Little Wolf (Klaus Mikaelson...

Por LittleMikaelson8

469K 8.4K 1.7K

Klaus meets his match in a girl living next door to Alaric's apartment. He saves her from her abusive boyfri... Mais

Saving a Mate
Daddy to the Rescue
Stefan's Threat
Back To Mystic Falls
Keeping Promises
Meeting the Family
Authors Note
Daddy's Home
Kol Saves the Day
The Basement
Authors Note
Accidents Happen
Authors Note
Saving Daddy
Beginning of Eternity

Body Swaping

49.4K 765 345
Por LittleMikaelson8

When she looked at him a hundred thoughts ran through her head,
but the only thing she could manage to do was smile.

I woke up the next morning alone again and walked out into the living room to see Klaus in a coffin and Maddox chanting. I jumped as another man took a deep breath and jumped up from the floor and Maddox finally stopped his spell. "What did you do..?" I asked, walking to Klaus and trying to wake him up. "Daddy? Daddy! Wake up daddy! Wake up!"

"Love, it's okay. I'm right here." I looked over to see the man from the floor behind me and feeling his arms around my waist.

"No...dont touch me!" I pulled my arm back as he tried to pin me to his chest and punched him in the nose.

"I should have explained last night but you were so tired..." He groaned, holding his now bloody nose. "Love it's me, it's daddy, I switched bodies for the time being. Come sit and let me explain while I make you breakfast, Okay?" I paused, still unsure. "Then I'll take you to the mall. You still need to replace all those stuffies." I grinned as I realized it truly was him, and he remembered his promise.

"Why are you in this man's body daddy? I like your body better...this is weird." He sat me at the kitchen island and began to explain everything to me as he made me bacon and eggs with toast. All about his family, Mikael abusing him, his mother cursing him, his little brother henrik, his sibling being daggered, and his need to break his curse now that he found the doppelganger.

"It won't happen." He looked at me stunned, almost hurt. "Don't misunderstand me, I want you to break your curse if it makes you happy, but Damon and Stefan will never let it happen. Damon is my friend, has been since he came to town, but I cant tell you how many times he's blown me off to be with Elena or help Elena, it's all about Elena, for everyone. I'll help you if I can but I cant see you getting passed the Salvatores."

"I'm much stronger than the Salvatores, I have almost 900 years on them, dont worry about me. However I don't want you to go against your friends for me Scarlet."

I grinned as I finished eating and took the plate to the sink. "That's why I offered, you didn't ask. We're not that close anymore. I told you, it's all about Elena...Damon is the only person I've ever told about Mark...but in the middle of the conversation about my abuse he left me in the middle of the park...Elena called and needed a ride somewhere...ive never really forgiven him for that. I don't see him as a loyal friend, he only ever really liked me when I was little and adorable, and if he's not going to put effort into a relationship then neither am i." I shrugged.

I felt arms around my waist and Klaus breathing on my neck. "That's very wise baby girl. I'm proud of you. If you come by any information that would be nice but don't go looking for it, Okay?" I nodded, stopping him before he could kiss me.

"I can't kiss you like sorry but kissing will have to wait until you have your body back." He chuckled but nodded none the less.

"Of course love. I have to go meet my doppelganger now, first day as a teacher and all. Would you like me to take you out after or would you like to go alone?" I thought on it for a moment and sighed.

"I'll go alone. It would be weird if anyone saw us together at the mall, let alone saw us shopping for stuffed animals. You can take me out when you break your curse, because I can never have too many stuffies." He smirked and I really wanted to kiss him right now. "Please get your body back soon? It's been 2 hours and I already miss kissing you."

"Of course love, by tomorrow hopefully. Take this and go to the mall. Have fun." He handed me a black credit card with my name on it and I was stunned. "What's mine is yours love, just don't go too crazy and buy a yacht or something." I jumped forward into his arms and kissed him firmly on the lips. "Thought you weren't going to kiss me?"

