Silver Sins [MJ FanFiction]

By ScarletWords93

55.4K 3.8K 2.7K

Trust no one. Not even your friends, not even Michael. More

Winter of 1953
Ch. 1 Stranger in my Bed!
Ch. 2 Chef and Protector
Ch. 3 Waxing Gibbous
Ch. 4 Party Under the Fool Moon
Ch. 5 Sweet dreams, Chad
Ch. 6 Lusting after my cousin
Ch. 7 Beautiful wife
Ch. 8
Ch. 9 Michael, the babysitter
Ch. 10 Beasty, come out wherever you are!
Ch. 11 Beasty, come out wherever you are!
Ch. 12 Humiliated
Ch. 13 Lusting after my cousin
Ch. 14 Mr. Derek
Ch. 15 Supporter
Ch. 16 Lisa's arrival
Ch. 17 Jealous
Ch. 18 Incestuous Love
Ch. 19 Sins
Ch. 20 The priest - a lamb or a beast?
Ch. 21 The gypsies
Ch. 23 Our Love
Ch. 24
Ch. 25 Hello again, Beasty
Ch. 26 Hello again, Beasty
Ch. 27 Just like the beast
Ch. 28 Chop Chop
Ch. 29 THEY
Ch. 31 Broken Friendship
Ch. 32 Camera never lies
Ch. 33 New suspect
Ch. 34 Examine Michael
Ch. 35 She'll be full... moon
Ch. 36
Ch. 37
Ch. 38
Ch. 39 New Plan
Ch. 40
Ch. 41
Ch. 42
Ch. 43
Ch. 44
Ch. 45
Ch. 46

Ch. 22 Baaaad Kitten

1.5K 98 91
By ScarletWords93

"Come here, kitten."

"What?" I asked, almost whispered.
"You've been a baaad kitten..." he said and placed the glass with whiskey on the table, then slowly got up "I've warned you a few times, now haven't I? And what did you do?" he started coming towards me "You ignored me... you made a fool out of me."
"No, I didn-"
"Shut up!" he raised his voice a little "And do you know what your worst action was?" I gulped down a big lump in my throat.
"I.. I.." he was too close to me and I got so nervous! My heart was beating fast and I had started sweating. He was looking straight into my eyes. Those brown, warm eyes were now motionless and cold, so scary to look at, yet intoxicating.
"You put drugs into my drink." he whispered in my face.


"You played with me as if I was your own little toy and drugged me, without even giving a fuck about the consequences." how the hell does he know?!! Oh Lord! This time he was going to tell my parents for sure! But he was supposed to be sleeping deeply and how did he know? He never saw me do it!! And why wouldn't he have told me by now?
"I'm truly sorr-"
"Don't be, 'cause now I'm gonna play with you, kitten." he grabbed a chunk of my hair and curled it around his long index finger. "I'm gonna play reaaal good." I didn't like the tone of his voice, because it had a very sexual hint in it.
"Don't touch me or I'll tell my parents!"
"Alright, let's tell them what they daughter did. And where the hell did you get those drugs from in the first place, YN? Did your little friend who's been constantly staring at my ass help you with it?" how does he know all those things?!
"I.." I tried to speak but I was petrified.
"You don't need to talk tonight, kitten. All you need to do is obey me." then he crushed his lips against mine which made me jump. I placed my hands on his shoulders to try to push him away, but he was too strong! He totally forced his kiss on me, then I felt his hands grab my arms.

I was trying to move, scream, do something, but it was useless. He had me pinned against the wall and locked into his arms.

"Take your clothes off." he commanded with a low voice.
"GO TO HELL!" I yelled as hard as I could, pushed Michael really hard and tried running away, but he grabbed my arm immediately and pulled me back in his arms. He started ripping my clothes off with force and strength. He was pretty fast and good at it, it made me wonder if he had ever done that before to other girls...

What happened to the sweet cousin he was? I wanted that man right now! I needed him so much! This dark side of Michael was scaring me, but...

deep within me, I liked it.

I guessed, I had a dark side too. I wasn't that nice daughter and friend, and I got everyone fooled. But could I fool Michael too?

"NO MICHAEL PLEASE STOP!" he almost got me naked, ripping my clothes off and throwing them to whichever direction. I couldn't allow this to happen between us. We couldn't sleep together... we were siblings dammit! Even the mere thought was a sin!

Maybe the werewolf scanned my heart when it first saw me and knew the real me, which was dark, twisted, evil and malicious. And maybe that was the reason why it didn't kill me. Maybe it wanted me, because I was just like it.

