tear managing to escape from her eye.

"You can breathe, you can blink, you can cry. Hell you're all gonna be doing that."

He raised the bat up high and brought it down hard. Making everyone cry out. Valerie's eyes shot up to the scene. The sound of the bat hitting Abe's flesh made her feel sick. She wanted to throw up, scream, cry out. Hell she even wanted to beg Negan to stop this. Even though she would never lower her self to beg for something, being stubborn seemed to be a trait that all the Grimes possessed. But whatever she did, she just couldn't look away, she just sat there in silence, frozen in shock as more tears made their way down her face.

How did it get to this?



i really enjoyed writing this, and as you can see this is just the season six finale

not many negan and val action, but it's only the beginning, i have so much planned for them 👀

i really wanted to include negan's whole speech thingy since it was a pretty fucking awesome scene tbh

and i know most negan fanfics start like this, but personaly i always like it when a fanfic follows the show 🤷🏻‍♀️

so this was a bit of an introduction, next chapter's gonna follow 7x01 for the most part

oh right and considering enlish isn't my first language (it's dutch) there might be some spelling mistakes so i'm sorry about that

( negan is daddy af 😩💕 sorry not sorry at all, i mean look at the man how can you not like what you see 🌝)

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