Then and Now: A Harry Styles...

By musicluva4eva

1.5M 16.7K 3K

It was just supposed to be a simple, harmless lunch date, to catch up with an old friend. But when that old f... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine

Chapter Seven

40.6K 403 75
By musicluva4eva

Thank you all for voting and commenting! It makes me feel very happy! You should all check out “Survivors Guilt” by my awesome friend JustoMath! I noticed that I use exclamation points a lot....! ;) I don’t know if you guys can expect an update this coming weekend, because I’m on a trip all week, and won’t have any time to write! So just in case, I wrote this extra long chapter for you lovely people! I’m not very pleased with the way it came out though...On another note, I’ve discovered All Time Low (thanks to my sister) and am currently obsessed with their music :D

Enjoy! (See, there’s that exclamation point again...)


“JENNA! GET YOUR ARSE IN HERE!”  I heard my best friend scream.

Thinking something was wrong; I jumped out of my bed, and ran into her room. “What’s wrong?!”

“What’s wrong? The paparazzi somehow got a picture of you and Harry yesterday! Your face is all over Twitter and Tumblr! Sugarscape even has an article about you! It’s a good thing that you’re wearing sunglasses in the picture, or else—I don’t even know what would happen!” Becca ranted.

“Wait. What?” I ran over to her computer, nearly tripping on some hastily thrown shoes.

I looked at her screen, and sure enough, there was a picture of Harry and I yesterday. At the angle that the picture was taken, it looked like he had his hand on my waist, and his head on my shoulder.  You couldn’t really see my face, since my head was tilted, and I had my aviators covering my eyes. If I had just been looking at the photo, I would’ve of thought it was a couple in the picture.

“Oh God.” I said, sitting down.

“We better pray no one finds out it was you. Some fans can get nasty when it comes to girls in their idols lives.” 

“I should call Harry.” I said, and went to get my mobile.  

Just as I entered my room, my ringtone went off, and immediately knew it was Harry. He had set LMFAO’s ‘Sexy and I Know It’ as my ringtone for when he called yesterday.

“Did you see the photo?” I asked, the moment I answered.

“No hello, how are you to greet me?”

“A picture of us is plastered all over the web! It’s only a matter of time before they figure out who I am Harry!” I exclaimed.

“Calm down Jenna. This happens a lot, unfortunately. As long as they don’t find out your name, it’ll blow over quickly. If they do though...” he trailed off.

“So I don’t need to worry?”  

“At the moment, no.”

I sighed, “That’s good.”

“You calmed down now?”


“Good. On another note though, want to come to our fitting today? We have to do our final fitting for our tour clothes, and confirm our set list. The lads want to meet you too, and our stylist will be there, so you can see what she does too!” Harry asked.

“Uh...sure! I don’t have any classes today.” That was true. I just had a massive pile of homework that needed to be done. That could wait though.

“Great! We’ll pick you up in an hour; what’s your address?”

I gave him my address and said I’d be ready. I exited my room, and saw a smirking Becca standing there.


“You’re smiling!” Becca said in a singsong voice.

“I’m not!” I insisted, though I could feel a smile creeping onto my face.

“See!” Becca laughed, “I heard the conversation. Go get ready, and I’ll make some breakfast.”

“Thanks Becca,” I shot out of the room, and into the shower.

Forty five minutes later, I was sitting in the kitchen, eating a bowl of cereal.

“I love your outfit, by the way.” Becca said, from the living room, where she was reading a magazine.

“Thanks,” I said, putting my bowl in the sink.

I was wearing a white shirt, with a sleeveless jean jacket, and a pair of ripped red skinny jeans. It took me a surprisingly short amount of time to pick the outfit.

My mobile vibrated, and I saw a text from Harry.

From: Harry Styles

We’re outside in a black van, paul won't let us leave the car! :(


I smiled, and typed a reply.

To: Harry Styles

I’m coming down now! X


“I’m leaving now Becca!” I said, pulling on my TOMS.

“Have fun! Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” she shouted as a closed the door.

I exited the building, and saw a black van parked outside. Knowing it was him, I walked towards it, and boy, Niall, I think his name was, opened the door.

“Hello!” he said in a strong Irish accent as I stepped inside.

“Hi!” I replied, and spotted an empty seat next to Harry.

“Hey Jenna!” Harry said, pointing to the seat next to him.

I sat down, and an older boy, with messy brown hair appeared from the other side of Harry.

“Hi! I’m Louis!” he said. He sounded quite hyper.

“I’m Zayn!”

