following his footsteps a ari...

By curly3392

187K 3.3K 503

this is a story about Ariana Grande a girl who moved from America to England and her brother convinced her to... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
Chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
chapter 40
Authors note

Chapter 35

2.4K 63 25
By curly3392

-Harry's POV!!-

I was sat watching Jane singing. She was singing Demi Lovato's Skyscraper. Jane had such a powerful and incredible voice but to be perfectly honest I wasn't really paying much attention. I was just waiting until Ariana came on.

I don't know what it was. We weren't even together that long. Only a few weeks. I don't understand why but she had this weird kind of control over my mind. She was always in there and wouldn't leave. She was all I ever thought about. I's like she's my drug or something.

No Harry. You're obsessed. You will scare her and you will never get your second chance. And anyway, she kissed Liam, she has moved on. She doesn't love you anymore.  

I felt a nudge in my right arm, I looked over and all the judges were looking at me, I looked at the stage which had Jane and Dermot stood together.

'Um, Harry...What do you have to say about Jane's performance?'

'Oh, yeah sorry um, it was truly amazing, as always. Your voice is so incredibly powerful and strong. I can't wait to hear your next song. Every time I hear you sing you just get better and better.' I finished with a smile. Jane thanked me and Dermot carried on to read out the number to call to vote for her.

'So' Tulisa started 'next we have someone who is such an inspiration to me. She is so young yet so strong. Through out this whole competition she hasn't budged an inch and has always been focused and committed and I really do think she deserves a space in the top two, please, give it up for Ariana Grande.'

The crowd immediately erupted in cheers and I sat up ever so slightly in my chair and leant forward the tiniest bit.

The doors opened and the music started. Ariana jumped out from behind the doors and started skipping to the front of the stage and started to sing and immediately I was captivated.

'Now you finally tell me how you feel, Guess your words just came a little too late

All the drama boy its over kill, don't get mad at me 'cause you've been replaced know your place'

Wait what? Replaced? Has she already found someone new? No she can't have. I would of heard about it and she has been so busy with the show.

Oh my god, what if she wrote this song about Liam and me? No there was seriously not enough time for her to write a whole entire song since then. In that case Josh and me? How I replaced Josh and then he came running back to her. She actually must have wrote a song about me. The other song she Baby I!! What if that was about me too? I swear in that song it says 'If its even possible I love you more than the word love can say it' so she loves me. She loves me! But she kissed Liam, why would she kiss Liam if she loves me. They had to be about me though, she wouldn't have time to write one song, let alone three songs for Liam they only kissed about a week ago. So she must have spent her time writing love songs about me! I couldn't stop smiling by now, this was the happiest I had been in a long while.

'But now I'm with somebody else
And he loves me, too much for me to mess this up'

She loves me.

'Now it's probably hard for you to hear
But there's nothing left for you to say
Had my heart all in your hands
Boy, what you don't understand
Is a girl like me don't have no time to waste around'

She loves me.

'It's not my fault
You're a little bit too late
You're the only one to blame
Wipe that look off your face
You can wish a thousand times, but
None of that will change my mind boy
You had a chance you'll never get back'

She loves me.

The song finished and I stood up and clapped with a massive smile on my face. All the other judges probably did too so it hopefully didn't stand out too much. But Ariana noticed. She looked right at me and then looked right away again. What if she knew I knew? Would that change anything? Probably not but I could speak to her about it. Then maybe she would tell me what was wrong with her earlier and why she was crying.

All of the judges gave their opinions on her performance. Tulisa even banged the table a bit telling people to vote for her and get her in the top two which she totally deserves to be in in my opinion.


'I think that was one of your best performances, you are a really talented singer and song writer and I know these songs mean a lot to you.' I paused and she just kept looking at me. 'You are probably one of if not the most talented person who has ever been on this show and you really deserve to be stood where you are right now because I know you have worked your ass off to get there.'

'Thank you Harry' She said quietly. We had a small short moment of eye contact before Dermot started speaking again and Ariana looked up and smiled at him. She was sent off stage and I was left to introduce Liam for his next performance.

