Bts Deceived [COMPLETED]

By emi_army_97

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"I could've killed you before, I just chose not to." He whispered, seductively leaning close to my lips. "I c... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 (Edited and changed version)
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 (edited)
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39- ⚠️smut warning⚠️
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Final Chapter

Chapter 32

163 13 1
By emi_army_97

"I'LL HOLD THE BOWL OF POPCORN!!" I yelled as we all began to get settled in. This day was about to get officially lit. An insane number of blankets and pillows were spread out across the whole living room, covering almost the entire floor. I could stand anywhere in the room and just face plant and not get hurt because there was cushion everywhere. Besides that, the room smelled of butter, popcorn, ice cream, soda, and calories.
"You mean one of the bowls of popcorn. We have, like, 12." Namjoon corrects me.
"Actually, there's only 4, get it right." Jimin said. "And Laura, if you hold one of the bowls then I'll just be forced to sit right next to you so I can eat some too." He said innocently.
I chuckled. "Excuses, excuses. You just wanna cuddle with me cuz you're scared of a few horror movies." I tease.
"Why would I suggest doing this marathon then? Idiot." He said as he flicked my forehead. I kicked him playfully in the shin as I plopped down on the floor of blanket, making myself comfortable in a corner next to the sofa.
Namjoon quickly sat down while grinning, taking the only spot next to me.
"What?! No! That's so unfair, I should sit next to her. It's my birthday!" Jimin whined.
"Shut up, I sat here first."
"Laura, can't you just scoot down and make some room for me?" He asked like a little kid.
I smirked. "There's plenty of space in the living room, go sit next to someone else."
Namjoon faked a cough. "Cough cough rejection cough cough." I giggled.
Jimin scoffed. "Fine! SUGA! GET OVER HERE!!" He demanded. Yoongi immediately stopped talking to Hoseok and ran over to Jimin. "You're gonna sit with me right?"
Suga smiled like a cute little baby. "Yay! Jimin appreciates me today!!" He exclaimed happily. I've never seen this other side of him, it was actually really adorable.
Jimin grinned and tugged on Yoongi's wrist to the spot where he wanted to sit. Directly behind me on the couch. Suga sat next to him, and J-Hope went next to Yoongi. Sitting beside Namjoon was Jin, then Jungkook and Emily. In front of us Nicole and V were laying down, incredibly close to eachother, as if they were staying close to keep warm.
Suddenly, Jimin's legs swing right over me, resting on both of my shoulders. I scoff and try to push them off. "Excuse you, invasion of personal space."
He didn't move a muscle. "Ha, you certainly thought differently in the closet a while back, or at the carnival-"
I hit his leg hard and he yelled in pain. "Anyway, I'm comfy here so deal with it." He said stubbornly, keeping his legs on me. I blushed, thinking about how weird this position must look. If I simply just turned around, I would be in a perfect spot to give him a blow job. Goosebumps covered my arms. I decided I needed to loosen up a bit, so I just grabbed Jimin's small feet, which only had pink socks on them, and played around with them. He didn't seem to mind, and I could just feel him smiling from behind me.
"Alright!! Play the first movie! The night's just getting started."


