Theres no love without pain

By 313lol

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Sofie a girl with a horrible past and a she's a orphan abandoned by her parents at a young age she feels love... More

Theres no love without pain Characters
Chapter 1: A new start
Chapter 2: The new Family
Chapter 3: New School
Chapter 4: Stefans mate
Chapter 5: Long First day
Chapter 6: P.E and Dance class
Chapter 7: Lunch with a Vampire
Chapter 8: A fight
Chapter 9: Stefans Rage
Chapter 10: Thursday
Chapter 11: New Best Friend
Chapter 12: Staying for dinner with the pack
Chapter 13: Some sad news
Chapter 14: Friday
Chapter 15: Awkward situation
Chapter 16: Lunch
Chapter 17: Crazy Party
Chapter 18: Waking up
Chapter 19: A beautiful date
Chapter 20: Day at the beach
Chapter 21: New mysterious teacher
Chapter 22: Stupid mate
Chapter 23: Bear Attack
Chapter 24: Pain
Chapter 25: Motorcycle
Chapter 26: I'm gonna kill him
Chapter 27: Mate?
Chapter 28: Birthday party
Chapter 30: Kidnapped by who?
Chapter 31: Wolf in Shining armor
Chapter 32:A rude awaking
Might be the last chapter
A/N: New Story
Another A/N

Chapter 29: Kidnapped

295 4 0
By 313lol

Sofie (P.O.V)

I woke up early to see what they had gotten me Stefan bought me the new Iphone, Peter bought me candy, sunglasses, heals and a new shirt. Aaron bought me a necklace, sneakers, a Black Veil Brides album, a neon green Iphone case and a gift card to Spencer’s. Everyone else got me money and gift cards I was swamped in cash and gift cards why were there so many people in this pack. When I was done Stefan started talking to me and wanting me to explain why I hide my scent and explain my past to him. I told him I learned to hide my scent by magic and that I learned it from some witches back in Texas that's how come they never found out about my animal self.

I also told him about me having powers I told him I’ve had them ever since I shifted and I can use it out of my animal form. I told him a little of my past but then we had to go to school I rode my motorcycle and he rode in his car. We walked in hand and hand into school not caring at the stares we were getting we really didn't care. In gym class we got in trouble by Coach Mack for P.D.A I hate that stupid code. The rest of the day went by fine but at lunch I noticed that Louis wasn't there strange he never missed school.

In math the substitute asked me to stay I stood there waiting for him to speak and he did but instead of his nice smile he had a evil smile on and his eyes were even darker than usual. He said I know what you are I tried to act calm and asked how did you know he said isn't it obvious then the air shifted then his scent hit my nose a vampire. He said he wouldn't hurt me he was just letting me know he knew I was relived and walked away. For my free period I went to the woods letting my animal self come and go wild  my snow white wolf and lion self free taking over me. As I was starting out  at a full out run I saw but only trees passing me by the wind in my fur then all of a sudden it was pitch black and my wolf/lion being tied up. I could make out voices but I couldn't clearly hear what they were saying then finally darkness consumed me and I feel unconsciousness.

Unknown (P.O.V)

Boss are you sure we should do this what if she wakes up she's a nice person why are we taking her we should go after the boy.

Bosses (P.O.V)

I don't care if you like her we need her and if he known's his mate is with us he'll come running to the rescue and that's when we'll take him down now take her to the dungeon NOW!!! Well need to harness her powers when she's awake that will make this even sweeter.

Unknown (P.O.V)

Okay, I'm so sorry Sofie I don't want to hurt you but I have to do what the boss says or else I’ll be killed. Please forgive me your my friend and I don't want that to change but you have to understand the position I'm in. If it was anyone else than you I wouldn't have a problem but it's not so know that I’m sorry but..........

Boss (P.O.V)

Get over here right now and set up the cage for me you worthless piece of nothing get over here before I kill you.

Unknown (P.O.V)

Good bye Sofie *lays a kiss to her forehead and runs to the boss*.

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