"You just gave me a black credit card, I needed to kiss matter how weird it was...thank you Nik, really, no one has ever actually taken care of me before and you've been nothing but amazing. I'm not even talking about the credit card, I don't care about money, but in the day I've been here you haven't yelled at me or spanked me once, you're okay with my being needy and clingy, and you haven't asked for anything in return...i never thought I could be lucky enough to have a daddy like you." I felt the tears in my eyes that he quickly wiped away.

"You are my princess, I will always care for you, I like you being needy and clingy, and I will never spank you for an unjust reason. Now, go get dressed and have some fun, I will see you later tonight." He kissed my head and grabbed his jacket, walking out with Maddox while I ran to the shower. I did everything I needed to do and was out of the apartment 45 minutes later, in my car, and on the way to the mall. I spent a good hour in the Disney store getting a Stitch stuffie to replace my old one as well as the Cheshire cat, Eeyore, Tigger, Scar, Lady and the Tramp, Doug from Up, as well as Timon and Pumba, also going to build a bear and getting a Toothless dragon and Pikachu. After lugging that to the car I spent a while in Hot Topic, Spencer's and Zumies to get the other things I had lost such as my wolf ears, band t-shirts, and other random items that put my bill in the I may have a shopping problem. I also grabbed a pack of tongue rings for my old piercing that I had to get rid of.

It was 7 o'clock before I made it back to the apartment and somehow carried everything inside, thanking God that the apartment is only on the second floor. "Help!" I cried out as I opened the door and almost dropped everything.

"Jesus love, what did you get?" I smirked, knowing he would regret asking.

"I will show you...but from now on don't let me shop got out of hand...i need someone to tell me no every once in a while..." I admitted.

"I'm glad you admit that, though I doubt it will stop you from throwing a tantrum the first time I say no." I grinned.

"I'm glad we understand each other. Look! I found stitch!" I cheered as we made it to the bedroom, dropping the bags on the end of the bed and I pulled out the little alien doll, sitting beside Klaus on the comfortable mattress.

"Who?" I gasped, holding my chest dramatically.

"Well, once you break your curse we are having a Disney day, you will be educated mister! It's an insult to me that you don't know who stitch is. Next you'll say you don't know who toothless is." He shrugged and I groaned, pulling out the dragon. "Toothless is a dragon from the movie how to train your Dragon. It's about a town of Vikings that kill dragons but a kid doesnt want to and he finds toothless after injuring him, and learns they're not all that bad and ends up bonding with him and they become best friends and it's my favorite movie ever, please watch it with me?!" I begged.

"Of course love, we will watch whatever you want...did you get your tongue pierced?" I shook my head quickly.

"No, I've had it since I was 16, Mark hated it so I took it out...ill take it back out of you don't like it..." He sighed, pulling me from the bed and onto his lap.

"I'm not Mark love, if it makes you happy and isn't a danger to you then I doubt I'll have much of a problem. I actually find it pretty hot." I giggled as he kissed my neck, knowing he couldnt kiss me on the lips, though I was slowly getting used to this man daddy was essentially wearing.

"Good, because I have a question. How would you feel about me getting my nipples pierced?" He moaned into my neck and I took that as a good sign. "Ive wanted it done for a while but Mark said no because they take so long to heal, meaning he couldn't touch them for probably 2 months. Maybe more."

"My blood will heal you immediately, if that's what you want...i love the idea. Now show me what else you got before I start getting turned on in this body." I giggled again, jumping back up and pulling all the bags to the side of the bed, sitting in front of him.

