TMNT Human - Lost and Found {...

By ShadeFaith206

19.1K 490 223

The brothers were separated as children and grew up without each other. As they reach high school, they reali... More

The Journal Entry
First Day, First Attempt, First Brother
Stay Away From Him
What just happened?!
They Really Do Care.....
I'm Sorry....

How Could This Happen To Me

1.6K 49 31
By ShadeFaith206

Unknown's POV

"Get up, you lazy bitch!" I heard my dad yell.

I opened my eyes to see him standing at the end of my bed, glaring daggers at me.

"Hurry up. Be down the stairs in five minutes."

He gave me one last glare, then walked away. I rolled my eyes and got up out of bed.

I picked out my clothes and got dressed. I was wearing a navy blue t-shirt, black leather jacket, black skinny jeans with holes in the knees, and black and white Jordan's.

I brushed my black hair, brushed my teeth, and walked downstairs in three minutes. Oh yeah, and I was wearing my shades.

When I went into the kitchen, I got punched in the gut and kicked in the face.

I fell to the floor as I heard, "Why weren't you down here sooner?"

I looked up at my father as I gritted my teeth.

"Answer me, boy!" He yelled at me.

I stood up and said, "I had to get dressed."

I know it's a lame excuse, but what do you expect when your own father beats you every day.

I flinch as he grabs my arm and pulls me to 'the room'. He opens the door and throws me in. On instinct, I twist in mid-air and land with my knees bent. I stand tall and hear the door shut and lock.

I stood in the middle of the room.

"Strip," my father ordered.

I refrained from rolling my eyes as I took my shirt, pants, and shades off, leaving me in my boxers and Jordan's.

My dad brought over a whip and started whipping me. I tried not to show I was in pain because that only makes the beating worse.

When dad's done, he puts the whip back and says, "You have three minutes."

I take a quick look over myself. I have at least twenty whip marks on each of my arms, seven on my back, and a bruise on my jaw from when my dad kicked me.

I quickly cleaned and bandaged my wounds. Then, I got dressed and walked to the front door. I grabbed my bag, walked out the door, making sure I slammed it and walked to school.

When I got there, everything ached because of the whip marks. But, I've gotten used to it.

I walk in the school and head to guidance. As I walk down the halls, I bump into a guy with brown hair, glasses, and amber eyes.

"Watch it," I growled, nervous and in pain.

The guy's eyes widened in shock, but before he got the chance to speak, I walked around him and headed straight to guidance.

My whole life has been a rollercoaster of beatings and emotions. I am a victim of neglect and abuse. I live with it, deal with it. But I survive and face the challenges and consequences head-on.

But, how long will it be till I break? Or am I already broken? I have no friends, no family, no one to lean on. I am known as the kid with barely any emotion, or too much emotion.

I've lived like this for fifteen years and have not spilled my secret. 'Trust no one' is what my father would say to me. Do you want to know who I am? Well, here it is.

My name?

Leonardo Oroku.

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