"HOLY MOTHER OF MOTHER FUCKING SATAN!!!!" I scream clinging to Namjoon and squeezing my eyes shut so hard it hurt. I was trying to pace my breathing, but it all came out rapidly and shaky. So. Many. Jump scares.
"Laura, you seriously need to chill." Namjoon said with a chuckle. I loosen my grip on his arm when I realize how hard I've been squeezing it.
"Sorry..." I said quietly, not looking back at the screen.
Jimin's bounced his legs on my shoulders to get my attention. "Don't be scared, Laura, it's just a movie." He said with a small laugh. Then, he scoots forward (which also means his dick is continuously moving closer to the back of my neck). He pushed me forward with his feet and slides in right behind me, taking my spot. Now I'm sitting right in front of him while leaning on his chest (between his fucking legs, dammit!). He wraps his arms around me and rests his chin on my shoulder. "I'll just cover you eyes when something creepy is gonna come. I've seen this movie before." He said.
I'm super nervous but keep calm. "Actually, Namjoon was doing a fine job of comforting me so I don't really need you right now." I say teasingly. Namjoon smiles.
"Shut up, you shouldn't be complaining when I trying to help you here." Jimin pouts. "Besides, Suga won't cuddle with me enough and I'm scared too." He said innocently. Even though I know he's lying, I feel some sympathy and smile.
"Okay, whatever, just stay there. It's comfy anyways." I said, adjusting my position a bit to get more comfortable against him. The bowl of popcorn is in my lap, and every now and then Jimin reaches and takes some.
Later in the movie, the most intense scene is going on. Thunder, darkness, creaking in the floorboards, the suspenseful music that leads up to the worst part... I squeezed Namjoon's hand with one of mine and Jimin's with the other. God, this seems kind of weird.... But I didn't spend time thinking of it, I was too filled with utter fear and suspense that I wasn't paying attention to anything anymore.
Shit, don't walk into the room, stop it.... Shit no!!! STOP!! I want to scream at the main character for even thinking about approaching the only room with the light on. Fucking dumb ass. God... He's turning the knob, the door slightly creaks open, and right before I can be scared out of my shit...
The movie stops playing and the screen goes to scratchy black and white and makes all those loud, raspy noises. The lamps we had on begin to flicker, then go out. "What the -"
An enormous thunderous noise comes from outside and I screech at the top of my lungs. Suddenly Namjoon gets up to look out the window, and I find myself grabbing Jimin's arms desperatly, not wanting to be left alone. He laughs.
"I swear Laura, you're so paranoid, it's fine-"
Just then, the screen went back to the movie and the fucking monster is on the screen, followed by screaming and running and blood. I screech again and pull a blanket over my face, not wanting to watch. Jimin has pulled me extremely close to him, over bodies were pressed up against eachother. I could feel his heart beating, not particularly quickly, which is surprising given what's going on right now.
Then, something grabs my fucking ankle and that's when I go crazy. I immediately stand up and start jumping around like a maniac, screaming and shaking. "SHIT! IMA FUCKING MURDER WHOEVER DID THAT!! WHO THE HELL GRABBED MY FOOT!?" I scream. Then, I see Namjoon's silhouette laughing wildly. I lunge toward him and jump on his back, causing him to fall. I fall on top and start hitting him over and over, yelling loudly. "Fuck you Namjoon!!"
He's half yelling, half laughing. "Oh my god, I'm sorry!" He struggles to say between his chuckles.
"Get him, Laura!!" Jin yells, cheering for me. With that, everyone took sides. Nicole, Taehyung, Jimin, and Jin are rooting for me, while Emily, Jungkook, Suga, and Hoseok are on Namjoon's side.
When Namjoon had taken enough shit from me, he stepped up his game. He pushed me off him and blocked my attacks, but never hit me. I still felt no mercy for him, though.
"Don't go easy on her Joonie!!"
"Hit him harder Laura!!"
"Sit on her, she won't be able to move!"
"Just kick him in the dick already."
Cheers and screams and advice kept coming from both sides, but no one interfered. Suddenly, Namjoon pushed me down and got on top of me. He pinned my wrists to the ground and I couldn't kick him because his legs were on top of mine. The more I resisted, the tighter he held me there. We just stared at each other as hoots and applause came from his group of followers and disappointed sighs coming from mine. No, I wouldn't let it end like this.
I used all the force in me to abruptly lift my knee and kick his dick, followed by cheers from my side and groans of pain from Namjoon. I took the chance to pull him into a choke hold, just like how Yoongi taught me. Suga looked rather impressed there and gave me a solid nod. Namjoon struggled against me but I stayed firm, not letting my guard down. Eventually, I let go and received lots of congratulations from everyone, including Joonie's followers.
"Not bad Laura." Namjoon said to me as he finally straightened up.
I smiled and did the smallest curtsy. "Thanks."
      "You know I was going easy, right? You'd be unconscious right now if I'd actually hit you." He said with a smirk. I just shushed him.
After that mini battle, I wasn't so frightened anymore, so I went back to my spot. "Ugh, you're too heavy, I'm tired of you leaning on me." Jimin complained.
I blushed. "Then go sit with Suag again."
"No." He said stubbornly. Instead, after I sat down again, he laid down and rested his head in my lap. I looked down at him with an amused smile and patted his head.
"I guess this works too."
"I like it down here."
"You're like a little baby." I chuckle.
"Yeah, because you're my..." He pauses for effect. "Big sissy, remember?" He said with a smirk. I whack his face with the back of my hand.
"Shut up, never remind me of that ever again, please." I beg. He laughs and makes himself comfortable. I kept patting his head and messing with his hair and his cheeks, playing with his ears and nose. It must've been super annoying, especially while watching a movie, but he didn't tell me to stop and it was entertaining, also a good distraction from the traumatizing horror of the movie we were currently movie looking.
It's funny that with all these people around me, I felt very comforted, not very scared anymore. I think, damn, if I was watching this same movie at my house before I was kidnapped, I would've shit my pants. But here, with these people, I feel fine.
Better then fine, actually. I feel great.