“Hello! I’m Liam!”

“And I, am Niall!” the blonde one said.

“I’m Jenna.” I smiled, “Nice to meet you lads!”

“We know! Harry hasn’t shut up about you since yesterday!” Louis said, cheekily.

“Lou!” Harry scowled in his direction, and slapped his arm.

I laughed. Did he really talk about me?

We chatted for a bit on the way their labels offices. After a few minutes, we pulled in front of a tall, modern building, and stepped out of the van.

“There’s an entire floor here dedicated just to the stylists. The floors basically a mess of different clothes for everyone signed to the label, who’re going on tour.” Zayn informed me.

“That’s cool.” I said, as we entered the building.

Niall practically ran to the elevator, and started attacking the up button.

“Why won’t it come?” he whined after ten seconds.

“Patience Niall.” Liam said.

“But I want food!”

“There’s no food up there.”

“Yes there is! Leanne has a mini fridge!”

Liam sighed, and the elevator arrived. Niall ran in the moment the people emptied from inside and attacked the tenth floor button. We all piled into the elevator after him.

“Remember that you have to meet with Simon after words, boys.” A large man, who I assumed was Paul, said.

“We know Paul!” Louis said, giddily jumping up and down.

I felt slightly nervous when the doors opened, and we were assaulted by lots of shouts, and bright fabric everywhere. There was basically a large, open room, with several tables scattered around, with people running around them, as well as various sewing materials. There were many separate rooms adjacent to the area, obviously for fittings, as well as a hallway that led to what I assumed were small offices.

It was perfect. Exactly the type of environment I loved.

“You like?” Harry asked, glancing at me.

“I love.” I let out a bright smile.

Harry smiled, and I saw a woman with bright orange hair head towards us. She was wearing a flowy dress, with a bright pattern on it. As she came closer, I noticed the dresses pattern hid her large baby bump.

“Boys!” she shouted, opening her arms up for hugs.

“Hi Leanne!” they chorused together, each hugging her tightly, carefully avoiding her stomach.

“And who is this lovely lady?” she asked, looking warmly at me.

“I’m Jenna Matthews.” I stuck my hand out to shake.

“No, no! There are no shaking hands here! Just hugs!” and she went and pulled me in for one, which I returned.

Hmm. I liked her already.

“She’s a friend of our boy Haz here.” Liam said.

“Yup. Friend.” Louis said cheekily, looking from me to Harry.

“Well, we’ve got to do the final fitting! Your tour starts in a month and a half. Seven weeks. And I’m leaving in six! We need to see which outfits that were made look the best on you, then send the orders in to be made!” she rambled as we entered one of the rooms.

“Jenna can help! She’s studying design!” Niall said.

“I see.” Leanne said, and her and Harry shared a look.

What the hell was going on inside their brains right now?

“Okay now! Boys, stand there, strip down. The clothes are hanging there. Try on outfit number one right now. They’re labelled. Jenna?” Leanne said.

“Yes?” I answered.

“I need your opinion on the outfits. Tell me if you see anything that looks awkward or out of place.”

“Sure thing, boss.” I said, somewhat cheekily.

Oh Lord. I was starting to sound like Harry.

I turned back around just as Harry pulled on his trousers. His chest was still bare.

Oh my dear God. Lord help me. Oh my god. Is that a six-pack? It is. Oh my god. Jenna, look at something else. Look at something else right now. Don’t drool.

A snapped my eyes away from his chest and to his smirking face.

“Like what you see?”

I rolled my eyes, and tried my hardest to keep the blush from spreading to my face.

“What is there to see?”

“This,” he gestured to his six pack, a smirk still plastered to his face.

I poked his chest. Oh wait-his rock hard abs. “You mean this flabby piece of skin?”

Harry frowned, and opened his mouth to retort, when Louis interrupted.


The other boys burst into laughter, while I just stood there, confused. Was I missing something?

“Don’t worry Lou, you know I only have eyes for you!” Harry said, exaggerating.

I looked at Liam, who was still laughing, but not as extremely as the other boys. Niall was hunched over Zayn, his face red.

“Is this normal?” I asked him quietly.


“Doesn’t Louis have a girlfriend?”


“And she’s okay with this?”

“Yup. In fact, she encourages it!” Liam exclaimed.

“Boys! Just change into your clothes!” Leanne exclaimed, though you could see a hint of a smile on her face.

They quickly shut up, and finished changing. Louis was in stripes, Harry in a blazer, Zayn was wearing a varsity jacket, Niall was in a polo, and Liam was wearing plaid. I glanced at the other outfits; it was the same basic pieces, in different colours, and minor detail changes. The colour scheme of this set was red, white, and blue.

