Chappie 9: He loves me, He loves me not

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Date: Friday still

Kaoru POV

"What do you want Butch?" I asked annoyed.

"Momo and Brick are on thier little date, Miya stayed after school today, and Boomer had baseball tryouts." he shrugged "So I'm with you."

He soon picked up a six petal, bright yellow buttercup.

"She loves me, she loves me not, she loves me, she loves me not, she loves me," he said with a big grin "She loves me not?"

"Those flowers don't lie," I laughed

"Okay, did Boomer give you one of those ugly craft flowers? He said he gave all of you one?" Butch asked

"Yeah," I said going into my bag. He gave me a lime green one, Momo a pink one, and Yako a baby blue one with a blue ribbon around it.

"How about this. Everyday you take a petal off and give it to me. At the end of two weeks if it's a not I'll never ask you on a date ever again. If it's a yes, you have to go on a date with me," he said writing big red N's on petals "Deal?"

I crossed my fingers behind my back "Deal" I took the first petal off. "It's a not."

Butch POV

I had counted the leaves on the paper flowers. There were 15, at the end the petal would be blank. In the order she's going outside to center.

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