Boys Will Like Girls Who Like...

By BunnBunBunnie

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Boys Will Like Girls Who Like Boys (Powerpuff Z Story)
Chappie 2: Let's Meet These Girls
Chappie 3: You want us to clean?
Chappie 4: I Hate Mondays, and Tuesdays and Everyday with School
Chappie 5: Tuesday Hookups
Chappie 6: The Blue and Green
Chappie 7: Quit It!
Chappie 8: Natsuki-Kun!
Chappie 9: He loves me, He loves me not
Chappie 10: Would You Like To.....
Chappie 11: Mom, Dad! I Can Explain!
Chappie 12: You Want Me to Sing?
Chappie 13: Momoko Atkatsutsumi and Mitsuho Takahashi
Chappie 14: Kaoru Matsubara and Akiyo Takahashi
Chappie 15: Miyako Gotokuji and Yakiho Takahashi
Chappie 16: He loves me not
Chappie 17: An Awkward Moment at the Akatsutsumi Residence
Chappie 18: Boomer's Game
Chappie 19: Hi Boys
Chappie 20: What's wrong Kaoru
Chappie 22: Where are You?
Chappie 23: Let us go!
Chappie 24: This Better Work

Chappie 21: I Do Not Have Stage Fright

1.6K 73 4
By BunnBunBunnie

Momoko POV
I paced in anticipation  my heels clicked the glossed wooden floor.

"You're up." A stage hand told me.

I took a deep breath and stepped center stage as the curtains drew back. A small applause was heard. I look in the front row and there was my family, there were smiling. I looked over again and there was Brick trying to be discreet about his presence. It made me feel calm though knowing he was there, just like he was before. All those feeling left me when I heard the song start.

"You and I walk a fragile line. I have known it all this time.."

Everything came out in that one song. I felt alive and yet empty letting everything go. The crowd was clapping yet I only felt like it was me singing every word to him. The song ended and I was breathing hard. Those scarlet eyes looking right into mine. I closed my eyes to embrace the moment and when I opened them, she was there. Berserk's sitting too close to Brick, hand on his shoulder. She glanced at me and smiled before the curtains closed. I couldn't even hear the complements I was too in shock. I walked off stage as Miyako was next after me. I took off my heels making my way out the auditorium and on the side of the building. I sat on the steps still in a daze.


I sighed holding in my tears "Leave me alone Brick."

"You disappeared so I got worried." He said carefully

"Why would tell her I was performing tonight?! My family is in the audience!"

"Momo I'm just as confused, I have no idea how she knew or why." He put his hand up in surrender.

I sighed. Even for as low as he stooped, I believed him. In the end I was glad to see him here. Singing is so much easier when he's there.

"Oh yeah!" He pulled a small assortment of red and pink flowers all bound terribly with a red bow.

"Congratulations!" He smiled handing me the flowers.

"You bought these for me?" I took them from his hands noticing how badly and unprofessional they were arranged.

"Well I would of bought some but somebody beat me to the idea so I picked these!" He had a proud look on his face "My neighbor's old anyway."

"You stole these?" I gasped

"What! No! I asked, I promise I asked." He reassured me.

I calm down and look back at the arrangement. "Well you certainly did. These are all different pinks, there are only two white ones and you badly cut off the torns." I leaned over on his shoulder.

"I'm not a florist Momo." He chuckled placing his arm around me.

"You tried though didn't you?"

"Of course."

Part of me wanted to push him off but that familiar warm feeling came back to me and I bare to do it. I'm going crazy, no. I've always been crazy for him.

"Thank you." I smiled "You getting better at this."

"Better at what?" He asked

"This." I gestured vaguely at the both of us.

It took a second to register. "Oh!" He blushed bright red. "You mean it?"

I smiled feeling the familiar comfort "Yeah."

Miyako POV

Momoko ran right passed me wiping her eyes and out the side door of the auditorium. I didn't have time to go after her so I just walked onto the stage. The curtain fell back and was blinded by the light. I heard cheering from a few people I knew and my Grandma.