-Ariana's POV!!-

Shitshitshitshitshit. He knows, I'm sure he does. Well I kinda knew he would guess they were about him but shit.

I didn't have much time to think about it because I was immediately rushed off to costume to get changed. I couldn't get his stupid smile out of my head. His stupid, cocky, cute, cheeky smile out of my head. No Ariana. Stop it. You need to focus. He broke your heart and he wont change. He is a massive celebrity who gets everything given to him on a plate. Anything he wants. Including girls.

Ok so I knew this wasn't true but I cant fall for him again. Well it wont be again I still kinda like him.

No you don't.

Yes I do.

Oh god I'm arguing with myself. Why can't life just be simple and happy and not confusing. God.

Next thing I knew I was in hair and make-up getting myself topped up. And look who else was in there, all of the other One Direction boys. Why was my luck so bad? First I run into Harry, then Niall, then that Sophie girl, then Jade and now all of the band.

This better not be awkward. Please god. I'm begging you please.

'Hello there' Niall said smiling at me as I was forced to sit in the seat next to him.

'Hi' I said kind of awkwardly trying to look at the floor but the woman pulling on my hair was kind of making me look up.

'I liked that song, you're really talented at song writing you know'

'Thanks' I said. One of the boys scoffed but I couldn't see who.

'Louis!' Niall whispered. I guess it was Louis then.


'Please, don't not now.'

'But sh-'

'I know but not now.' Niall said and Louis sighed. There was a few seconds of silence before Louis stood up and left the room. The woman who had been doing his hair looked very shocked.

'I'm sorry about him everyone, he just really wants Jane to win.' One of the other boys laughed, I think it was Liam but again I couldn't quite see properly.

'One of us should go and talk to him' Niall suggested.

'I will' Zayn said then stood up and walked out of the room. And then there was three.

None of us spoke and shortly after the boys were done and they both left without saying a word to me.

I guess they weren't all ok with me then. Liam probably wasn't as his girlfriend hates me so much and Zayn wanted to leave. I think Niall was the only one who didn't absolutely hate my guts. But he's Irish and Irish people are all happy.

Soon enough I was done and it was almost time for me to go on and sing my last song with Tulisa. Jane and Katy were on stage now singing a Rihanna song Unfaithful.

I was so nervous now. I really didn't want to let Tulisa down and disappoint her. Actually thinking about it, where was she? I looked around all backstage and I couldn't see her anywhere.

'Excuse me do you know where Tulisa is?' I asked.

'No sorry' The woman shook her head in reply. I looked around a bit more and I found her. She was getting her microphone given to her and sorted out.

'Oh hey Ari, how you feeling? You nervous?'

'Like you wouldn't believe' I tried to laugh.

'I haven't sung on this show yet this series, I think if anyone should be nervous it should be me' She winked and I just hugged her.

'What's up muffin?'

'Nothing, I just love you is all. And I'm so happy you are my mentor and thank you for everything.'

'Aw, thank you for everything. You really deserve this Ariana. You're the most hardworking person I have ever met. And honestly I'm glad I was given this category so I could mentor you' She smiled down at me and we hugged again.

'So, you ready to go kick some butt?' I asked laughing.

'Lets go' She laughed too and we stood behind the moving doors. Dermot introduced us and the doors opened. The piano started playing and we walked forward. I looked at Tulisa and she looked at me, smiled and winked. I held the microphone up to my mouth and started to sing.

'You walked in, caught my attention

I've never seen, a man with so much dimension

It's the way you walk'

'The way you talk' Tulisa sang

'The way you make me feel inside' We both sang in unison.

'It's in your smile' She sang.

'It's in your eyes, I don't wanna wait for tonight.' I sang. Then we both started to sing the chorus and the crowd cheered and clapped. Harry was of course smiling and loving every second. Had he even thought about how hard this is for me? Having to sing love songs about him after he broke my heart? Well if he liked that bit I knew he would love this next bit...

'Now I can't wait to hold you in my arms, I know I was made for you

I'm in love with all of your charms' I quickly looked at him and of course, he looked like the bloody Cheshire cat off of Alice in wonderland.

Tulisa sang the next part then I joined in for the chorus.

