Friends with Benefits

By fahvy_xx

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Read at your own risk. ____I was a little bit young when I started this book,so the beginning chapters are a... More

chapter 1-hayley.
chapter 2-just friends
chapter 3-club joker
chapter 4-history class.
chapter 5-jake
chapter 6-Deal Check
chapter 7-friends with her
chapter 8-Camping Trip
chapter 10-good morning to me
chapter 11-finding ourselves.
chapter 12-back home
chapter 13-Truth or Dare 1
chapter 14-Truth or Dare 2
chapter 15-Desmond
chapter 16-Fuck you,I really don't care
chapter 17-The confession
chapter 18-dating officially
chapter 19-am sorry it didn't work out
chapter 20-He's my boyfriend and not yours
chapter 21-Explanations Explanations
chapter 22-heartbreak /painful rerun
chapter 23-such a Gentleman
chapter 24-hickey
chapter 25- exams are over
chapter 26-Clinton's party
chapter 27-justin
chapter 29- cleared
chapter 30-period
chapter 31-you have nothing to worry about
chapter 32-time apart
chapter 33-it sucks being away from him
chapter 34-what could possibly go wrong
chapter 35- prep
chapter 36-Naked
chapter 37-Today
chapter 38-Am yours,only yours,no one else
chapter 39-back to reality
chapter 40-i do like him
chapter 41-unbearable
chapter 42-snapped.
chapter 43-yeah,am Hayley.
chapter 44-Am pregnant
chapter 45- i dont like you hayley,am in love with you.
chapter 46-vacation
chapter 47-las vegas baby!
chapter 48-Tease
chapter 49-I love you
chapter 50-make a wish
Authors Note

chapter 28-Lust

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By fahvy_xx

(Hayley's p.o.v)

I got dressed shortly after Justin left,and after some hours, my phone beeped.

*hey girl,I and the group are coming over,get drinks..Temi xo*

Ughhhghhh,I loves the fact that they were coming but what happened in the past 24hrs still has me shakened up..

I quickly changed from my pj's since I thought I wouldn't be going anywhere today,I picked out a black camisore and white bombshot and threw them on,the camisore exposed my tummy and my nipples were standing, since obviously it was literally an underwear but right now I didn't feel like having thick clothes on.

Shortly after getting dressed,drinks and snacks,I heard a knock at my door ,knowing it was them, I didn't even know how many of them in the group were coming..

I opened the door to see the whole group,great,just great.

Hey guys,I chirped.

They came in and sat down one after the other,Jake was here too,he just gave me a small smile and came in.

We were all sat down on the floor,talking about random stuffs when jake spoke

Hayley,I love you.

Uh,Jake ,uhm....I was at a lose for words.

Just please hear me out,i know you don't want to talk to me or have anything to do with me but I need you to know that I love you and that am really sorry how I caused you so much pain ,I just really wish we can work things out,maybe now?

Jake,uh,maybe after we can talk about this?

Nonononono susy said, anything you wanna work out,do it here and now.

Jake came over to me,Haley please I really love you,just give me one last chance just to prove it to you,please, I miss you,these past weeks has been torture,please?

What about Gracie ?

She and I have nothing ,I can stop talking to her if you want.

Yeah I want that
I sigh*...I miss you too Jake,and I love you too,am willing to give you one more change and that's wh..

I wasn't even done talking when he jammed his lips to mine,and practically laid on top of me in front of my friends,kissing my hair,nose,face,lips at same time....I giggled.."its okay Jake you could stop attacking me now.

He laughed too,have missed his laugh so much,it was the laugh that actually reached his deep blue sea eyes,I was happy and willing to make this work.

I heard cheering from my friends and wolfish whistles from the two guys,Jake climed down from me and while I we still laughing, my eyes stopped at Justin's who was giving me a look I couldn't quite place,his eyes were darker and not the normal light grey...hmm what's that's all about I wonder,he seemed fine a moment ago.

Okay okay now can we play t or d now,am feeling a little bit horny,Blake said.

Shut it Blake Temi said.

Okay okay now let's try something new shall we?susy said.

I don't think have ever seen the two bestfriends here,she said pointing  to me and Justin liplock before, like everrrr she slurred obviously drunk...let's see that happen now.

