Katekyou Hitman Reborn! - The...

By RosieeChanman

167K 4.8K 316

What was thought to be impossible came true in the form of Mai. She'd gotten the stoic and battle-crazy prefe... More



6.7K 197 16
By RosieeChanman

The walk to Inoue's house, to collect a small shoulder bag full of stuff, was quiet, as expected. Hibari got distracted a couple times, what with all the crowding... 

She just packed the necessary stuff, underwear, ...that's about it, maybe a couple shirts or skirts but all she needed was underwear. Okay there were some chocolate bars too. 

When she walked out her house to see an impatient Hibari leaning on the wall across the street, she could feel his questioning glare. 

"Is that all? You are aware it isn't just one night." He reminded in his usual deep monotone yet somewhat berating voice. 

"...Have you ever looked in the closet? Half of the things in there are mine you know?" She sighed, remembering the last time she had to stay around his and God did he force her to bring her entire wardrobe. "There's even my toothbrush and I even have my own room..." She added as an afterthought. 

"Then what's in there?" He looked smug again, totally knowing what was in there already but just has to be a pain about it.

"Nothing that concerns you!" Inoue exclaimed with a red face and small stutter as she hugged the bag to her chest. She walked on ahead, hiding her flushed cheeks and -adorable- pout. 

He just trailed behind her silently, enjoying the show of her jumping every now and then, from people she almost bumps into, to just empty space, or perhaps his focused stare on her back. She was a jittery person.

Eventually she made it to Hibari's drool-worthy Japanese style home. It was big, beautiful, and empty. So she was more than happy to stay in it. Excusing herself, she stepped inside because someone never actually locks his doors because apparently 'I'm the best security'. 

She laid down her things next to the door to her room before turning to see Hibari walking towards her, which for absolutely no reason had her blushing again. He walked past her and she guessed he wanted her to follow him, sometimes being vocal helps a lot. 

He ended up in the kitchen, where he sat at the table and watched her. 

"Do you invite me here to become your maid?" She deadpanned, already getting pans and ingredients out despite what she says, since she really likes cooking... Well she's a typical housewife without being married at 16. 

He smirked, watching her tie an apron around her waist. Hibird jumped happily in his hair before settling down, watching Inoue with as much concentration. 

And that's pretty much how it went, Inoue read books, Hibari read books, Inoue played with Hibird, Hibari beat the crap out of anyone that crowded in front of the house, some committee members visited, ordered to keep an eye on Inoue when Hibari had to patrol the school even though it was Sunday. She wondered why she couldn't have gone too but he just said she'd be in the way. In other words she'd likely be kidnapped or whatever during his fighting, when and if that ever actually happens. 

So the trusty vice chairman was here.

But he wasn't omnipotent like Hibari. (Probably) 

Inoue went out into the garden for about a minute, admiring the koi pond because... Koi are adorable okay. Listening to the 'clack' sound of the shishi odoshi (That bamboo water feature in all the stereotypical Japanese anime gardens) and just enjoying the fresh air and atmosphere.

Then she was hit by something and felt as though she was falling.

It was way weirder than she expected her afternoon to go. A myriad of colours invaded her vision, she closed her eyes to protect them from the flurry of light. When she opened them again, she was in complete darkness. 

She could feel that she wasn't just floating in space or something stupid, since the surrounding bedding was soft and felt like... petals? Feeling around blindly, she felt two sides and a top to the -box- she guessed it was. She tried pushing the top but it was way to heavy for her to move completely, and she didn't want to crush or ruin anything outside...

Screw that. No, well she moved the top carefully, so it was balanced well to not slide off. Although she was happy to see light again, the room seemed pretty similar to Hibari's house, but she knew that it wasn't. It didn't smell the same. 

She sat up slowly, peeking out the top of the box, it was then she noticed she was inside a coffin. There was a date, ten years from where she came in the present. So this was ten years later? Her heart felt a little irregular, she was scared for sure. She was alone and she'd even woken up in a coffin... How else should she feel? 

Seeing all the flower displays and even fresh offerings, she guessed that she wasn't in some abandoned house, which cheered her up slightly. Taking another look around, she saw the room was completely empty other than this coffin. 

Gingerly standing up, she didn't want to ruin anything, she leaped out from the box and landed with a small clatter just in front of the display. She must say that the entire decoration of this coffin of hers was incredibly precise and detailed. 

Letting out a breath, she began to stand up when the door slammed open. At first she thought she was definitely going to be murdered, but after seeing a tall -super really like holy shit- angry man wielding purple flaming tonfa, she could only name one person capable of that. 

"Hi...bari-san?" She uttered, overjoyed to see someone she knew, albeit ten years later, she just hoped they hadn't fallen out. 

He stared at her for a second, then another, before dropping his tonfa- pretty f-ing surprising considering. Inoue was still all held up about him dropping his weapons so him drawing closer didn't register in her mind until he was knelt in front of her. 

He smiled, a barely visible, it probably doesn't even count, before smirking and muttering, "I see." 

Inoue had barely any time to speak, the only thing she could say was, "Eh?" before he grabbed the back of her neck and forced his lips onto hers. 

It was still Hibari so this wasn't cheating was it? 

For any future grammar mistakes -I know I've seen and cringed at them already- sorry.

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