Chappie 16: He loves me not

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Kaoru POV

I got dress and took a piece of toast. I almost forgot the petal. There was one left so I brought the whole thing. Butch was waiting for me as usual he is everyday, by the tree outside the school. The same tree he almost kissed me on. I walked towards him with my head hung down.

Butch POV

She's not happy. And she has the last petal in her hand.

"Butch," she said sadly "It's a not." She placed the petal on the dirt where the tree was. On it was a big red N. "I'm sorry Butch," she said flatly. There was a crack in her voice and guilt written on her face.

Kaoru POV

Look at me! I ran away with all this girly bullshit. I look like a fool. Unbelievable, I kinda wanted to go on the date with Butch. It maybe would of been fun. I stopped in the field where Miyako is always. I hate my life. I fell for Rowdy and now I'm hurt. I hate flowers. I hate feelings. I hate affection. I hate that he's cute. I hate that I let myself get close to him. I got to class, Butch was already in his seat behind me.

"Are you okay Kao-Chan?" Miyako asked

"You look like you've been crying?" Momoko said

" I'm okay," I lied trying to change the subject. I shouldn't of walked away. I should of just asked him out anyway right there! Oh God I'm turning to a coward!

I sighed putting my head down. I wanna go home..

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