"Okay, so I told you about Toothless. Stitch is from Lilo and Stitch, awesome movie. Stitch is an alien designed to basically destroy everything, he crashes his space ship on earth and meets Lilo and pretends to be her dog so the people chasing him can't get him, and he ends up loving the girl and they become best friends. There were like 3 other movies and a tv show. Then I have Tigger and Eeyore, please tell me you know what Winnie the Pooh is?" He shook his head. "Okay, well I won't subject you to that, I just love these characters so I needed to get them. I have Lady and the Tramp from the Lady and the Tramp, Scar and Timon and Pumba from the Lion King, fair warning that movie makes me sob like a baby. Doug from Up...another movie that makes me cry. The Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland, we will be watching the live action version with Johnny Depp because he is amazing, and finally Pikachu from Pokemon. I got my wolfie ears back as well as a bunch of other things, and some books for when you're not here and I get bored."

He looked impressed when I said I had gotten books. "I'm glad you're not one of the kids these days who hates reading books, tablets are so much easier but reading a book is much more satisfying." I grinned as he said this, playing with the fluffy wolf ears that were clipped to my hair.

"Finally someone understands! Everyone thinks I'm weird but I hate reading on tablets, I feel much better holding a book in my hands. Oh! One more thing! Come with me!" I jumped up, grabbing a bag from the floor and running to the kitchen with him behind me. "I went to the chocolate store, these are the best chocolate covered strawberries you will ever have!" I pulled the box out and showed them to him before pausing. "Can I have one before dinner?" He smiled kindly at me, loving that I was asking him the way I was, getting use to needing his permission.

"Sure love, but only one." I nodded, handing him one and taking one for me, putting the rest in the fridge. I watched as he took a bite and his eyes widened slightly.

"Amazing right?  I think they put like nutmeg into the chocolate mix, and cinnamon, I'm in love with them."

We ordered dinner that night, spending the evening together in bed, eating and talking, me having forced him to watch 'How to Train your Dragon' with me. I was drifting off to sleep in his arms when he began talking again, only having the attention of a half asleep me. "You know, I really do love these, Scarlet." He purred, petting my hair and jostling my wolfie ears.

"Really? Mark always thought it was weird that I couldn't just be a kitty, that I had to have specific things. But I'm not a kitty, I'm a you daddy." I giggled, realizing my daddy was a werewolf. "My alpha." A gasp left me as I felt his teeth on my neck, biting and sucking harshly on my skin.

"God, you are making it very hard not to just take you now, screw the fact that it's not my body. My little wolf wants to test her alphas self control." I whined, pulling him closer, his lips feeling too good for me to care who's they technically were.

"Daddy, you feel soo good...daddy." I whimpered.

"Sleep little wolf, you need to rest. When I have my body back, I'm going to show you exactly who your alpha is, you will never forget it." I drifted into sleep quickly, feeling safe and warm in my daddy's arms, knowing this was my new favorite place on earth.

"Good morning little one." I heard a whisper in my ear and I sighed. Moaning out a quiet howl. "Still tired little wolf?" I nodded. "Okay. Daddy will get you something to eat, you just relax babygirl."

I drifted in and out of sleep for the next 10 minutes until daddy came back with a plate of French toast and a sippy cup of juice. "Thank you daddy, I love it!" I grinned, watching him cut my French toast for me.

"Okay princess, I will be back early tomorrow morning, alright? The ritual is tonight and I will be here when you wake up next, okay?" I nodded, drinking from my sippy cup. I knew he had to go out but I distracted myself for the most part, on the internet and reading my new books before turning in for the night, cold and lonely.
I was grouchy. I had left the bedroom like daddy told me not to and made small talk with Katherine all day, pissed off that daddy broke his promise. I thought maybe I had just woken up too early but now it's 6 in the evening and I'm chugging Jack Daniels with my newest vampire friend...until Stefan shows up.

"Scar?" I waved. "What are you doing here?"

"Drinking." I answered, turning the music back up when the door opened again and I saw Klaus come in, his regular body restored and I resisted the urge to run to him, sipping my bottle of Jack instead.

"What do you think you're doing little wolf?" I heard that familiar British accent from the other side of the room.

"I think I'm drinking with my new best friend asshole." I saw him clench his jaw before turning around and stabbing Elijah, compelling Stefan to sit down.

