
By WeirdMusketeer

792 56 434

''I love you'' More than you know... This story is about a teen boy who's trying too hard. He has to take ca... More

Description A/N
Chapter one (Max)
Chapter two (Milan)
Chapter three (Max)
Chapter four(Milan)
Chapter five (Max)
Chapter six (Milan)
Chapter seven (Milan)
Chapter eight (Max)
Chapter nine (Milan)
Chapter ten (Max)
Chapter eleven (Milan)
Chapter twelve (Max)
Chapter thirteen (Milan)
Chapter fourteen (max)
Chapter fifteen (Milan)
Chapter sixteen (Milan)
Chapter seventeen (Max)
Chapter eighteen (Milan)
Chapter Nineteen (Milan)
Chapter twenty (Max)
Chapter twenty-one (Milan)
Chapter twenty-two (Max)
Chapter twenty-three (Milan)
Chapter twenty-four (Max)

Chapter twenty-five (Max)

16 1 39
By WeirdMusketeer

I wake up a bit confused. While keeping my eyes closed I feel the space next to me, empty. No strong arms around me or a warm body next to me. This feels rather weird considering we sleep together every night. I slowly open my eyes and try to adjust to the bright sunlight. Why the hell are the curtains already open? I groan while stretching my arms when the door slowly opens. The first thing I see are brown locks matching those light brown eyes I love to stare into. A small smile spread across my face as Milan opens the door a bit more.

''Are you awake, love?''


such a small and simple word but so much meaning behind it. That small word coming from Milan brings butterflies to my stomach.

''Yeah I am.'', I say with a sleepy voice whilst smiling lightly

''Good, 'cause I brought you something.'' I look at Milan curiously before he fully opens the door exposing a big breakfast tray. ''I used my mom's recipes.'' He proudly states.

I make grabby hands towards the tray and Milan let's out a low chuckle before walking towards me and sitting next to me with the tray in his lap. I hungrily explore the tray. Blueberry pancakes, fresh orangejuice, vanilla waffles and some green lemon tea.

''I love you, Mie.'' I say, kissing his cheek. ''Can I eat now?''

Milan chuckles before nodding and moving the tray towards me. ''Happy Birthday Maxxie''

We both begin to eat his delicious food which may I add tasted fricking delicious, dude got some skills.

15 minutes later the tray lies emty on the ground and I'm on top of Milan. Small kisses keep going back and forth while the both of us whisper sweat nothings to each other.

''I love you'' ''You're cute'' ''You're amazing'' ''Best boyfriend'' ''You make me feel so special''

''Max'' I give him a kiss, ''Max''

I kiss him again and again, trying to silence him.

''babe'' I groan, make it stop please. ''BABE'', he speaks again but louder.

'''What? I just wanna make out'' I whine.

''We need to get some snacks for tonight. ''

I just groan as a response and keep kissing his neck. ''Max, it's already 2pm and we aren't even dressed yet.''

We did sleep in today, oops (hi).

I groan again before mumbling against his cheek ''But don't you wanna makeout?''

''Well yeah'', he speaks with a lot of trouble. ''But if we don't get some snacks and drinks, the boys will be using it against us for the rest of our lives''

''But, your lips are calling me''

''Yeah, to go to the market''

''I hate you'', I state but I can't help but grin at his stupid joke.

''I love you too'', Milan answers cheekily. I smile at the boy in front of me. I love him so much, enough to stop this make out session and do what the boy asked me to do. I slowly get up from my (our) bed and walk to my dresser. I move my hips slowly while pulling my pajama pants down. I hear a low groan behind me and chuckle slightly, before tracing my fingers against my superman boxers.


''What?'' I ask innocintly, turning around to face him. I see a dark eyed Milan and I just smile innocently at him. He groaned again before standing up, throwing his hands in the air and turning around to leave the room. As he walks through the door he exclaims: ''I'm getting dressed, we leave in five.''

I laugh at the boy but quickly get dressed because when Milan says we leave in five, we leave in five. I remember this one time where I couldn't decide what to wear. I was standing infront of my closet with black skinny jeans on and some white Vans when Milan barged into my room. He grabbed my arms and started pulling me away from the closet, luckily, I was fast enough to grab a random shirt because if I didn't I would've had to go shirtless to a concert...