What,you are obviously drunk I spat out, we would pass,just shutup and get kissing with Blake already I rolled my eyes at her.

No no honestly,she's absolutely right Temi said,like I haven't ever seen it not even a peck on the lips,do it she chirped, I wanna watch a Mini porn.

Okay okay, now both of you are really gone ,Justin!!!!!....I looked up at him, talking with my eyes asking for help,he didn't even flinge all he did was look at me,from my eyes to my lips and then to my boobs where my nipples were standing and then he lingered his eyes there a bit and then back to my eyes and lip,what is wrong with this dude today,was he...nooo,okay this was getting way too creepy,Justin?... Checking me out, wtf was he thinking.

Jake touched Justin..
Go for it man,its just lip locking Jake said,besides its you,her best friends,even if you do make out ,you guys will never be in love with each other or like each other that way.

Yeah totally,Temi said now go on..

Okay okay, chill out okay,I said looking at Temi.

Justin just started crawling over seeing as we sat down directly opposite each other in the floor,I was silently telling him to do something or make a joke but he wasn't even listening,he's eyes was dark with...dare I say lust?...

He reached where I was and just slammed his lips to mine,he didn't touch his drink so obviously he wasn't drunk,so I really don't understand what's going on,I'll have to keep him here and ask him later ..
As soon as he slammed his lips into mine,a feeling I couldn't place flowed through me,he was kissing me rather aggressively like he was upset about something and was lashing it out through the kiss,he was kissing my lips and sucking hard,asking for entrance aggressively,I refused,he did and again bitting my lips and then he moved his hand down to my boobs since he was untop of me and put his hand under my camisore and was pressing my boobs literarilly moving his hand on my nipples,good thing no body saw this little pervert action since the light in the room were off and we could berely see our faces. I let out a small gasp opening my mouth,as soon as I did that ,he gained entrance ,he sucked my tongue,kissed, practically manhandled my lips,I silently prayed not to moan out because this was one Hell of a kiss even though it was aggressive,I still felt something at the pit of my stomach,a nice feeling which I liked...
As If he realised when he was doing he removed his lip from mine as though I burned him,realisation crushed his features as he saw Temi and then me..

Wooooowhoooo,15minutes guys Blake said whistling,.

He was angry for some reason,I really dont know.

Never make me do that again,he said to everyone in general as he took Temi to my bed and slammed his lips to her even though his lips  were swollen.

Oouch,I know I was not a good kisser and he has no feelings for me what so ever but it was harsh for him to say that like as though he was fired,he practically jumped me....douche.

I felt something slippery on my lip,I touched it and saw blood,must have been when he forcely wanted to gain entrance into my mouth and then he bit me,twice as i felt blood in two places,two places where blood was...oouuuuu.

After he was done kissing Temi,there was high tension in the room so I decided to lighten everyone up...

Sooooo ,everyone grab a shot glass right now,fill it up and say something and then drink it ..

I started the game,,douhe bag and the drank mine,soon everywhere was settled as we started laughing again,we continued till it was after 12,they started getting up and going,even jake decided to leave,he kissed me and i winced in pain,

Soory,he said

Nahh its okay...

Soon they all left including just in,I'll just talk to him tomorrow about why he's all pissed off...I feel on my bed without another word and crashed.

(Justin's p.o.v)

After apologising to Hayley,I went home and Temi came over to meet me.

Hey babe,she said as she kissed me and stopped.


Well you're lips are swollen and we didn't kiss last night.

/Oh shit,my kiss with hayley/

Yhh...uhmm,seee,I struggled as I was finding the right words to say,I couldn't tell her about what happened last night,she would flip.

Anyways,we are going over to Hayley's hours from now.
Okay,she let me off easily,pfweee,that was close.


Why?,Justin because I want to hang out with her and the group.

We saw them just hours ago...uggggHh okay,whatever you say.

Are you OK Justin,you seem really distracted and off,is something wrong?

W what, uh,no,nothing's wrong.
I couldn't bring myself to tell her the truth,I feel so guilty, it would hurt her so much.

Nahh am good,am just really tired from last night's party.

Okay,if you say so..she says looking at me strangely.

