Chappie 20: What's wrong Kaoru

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Date: The following week

Butch POV

"I can't believe we have to eat out here," Boomer whined picking at his tray.

"Maybe if Brick didn't get us banned from the lunch room for a week we wouldn't have to," I said

"Pft, wimps," he said leaning on a tree, his hat covering his face.

"Ahhhhh," we heard screaming

"What's that?" Boomer asked. Then Buttercup fell straight on Brick and hurt him. We bursted out laughing.

"Shut up," he managed to say tipping over. Then Blossom landed on his leg, and we laughed more.

"Buttercup! We needed help!" Blossom yelled

"I saw an opening and I took it," she yelled

"And look what happened. Fuzzy slung all the way across town!" she yelled

"So! What!"

"So we need to work as a team!" Blossom yelled "What is with you? For the past few days, you've had nothing but a bitter attitude."

"Whatever. I don't need you to lecture me," Buttercup yelled flying away

"It'll be okay Blossy," Bubbles said hovering. They both followed BC.

Kaoru POV

I sat on the roof thinking to myself.

"But Mom!"

"Kaoru Matsubara! This has been decided!"

"Unbelievable! You don't even care how we feel!"

"Kaoru go. I don't want to talk about this anymore."

"I can't believe this," I mumbled walking to my room and slamming the door

Momoko POV

"Momoko! Momoko." Brick called. He caught up to me.

"What do you want?" I said gravely

"Do you know what's wrong with Kaoru," he asked

"Didn't you hear us? She won't tell us," I folded my arms "Why do you even care?"

"Butch," he corrected me "Butch cares. And he cares a lot."

"Well sorry I can't help you," I sighed walking away.

"Momo please." He grabbed my hand and I snatched it back. "He's an idiot and he'll do something dumb, for her."

"Apple doesn't fall far." I snapped

He sighed "You're still mad...and I definitely deserved that one. Sorry to bother you. These past couple days have been rough, you guys seem to be out on missions every minute of the day."

"What's it too you." I hissed

"I just, care to much I guess. About you...I'm not good at this Momoko."

"Thanks, I guess." I couldn't stand to stick around, especially now with guilt flowing over me.

Butch POV

"Brick," I said as soon as Momoko walked away "I got this. You worry about yours and I'll worry about mine."

"Good luck," he said walking away

"I'll need it," I said. I went to roof and Kaoru was there. Slowly approaching her.

"God Butch can you be anymore obvious."

"Are you okay?"

"Go away," she said gravely

"I just wanna know why you've been so upset," I said holding my hands up as if I was surrendering.

"Why should tell you?"

"What do you have to lose?? Who would even believe me?"

"How do I know I can trust you?"

"I came up here unarmed, alone and you could easily through me over." I tired cracking a smile hut it didn't land. "Just because of what the punks said doesn't mean I'm any different. I mean, you know me Kaoru. You've known me since Day 1."

"Listening to you try to find a good reason is almost as painful as listening to you in general." She rolled her eyes "You're gonna keep bothering me till I tell you, aren't you."


"Still the same idiot." She laughed bitterly

"Yep. Now tell."

She hesitated. Hands in lap, clenching her fist. "My dad's leaving. He got this job and he has to leave Townsville. I got into an argument with them a few nights ago."

"I'm sorry Kaoru," I said.

"I don't want him to leave again. He's always away and it's just." she wiped her eyes. "What the hell am I doing...?"

She turned to me "I'm crying in front of you and I hate you so much. Why am I telling you any of this? So you can ran off to your Powerpunk Girlfriend and she can plot to kill me?! What the hell Butch?!" She pushed my hand back from her shoulder

"Kaoru look at me! If I wanted to hurt you I would of, I have had EVERY opportunity to hurt you but I haven't? Why can't you believe that I wouldn't hurt you?!" I stood up on the edge. "If you think I'll hurt you, push me right now."

"Stupid you can fly." She dried her eyes

"That's not the point. Come on, this is your freebie, you've always wanted this right? Push me Kaoru."

She glared at me and rolled her eyes. Tears dripped down her face and she grabbed my shirt collar pulling me into a hug. "Why, didn't you push me?"

"Because, I want to believe you..I want to trust you." Her voice cracked "I hate you so much Butch, you're so dumb and I hate that I can't hurt you and I want to. I want to so bad. This isn't fair."

I wrapped my arm around her and she buried her face in my chest crying more. "I hate you so much..."

"Yeah. I hate me too."

Brute POV

I'll kill her. I'll that little bitch. Butch is my Rowdy.

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