I can't even descripe how the grocery shopping went. We couldn't decide on what kind of drinks (non-alcoholic) and food to bring so it took us an actual hour to get what we need. We got some bags of chips and nuts, we got way too many drinks, we got some decoration, we got a cake and we may or may not have gotten ourselves some kinder eggs.

After our shopping trip, we made the house 'party ready', as Milan described it. Meaning we moved some couches to make more space, we put a few cool cds next to the radio and we made Milan's PlayStation play ready. We also put on some decoration making it more childlike than what we intented... We put the drinks inside the fridge, moving all the products we didn't need tonight to the fridge in the garage. Because a bunch of drunk dudes and food isn't quite a good mix... We also put the chips and nuts on the kitchen counter with enough bowls next to it and some small plates for the cake.

We were both quite nervous for tonight but neither of us really knew why. Well, I'm assuming he doesn't know. We didn't really talk about it, which made dinner a bit awkward. We ordered a pizza but we didn't know what to talk about. I asked him a few times if we had everything we need and he kept assuring me we did. He told me he had done a few preperations himself earlier this week and he was sure he had bought everything.

What the hell was that supposed to mean? What did he buy? Is he referring to my present or some food I don't know of? I know he went to the neighbors to tell about the party but that's not something you can buy. I tried convincing him in telling me what my present was but he wouldn't say. I just gave up and some how we ended up making out again.

A cd with different artists and types of music on it was playing, currently Stressed Out was playing loudly, causing us to not hear the doorbell. Well, maybe the heavy makeout session was part of the reason too...

''HAPPY BIRHTDAY'', We heard Tom and Thomas yell from the hallway, causing me to fall off of Milan onto the ground. I groaned loudly while Milan was dying of laughter. He better die. ''Whoah, what happened here?'' Tom asked confused.

''Ugh nothing, I just fell.'' I groaned glaring at Milan.

''Well, okay... Shirtless boy.'' Tom said hesitantly. ''We got you a present''

I quickly stood up and pulled my shirt over my head before accepting their present, I opened it and was bit surprised to see a diner bon. I looked at them questioningly. ''Erm, well so when you went on that trip with Mie. Erm, you went to a restaurant right?'' I nod. ''We thought you guys should go there again, it seemed special.''

I smiled at them. I gave both of them a hug, showing how much it meant to me. I quickly put the gift on a side table. 12 more people came, all giving me small gifts. I was still waiting for one guest though. Damian. I hadn't seen him since I left the hospital. I haven't talked to him either, that place didn't allow any calls with Damian. All of the sudden I hear the doorbell. Really soft because of Green Day blasting through the speakers.

I open the door and a big smile immediatly grows on my face. I pull the boy into my arms, needing some kind of proof that he was actually here.

"I am so happy you're here.", I state.

"Me too, Happy birthday bud."

I had pulled him towards the couch where we talked. Damian told me he moved back into his parents house and they're trying to fix their relationship. It's still hard because his parents look at him differently and I immediately understood when he said that. He told me his panic attacks have decreased and he hasn't had any blackouts where he hurt him or others. I can't explain how much that comforted me. Damian proudly showed me his wrists, no fresh cuts.

I proudly told Damian about having only one therapist session a week. I showed him some of my new art on my phone and I got Damian to put his new phone number into my contact list.

"There's one more thing I need to tell you.", I shyly speak. Damian looks at me questioningly waiting for me to continue. "You remember Milan?"

Damain nods at me before searching the room with his eyes. His eyes widened when he found Milan staring at me. "Did you finally got together?", he asked excitedly. I nod enthusiast and Damain immediately pulls me into a bone crushing hug.

"We've been dating for a couple months now and it's going amazing. He helps me with my nightmares and we have so much fun. A few days ago we went to s-" I get interrupted by Milan clearing his throat.

I look behind me and I see Milan walking into the living room with a cake in his hand, filled with candles.

"Good evening everybody" some drunk cheers were heard. "You guys already had a lot of drinks but the night is far from over. I just wanted to get your intention to sing a happy birthday song and to let Max blow out the candles." He grins at me while putting the lit cake in front of me.

The guys started to sing Happy Birthday and before I knew it my cheeks were flushed bright pink. I blow out the candles whishing for something special.

"Before we turn up the music again I just wanted to say a quick word about Max. I just wanted to say that I love him a lot and he's so special and now that he's seventeen and growing up, I just really wanted to sha-", He gets interrupted by someone turning up the music again.

