Chappie 11: Mom, Dad! I Can Explain!

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Date: Sunday

Momoko POV

I was home watching the Johnny Cosmo marathon. After he got married I didn't want to watch the show anymore but Kuriko loves it. My mom was making breakfast and my dad was reading the Sunday paper. Then a loud knock at the door. I opened it and Brick ran in.

"Mitsuho?" I said

"Help! That girls gone crazy!" he said

"What happened? Who's gone crazy," I asked trying to calm him down

"Okay me and Akiyo, maybe made Kaoru mad. So she "changed" and is "flying" here!"

"Man. Guys can you please go up stairs."

Kuriko started having a hissy fit and everyone was arguing and questioning me. To make matters worse, Buttercup came in.

I had to transform at that point yo stop her from killing Brick and wrecking my house!

"Bc! Bc stop!"

"Brick your dead!"

Yo-Yo Catcher

I shouted pulling her hammer to the ground.

"Mom, dad, Riko. I can explain this all," I said "Later."

"No fair! Momoko gets to a Powerpuff and I can't!" Kuriko yelled

"You think we chose this!"I yelled at her. "Let's get to the lab." I said, but BC was already gone.

Kaoru POV

I flew into my window and the door opened as I untransformed. It was my little brother Shou. He ran to the living room.

"Mom! I saw it, I saw everything!"

"What did you see sweetie?"

"Kaoru! She's Buttercup! She's the green Powerpuff."

"Shou we talked about this we do not tell fibs here."

"But I'm not fibbing,"

"That it's give me your game,"

"But Mom!"


I'm gonna regret this but Shou is just a little kid. "Mom," I finally said "He's not lying. Dad, Dai."

"What is it?" My older brother Dai asked as he and my dad came in the living room. I stepped back some.

I transformed and met my family with shocked faces "I am the green Powerpuff Girl."


The questions were cut short by my belt going off.

"Blossom, I'm on my way now."

"I hope Miyako having more luck." She said

Miyako POV

I flew into my window because I knew I had to hurry home. Then my door opened.

"Grandma!" I yelled

"Grandma? Miyako is that you?" she asked

"I can explain this all," I said scared.

My belt beeped and I excused myself momentarily "You two to got caught?" I asked

"Yep," they said

"I'm on my way now," I sighed "Grandma I need to come with me please."

When we got there, all of us were glaring daggers at Brick and Butch, who had their heads down.

"Now how did this all happen?" Mrs. Matsubara asked

"That would be my fault actually," Ken said embarrassed at the amount of people looking at him "I shot the iceberg. The white light hit the girls, the darks ones hit...well...everything else."

"Ken! You could of told me!" Kuriko yelled

"Actually I couldn't," he sighed,but she was still mad.

"Little Rooroo is actually stronger than me," Dai laughed

"Rooroo?!" Butch chuckled to himself

"Remember this is partly your fault!" Buttercup yelled

"I'm not the one with a Powerpuff belt," he smirked

"Butch, I'm pretty sure you want to live, so just stop now,"Blossom said.

Boomer, who actually just woken up leaned over to Bubbles "Are we still going to the beach?" He asked not si quietly.



"Of coaurse!"

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