"Excuse me?" He questioned, becoming upset at my choice of words.

"I'm partying with my new friend...asshole." I smirked, pushing passed him and going towards the bedroom, prepared to shut the door.

"Your language is unacceptable little one, I will give you one chance to apologize." He warned but I didn't care, and I believe he knew that.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fu-" my throat was grabbed and I found myself naked a second later, pinned to the bed. I was about to start cussing him out again before he sheathed himself inside of me making me cry out. I whimpered quietly, clutching onto his shirt and biting my lip, looking up at him through my eyelashes.

"There's my good girl. Is this what you needed? You needed attention from daddy?"

"Yes...yes daddy! Harder!" I begged as he picked up his speed.

"I'm sorry I was late little wolf, but i dont want to come home to a bratty girl everyday, understand?"

"Yes." I panted, trying to keep from exploding. "Please...please daddy, let me cum?" I begged, feeling his thrusting becoming more frantic.

"Come for me little wolf! Now!" He growled and I screamed my release as it washed over me.

"That was...that...i...holy shit..." I breathed before feeling a smack on my bum.


"Sorry daddy." I whispered, cuddling back into himself he held my back to his chest, loving that he was himself once again.

"I'm so proud of you, little wolf. Taking all of me without complaint the first time. Daddy got carried away and I'm sorry, but you did so well. Good girl." I wiggled my butt against him as he said this, something about his voice when he praises me makes me mushy inside. "Now, I'm going to go take care of Stefan and bring you a sippy cup of juice, okay? Then you can cuddle up and sleep. Sound good?" I nodded, kissing his nose just before he got up, making him chuckle.

I didn't have to wait long before daddy walked back in, holding a sippy cup of apple juice and a chocolate covered strawberry. "Thank you daddy. I'm sorry I was bratty..." He kissed my forehead gently as he sat us both against the headboard.

"It's okay little wolf, daddy's not mad. I would have called but I found out I can stay in wolf form for as long as I want, not just on the full moon and I spent an extra few hours enjoying it. I'm sorry." I shook my head.

"No daddy, it makes you happy, you needed it and thats okay, after so many years it's not surprising, I was really just enjoying my time with Kat. She's not so bad. I told her about you being my daddy and how our relationship was different from other people's, she didnt judge me for it and we kinda became friends..." I heard him growl and sighed. "I know you want to kill her and I can live with that if it's what you need." He looked to be considering it before shaking his head.

"Don't you worry about that baby girl. You, Stefan and I are going on a road trip to find me werewolves, would you like that?" I nodded, grinning.

"Sounds like an adventure daddy!" He kissed my head, taking my sippy cup as I finished my snack and juice.

"All our things from the apartment will be taken to my new house just outside town, you can pack a bag of clothes and one or two stuffies okay?"
I nodded. "I will take care of everything else, okay?"

"Yes daddy...can I sleep now?"

"Of course little wolf, I'll be here until you fall asleep and here when you wake up." I nodded, kissing him happily and snuggling in to go to sleep.

Klaus' POV

"I'm going to ask you this one time Katerina. What did you think you were doing with my mate?" I snarled, coming from the bedroom after Scarlet had fallen asleep.

She looked up at me stunned. "Nothing. She was worried when you didn't come back on time and I tried to comfort her is all. She told me I was the only person she had explained her lifestyle to that didn't judge or insult her. I was just being nice, she very sweet. Not everything is a plot against you Klaus." I considered what she was saying before nodding.

"You will join us on our werewolf hunt, you will keep my little wolf company when I cant, distract her from any of the violence, you will be the friend she thinks you are, and if you hurt her or betray me, I will make you wish you had died 500 years ago." She nodded.

"I like Scarlet, she's sweet. I am her friend whether you believe it or not."

"Go to the store, get everything you'll need for this road trip, Stefan will join you. I'm not planning on compelling you, I don't want to compel my angel a friend, please don't make me?" She nodded before leaving out the door with Stefan.

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