Inseparable {Autistic!Louis B...

By lousbumtohazsdik

744K 21.1K 15.6K

"Your little difference is inseparable. Because that's what makes you who you are." Autistic!Louis B... More

01. Breakfast*
02. Dummy*
03. A little accident*
04. Zee*
05. Dinner With Harry*
06. Too Much*
07. O-ot*
08. Daddy?*
09. No Touches*
10. Out of Order*
12. Peek-a-boo*
13. M-MA*
14. Here To Listen*
15. Stars*
16. Ready To Tell*
17. Pretty Princess*
Everyone Matters.
18. Dolls Collection*
19. Your Harry*
20. With him forever*
21. My Sunshine*
22. W-wuv*
23. Winnie*
24. The Lucky Charm*
25. The First day*
26. B-bwinky da-ddy*
27. Not So Sleepy*
28. Holding You Close
The Petrichor - Stylinson
Awaiting Angel - Stylinson
Out Of Control - Stylinson
Spanish Translation
Portuguese Translation
New Account!
World Autism Awareness Day 2018
The Sand Castles

11. Dreams about Daddy*

23K 652 312
By lousbumtohazsdik


 Jay came back from work, really exhausted. She asked Harry to stay for dinner but he kindly refused since he had to do an online meeting. He got up and walked up to Louis to say goodbye.

"Hey bud, I'm gonna leave now. Bye, baby." Harry said leaning down to hug Louis.

"B-bah, da" Louis said while tapping Harry's face with his saliva covered fingers.

"He's still not over the 'da' thing. Is he?" Jay asked chuckling a bit. "But seriously Harry, you better talk that word outta him or else he's gonna call you that forever." She said now with a concerned face.

"Well I really don't mind. It's okay if he wanna call me that. He can do whatever that makes him comfortable." Harry said smiling reassuringly at Jay.

"Well... But you know, it's kinda inappropriate. If you get what I meant." Jay said smiling sheepishly. Harry turned cherry red at this. I mean, who did ever think that he would be talking about a kink with a middle-aged woman.

"Uh- yeah, yes um... Yeah. I get it but he um... right, He is... like- he's innocent and he doesn't mean to make it sound that way. You know and... so yeah." Harry said smiling awkwardly after. Jay laughed at his frog face. 'Man this is so embarrassing' Thought Harry.

"Yeah I get it. Well, if you don't mind." Jay said smiling reassuringly at Harry. Harry smiled back and left out a breath that he didn't know he was holding in.

"I'm gonna go now, Jay. See you later." Harry said and gave Jay a quick hug before leaving.

"So my little boobear, what did you do today with Harry?" Jay asked ruffling Louis' hair and sitting next to him. Louis glared at her and pointed at the door saying 'D-Da'. Jay chuckled.

"Okay love, then what did you do with daddy today?" She asked again correcting herself to avoid any tantrum from Louis. He just gurgled around his fist having already lost concentration on the matter. Jay smiled and kissed his forehead before standing up again.

"Okay love, mommy's gonna take a shower now. Be a good boy 'till I come back." She said and headed upstairs. Louis got really bored waiting for his mommy to come back. So he decided to lay on the couch and watch TV.

When Jay came downstairs Louis was fast asleep on the couch. She smiled and let him be while she cooks dinner.

 When she is finished cooking dinner it's around 7.30pm. So she walks up to the couch to wake Louis up for dinner. She sat on the couch next to him and ran her hand through his hair massaging his scalp a bit.

"D-da da da" He mumbles in his sleep and Jay almost fell off the couch when he kicked his legs. Jay figured he was dreaming about Harry. She smiles and tried to wake him up again.

"Louis, love, wake up baby boy. It's time to eat dinner." She said slightly shaking him. Louis groaned but woke up. Tears filled in his eyes as soon as he woke up. He started full on crying in no time.

"D-DA DA DA" He repeatedly said- more like screamed out. Jay was confused till she figured out that he was expecting Harry to be there when he wakes up and there was no Harry. 

Jay sighed and 'picked' the boy up and sat him on her lap. Louis sobbed into her shoulder still mumbling 'Dadadadada'. She rocked back and forth while patting Louis' back and whispering soothing words to him. But Louis was having none of it. 

His cries got louder suddenly and Jay was running out of ideas to make him stop crying. She can't just call Harry 'cause he's probably doing his meeting now. Jay decided to just put on some music on the TV. She turned on the TV and it was too loud for Louis' liking. He covered his ears and sobbed even louder. Jay quickly turned off the TV and apologized while taking his hands off from where they are scratching against his own face. Louis started hitting Jay on her chest with his fist and it did hurt her. She was too weak to hold his hands now but she somehow managed to get him off her lap and put him on the floor. She quickly ran to fetch her phone while coughing. She decided to call Liam.

