Here Be Dragons (Completed)

By NikoleKnight

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"Here be dragons" A phrase meaning dangerous or unexplored territories, frequently used in the 1700s and earl... More

Volume 1: I


4.7K 359 90
By NikoleKnight

***Not sure where this came from, but I'm rolling with it. Enjoy!***

"Oi, would you stop moving?" Gabriel admonished me loudly as I tried once again to get up from where I'd been sitting in a plush overly large bean bag chair for the last hour. My toes were spread by bright orange foam toe separators while the paint on the nails dried and I'd had to keep my hands still as Gabriel finished polishing them.

Sean and Luke were, surprisingly, in the same situation as me though their toes were painted with their favorite colors, purple and light blue, while mine were a pretty pink. It was rather hysterical to look over as Sean propped his freshly painted lilac toes on the ottoman while he played a game on his phone while Luke sat beside me giggling at the way the foam separators tickled his feet.

Gabriel finished my thumb, the same pink color complimenting the paleness of my skin, and then narrowed his eyes sternly. "Don't move." He ordered as he got up gingerly and slowly made his way to his closet, his limp filling me with guilt.

The moment he was out of sight, I rose from the bean bag and strode around the room to stretch my legs. Gabriel had already dressed me in another skirt, though this one was much tighter and less frilly than the one from several days ago that I'd ruined with blood. He'd handed me the skirt with strict instructions not to get any blood on it and I promised him I'd try. Unfortunately, I didn't have the best luck-obviously-and I worried it would be a promise I'd have to break.

I stopped in front of the large mirrors and looked myself over, surprised to see that I looked good. Gabriel might be nuts but he knew his stuff about fashion; he dressed me better than I ever did.

The mirror showed Luke and Sean behind me, both of them tracking my movement with their eyes not even trying at subterfuge, and I sent them a false blinding smile before almost tripping over the foam toe inserts. I grumbled and bent over to rip the offending devices from my feet, careful not to smudge the polish though I was sure it was already dried. As I straightened up, I felt a presence at my back and as I glanced in the mirror, I started at the suddenness of Sean standing behind me with a rather dangerous look on his face. I hadn't even heard him move, the only indication of his change in location had been the subtle shift of air behind me. He was just as sneaky as the others. Were all of them secret ninjas?

His smile spread into a heated, almost manic smile and his hands came up on either side of my shoulders as his eyes held contact with my reflection. The very tips of his fingers lightly grazed along my skin as he blazed a trail down my arms leaving goosebumps in his wake and I struggled to keep my breathing even as his eyes burned into mine.

"Do you realize how short that skirt of yours is, Pookie?" He asked me conversationally and I locked my knees to keep from shivering from the look of pure desire that colored his face darkening his normally cheerful green eyes. "You gave us quite a view."

I glanced into the mirror to see Luke's reflection standing farther back, his head cocked to the side as he watched Sean's fingers graze along my skin with rapt attention. His chocolate eyes were smoldering, giving Victor a run for his money, and though his stance spoke of calm, his hands were clenched tightly into fists at his side.

The heat from Sean's body seared into my back as he stepped closer, leaving barely a millimeter of distance between us, and Luke tracked the motion with intense interest. He slowly swept his hungry gaze over my body's reflection before meeting my questioning and suggestive stare. A naughty smirk curled the tips of his lips, and the fire that Silas's earlier demonstration had started ignited hotly in my blood again as I slowly melted against Sean's chest.

"Pumpkin," Sean growled into my ear before dragging his nose down the column of my throat. I maintained eye contact with Luke through the mirror as I tilted my head to Sean more space to roam over my neck and Luke swallowed thickly at the display. Voyeur indeed.

The pieces of foam slipped from my fingers, landing noiselessly on the carpet as I allowed myself to indulge in the feeling of Luke's heavy gaze and Sean's hot, hard body. I shouldn't feel like this, not with the people who had kidnapped me a mere four days ago, but after the parade of good looking guys along with the endless flirting and sexual tension, I was going mad. And Sean felt good. His ginger and citrus scent surrounded me and I felt my head land on his shoulder as one hand slid around my waist while the other continued setting the skin of my arm on fire.

I stiffened as Sean's fingers danced up the hem of my shirt right above the band of my skirt under my belly button, and I felt that familiar heat curl through me and pool in my lower stomach and between my legs. Much to my embarrassment a soft moan sounded from my throat and Sean chuckled darkly in my ear while Luke raised a hand and tangled it in his hair as his breathing quickened.

"And what do we have here?" He purred in my ear as he tickled the spot again making my legs weak. "I think I've made quite an interesting discovery."

My hand moved of its own accord as I raised one arm and wrapped it around Sean's head, delving into his golden curls, as his lips warmed the soft skin under my ear. Luke groaned behind us, his eyes flaring brightly and I could see his erection pressed tightly against the confines of his jeans. I let a sexy smile tip my lips and it broke whatever reserved spell had been cast over him as he moved quickly towards me, stopping in front of me to block my view of the mirror with his face.

He swooped in, his lips landing on the hollow of my neck as Sean worshiped the skin below my ear. My eyes shuttered closed as I gave myself over to the pleasure of their lips and hands on my body and Luke immediately moved against me, his hardened length pressing into my thigh as he slid his tongue up the opposite side of my neck as Sean. His hand tangled into my hair and my other hand reached out and grasped his hip to keep myself stable between them as they worked in tandem to set me alight.

I gasped for air as they moved opposite each other, one working under my ear while the other nipped at my pulse point. Sean kept up his gentle stroke under my navel as his other hand traveled up my shirt achingly slow. Luke left one hand in my hair to angle my head to his pleasure as his other hand slid up my thigh and moved around to cup my ass, subsequently bring the back of his hand against Sean's cock.