"I know I can't take one more step towards you. 'Cause all that's waiting is regret"

A part of me wished I hadn't picked this song, trying to sing properly without crying was tough enough. The whole auditorium was silent listening to every note.

"Remember how to put back the light in my eyes. I wish I had missed the first time that we kissed. 'Cause you broke all your promises."

My heart swelled on the inside and felt like I was I to burst. I finished the line and the crowd roared in applause. The spotlight died and inside Boomer sitting in the front row, he wasn't looking at me or anyone for that matter. He stood up taking a big bouquet of flowers with him.

The curtains closed and I felt light headed. I excused myself and walked off the stage. I headed outside and took low breaths. I couldn't hold it in anymore and finally broke down. Some part just hoped and hoped everything could go back to normal and I hadn't ruined it.

I heard a twig snap and brace myself for an attack. "Who's there!"

Boomer came out, bouquet in hands. "Sorry I didn't mean to disturb you."

"Oh," I sighed in relief "It's just you."

He sat down next to me and handed me the flowers. "Congrats by the way."

"Thank you, it's sweet." I said trying to fill our awkward silence "Why aren't you inside."

"I should ask you that." He replied "You did great by the way."

"You left though." I said pulling the flowers closer to hide my face.

"Yeah, guilt I guess." He replied. "Sorry, didn't mean to spook you. You did sound amazing though, I mean that."

I sighed again. I was one who felt guilty or maybe just scared. The boy the punks described was nothing like the boy I had been with for this long. Boomer had changed and I had believed in him.

"I'm so sorry," my voice cracked "I shouldn't have believed them over you."

"Hey, wait Miyako don't cry! You dont have to apologize to me!"

"Yes I do!" I yelled. I hugged him, still crying. "I don't deserve you being so kind to me still and I'm so sorry for everything I have caused you."

He hugged me back "It's okay Miyako. I'm just glad that you're even talking to me, I would never hurt you Miyako."

He smiled and cupped my face pulling me in for a kiss. I pulled away first for that pesky oxygen.

Kaoru POV

I took deep breaths trying to calm myself down. I felt stupid for picking this song but it's late back out now! The curtains drew back and I instantly recognized my dad's screaming along with my brother's. This is going to be embarrassing.

"I walk a lonely road, the only one that I have ever known."

Was I doing good? I have no idea but judging by the crowd I was doing great. I finished up the last line listening to the guitar solo and out the corner of my eye I saw a familiar pair of dark green eyes. She smirked at me dragging her finger across her neck.

The curtains closed and I felt this intense burning in my sides. My eyes stung with tears I won't let fall. I rushed off stage as the next boy came up. I rushed outside to the courtyard and sat by that damned tree. That awful damned tree.

"Kaoru!" Butch yelled suddenly rushing out the side doors.

"Why?! Why is she here?!" I yelled

"I'm just as confused as you! I hid in the crowd and I was watching her, I thought she would try and attack you." He held his hand up in surrender.

"Tch, right." I rolled my eyes "Look me in the eye and tell me you didn't know."

He grabbed both my hands in his and looked me in my eyes "I swear on my life, I had no idea that Brute would be here tonight."

"Fine," I sighed taking my hands back but he still stubbornly held onto one. I let him have his win and he smiled in relief. "Don't push your luck."

"I'm happy to have any luck right now." He chuckled. I gave no response and just kept looking forward at the empty courtyard.

"Kaoru." He spoke hesitantly "Are you okay?"

I was frozen in place with no clear answer. I wanted to yell and scream that I couldn't trust him. I also remembered this is the same idot who had me running from fangirls just to get a kiss.

"Why did it have to be you? Why couldn't you have just been an asshole out to kill me? Why do I want to believe you so bad?!"

I turned away, I didn't want him to see me crying anymore. He hugged me and I caved at that point. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone you cried Kaoru." He joked

"You're so stupid." I sighed pulling back.

"And still your-"

I pulled him in for a quick kiss. He rested his free hand on my cheek. We pulled away, bright red in the face.

"Still mine." I smiled


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