I kept screaming and yelling, trying to free myself from Michael's grip, but I only made it worse. He picked me and placed me on the sofa, where he slept, then jumped on me, forcefully kissing my neck. I was left in my bra and panties, which he was trying to remove along with his clothes, but I wasn't making it easy for him since I kept moving and fighting.

But in the end, he succeeded and removed my bra, then touched my breasts roughly which made me shiver in pleasure and I could feel my nipples getting hard from the arousal.

My body was telling me to just stay still and obey Michael, let him give me what I've been wanting from him, but my mind was screaming in my hand, reminding me of my parents who loved me and Michael! And if they were to ever find out about this, they were gonna throw Michael out and even report him to the police!! I couldn't let that happen, I didn't want Michael to leave this house and my life! Even if I couldn't have him, I wanted to be able to at least see him, breath the air he was breathing, eat the food that he made... And if he ever went to jail because of me...

Therefore, I started screaming and fidgeting even more. I had to push Michael away for his own sake and for the love I had towards him in my heart! I couldn't let anything bad happen to him!

"STOP IT YOU MONSTER! LET ME GO!" I kept screaming and fighting "DON'T TOUCH ME! I DON'T WANT YOU!" then suddenly he just stopped.

He stood on top of me with his head buried in my neck and I could feel him breath hard. The grip around my arms got looser and looser until he let me go and slowly got up. I quickly placed my hands over my breasts to cover them and went to grab my clothes.

Michael was just sitting on the couch with his head buried in his hands and it seemed as if he was crying or sobbing. I heard him whisper to himself "What have I done...". I picked up my clothes and run off to my bedroom, locking the door behind me. I collapsed on the bed powerless, thinking about him. The last thing I wanted, was to see him in jail. I couldn't let that happen. And I couldn't let my parents throw him out of the house. He had to stay close to me, because I loved him so much. Maybe if I found him another woman to arouse his interest, then he would forget about me! And if that happens, he'd be able to stay here close to me and I will prevent lots of trouble which might occur if we were to ever do something together.

I couldn't believe I was ready to give him to another woman, just to keep him close to me... I guessed, love really was crazy.

I saw something glistening that caught my attention and sat in bed. It was the knife, that the gypsy gave me, sticking out of the pocket of my pants. I remembered what she told me and quickly got up, grabbed it and placed it in front of the window so that when the moon shines, the knife will be there for a whole night.

I went back into my bed and covered my body with the warm blanket. I closed my eyes and didn't even noticed when I fell asleep.

I woke up around 6am. I couldn't sleep very well, besides, there were some noises coming from downstairs. What was Michael doing so early? I slowly got out of bed, rubbed my eyes and looked out of the window.

He had his car parked in front of the entrance of the house and was carrying stuff in it. A suitcase and some bags. Why was he carrying a suitcase and so early in the morning? Was he going somewhere? Oh no... was he planning to leave?

I scurried downstairs, ignoring the fact that I was still in my pajamas and bare footed, my hair was probably a mess, but I had to know what was going on right now!

I took the stairs to the living room and suddenly Michael walked in the house, our eyes instantly met, but he averted his quickly.

"What is going on?" I asked with fear and my voice was trembling. I was terrified by the fact that he might be packing his stuff to leave me.
"Sit down, YN. We need to talk." his voice was calm, but filled with pain and by the way his face looked, I could tell that he didn't sleep at all. His eyes were red, so I assumed he had been crying. With shaking legs I went to the sofa and plumped on it. Michael sat on the sofa too, but far away from me. "I packed my things. I'm leaving." I felt as if I was going to faint.
"Why..." I whispered. That was all I could say.
"You ask why?" he said as if I should already know "Because of last night... and the day before that when I also forced you..." he wasn't looking into my eyes at all "I'm very embarrassed, YN... I'm so deeply embarrassed and I feel filthy for the things that I'm about to tell you, but I can't hide them anymore." after a short pause he said "I love you."

Oh God! He loves me!?

"The day I saw you, when you walked into your room, my heart skipped a beat and I knew you were special. I couldn't get you out of my mind although I tried so many times! I really did try, God is my witness, but I just couldn't! I'm not that strong, I just... I know that you're my cousin and a minor... You're the last person I should be falling I love with, but I did. I can't control how I feel, YN... I tried to suppress my feelings first and ignore you, but you're stronger than me. I wanted you more and more everyday until... look what I did. I almost raped you last night. This can't go on like this. I have to leave this house and your family for good. I betrayed your parents too and I don't think I can ever look them in the eyes again..." he sighed "I'll leave now and you call your parents and tell them whatever you like. You can stay by yourself until they return, you're a big girl. Well, I'll go check if I took all of my suitcases and I'll leave." he got up and headed to the car.