      "NO!!!" V yelled at me as I ate the last piece of popcorn in our bowl. We were competing for it for the last 60 seconds, and I finally got it and ate it. He looked so disappointed. I gave him a satisfied smile.
      "Sorry." I said with no remorse at all. He scooted away from me.
      "I'm not talking to you anymore." I said in a whiney voice.
      "Aw, no!" I complain. "Come back!"
      He keeps looking away and doesn't say anything. "Taehyung I'm sorry!!" I beg for his forgiveness. I turn around and grab a handful of popcorn from Laura's bowl, followed by scolding from her. I ignore it and turn back to V.
      "Here. We'll share this." I said, scooting closer to him and holding my hand open. He looks at me with disgust.
      "Share it?" He scoffs. "No. I want all or nothing."
      "Alright, then you get nothing." I said with a smile and begin eating it.
       "Aish, you're so mean to me." He said, turning back to me and taking some popcorn from my hand. I laugh to see him giving up so easily, and he allows himself little smile.
      The second movie just finished, it wasn't nearly as bad as the first, but still super creepy. Right when the credits came on, J-Hope started laughing.
      "This one was so stupid!!" He yelled, cracking up. "So cheesy."
      "I know right! The ending was terrible, did you see how terrible their acting was?" Jin said. "Even I could do a better horror scream than that."
"Guys!!" Emily suddenly yelled. Everyone turned their attention to her. A mischievous grin was dancing on her lips. "Let's play truth or dare."
Everyone groaned and rolled their eyes, besides V, who apparently thought the game would be fun.
"That game is for love struck 10 year olds." Jungkook said. "Besides, the only question that ever gets asks is who you like and I already know that you love me." He said with a smile, wrapping her in a side hug.
"Ha, you know that about me, but you're not even the slightest bit curious about everyone else?" She asked. I started to get goosebumps... She sent Laura a glance and gave her this look I couldn't really understand, and Laura visibly blushed. "Besides, everyone here besides Suga acts like love struck 10 year olds, so maybe this game was just meant for us."
V scoffed. "Excuse you, I'm a love struck three year old." He corrects her.
"So...?" Emily said slowly. "Let's play?"
After some hesitation, everyone gave in. Even though we were all a little worried about it, I could tell that there was a positive adrenaline in everyone right now. We all sat in a circle to begin.
"I'll start, since I suggested it." Emily said. She scanned everyone's faces, and her eyes stop on J-Hope. "Truth or dare, Hoseok."
"DARE!!" He yelled, standing up. "Make it hard." I admired his confidence.
"Kiss V, on the lips. Make it passionate." She said calmly with a smirk.
In less than a second, his bubbly attitude drained away and was taken over by disgust. "Are you kidding me?"
"No! You said to make it hard! Besides, this'll be the perfect V-Hope moment!!" She yelled happily. I turned to Taehyung and he was cringing so hard, I could tell. He looked so scared.
"Yah! This is J-Hopes turn, not mine!" He complained.
"Just do it!! I wanna see this too!" Jin yelled.
"You can't back out of a dare! Don't be so boring!!" Namjoon said.
"Alright!! Okay." J-Hope groaned. Then he glared at V. "No tounge, okay?"
"I should be the one telling you!" Taehyung snapped. Then, he stood up too. "Let's get this over with..."
Everyone stood up and crowned around them, wanting to get a good look. They slowly stepped toward eachother, awkwardly grabbing each other's faces... Leaning in...
"COME ON!!!" Jungkook yelled. He pushed both of their heads together and forced them to kiss. The were both so surprised. V squeezed his eyes shut, probably dying inside. "Alright, let's have 7 seconds!"