'So I'm daydreamin with my chin in the palm of my hands

about you, you, and only you

got me, daydreamin with my chin in the palm of my hands about you, you and only you'

'But I want you, Got to have you' Tulisa sang.

'And I need you, Like I never have loved you before' I sang.

'Oh I want you, ooh I need you' Tulisa again.

'Got to have you, like I never have loved you before' Me again.

Me and Tulisa now both belted out the chorus and half way through she grabbed my hand, I looked at her and she was smiling a massive grin at me so I returned the favour. This was my last chance to gain my place in the final tomorrow night so I really needed to sing my heart out. And that's exactly what I did.

We finished the song and the whole audience roared and I beamed my biggest smile. Tears were filling my eyes. This was the moment I had been waiting for and no matter what happened I know I had done my best and that's all I could do.

Tulisa pulled me into a big hug and squeezed me for ages. Dermot came on stage and the cheers died down.

'That was truly amazing, Ariana. I cant believe you have written all of your songs for tonight'

'Thank you' I smiled.

'And Tulisa, that was amazing singing coming from you there'

'Thanks Dermot but Ariana is the main star here, she really needs to be in the final two tomorrow night so please. Everyone at home pick up the phone and vote. It's just one phone call which could change this girls life forever please pick up the phone' She said and hugged me again. After the judges gave back their feedback me and Tulisa ran off backstage.

We said a quick goodbye because she needed to be back out on the judges desk because next she had to watch Liam perform with Harry.

This time I wasn't as rushed because I had like twenty minutes to wait before I was needed on Xtra factor. I was just stood around backstage when Liam ran up to me and lifted me off the ground then spun the round.

'That was amazing, I can't believe how good you are' He said after putting me down.

'Thank you so much, I just did my best so I'm happy.' 

'I'm happy for you too, I'm sure you have a place in tomorrows show, after that you must do'

'I hope so, you have been singing pretty good yourself' I smiled.

'Thanks, don't you just feel amazing out there?'

'Definitely! how long till you need to go on?'

'Five minutes, there is an ad break'

'Oh well good luck' I smiled at Liam and he smiled back at me.

'Thanks little red' He winked then someone was calling him so he had to leave me.

I walked over to a quiet corner and sat down on the floor. The costume people wouldn't be too happy with me but hey, no one is ever going to wear these clothes again. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and just looked through my hundreds of texts from people wishing me luck and congratulating me. Then I heard my name being said from around the corner I was sat at. These people must of been about 5 meters away from me. I put my phone down and tried to listen.

'Listen mate, she's not worth it ok. She didn't give you any chance to explain yourself and then she goes and kisses Liam which is exactly what she was mad at you about.'

'But she thought I had a girlfriend!'

'So? She got ever that Josh kid pretty quickly and it looks like she has done the same with you, I'm sorry mate but you saw yourself she kissed Liam! She doesn't care. She has had three guys in the past few weeks doesn't that say anything to you?'

'But she wrote those songs about me?'

'And how do you know they're about you? Hmm?'

'Well I-'

'Exactly.' Then suddenly I heard footsteps coming towards me. I had no time to stand up and run so the best I could do is..

Sleep. That's right. I was pretending to sleep. Oh my god. Could this be any more embarrassing. The footsteps stopped right by me. I heard a scoff just like the one before in the dressing room then he walked off. I guess that was Louis then. I then heard Harry sigh and slide down the wall.

If we both put our hands out we could touch each other, that's how close we were. I started to go over their conversation in my head. How Harry knew the songs were about him but Louis didn't believe it. How Louis thought I was using men and had no feelings for them, basically he thinks I'm a slut, how Harry saw me and Liam kissing.

Wait, since when did he know about that? What? How did he know about that? Is that why he has been acting so cold towards me lately?

My phone lit up and 'ting'ed. I put my phone on silent as quickly as I could but it was too late. Harry's head was poking around the corner and he was looking at me.


'That's me' I replied slowly turning to face him.


I am so so sorry I haven't been updating so much has been going on! But there is only like one or two more chapters of this story left! Please read, vote, comment and share with your friends! And also if you could read my other fanfics that would be fab:) ily all stay wonderful.

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