I just stood there on the sofa, still processing his words, not able to believe all the beautiful things he told me. He loves me and I love him too. And he was going to leave and make my worst dream come true. Hell no.

I didn't know what suddenly came over me, but I simply got up, went outside and started throwing his suitcases and bags out of his car on the ground like a crazy woman!

"YN, what are you doing?" he tried to stop me, but I was like crazy.
"YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE!" I started yelling and throwing his stuff everywhere. "YOU'RE NOT LEAVING YOU'RE STAYING HERE!"
"YN, stop!" he grabbed my arms, trying to calm me down, but I was kicking and screaming like crazy, ignoring the fact that we were outside and someone might hear us, until it actually happened. I froze when I heard a voice

"Are you kids alright?" me and Michael both froze in the position we were in for a second. Then he quickly let go of me and we looked who had asked us this question. It was our neighbor Jeremy in his pajamas, next to his front door. We didn't know what to say or how to react, it just happened so fast. Stupid me, I shouldn't have done that outside, where everyone could see us! "Is everything alright?" he scurried to us.
"Yes, yes, it is..." Michael spoke and I looked at him. His face was worried and I could tell he was trying so hard to find a way out of this situation "We were just... ahh... you know..." I tried thinking too, but my mind was unable.
"Were you too kids, fighting?" Jeremy said. We looked at each other and didn't know what to say. Then Jeremy laughed "You know, I have a cousin too and when were young, we also used to fight all the time!" Michael faked a little laugh and I did so too. Jeremy looked around and said "Is someone leaving?"
"Ahh it's .. ahh..." Michael begun, but I jumped in
"It's all my fault, Jeremy." Michael looked at me with uncertainty. "I'm really embarrassed, but Michael... caught me smoking weed last night." I whispered the last words.
"Oh dear!" Jeremy said.
"And said he was going to tell my parents and I got really angry!" my brain was finally working again. Yes! "So I told him to leave and he said he couldn't leave me alone and he had to wait for my parents to return first! But I was so angry that I packed his stuff while he was sleeping and..." I pointed around "You can see the rest!" I cleared my throat, hoping this story would seem accurate.
"Oh Lord..." Jeremy shook his head "You two should've talked about it like normal people first."
"Well, " Michael begun "you know how teenagers are. Their hormones are all over the place!"
"Yes, yes!" I said. I think he actually believed us! "But I'm really sorry now!"
"Let me help you with those stuff!" Jeremy said and before we could stop him, he begun picking things up from the ground and carrying them inside the house.

After we finished with that, we thanked him once again and he told us that we could also go to him if we had problems since that was what neighbors were for. We sent him home, thanking him once more and I closed the door behind him, leaving only me and Michael in the house. I was glad that this was over and that Jeremy believed us.

"I don't want you to leave this house, Michael." I said, breaking the silence in the room. "Because... because.. I love you." I heard his foot steps coming to me. He placed his hands on my shoulders gently and spun me around so that he would see my eyes.
"What did you just say..."
"Stay here, because I love you..." I whispered, looking into his eyes. He sighed and I saw his eyes become wet. "I feel the same way, but I was scared to tell you, because I might lose you."
"YN.." the way he whispered my name made me melt and he pulled me into his arms.

I buried my head in his chest, feeling the warmth of his body and sweet scent, and listening to his beating heart. I could no longer control the tears in my eyes and I heard him crying too in my neck. Then, someone knocked at the door and broke our beautiful hug.

"Who is it?" I asked scared.
"Maybe neighbors who heard us... I'll get it, you go upstairs and put some clothes on." he said it, wiping away the tears off his eyes and making sure he looked decent.

I quickly went to my room and selected fresh clothes from my wardrobe to put on. Then, just before I headed back downstairs, something caught my eye - the window, or what was in front of it. I blinked to look again, but the knife was gone! I left it right in front of the window last night, where was it now?

Where's the knife?

I looked around the room, hoping that I probably put it somewhere else in my pain, but I was wrong. The knife was nowhere to be found and I remembered very brightly that I put it in front of the window because of the moon light!

Someone must have taken it then... but who?

It was only me and Michael and I didn't remember anyone getting in my room! What the hell was going on!?

Whatever it was, it wasn't good.

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