Everyone was laughing and taking pictures, desperate to keep the moment forever. It was so funny to see both of them suffer so much, as bad as that sounds. The moment their time was up, they both split apart and started screaming and jumping around like maniacs. V jumped super high in the air, landed on his side, then started spinning around on the floor. I wondered if he was okay. Nonetheless, J-Hope and Tae were both laughing super hard.
"I said no tounge, you pervert!"
"What are you talking about? You enjoyed that too much!" They argued. When they were finished firing come backs at each other and we all settled down again, V put his arm around me, brought his mouth close to my ear, and playfully whispered, "Don't get to jealous, Nicole, that'll be you sooner or later." The words hit me like a speeding bus, and when I looked to him with my heart beating fast, he was already wearing his adorable boxy smile, giggling a deep laugh as he looked away. I blushed so hard, I was sure everyone else could see it too. Before I could even say anything to him, the game proceeded.
"My turn!" J-Hope yelled. "Yoongi, truth or dare?"
He shrugged. "Doesn't matter."
J-Hope grinned. "Truth then. So, you totally had a crush on Savannah, right?" He asked. All the guys and Emily gasped and started talking about 'Savannah'. Me and Laura were the only ones who were utterly confused.
"Ah, was it that obvious?" Suga asked quietly. Everyone started laughing and lightly hitting him.
"Aw, I feel bad now. That was probably the only person he ever had any romantic feelings for." Jungkook said.
Everyone stopped laughing and just kind of nodded silently, and the mood dropped 500 feet down.
"So, um, who's Savvanah?" Laura asked, breaking the silence.
"Oh, we haven't mentioned her before?" Namjoon asked. "She was, well, at first she was a client of ours, but we became closer to her and kept in touch even after our job was done... But things got kind of complicated. A year after our first job with her, she requested another one, a bigger more difficult one. We knew she didn't have the money for it, but we didn't want to deny a client so we got the job done and put her into serious debt. She got really stressed about it and ended up committing suicide..." His voice trailed off.
"Her and Suga would've been so cute together though, am I right?" J-Hope asked. Everyone agreed and chuckled, including Suga.
"You guys seem to treat the subject really lightly..." I said hesitantly.
"Well, it sucks to be so depressed over something for so long, you know? Feeling like you need to blame yourself and all that shit, it's so negative. No regrets, right?" Jin said with a shrug. That's the first time Jin has ever spoken directly to me in a nice way. My parents came to my mind, the thought of Jin shooting them and speaking to me now just didn't seem right....
I slowly nodded.
"Anyways, let's continue." Suga said. "Hm... Jimin, truth or dare?"
Jimin smirked. "Dare, obviously."
Yoongi took a few moments to think. Then, he grinned evily. "Go skinny dipping in the pool."
Everyone started laughing and yelling at Jimin to do it. "I already showered and everything, don't make me get wet again!" He complained.
"Oh stop whining, I had to kiss V, you have it easy!" Hoseok added.
"I'M TAKING A VIDEO!!" Emily yelled excitedly as she got her phone out, followed by an eye roll from Jungkook.
"Do it, Jimin! Besides, we all know Laura wants to see this." I yelled. Laura gasped and kicked me, denying it over and over. Everyone laughed and started messing with Laura then, and Jimin was smiling big. I'm surprised I actually said that, and even more shook to the fact that I said it to Jimin, whom I've had a terrible relationship with all this time so far.
"Okay, fine, this is for you, Laurie." He said with a wink. Everyone started oohing and Laura blushed.
"Damn, he already gave you a nickname!" I whispered to Laura.
"He's never called me that! I have no clue where that came from." She said, blushing.
"Okay, Jimin, go upstairs and strip down, then get onto the balcony and jump into the pool from there." Suga instructed.
"Ah, this is so embarrassing, don't look at me too much." He pouted as he began to run upstairs. Everyone cheered after him. Then we all ran outside.
It was really cold and windy, and the pool must be freezing. The ground was wet from the storm earlier. We all chatted among ourselves, waiting for the big moment. Then, from above us, we heard the door of the balcony open, and saw a naked Jimin step out.