“If we go with this set, it’ll be just like the other tours. If we change the colour scheme, it’ll be different.” Leanne said, as if she was arguing with herself.

“I think we should stick with this scheme. If you’re playing the same tour, just in another country, it doesn’t make sense to change the outfits.” I said. “Plus, these are cute.”

“I’m aiming for sexy.” Zayn said, smirking.

My God. What was with these boys and smirking? Was there something in their food? Or was it just Harry rubbing off on them?

“You know what though,” I said, as I looked at the other outfit sets, “I think you—“ I pointed to Zayn, “should where this red varsity jacket instead. I’ve seen pictures of you lads on tour, and I think at least one of your outfits needs to change for this tour in an entirely new country! It’ll stick with the theme of red, white and blue! And you should change your shoes to dark blue if you do that as well.”

The boys exchanged looks with Leanne, and with each other, and I was suddenly nervous. I had probably just made a huge fool of myself. But Leanne had said she wanted my opinion...

“I think that’s a great idea!” Zayn said, happily.

“Great? More like amazing! Why didn’t I think of that? Subtly change one of the outfits, but still keep the rest of the set! It’ll say that it’s the same tour, yet slightly different! I should switch the dancer’s outfits too! Jenna, you’re an absolute gem!” Leanne exclaimed, waving her arms all around the room.

I felt astonished at how enthusiastic she was acting. All I had done was switch a jacket.

“Okay then!” Leanne said, clapping her hands excitedly, “I’ll put the orders in for more of these to be made!”

She turned to me, “And Jenna, good job! I couldn’t have said it better myself!”

I smiled at the pregnant woman, and turned back to the boys, who were fiddling with their outfits.

“That’s it?” Niall asked, moving to pull off his polo.

“Yes.” she said.

“TIME TO SEE UNCLE SIMON!” Louis exclaimed.

“He can meet Jenna!” Zayn said.

I stared at the boys. Were they kidding me? Did they seriously want me to meet Simon freaking Cowell?

“I’m not sure—“ I started, but was interrupted.

“You’re coming with us to meet Simon. No excuses Jenna.” Harry said sternly, though there was still a hint of playfulness in his voice.

“Alright am I supposed to act though? It’s Simon Cowell! He’s one of the biggest figures in the music industry!” I exclaimed, starting to become nervous.

“He’s just Uncle Simon. No need to be nervous!” Louis said, skipping happily to the elevator.  

I stared at his back. I worried about that boy. I couldn’t even call him a man, even though he was twenty years old. He was too playful and childlike for me to do so.

“Just be yourself,” Liam’s wise voice cut through my thoughts, “Simon will love you! He just looks intimidating, but he’s really just a big teddy bear!”

Simon Cowell, the man that made little kids cry, a teddy bear? That had to be the funniest thing I’d heard in a while.

“He’s a giant teddy bear that feeds me!” exclaimed Niall.

I shook my head. I’d known him for only a few minutes, but I could tell that he was obsessed with eating and with food in general.

“A teddy bear...okay then.” I said.

“Have a good day boys!” Leanne said, giving the boys hugs.

“And you too, love!” she said when she hugged me, “Come back anytime! We could use a pair of fresh, young and talented eyes around here!”

“That’d be nice; I might take you up on that offer!”

“It’d be lovely if you did, I could use all the help I can get around here, with the tour approaching so quickly, and me going on maternity leave soon!” Leanne said.

“I’ll be sure to drop by then! Bye!” I said, and followed the boys to the elevator.

“What took you so long? I’ve been waiting forever!” Louis whined, hastily hitting the up button on the elevator.

“It was two minutes Lou.” Harry said.

“It’s still a long time!”

I just laughed and stepped into the elevator when the doors opened. Inside I was a bundle of nerves. I was about to meet Simon Cowell. One of the world’s biggest music moguls.

“You okay love?” Harry asked as the elevator ascended to the top floor.

“Just a little nervous, that’s it.”

“I know how you feel about meeting him; I was scared out of my mind when I first talked to him face to face, but he’s a good chap, and we owe our entire music careers to him.”

The elevator dinged, singling we had arrived at the top floor. I was about to meet the man who had made the boys entire musical careers possible, and I was scared out of my damn mind.


Question: How old do you think I am, just from reading this story? I’m curious! :)

Vote and comment please! xx And please vote for this story in the 1DWattyAwards! I only have one vote now :( 

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