Chappie 10: Would You Like To.....

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Come one, come all to the super fanstastic Princess Party! This Saturday at the Morbucks mansion.~ Morbucks Industries

"She's serious," I said shocked

"There's no way I'm going to a Morbucks party," Kaoru agreed

"Why?"Butch asked

"It's a Morbucks party," Miyako said

"She dosen't like us," Kaoru added. "It's probaly a prank anyway. Maybe the mail got mixed up."

Boomer POV

Miyako asked us all if she wanted to go to the mall. Everyone gladly said yes. Then I heard about this party and was about to ask Miyako, when she saw this beautiful dress she wanted. About an hour later she had tried on a lot, she never came out thought to ask me if I liked it or not.

"Do y-you like it Boomy?"asked nervously. It was a light blue strapless dress. It had a blue rose going around the belt and matched perfectly with the necklace I got her.

"Woah," was the only thing I could say

"You don't do you," Miyako said looking upset

"No! You should definately get it," I said

"Where will I wear it?"

"To the Morbucks party," I smiled. She was surprised and confused. "I'm asking you to be my date."


Brick POV

Me and Momo were eating icecream in the food court. If you saw you'd swear we were dating. Like yesterday, how people looked at us. We were walking together that's all, really. I couldn't shake the fact that I acted like she was my girlfriend though. We've only kissed three times. I'm not a hypocrite, because we aren't dating, but I act like it thought. Are we dating? Does she like me? Do I like her?!

"Still have nothing to do," Momo  sighed

"What about the Morbucks party?" I asked

"No way," she said "Besides what am I'm going to wear."

" that!" I said pointing to the winow.

"Seriously," she laughed

"Lady Momoko of the Atkatsutsumi family," I said like in old english movies

She laughed "Sir Mitsuho of the Takahashi family."

"Her non-royal big mouth recent party invitation has left me with question. Will you be my date to the Morbucks party?"

"Princess...would hate to have me there," she said

"Of course," I pulled out my phone showing my invite "But I'm allowed a plus one."

"You mean that," she smiled

"Will you go with me, you can't expect me to put with her by myself all night, right?"

"Yes, I'll go." She smiled.

We left to try on the dress. It was a beatiful red dress, with pink flowers going diagonaly up to left arm. I took one of the fake red roses and pinned it in her hair.

"Wow," was the only thing I said

Kaoru POV

"Why do I have to go?" I asked

"Because we are," Momoko smiled.

"Yeah, no!" I shot. They did that innocent cute little girl stare. "F-Fine."

"Yes," they cheered

"I hate you guys," I grumbled. They made me try on a green dress that went straight below my knees it had a large belt going around my waist, and a black jacket. "Is this really what-

Butch was standing right there, staring at me blushing and in shock. I should of known this was a trap to get me to go with him. I went back in the bathroom and changed. "I'll wear it, but I don't want to hear a single thing about the party."

Nobody POV

Later the girls went to the party. All attention tured to them and the boys. This made Princess and Dutchess(who the party was really about) very jealous. Never the less everyone enjoyed themselves. Even Kaoru, who didn't count this as a date, since her and Butch were on the countdown.

Boys Will Like Girls Who Like Boys (Powerpuff Z Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora