Summer Fling

By kitty_ross

2.8K 110 124

If you are pursueing a job as a camp counselor, there is a list of things Paris Kennedy would advise you not... More

Summer Fling
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 17

67 4 4
By kitty_ross

"Moooooove!" Jackie whined as she pushed Louis out of the way. "I'm hungry!" She hurridly slid into the booth. Niall chuckled and slid in next to her. Louis rolled his eyes.

"You two were practically made for.each other" he commented. Niall blushed while Jackie grinned

Louis slid next to Niall and was followed by Jake and Kali. On the other side of the table, Harry and Ariel held hands and sat across from Jackie and Niall. Liam scrambled to sit next to Harry and propped his arm on the back Paris's chair, who didn't seem to mind. She was to absorbed in her conversation with Mitch. Mitch sat intbetween Paris and Tiffani, and Zayn was on the end.

Liam tried to listen in on Paris's conversation, but it was mostly Mitch telling her about his life in Austraila. When the waitress came to take their drink orders, Liam wasn't prepared.

"I'll take a water please" Paris requested.

The waitress smiled and scribbled it.down on her paper. She looked at Liam. "Oh, um, same" he hesitated. No one really noticed.

Mitch was already talking again. Liam rolled his eyes. "So, I might be spending more time here than you think. The band and I have a few meetings and radio gigs in a few months."

"Oh my gosh, that's great!" Tiffani gushed. "I remember when you guys only played in Chris's garage."

"Thats because we had just started our band when you guys were there!" Mitch grinned.

"Yeah, but you guys were really good" Paris pointed out. "I remember when you were supposed to be showing us around Sydney, but instead you made us be part of your street team!"

"What can I say?" Mitch grinned. "How can anyone resist two adorable American girls like you?" The girls laughed and Liam's fist tightened. Jackie shot him a warning glance, which forced him to calm down.

"Speaking of your band, how is everyone?" Paris asked.

"Oh shut it!" Tiffani teased. You're only interested in knowing about Alex!"

"Maaayyybee" Paris played along.

Mitch laughed. "He's good, Tinkerbell. In fact he asked me to get your email address while I was here."

"A random guy asked you to get her email?" Liam butted in.

Mitch shrugged. Paris giggled. "He's not random guy" she assured Liam. "He's the drummer for Mitch's band. We're somewhat good friends."

"Somewhat?" Tiffani scoffed. "By the end of summer you two were sucking each other's faces off!"

Paris's eyes widened. "It was one kiss!"

"Mmmhmmm" Tiffani teased.

Paris threw a wadded up napkin at her. Tiffani laughed. Paris turned to Liam. "There is nothing other than a really good friendship between me and Alex."

"That's not what he's been dreaming of!" Mitch laughed.

Paris pouted. "Why does he need my email? Doesn't he already have it?"

Mitch rolled his eyes. "This is Alex.we're talking about. He can't even remember how to tie his shoe."

Paris laughed. "True."

abt an hour later

"Dude, you've been tense all dinner" Harry observed. Liam glared at him. "C'mon, lets go!" Harry ushered.

"Where?" Liam asked.

"The loo" Harry stated. "You need to get yourself together." Liam reluctantly followed him.

When they came back to the table, the whole group was laughing at something. When Liam pulled out his chair to sit down, the laughing stopped and the group was divided. Half of them, mainly Tiffani and Mitch's end of the table, looked away from him. The other half, mainly Niall and Jackie and Ariel, grinned at him.

Paris couldn't look at him. She looked away and was covering her mouth with her hand. Liam became suspicious. He lifted his drink to his mouth and took a sip. Jackie, Niall, Ariel, and Louis leaned into watch. He spit his drink out, spewing it all over Louis.

The group laughed. Paris looked at him again and giggled. He frowned and looked at his cup, confused. He noticed little flakes in his water.

"What is going on?!" he demanded to know.

"While you were gone, we tampered with your drink" Jackie admitted.

"It taste like crap" Liam frowned.

Paris bit her lip. "We put salt, sugar, and lemon juice in it" she admitted.

"Tinkerbell!" Mitch whined. "You.wern't supposed to tell him!"

"I didn't tell him everything" Paris snapped in a hushed tone.

"Good, cause if he knew Mitch spit in his tea I'm pretty sure the fit is gonna hit the shan if ya know.what i mean" Louis butted in.

"LOUIS!!!!!" several group members yelled.

"You what?!" Liam exclaimed. He was standing up.

Paris reached out and grabbed his arm. Her touch was gentle. "Liam, calm down."

"Calm down?! Calm down?!" Liam yelled, making a scene. He pointed to Mitch, who threw his hands up in surrender. "Ever since that pansycake got here, he's done nothing but caise trouble! What the heck is wrong with you? Why would you spit in my drink? That's disgusting!"

"Dude, it was just a joke, calm down!" Mitch stated.

"Shut up! You've caused enough trouble" Liam growled.

"Liam!" Paris scolded. "This isn't like you! Its not a big deal, just calm down!"

"Yeah man" Mitch spoke. "If I had.known you would take it this seriously, I wouldn't have done it. Tinkerbell said you-"

Liam lunged at him. Tiffani screamed as they both tumbled to the ground. Paris gasped. The other boys moved into action. Jake and Zayn pulled Liam off of Mitch, and Niall helped Mitch up. Paris glared at Liam as Jake and Zayn held him back.

He was breathing heavy. "What the heck is your problem?" she whispered as tears swelled in her eyes. He opened his mouth to answer, but she held her hand up to stop him.

Everyone stared at them, watching for her next move. She swallowed and shook her head, and then she ran off.

Authors note: i hate this chapter.

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