Friends with Benefits

By fahvy_xx

915 9 2

Read at your own risk. ____I was a little bit young when I started this book,so the beginning chapters are a... More

chapter 1-hayley.
chapter 2-just friends
chapter 3-club joker
chapter 4-history class.
chapter 5-jake
chapter 6-Deal Check
chapter 7-friends with her
chapter 8-Camping Trip
chapter 10-good morning to me
chapter 11-finding ourselves.
chapter 12-back home
chapter 13-Truth or Dare 1
chapter 14-Truth or Dare 2
chapter 15-Desmond
chapter 16-Fuck you,I really don't care
chapter 17-The confession
chapter 18-dating officially
chapter 19-am sorry it didn't work out
chapter 21-Explanations Explanations
chapter 22-heartbreak /painful rerun
chapter 23-such a Gentleman
chapter 24-hickey
chapter 25- exams are over
chapter 26-Clinton's party
chapter 27-justin
chapter 28-Lust
chapter 29- cleared
chapter 30-period
chapter 31-you have nothing to worry about
chapter 32-time apart
chapter 33-it sucks being away from him
chapter 34-what could possibly go wrong
chapter 35- prep
chapter 36-Naked
chapter 37-Today
chapter 38-Am yours,only yours,no one else
chapter 39-back to reality
chapter 40-i do like him
chapter 41-unbearable
chapter 42-snapped.
chapter 43-yeah,am Hayley.
chapter 44-Am pregnant
chapter 45- i dont like you hayley,am in love with you.
chapter 46-vacation
chapter 47-las vegas baby!
chapter 48-Tease
chapter 49-I love you
chapter 50-make a wish
Authors Note

chapter 20-He's my boyfriend and not yours

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By fahvy_xx

(Hayley's p.o.v)

"I woke up the next morning still feeling happy about yesterday's event and how I was in good terms with everyone,I was grateful for my friend,my new boyfriend,life is going really great..."

"I stood up to take a shower when my phone suddenly biped.."
*hey babe,hope you slept well,just wanted to check up on you, see you later

"How cliche is that???...I mean am not one to jump around over an early morning text i had always thought it was very girly and am not in that category,we all know...but somehow it managed to put a smile on my face."

"I took my bath and got all ready for school,I wore a green crop top with a big jacket to go along and a black High waist with my converse,rapped my hair into a normal bun..gat to say I actually looked good and I was happy.


"Got to school went for my classes and soon it was lunch time,how time flies will forever be a mystery to me."

"Headed to the squad's table where everyone was sitted,I haven't seen them all morning ,not even Jake...I was feeling giddy just to think that we were actually a thing now,but you get it."

"Hey guys I said and everyone turned from what they were doing."

"Hey girlfriend Ashley said..

We started talking and being the nosey ass they all are,I had to tell them everything that happened practically gave them a rerun of the past few days."

"wow so its official then, Mary said."

"Yeah i felt my cheeks heat up"

"See you should be thanking me,if no for me you'd probably be living with night cats Justin said."

"Oh shut up grumpy grandma I said to Justin."

"Soon lunch was over and I needed to get to biology.
I was walking on my way to class when a certain image caught my attention
A girl was kissing Jake ,touching him in different places.
I  felt like my blood drained right out of my body.
I Soon realised I was crying ,took me all wheel power to move toward them and speak
With my voice cracking."

"He turned to face me and tensed up not saying a word,I moved my eyes from his to the girl talking."

"Who are you???,can't you see we are busy ,the brat in from of me said."

"Before I could register what was happening my hands connected with her face and damn right she deserved it.
She's a preety girl,tall frame,not so curvy,too much makeup,and left nothing to imagination with her outfit clinging to her."

"He's my boyfriend and not yours I said."

"She smirked devilishly, oh really??
"She turns to jake."

"Is she the one you told me about???,the one you were going to use and dumb???."

"I froze on the spot,tears streaming down my cheeks already ,unable to comprehend this new information..Am not one to judge without findings so I had to ask Jake.
"Jake???...what?, she??,use?? Dump???..Jake I spat,
Is it true??? Was I just one of your toys waiting to be used and dumped????

"I I he stuttered,looking down unable to meet my eyes."

"You what Jake????."

"Yes he sighs
It's true ,but that was before I asked you out."

"I was too busy registering what he had just said in my head to keep track of the things he was saying now,playing it over and over again
"Yes,its true."

"Enough I raised my hands in the air,am done and with that I walked away."

"Running to my car,I got in drove to my dorm,entered my dorm, practically feel on the Floor,crying my eyes out,I seem to b doing alot of this lately.
Trying to Comprehend what has just happened I laughed mockingly at myself."

"Come on Hayley,do you think he would like someone like you???,a geek??...did you think it would have actually worked out??,look at him and look at you,he's a god,and your just a blind little shit who didn't want to see the real picture.
God Hayley you're so stupid."

"Wondering why he hasen't come after me,knocking on my door, maybe all this was just really a game to him,to use and dump me,well he achieved it...With tears still blurring my vision, I slept off."


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