"Luke!" Sean made a strangled choking noise in the back of his throat but instead of pulling away Luke only moved his hand harder against the globe of my butt and concurrently against Sean making him groan against my neck.

"What the fucking hell is going on in here?" Gabriel's voice rang through the room and Luke leapt away from me like I'd electrocuted him, his chest heaving as his dark chocolate eyes swirled uncontrollably. His cheeks were flushed and he ran his hand through his hair as he sent Gabriel an apologetic and almost guilty look.

Sean was still holding me tightly against him, his dick pressed to my ass and his hand halfway up my shirt as his chest chugged against my back. He glanced at Gabriel through our reflection in the mirror and gave him a cat-who-got-the-cream smile as he shrugged his shoulders and pulled his hand out from underneath my top.

"Sorry, but not sorry." Sean quipped as he moved away from me, taking his warmth with him, leaving me cold and wanton. "Pumpkin wasn't playing fair." My jaw dropped at his accusation and my aroused body screamed in frustration at being left hanging...again.

I watched Gabriel's furious face as he narrowed his eyes on his two friends before glaring hard at me. "I said no checking out my brothers, Trouble, and I assumed that meant keeping your hands to yourself, too!"

I slammed my jaw shut with a snap, my sexual frustration uniting with my embarrassment to create a fierce anger as I whirled on him. "I will do as I damn well please!" I shouted at him make his eyebrows disappear into his hairline. "I'm not your doll and I'm not your property so if I want to fuck every single guy in this house, there's nothing you can do to stop me." I seethed, the words hissing from between my clenched teeth and I was satisfied to find all three men speechless at my display.

Straightening my clothes, I tried to recover whatever dignity I still had and shook out my hair with my hands before purposefully looking away from all of them and storming off into the bathroom. Stupid males! They teased and flirted, parading their hot bodies in front of me while simultaneously feeding the evil creature inside me with their brutal depravity. What did they expect? I was only human after all!

I used the toilet and washed my hands before splashing some cool water on my face to try and quell the aroused blush that still stained my cheeks. I had a feeling that this state of perpetually unsatisfied desire was going to be a real bitch and I growled inwardly at the realization.

All three of them were in the same positions that I'd left them in as I exited the bathroom and it was almost comical, but I my ire kept my humor in check. I grasped the zipper of my skirt and slid it down before shimmying out of the fabric and tossing it violently at Gabriel who caught it on instinct. All three had the same shocked looks on their faces, though Sean looked much happier about this turn of events then Gabriel did. Luke looked conflicted, his want warring with his desire to keep Gabriel happy.

"Apparently, that skirt is a problem." I bit out, giving Sean a pointed look before turning back to Gabriel to find him grinding his teeth. "I respectfully request a wardrobe change." My sarcasm was heavy and it made Gabriel's crystal eyes darken in irritation and I cocked an eyebrow as I gave him a sugar sweet smile.

He threw the skirt on the ground and charged me, ignoring the sounds of both Luke and Sean's matching cries of dismay. I went to back away but he reached me first and shoved me back with his hand splayed over my chest above my breasts and my back met the wall roughly making my spine protest. Gabriel had remained mostly in control in the moments I'd been with him since I'd first been gifted to him, but I could see that control falling to utter ruins as his face darkened perilously.

I expected him to yell and curse at me, or perhaps hit me for my outburst, but I was both shocked and elated as his lips crashed down on mine forcefully. It was less of a kiss and more a clash of lips and teeth as he commanded my mouth with his. His tongue dove into my mouth as his hand gripped my neck tightly, forcing my head to the side as he subjugated me with his kiss. It wasn't bred from desire or need but from dominance, but that knowledge did little to stop my heart from speeding in my chest as I kissed him back, fighting his lips with my own as our tongues dueled. It was hard and fast and at one point he bit my lip hard enough to split the tender flesh and I cried out as he pulled away.

His eyes were sparking as his chest swelled in the effort to calm his ragged breathing and I glared right back at him as I slid my tongue over my lip to clear away the copper tang of blood. He watched the movement, captivated, before gripping my chin harshly and placing another hard kiss on my lips, though I could feel the difference in his emotions. He was furious with me, but he wanted me all the same and I returned his kiss desperately to let him know I felt the same way. I had no idea what these guys were doing to me, but a terrifyingly large part of me wanted to let them have their way.

"You!" He growled against my mouth as he slipped his tongue over my mouth to clean away the remaining blood from his bite. "You'll either be the best or the worst fucking thing to ever happen to us."

He shoved away from me and I leaned heavily against the wall to get my bearings as ran his hand through his hair attempting to do the same. Sean was watching with heated amusement while Luke once again looked aroused to the point of pain as he gripped his hair, tugging on it every so often to keep him grounded. The atmosphere was charged and thick with expectation, and I closed my eyes as I rested my head against the wall to try and reassemble my control. This wasn't healthy or helpful, this unfamiliar need I felt coiling in my gut, and it scared me almost as much as their combined insanity did.

Gabriel glanced over his shoulder and opened his mouth, presumably to lay into Sean and Luke next but he was interrupted as Victor and Kota burst through the door. Kota's brows furrowed as his intelligent eyes investigated our positions and the aura of the room, before he leveled his detached stare on me.

"What-?" He tried to ask but he was immediately cut off.

"No time!" Victor swiped his hand through the air as the others gave him their focus. "He's on the move!"

His words apparently meant something as everyone reacted and Gabriel groaned loudly before glaring at me again, shaking his head. "Fucking perfect!"

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