Winchester's Wife

By CastielAngelFace

134K 2K 83

Faith Ryleigh was one of the few female hunters in the United States. Either by fate or supernatural interven... More

o n e
t w o
t h r e e
f i v e
s i x
s e v e n
e i g h t
n i n e
t e n
e le v e n
t w e l v e
t h i r t e e n
f o u r t e e n
Chapter 15 : No Reply
Chapter 16 : Late Nights
Chapter 17 : Oh Shit
Chapter 18 : Perfect
Chapter 19 : Uncle Sammy
Chapter 20 : Going Home
Chapter 21 : The Talk
Chapter 22 : Protection
Chapter 23 : Baby's First Bath
Chapter 24 : Baby's Day Out
Chapter 25 : Guardian Angel
Chapter 26 : Goodbye Kisses
Chapter 27 : Crocottas and Chaos
Chapter 28 : Doctors office
Chapter 29 : Wait It Out
Chapter 30 : Let Me Explain
Chapter 31 : New Family Member
Chapter 32 : Doggy Days
Chapter 33: 5 Years Later
( Pictures )
The end
Authors Note
Authors note #2

f o u r

6.8K 107 13
By CastielAngelFace

Two months later, and everything was back to normal. Bad fast food, run-down motels, and hunting were all now back on Faith's agenda. It took Sam and Dean a while before they would go back on hunts since they just wanted to make sure she was okay. After lots of convincing, they eventually gave in. 

They were all on their way back to the bunker after hunting a Windigo a couple of hours away. They went through 'Taco Bell' and crunched on their tacos as they rode back home. Faith loved tacos almost as much as Dean liked pie. 

Once they pulled into the bunker driveway, they unloaded their bags before heading inside. Faith got busy unpacking their bags and starting their laundry once they got settled back in. Feeling extra tired after going back on her first hunt in several weeks, Faith decided to head to bed shortly after that. 

"You okay, honey?" Dean asked as he changed into his pajamas and slipped into bed behind her. 

"Just tired," She replied, turning to give him a reassuring smile. He nodded in understanding as he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close against him. "Goodnight," She whispered, slowly falling closer to sleep. 

"Goodnight, baby girl," He whispered back. It took only minutes and both of them were sound asleep. 

Faith could tell something was wrong as soon as she opened her eyes the next morning. She raised slowly from the bed, careful not to wake Dean who was still sound asleep. She had a pit in her stomach and thought she might shake it away with a long shower. She stepped into the water and made it as hot as she could stand it. 

The feeling persisted even after she stepped out. She decided to get dressed in comfy clothes and head downstairs and try to eat. She rounded the corner to the kitchen and Sam stood by the stove cooking breakfast. As soon as she smelt the food, she had to turn and run back to the bathroom. 

She landed in front of the toilet just in time to get sick. Her efforts to stay quiet weren't successful as Dean rushed into the bathroom after he heard the notice. 

"Dean, get out of here," She tried to push him away. 

"I'm not going anywhere," He said as he pulled her hair back out of her face and ran cold water onto a cloth. She continued to get sick for several minutes. Dean held the washcloth to her forehead and rubbed her back as she continued to throw up. 

"I am never eating tacos again," She said as she sat on the floor and backed away from the toilet. 

"They must have given you a bad batch," Dean said, wiping her face with the cold cloth. "Let's get you back in bed," He said as he helped her up off the floor. 

She snuggled back underneath the blankets, feeling a little better now. "Go back to sleep, and I will go find you some medicine," Dean said as he walked out of the bedroom and closed the door. 

At about lunchtime, Faith felt good enough to get out of bed. She wasn't used to lying in bed all day, and it was driving her crazy. 

"Are you sure you don't want any soup?" Dean asked Faith for what seemed to be the 5000th time once she reached the bottom of the stairs. 

"Honey, I really do appreciate it, but I can't eat right now." She explained, feeling bad that Dean was trying so hard. 

"Dean," Sam called from the library, interrupting the previous conversation. They both walked into the room he was in, seeing books scattered around the table. "I think I found us another case," Sam said as he looked around. 

"Sam, we can't leave right now," Dean explained as he pointed over to Faith who was pale as a ghost. 

"No, you guys should go," Faith persuaded. "Those people need you more," She said directly to Dean since he was the one she would have to convince the most. 

"But-" Dean tried before he was interrupted. 