I burst into laughter but I quickly notice the disappointed look on Milan's face. I walk towards him and pull his face towards mine to give him a quick kiss.

"It's okay.", I whisper in his ear.

''No, it's not", he speaks loudly to win from the music. "I had this whole speech prepared about your cute freckles and how smart you are and how proud I am an-"

"It's okay, mie.", I shush him. "I know how you feel, you can always tell me later.", I wink at him.

He looks at me before grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the kitchen, which is surprisingly empty. He pushes me against the counter before kissing me.

"Woah, what was that for?", I ask out of breath.

"Just, I love you Maxxie"

"I love you too."

Milan looks at me for a few seconds just examining my face which is making me a bit insecure to be honest. "What?", I ask the tinniest bit annoyed.

"I got a call this morning", he says. Well that's a lot of information, isn't it? I look at him expectingly waiting for him to continue. "From your boss.", he finishes.

"What?", I ask confused. "Why would he call you? What happened? Is he okay?", I ask nervous.

''Whoa, calm down Love." He grabs my shoulders to steady me. "He called me to ask me if I thought you were ready to come back for one day a week."

I look at him with big eyes. I can't believe this. I loved working there and I missed it so much. It may sound weird that I want to work so badly but it means that I'm taking care of myself, I feel more grown up plus it's a great workout. "So... What did you say?", I ask.

"I said that you're free on Saturdays."

I gave him a big, teeth showing smile before wrapping my arms around him and hugging him tightly. "I can FINALLY get my abs back!", I announce to him. He chuckles at me before pushing me slightly to get out of my tight grip.

"One more thing.", he says with a nervous smile. He opens the cabinet behind him and pulls out black box with a white bow on it. "Happy birthday, Max.", he says handing me the box. "Wrapped it myself."

I stare at it for a few seconds with a silly smile on my face. "It's beautiful Mie." I untie the bow and pull the wrapping paper off of the box. I slowly open the box only to see a envelope laying on the bottom and a jewely box on top. I grab the jewely box and look up at Mie. "You didn't pay too much, did you?"

"I can never spend enough money on you.", he states cheekily.

I shake my head in amusement before opening the small box. A beautiful silver arrow necklace lays in it and I'm in love. Milan is quick to grab it out of the box and making me turn around. He clips the necklace around my neck and I quickly turn around to steal a kiss.

"Open the envelope."

I grab the envelope and quickly open it to see what's in it. To my surprise I pull out two tickets. I look at it with big teary eyes. "No, you didn't."

"Oh, yes I did.", he says grinning.

I look up at him shaking my head. "Catch me." I say jumping into his arms.

"I can't believe we're going to see TwentyOne Pilots." I whisper in his ears. I move away from his ear to lock my eyes with his before kissing him passionately.

After a few minutes of us kissing way too passionately, a may I add very drunk, Tom walks into the kitchen. "Stop making out already.", he slurs. "We need you in the living room. We're having a discussion and we need your opinions.", Tom finishes and clumsily walks back to the living room.

"He got drunk real fast.", I state while Milan lowers me back to the ground. Considering we both only had one beer, it's quite weird to see your friend that drunk.

Milan grabs my hand and pulls me towards the living room. We could immediately hear our friend discussing something when we entered the room. We both decided to stay back for a second to hear what they were saying.

"Well, that's quite hurtfull. Max is the cutest one! Milan is a naughlt little bunny.", Tom states.

"What are you talking about? He wouldn't hurt a fly.", Davey answers.

"Not like that you dumbass.", Alex answers hitting Davey on the forehead.

"But in all seriousness, Max totally tops.", Adam states.

"Hey! I'm the gay one here, Milan tops.", Thomas says.

"Ugh, I just wanted to know their shipname.", Davey said.

"I agreeeee witthh Tommyy, Milan totally bops, I mean tops.", Tom says trowing his arms around Thomas. Damn he's drunk.

"How come he doesn't get any death threats for saying Tommy but we do.", Alex notices grumpily crossing his arms over his chest.

All of the sudden Milan starts walking again, pulling me with him.

"What on earth are you guys talking about?!"

"Your shipname", Davey states.

"Who tops.", Thomas says.

"Well, the one who tops is obv-" Milan starts but I'm quick to interrupt him.

"Alright... I'm so not telling you guys who tops." Tom and Thomas looked the most disappointed out of all of them, but I couldn't care less. "So, what shipnames did you make up?"

