Hold Me While My World Falls

By Lesbihonest16

4.7K 360 281

Dean's a maintenance man, Sam's a nurse. Dean just bought a new house and Sam has two little girls. This is t... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Two

286 23 14
By Lesbihonest16

On his way home from work, Dean stopped by a Gas N' Sip for a pecan pie. Which just so happened to be the one Castiel worked at.

"Hello again, Dean. Why, I'm beginning to think you're following me." He grinned when he saw his new acquaintance.

Dean chuckled. "Yeah, I'm in love with you. I just want to whisper sweet nothings into your ear all night long." He waggled his eyebrows suggestively, smirking.

Castiel laughed, ringing up the pie. "Three dollars, please."

"Three bucks for a pie. What is this world coming to?" Dean grumbled, reaching into his back pocket and fishing out his freshly cleaned wallet. He pulled out a five and handed it to Castiel.

Castiel smiled warmly at Dean as he left and helped the next customer.

Dean couldn't help the grin that spread over his face, walking out of the station. He felt a buzz. He pulled his phone out of his pocket to view a text message.

Hey, Dean, how've you been

Dean decided to call him, preferring that over texting since he only had a flip phone and it took forever. "Sammy!" He smiled when his little brother picked up. He heard a sigh.

"Hey, Dean. What's up?" Sam asked, exhaustion in his tone.

"I just got out of work, stopped to pick up some pecan pie. You wanna come over for a little while? We can talk while I work on Baby." Another sigh, this one ending in a laugh and probably an eye roll.

"Sure, I'll be there around six. Hopefully I can get out without Ruby berating me about the kids." Sam chuckled.

Dean smirked  "Good luck. Bye, Sammy, drive safe!" He ended firmly with the last words. Dean ended the call and opened the Impala's creaky door. He sat down in the seat, put on some AC/DC, and took off to home, which was only about ten minutes away.

Dean picked up the pie from his passenger seat and unlocked his house, once again moving aside for Jo, who dashed out into the snow, rolling around in it.

Dean mumbled to himself with amusement. "Crazy dog." He walked into the house, setting the pie on the island counter. Then he took off his Perrigo uniform, in favor of a plaid flannel and some worn blue jeans. He scrolled lazily through Twitter while waiting for Sam's slow  ass, having decided not to do maintenance on the Impala now that he'd sat down.

When six 'o clock rolled around, Dean was a bit concerned. Sam still hadn't shown up, and he knew the roads were getting pretty shitty. He was also waiting to let Jo in, who was whining like she was being murdered, because he didn't want to make two trips. Although, if Sam was much longer, Dean would let her in.

As the hour hand on his living room clock hovered over the number seven, Dean heard knocking, and Jo, whom he'd let in since Sam was so late, did her job as the house watchdog. She growled and barked, seeming not to notice her echo. Dean nudged her out of the doorway and opened the door. A giant moose stood on his porch step, covered in snow from antler to hoof. Jo stopped barking as she wagged her tail excitedly.

"Get in here!" Dean tugged his little brother into the house, ruffling his hair slightly in an effort to shake out some of the snowflakes.

Sam unzipped his jacket. "Hey, Dean, sorry I'm late." He said, undoing the laces on his heavy brown boots while Dean's dog sniffed them eagerly.

Dean shook his head. "It's fine, Sammy. I was just worried about you. This weather's crap."

"Yeah, driving is not much fun right now." Sam agreed. I wound up doing fifteen miles per hour all the way here. You mind?" He asked, pointing to the roaring fire in Dean's wood stove.

"Nah, man, go ahead." Dean walked with him toward the stove.

Sam smiled gratefully and put his hands on the soapstone top. "So how's life been?" He rubbed his hands together and blew into them.

"Pretty good. I'm looking into some ideas for remodeling my kitchen and shower. I feel like there's too much brown in this place. I met my neighbor earlier today, too."

"Does she have a boyfriend?" Sam rolled his eyes playfully.

"No, he," Dean stated pointedly. "Probably has a girlfriend or a wife."

Sam nodded. "Ah, I see. So who is this neighbor?"

"His name is Castiel. He helped catch Jo earlier today, when she stole my wallet." Dean replied, glaring at Jo, who was lying in wait for Sam to pet her. "He works at the Gas N' Sip up the road, and we're gonna have a game night Thursday." Dean grinned upon thinking of his neighbor.

"That sounds like fun." Sam commented.

"Yeah, I'm sure we'll have a good time." Dean nodded. "Well, come on over here and I'll get you some pie." He opened the plastic container and cut two slices out.

"Honestly, pie sounds amazing right now. I've been so stressed out lately it's pathetic." Sam shook his head.

Dean grinned. He spooned out some pie into two ceramic bowls. "Then prepare to relax."

Sam took his bowl and ate a bite.

Dean asked with a mouthful, "So what's been so horrible?"

Sam rolled his eyes, then shook his head. "Well, hospitals get extremely busy in the winter because of all the car accidents. Crowley's put me on night shifts for the past three weeks, every night! That man has a special place in Hell..." Sam scowled.

"Sounds like fun!" Dean smiled sarcastically.

"Tons." Sam replied flatly.

Dean took another bite of pie, moaning inwardly. He took more and more until it was gone, left with crumbs. Dean then proceeded to lick the bowl clean.

"Dude, seriously?" Sam asked, amused albeit quite disgusted.

Dean scoffed. "What?"

Sam facepalmed. "Ugh, never mind."

"Hey, Sam?" Dean asked, swishing his beer absently.


Dean bit his lip a moment. "Nothin', just figured you should know you have pie all over your face." He shrugged, swallowing the question he'd wanted to ask.

"Jerk." Sam glared, wiping his face with the back of his hand. "Did I get it?"

Dean nodded.

Later, the boys retired to the living room to continue talking. When Sam had to leave, Dean again left the question that had been nagging him unsaid, telling his little brother to drive safe and have a good night.

Jo had fallen asleep several hours prior by Sam's chair. Dean smiled. He scratched her ear. 

"Who's a good girl?" He asked.

She looked up at him sleepily, yawning in an adorable way. Her eyes closed and she let out a little sigh.

"You like seein' Sammy, huh?" Dean did not expect an answer, he simply enjoyed talking to his girl. "Wanna sleep on my bed?"

Jo eagerly bounded into Dean's bedroom and jumped on his bed, curling up on the side she knew he didn't sleep on, resting her muzzle on her paw and watching for Dean to follow.

"Night, sweetheart." He kissed the top of her head, before stripping down to his boxers and sliding under the covers. He tossed and turned for a while, but eventually fell fitfully asleep.

Hello, beautiful rainbows! I have finally made another fanfiction. I've been working on this for a year now, and will be editing a chapter a day and posting the finished product. If you want to know what's going on with my work, just leave a comment here or in my Update Book, my place to share updating information with you. I know how it is to wonder what's going on, so I figured I'd let you all know. Vote and comment as much as you like! I absolutely love reading comments and it lets me know what I need to do more! 😘🌈

Update 2 years later when I'm editing: It took even longer than 2 years and there will always be improvements to be made.

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