"SHIT THIS IS WAY HIGHER THAN I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE!!" I yelled down to everyone. The pool seemed so far under me. But that wasn't the worst part.
I'm fucking naked.
I feel a strong sensation of embarrassment as everyone is laughing below me. Luckily it's super dark outside, and since I can just barely see their silhouettes, that probably means that they can't see me very well either. I still try to cover myself up, anyway.
"JUMP JIMIN, JUMP!" Laura screamed up to me. Everyone started chanting and cheering. I cold wind flew by, and I was covered in goosebumps. I didn't think it would be so fucking cold! Suddenly, they started counting down.
"YOLOOOOOO!!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I jumped off the balcony. This felt like committing suicide. Everyone was cheering and yelling, it seems like they all want me to die.
The second my body hit the water, I felt like I was really dead. So fucking cold!!!! I screamed without even thinking about it and swallowed a huge gulp of pool water. I swam up to the surface and started coughing. I was welcomed with lots of applause. I was about to get out, then remembered I was still naked.
"FUCK YOU MIN SUGA!" I yelled to Yoongi, who was laughing uncontrollably. "Dammit it's freezing in here!! I can't feel my dick!!"
"I'm just saying, from what I could just barely see, it's really small." Laura said to me.
"Well then you obviously didn't see much, cuz it's not." I snap with smirk. "Now someone give me a towel so I can get out!"
Jungkook throws me one and I barely catch it before it falls into the water too. I cover up my waist and below as I get out and wrap in around me like a skirt. I hugged myself. "Damn, it's so cold!" I said, my teeth chattering. Laura suddenly comes up behind me and hugs me from behind.
"There, you warm now?" She asks.
I turn my head to look at her. "You do realize I'm naked, right?" I ask with a chuckle.
"You have a towel on."
"That's tied very loosely around my waist and it could fall off at any given moment. Besides, you still clinging to my bare chest right now."
"Are you complaining?"
I grin. "No."
We waddle back inside and she only lets go of me when the door is fully closed. "Ugh, now my shirt it all wet." Laura whines.
"Jimin, watch the video I took!" Emily said. Everyone gathered around her, and I got a great look at myself screaming like a little girl. And I thought they wouldn't be able to see me clearly, but no, the video captured it all, and I understood what Laura was talking about.
       "That video makes my dick look so small! It's probably just the angle, it's actually much-"
      "Spare us the details." Laura said.
      "Well, since you took the time to notice the size, it seems you were staring at it for the entire fall." I said.
      Before Laura can speak, V butts in. "It's true! She wouldn't take her eyes off you!" He exclaimed.
       "No way! I only got the slightest glance, and that was an accident! I was looking at the ground the whole time." She said defensively.
      "Don't lie to me, Laura, I know you were excited the second Suga dared me to do it."
      "You're so self absorbed."
      "That doesn't change the fact that-"
       "Well, Jungkook was staring too!" She blurts. Kookie starts denying it as Emily gasps.
       "So you've really been in love with Jimin this entire time? Why would you hide it from me!?" She yelled at him playfully.
      "Okay, we were all watching, just own up to it already." Taehyung said. Everyone nodded, I could feel heat going up to my cheeks.
      "Perverts..." I mutter.
      "Oh stop it, it's nothing we haven't seen before." Namjoon said. All eyes turn to Laura and Nicole. "Come on, they're both 21, there's no way they haven't-"
      "How about we change the subject now?!" Emily said extra loud. "This is getting awkward. Jimin, put some clothes on because no one but Laura wants to keep looking at your chest. Suga, go make some more pop corn. J-Hope, get a bunch of sodas from the fridge. I need caffeine." She demanded.
      "Then how about I just keep my shirt off for Laura?" I ask innocently, sending her a glance. She's blushing so hard. A wave of satisfaction goes over me.
      "I mean, the view isn't that bad... So it doesn't really matter." She said quickly.
      "Lauraaaa," I say in a singsong voice. "You're flirting with me."
      "Psh, as if you haven't already been doing that this whole time." She said with some newfound confidence. She received some oohs from our small crowd.
      "Whatever, I'm gonna go change." I said, turning around to go upstairs.
      "Me too, my shirt's all wet. I practically dried Jimin with it." Laura said. We walk upstairs together and I open the door to her room, letting her in. I walked in with her, closed the door, and turned around so she could change.
       "Laura." I said.
      "Hm?" She replied. I could hear her taking her shirt off.
      "Choose truth."
       "I'm gonna pick you when we get back down stairs for the game. Choose truth, just this once, okay?"
       "Why? You got a good question to ask?"
        "Yeah, I do."