"We're down to two; Maxan and Milax."

"Maxan", both me and Milan answer. "That's the same one our moms made up", I explain.

"So about who tops...", Thomas says with question in his tone.

"Oh yeah, well obvi-"

"NO", I interrupt Milan again. "We're not telling them."


A few more hours of lots of fun pass by and for some reason the tension between me and Milan keeps growing. Most people including Damian had already left. Just three of our closests friends are still here.

Davey walks towards me, pulling me away from Milan and giving me a big hug. "Had a great time, mate. Love ya. Sleep well." He quickly gives Milan a hug too saying his ride is here before he jogs out of the house.

Now it's just me, Milan, Tom and Thomas. Tom is abnormally drunk. And I can't help but think about how this is the perfect moment to ask him about that gay club Thomas wanted to go too. Remember? When he didn't agree on Thomas going there. I whisper this to Milan and he immediately agrees. We see Thomas going to the bathroom before sitting Tom down on a chair.

"So, Tom." I begin when we reach him. He looks up at us with big brown eyes. "Why didn't you want Thomas to go to that gay club?" I ask the drunk boy straight forward.

"Becaussseee, his reason was stupid, stupido, stupidus, stupidipo.", he slurs.

"What was his reason then?", Milan asks curiously.

"I can't tell you.", he giggles. I look at Milan, did he just actually giggle. Tom, the so called 'badboy' of our group of friends. What the.

"Come on tell us, we're your friends."

"He was mad at me.", Tom pouts.

This is taking ages. "Why was he mad at you?", I ask trying not to sound too impatient.

"Because I said that I di-'' But right before he could finish that sentence Thomas walked back into the room and quickly placed a hand on Tom's mouth.

"I think it's time to go now.", he states awkwardly.

"But I don't wannaaa gooo.", Tom whines after licking Thomas' hand making him retract his hand. Milan and I just stare at the two of them curiously. Thomas leans down to Tom's ear and whispers something. Tom in return has his cheeks turning bright red and quickly stands up. "Well, it looks like we gotto go now.", suddenly he sounds completely sobered up.

Tom intertwines his hand with Thomas' and pulls him towards the door. We follow them to the door and when Thomas finally has his coat one Tom pulls him outside. But right before the door closes Tom shouts something into the house.

"Looks like four people are gonna be lucky tonight."

I looked at the closed door confused. "What was he talking about?", I ask Milan. I turn around to see the two, usually light, dark brown eyes staring right at me. Before I could say anything about it Milan pushes me against the door and starts kissing my neck.

This is the tention I was talking about. This is the moment I've been waiting for. That moment where we're both ready. I know it's here. I know we are. But I'm still nervous, I mean I could screw up big time. That's basically what I do 99% of the time so...

"Max, relax, babe.", Milan whispers between kisses on my neck. I move his head away from my neck and he looks at me with big brown confused eyes. I've never seen those eyes so dark, I never knew they could be even more beautiful. "You're not ready?", he asks carefully.

"No, I am. I'm just nervous. I just love you so much and I don't wanna screw this up."

"You won't. I love you too."

I smile at him before I attach our lips in a slow but passionate kiss.

He moves his hand to my butt and pinches it slightly signaling me to jump. I jump and he holds me tight before moving us upstares to his(our) bedroom.

And that's how it started. Our first time. It was special, amazing, safe, electrifying and most of all, romantic. It could not have been better.

And even though this might sound like the end of a dramatic but romantic story. It's only the beginning. We're only 17 and life has just started. Our love story has just started.

From best friends to lovers, from depressed to happy and from straight to gay, everything can happen in life, as unexpected as it might seem. Your safe place and your home might be closer than you think.

So be aware, that boy you're sitting next to in the train, that girl you met just yesterday in class or that boy you've been friends with sinds you were toddlers, love is everywhere and out of nowhere it can hit you.

Embrace it, as scary as it might sound.

I eventually embraced it but if I did earlier I could've avoided a lot of shit.


The end





Well that was this chapter. And the book. Sort of, gnagna. There will be a epilogue next plus a bonus chapter : )

Make sure to vote and comment if you liked it. Oh, and it won't hurt anyone if you checked out my twitter page and my youtube channel XD


Twitter: WeirdMusketeer

Youtube: Confused Musketeers

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