"H-hello Li. I don't know what to do." She sputtered out as soon as Liam picked up the phone.

"Oh god, what's going on? Why is he crying? What happened? Aunt Jay are you okay?" He couldn't help but panic himself.

"I'm okay. He's crying 'cause he dreamt about Harry but Harry wasn't here when he woke up. I can't distract him with anything. I don't know what to do Li." Jay said almost crying.

"Okay, well, okay, right. Put me on speakers now and let him hear me." Liam said. Jay just did that.

"Okay, now talk to him Li." Jay said.

"Louis, love, Louis, see who's here babe, listen Li is here. How was your day baby? Did you do the math work I gave you?" He kept asking random questions to distract Louis but it was no use. Louis slapped the phone that was on Jay's hand almost making it fall to the ground but Jay was quick to catch it.

"He's not having it Liam. God I don't know what to do." Jay said turning off the speakers.

"Oh wait, Harry is texting with Zayn now. He's probably free now. Call him. He'd calm him down. I'm sure he can." Liam said. Jay hung up the phone with a quick 'okay' and called Harry straight away.

"Harry, Please do something. He woke up after dreaming 'bout you and now he's crying 'cause you're not here. Please do something." Jay said frantically to the phone when Harry answers the call.

"Calm down, Jay. He's gonna be okay. Put me on speaker." He said trying to calm himself down while listening to his baby's cries. His baby? Woah, okay, he's too deep into it already.

"Done. Talk to him now." Jay said.

"Hey babe, listen da is here. Sh don't cry love. Shh shh listen take a deep deep breath for me when I count to three. Okay? You can do that for me, right?" Harry talked to Louis through the phone. Louis' sobs has started to subside now.

"Okay love here we go. One, two, three. Deep breaths." Louis took a shaky breath in while listening to Harry's soothing voice.

"Good boy! Let's try again. Okay?" Louis nodded without realizing that Harry can't see him.

"D-da" He whimpers,

"Yes baby, I'm here. Okay, deep breaths again when I count to three." Harry smiled to himself knowing that what he's doing is gonna work.

"One, two, three. Deep breaths." Harry said encouraging Louis. Louis took a deep breath and let it out. His cries stopped after few more deep breaths and Harry's soothing words. Then Jay handed the phone over to Louis.

"Hey lovely, you're okay now, aren't you?" Harry said smiling widely. God he's so whipped.

"D-Da" Louis squealed happily to the phone.

"Yes baby it's me. I will see you soon okay? I will come back to your house soon." Harry said smiling wider than before. He thought that his face is gonna split in two any second.

"D-dadada" Louis whimpered. Harry's face fell thinking he did something wrong that would make the boy cry again. But he was just missing his daddy already.

"Aw love it's okay daddy will come back soon. Now be a good boy and eat your dinner. Okay?" Harry said. Louis just gurgled around his fist as he expected.

"Good boy! Now hand the phone over to your mommy." Louis handed the phone to Jay.

"Hello love, thank you so much for that. I had no idea what to do." Jay said smiling.

"It's nothing Jay. I would be there any time you need me." Harry said to the phone.

"I'm so glad love. You must be having that meeting of your soon. So talk to you later. Bye!" Jay said remembering bout the meeting.

"Oh yeah. Talk to you later. Bye!" Harry said before hanging up. Jay sat down next to Louis and ran her hand through his hair.

"Let's go and have dinner baby. Mommy made your favorite." Jay smiled at her son. Louis squealed and ran into the kitchen. Jay chuckled and made her way to the kitchen and served two plates to both of them. Louis dug into his meal immediately. 

While eating dinner Jay's mind wandered off to somewhere else. She thought about how Louis got too attached to Harry within couple of days. It was odd and scary. She knew that Harry was no harm yet. But she just can't trust a stranger that she met in a coffee shop. Yeah, he's a friend of Zayn and Liam but he can be a serial killer that is very very secretive. She got worried sick thinking about the heartbreak the smaller boy would be left with if Harry ever turned his back on them. That would be something awful to deal with. 

 She looked up at Louis and saw him eating his dinner in peace. She would rather die than watching her baby boy hurt. Well, she would have to talk things straight (Lmao he gay ma'am) with Harry. Jay nodded to herself. 


(Word Count 1593)

A/N - Finally a long chappy! I wrote this while pressing the space bar with my nose. It was that late and I was sick af. Soooo hope you enjoyyy!!!!

And I decided to get to know my few followers. So here's the QOTC.

QOTC - Who are you?

Answer - Well, I'm Ash (ObViOuSlY) and I don't like to expose my location but it's safe to know that my country is shit and full of judgmental people. um... and I'm Bi. I'm 18 and I like drawing and writing a lot. And I do like to learn anything that involves technological thingys. And I'm outgoing type of person but sometimes shy. Ah and I have the most embarrassing falls ever. fml. (:


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