      When we get back down stairs (and Jimin has unfortunately put clothes on) we sat in the circle again. I wasn't surprised when he chose me, and I obediently said truth, like he asked.
      He looked at me for a moment, right in the eyes. "What was your life like before we kidnapped you?" He looked serious, like he was genuinely wondering. Everyone's eyes averted to me, they all seemed rather interested in my response, including Nicole. I don't want to make her feel bad, but I say what I need to say.
       "It was shit." I said bluntly. I pause, and no one speaks, so I go on. "I worked, slept, ate, worked, read, occasionally exchanged a few words to my brother and mom... The only times I ever had fun was when I hung out with Nicole and Alyssa." My voice cracks on her name, and it's difficult to say. Jungkook doesn't meet my eyes. I chuckle softly. "You guys don't have to worry too much, it's not like you ruined my chances of doing something in the future. I probably just would've hopped around part time jobs till I got a promotion, then be the manager of some other bank till the day I die." I say all this like it's no big deal, but it honestly is. I glance to Nicole, and her expression is unreadable. I wish I could know what she thinking right now, if she's angry or ashamed or upset, or if she agrees?
      "What about way before... As in 6 years ago?" Jimin asked me, and I knew he was talking about before my dad left.
      I allowed myself a small smile. "It wasn't bad. I mean, yeah, there was a lot of drama and arguments, but a ton of people deal with that too, so it was pretty average. I don't know, going out to dinner sometimes, watching movies when my parents were on good terms, just an average life. Nothing special. I was really lucky to have met Nicole, I don't know how I would've survived all those years without some sort of fun..." I'm trying to get some reaction from her, but her face stays the same, and it's making me more worried by the second.
      "Do you... wish you could go back?" Jimin asked hesitantly. He never averted his gaze, he looked deep into my eyes, like if he stared at me hard enough, he would be able to tell if I'm lying.
       "No." I said. everyone kept silent. "I mean it." I reassured them with a laugh. "God, I've done more stuff in the time I've been here than in my whole life. Like seriously, it's crazy. I just, I mean... Thank you." I struggle to let all those words out. I'm looking down, flustered. I made up my mind about how I feel a long time ago, but letting them know feels like a hundred pounds being lifted from my shoulders. I look up, and to my surprise, see most everyone smiling, at least the tiniest bit. That question, it kind of felt like Jimin was giving me a say in all this. He had just given me a moment to speak, to let everyone know what I think. When I know that we've all had enough of all this cheesy stuff, I grin and say "My turn."
      Some hours later, at God knows what time in the morning, we're all exhausted, drunk (Emily already passed out), and done with our marathon. We watched a total of 5 horror movies, and spent a while playing truth or dare, drinking, messing around, being stupidly loud, screaming, and doing some of the most embarrassing shit you've ever seen. Then comes that point where everyone is in agreement that we are done for the night.
We spread out across the living room floor and couch and just crash, no one has the energy or will power to go upstairs to their rooms. As we were finally settling down, getting in comfortable sleeping positions, I see Jimin laying on the ground. I chuckle as walk over to him, tripping once, and plopping down next to him. "Jiminnn," I say quietly, laying down. The world is still spinning even after I close my eyes.
"Lauraaa," he replies, matching my tone, without opening his eyes. I grab his arm and fling is over me, forcing him to hug me.
"I'm cold." I said, pressing up against him. He opens his eyes slightly and squints at me.
"You're more drunk than I am..." He said, voice raspy. I pretty sure he's still half asleep.
I chuckle. "I'm not, I'm just really cold, hug me." I pout. I don't feel that drunk, besides the fact the the world is going in circles. And that my vision is slightly distorted. And that my stomach is doing backflips. And that I have a strong urge to make out with Jimin.
Haha, make out, what a fat lie. I want to do so much more right now... But damn, I'm tired.... Jimin looks pretty right now...
The faintest smirk spreads on his face. "Mhm, right. Tomorrow you'll use being drunk as an excuse for what you did earlier."
"What I did earlier? Did I do something?"
"You already forgot? Damn, it was only, like, 2 hours ago. Doesn't matter. We'll tell you tomorrow." He said, pausing at random moments and stuttering a little.
"I said hug me," I whine. He obeys and pulls me closer, making me feel warm all over.
"Jiminnn," I said again in a singsong voice, laughing a bit.
"What? I'm trying to sleep." He said, irritation creeping into his voice.
"You wanna know something?"
"Get to the point."
I smile, not opening my eyes. "I think... I think I like you, and I'm pretty sure you like me, because you keep kissing me and making me nervous-" I stop myself, suddenly very confused. "What was I saying?"
"You're drunk." He repeats, seeming more in control of his voice now.
I laugh. "That's a good excuse. Keep thinking it and maybe it'll be true that's that's the only reason... That I said... I thought..." I stopped speaking, I didn't understand what I was trying to say anymore, my words didn't make sense. "Just hug me and go to sleep." I said, already drifting away into darkness.
"Then let's pretend that I'm really drunk too, so tomorrow I can tell you that that's the only reason that I'm telling you I feel the same way now." I can feel him smile a bit. "Night." He said finally. I tried to repeat what he just said in my head, but the words didn't really make sense, I didn't get what they meant, and before I could even try harder, I found myself caught in dreamless sleep.

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