Away From Home (One Direction...

By Niall_makes_us_Smile

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When Bianca gets on the wrong plane, she finds herself in London, and rooming with a psychotic, obsessed One... More

Away From Home (One Direction Fanfiction)
Chapter 2 It's Liam's Way or the Highway
Chapter 4 Holy Bromance!
Chapter 5 It Smells Like Heaven
Chapter 6 She Slobbered On Me
Chapter 7 Louis Those Are My Cookies
Chapter 8 You're So Beautiful When You Eat Oatmeal
Chapter 9 He Shall Be My Squishy
Chapter 10 Kick Some Arse
Chapter 11 Revenge Is Sweet
Chapter 12 Don't Get In His Van Even If He Has Candy
Chapter 13 Mommy Pet Bianca
Chapter 14 Boom Shaka Laka
Chapter 15 I Like Your Pants
Chapter 16 We Killed Him
Chapter 17 I Am Your Candy Girl
Chapter 18 We Need Some Chicken Wings On The Fly
Chapter 19 I Could Sell This On eBay
Chapter 20 Have Some Decency
Chapter 21 He's My Woman Friend
Chapter 22 Be Gone Witch
Chapter 23 For Narnia and for Aslan
Chapter 24 What the Fudge
Chapter 25 Touchy-Feely
Chapter 26 BATMAN
Chapter 27 My Precious
Chapter 28 The End

Chapter 3 I Do Not Appreciate That Type of Language

3.1K 49 11
By Niall_makes_us_Smile

Chapter 3

After perfecting the dance, and several hours of Kirsty trying to entertain me with the One Direction interviews, she finally let me go to bed. Even though I was exhausted it was still hard to fall asleep with all of those posters and bobble head staring at me. I woke up in the night once and thought the cardboard cutouts were murderers.

I managed to get back to sleep and in the morning I awoke to the alarm clock blaring What Makes You Beautiful. I reluctantly got up and headed out to the kitchen to find Kirsty standing by the stove fixing breakfast. There was a mess of scrambled eggs and carrots in a frying pan that she was stirring.

Kirsty looked up and saw me staring at her and smiled. "I fixed eggs and carrots for breakfast!"

"Awesome, is there anything that isn't, you know, One Direction around here?"

Kirsty gasped as of I had just thrown the pan of carrots and eggs at her face. "No! Do NOT speak like that! I don't appreciate that type of language!"

"Um sorry to have offended you?" I said cautiously, not sure how exactly I was going to get myself out of this.

Her face relaxed into a smile as soon as I apologized. "Oh it's fine, I'm just not a morning person." She went back to her pan of eggs and started humming a song by One Direction. Surprise, surprise.

I gasped when I realized my parents had no idea where I was. I turned to Kirsty and asked, "Do you have a phone I can use? I don't think mine works here."

"Sure, here you go." She pulled a phone out if her pocket that had a case on it with the boys' picture on it and handed it to me.

I dialed my mom's resort number that she gave to me in case I needed to call her before I got on the plane. The front desk answered and they directed me to my parents' room. Mom picked up and I started talking a mile a minute.

"Mom I got on the wrong plane and now I'm in England staying at some girl's house and she's obsessed with One Direction! I need help!"

"Oh gosh I'm so glad you're ok! I was worried sick about you!"

"Yeah Mom, is there any way you can get me a plane ticket back to home? Please?"

I heard my mom whisper to my dad for a few moments. From what I heard, it sounded like bad news. "Sweetie, we spent almost all of our savings on this trip. We can't afford to get you a plane back."

I started to protest but she cut me off. "You said you were staying at someone's house, so you've already made a friend! Just get a job and eventually you'll be able to buy a ticket home. Your dad and I will help save up too! Plus, it will be a good experience for when you move out into the real world!"

"Mom, you don't understand, this girl I'm staying with has problems." I glanced at Kirsty, who was sitting on the couch with a really weird hat on doing the inbetweeners dance.

"Honey, I told you , you'll be fine and i have to go so love you, bye!" She hung up before I could respond.

Great, so I'm going to have to live with this psychopath, for who knows how long, and not to mention I'm thousands of miles away from home. I don't even know if Kirsty will let me stay with her.

Speaking of, she nearly ran into me while jumping around excitedly. "Guess what! Guess what! Guess what!"

"Calm down, take a deep breath, what?" This chick must have put happy pills in her eggs and carrots this morning.

"I just bought front row seats to go see One Direction! You get to come with me!" She screamed.

I had to do a little squeal of my own because that was one of the things I had always wanted to do. "Aw! Kirsty! You didn't have to buy me a ticket!"

"It was no problem, I mean, you are my new best friend! And they only cost me about... Hmmm.." She thought for a moment, tapping her chin and then said, "Well, I'm not exactly how much but let's just say I won't be going to college anytime soon. And I'll probably get to work for the rest of my life, but it's worth it!"

"I can help you pay, I just need a job. Do you know of any place that's hiring?"

Her face lit up as she said, "I work at Nando's, and they're looking for a waitress. We should go down and get you an application!"

We got ready in a hurry and Kirsty took me down to her work place. When we got there she ran up to the counter and almost jumped across the counter to give the girl taking orders a hug. They set me up with the applications, which weren't really necessary because they hired me on the spot.

Kirsty introduced me to the girl and I learned her name was Jade. She was a One Direction fan and also going to the concert. I was relieved when Jade seemed pretty normal.

The only thing Kirsty would talk about was the concert, which was coming up next Saturday. I was kind of worried about what she might do when she got that close to them.

***** Hey everyone!! Thanks for reading!! I'm kind of scared of Kirsty. She's creeeeeepy. She also kind of reminds me of R in a way. =) But R isn't as psychotic.

ANYWAYS.... thanks again for reading and if you like it please comment vote and fan! =) ~K

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