"I will be perfectly fine. I don't need a babysitter," Faith said, going over to one of the chairs and taking a seat. 

"I will call Cas and get him to stay with you," Dean said before walking off with his phone to his ear. 

"What did I just say?" Faith threw her hands up as she leaned back in her seat. 

"You know he worries sick about you, right?" Sam asked with a half-smile. 

"I know," Faith said honestly. "I worry about him too. All the time, actually." 

"He will feel better if he knows Cas is here to watch over you," Sam said as he gathered all of his books and put them in a bag. 

"My personal guardian angel," Faith joked. Dean walked back into the room shortly after. 

"Cas will be here in an hour," Dean said as he shoved his phone back in his pocket. Faith gave a small nod, just trying to make him happy. "I'm gonna go get packed," He said as he walked up the stairs. 

As soon as Cas arrived, the boys left and departed for Texas. She could feel Cas staring at her as she slowly ate some soup Dean made before he left.  

"Cas?" She asked suspiciously. "Everything okay?"

"Does Dean know?" He asked as he came over and sat in the chair across from you at the table. 

"What you are talking about?" She asked confused. "Does Dean know what?"

"That you are pregnant," Cas said bluntly. 

Faith almost spit out her soup, not expecting Cas to say that. "Cas, I'm not pregnant," She said, chuckling nervously as she took another bite. She sat and thought about what would make him say that. Suddenly, her eyes widened as she connected the dots. Was that why she was sick that morning? "What day was it? Was she late?

"Cas," She continued as her thoughts drove her wild. "What makes you think I'm pregnant?" 

"I can feel the presence of another soul here, Faith," He said looking down at her stomach. 

"I've gotta go," She said as she left her soup laying on the table and ran up to her room. 

"Dean said not to let you go anywhere," Cas said as he followed behind her. 

"Cas, you can't keep me hostage," Faith said as she went into the bathroom to get changed into clothes decent enough to wear to the store. "Just wait for me here, I'll be back in an hour or so," She said as she walked back out of the bathroom and grabbed keys to one of the cars in the garage. 

"Faith-" Cas tried again. 

"I will be back, I just need to go to the store," She replied as she headed for the garage. "And please, Cas, don't tell anyone anything," She said before turning back around.

She didn't waste any time finding the car and pulling out of the building. She hoped Castiel wasn't right, but she had to go get a test to make sure. A baby would ruin everything. 

She pulled into the parking lot of the nearest drugstore. She hurried through the store and finally found a box of pregnancy tests. She paid for the test and hurried back to the car so that she could get back to the bunker as soon as possible. She knew if she was gone for too long that Cas would worry and call Dean.

She raced all the way home, but her mind raced faster as it went through all the possibilities. Once she arrived back at the bunker, she parked the car and went straight to the bathroom. Cas stood close by outside the door in case he was needed for anything. 

She proceeded to read the instructions and peed on the stick. The next three minutes that passed were the longest and most nerve-racking moments of her life. Afraid to look, Faith waited almost 10 minutes before turning the stick over to see the results. Finally, when she had the courage, she saw two blue lines were displayed on the test. She covered her mouth in shock. 

She backed up against the wall and slid down until she was sitting on the bathroom floor. The reality of being a hunter and a mom at the same time filled her head and her heart seemed to beat so fast that it could beat out of her chest. She was afraid. Afraid of what Dean would do or say when he found out. She hid the rest of the test inside the bathroom cabinet and shoved the one positive one into her pocket. She opened the bathroom door and began packing a bag. 

"Where are you going now?" Castiel asked as he watched her throw items into the bag. 

"I've got to go away," She said as tears began to fill her eyes. 

"I can't let you leave," Cas said, looking at her with sad eyes. 

"Cas, you can't make me stay," She said stopping in her tracks to stare at him as tears flowed down her cheeks. Castiel didn't say anything else, instead, he sat quietly and watched as she packed the rest of her belongings. 

"You can't tell them," She told Castiel, knowing how awful he was at keeping secrets. She grabbed the keys to the same car and loaded them with her bags. "Tell the boys that I love them, okay?" She said as she continued to cry. 

"I don't believe that Dean will be mad," Cas said as he tried to talk reason into her. 

"Just don't tell them anything, please," She begged. Cas nodded his head as she disappeared into the car and pulled away from the bunker, leaving it in her rearview mirror. 

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