Evening soon came and she called the group to meet up at Hayley's house while we left.
We got there just in time to see the group and we all went to Hayley's dorm as Temi knocked.
Hayley opened the door and my mouth literarily opened,she was wearing just camisore and short white nica,the camisore  showed her tits,she has an amazing tits tho,very soft ... What,Justin behave, its your best friends tits you're looking at,remove your eyes mann..
But somehow I kept staring at her like have not done before,she looks so beautiful,it was as if I started seeing her in a whole new light which was strange,so I just shrugged it off and entered sitting opposite her.

As we started talking about everything and anything, Jake spoke confessing his love to her asking for another chance.
I don't know why but I didn't feel happy about this,even though I know he loves her and she loves him too,I felt,I dunno,angry and mad for some reason...OK,Justin you're starting to creep yourself out,I should be happy,at least she gets to be happy,.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I sawJake launching at her,lying on top of her and kissing her in everywhere, lips,neck,forehead,face from happiness that she agreed to give him a chance.
I was very much mad with rage now, I just sat there staring at her,my eyes going dark.
She was laughing and soon spotted me looking at her,she shifted uncomfortably on the floor and was asking me what's wrong with her eyes but I didn't reply back.
I really dunno what was happening,was I...dare I say jealous??,no I couldn't be jealous of Jake,I practically set them up,my panties has just been in a twist for the last 24hours ,yeah that was it.

I really did not know what they were talking about but then hearing my name snapped me out of my thought.

I don't think have ever seen the two best friends here lip lock as she points to me and hayley,like everrr,she says obviously drunk.
If only you knew what happened last night susy.

Sisi was trying to say no to Temi Jake and the rest when I started getting up and crawling to where she was,she was talking to me with her eyes asking me to do something but all I could do,was look at her eyes,her lips and her tits,God her nipples are standing,making me continue moving.
Before I could register why I was looking at her like that, like I wanted her so badly,I slammed my lips to hers,kissing and sucking her lower lip asking for entrance,she refused,again I tried And refused again,ughhh,she was being difficult and I wanted entrance,I bit her twice knowing that would live a mark but I didn't care,I wanted her to open up for me but she still denied me access, I took my hands under her camisore and starting pressing her boobs and twisting her nipples,she let out a small gasp and I took my chance,I kissed and sucked her tongue while pressing her,kissing her,I was releasing all the anger in me through the kiss,i love the way our lips move together,it felt perfect,i like kissing her,alot,it was as though i couldn't get enough of her,I didn't understand what was happening to me,she moaned and it made me fucking crazy just hearing her moan like that, most especially moan for me ,fuck this is Hayley,what the fuck is wrong with me...I stopped kissing her and moved away quickly,ughhhhhh,I feel so bad just looking at her fragile frame,what are you doing Justin
I stopped kissing her and moved away quickly.

Wooooohoooo...15minutes Blake said as he wolf whistled.

Ughhhh what have u done again,she was looking at me with her green eyes asking for me with her eyes what happen just now I looked away,feeling upset at myself.

Please don't make me do that again,I said to everyone as I carried temi to Hayley's bed,layed ontop her and slammed my lips with hers even tho my lips were swollen as fuck,Hayley is a good kisser no doubt,her small full lips kissing mine fiercely like her life depended on it,it was hot.....,why was I thinking about her kiss when I was kissing Temi, Ughhh,you have got to be kidding me Mann,get your shit together..I stopped kissing Temi as hayley tried to get rid of the awkward tension in the air,I looked at her and felt really sad,I need to apologise again this her,plus I hurt her lip,I bit her twice I could see the blood on her lip...damn you Justin.

Soon after we started talking and laughing again normally was now a little bit after 12 as we all decide to go home,I saw Jake kissing her lip as she winced in pain,he apologised and left...screw this,I walked out of the room without glancing back,I knew soon she would want to talk about it but not now..I just need time to cool off...a lot was going on,me getting jealous,looking at her like I like her and want her,kissing her even tho we talked about not doing it again just few hours ago,am in a lot of shit, I need to stop this because of Temi and also now she's back with Jake,I dont want any awkward situation with my best friend...I love her way too much to behave like this.

Soooooo how was
it.....?????????!!!!!!!!!!2k18!!!!!!!!!!!!!happy new year guys,please stick with me,the story is taking some twist...hope you're enjoying it...move on guys.. What's your thought on what will happen,share your ideas.
Like and comment please!!!😀😀😀😀😀

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