Online Friends (A Cryaotic/Pe...

By Causemas

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Online Friends (A Cryaotic/Pewdiepie FanFic)
Old Friends
The Factory
The Forest
Left Behind
2 brothers fallen
Writer's Block

The Letter

21 0 0
By Causemas


I looked at Pewds,worrying and I didn't know why.He looked back at me with his eyes full of questions.

Cry:Ehm...what excacly do you know?

"Enough"she said."Unless you gained badass electronic,glitching powers"she said.Minx knew?How?"Yeah,I had trouble beleiving it at first,but then I realised who he was.And what he was doin'.But Krism saw it too"Now I was filled with questions.

"What excalcy happened?"I asked them.They looked each other like they were talking and remembering what had happened.Krism got up,furious,pointing at Michelle."It's all her fault!"She screamed."Wow baby"she said laughing.She faced her and shouted again."You got us into this!!!"Minx laughed her ass off.I rolled my eyes and finished my beer."You just had to look what that virus called Cry was eh?"That's how he got those two.I was ready to let out my hunger for answers.

"And what excacly happened?"I asked Minx,drinking her beer.

She put it down and started talking."Well,while I was uploading a video,here in Florida,with Minx right next to me, a virus called Cry, had stopped my internet connection,as my computer said,and I tried fixing that.When suddenly my PC restarted on it's own with a starting screen that said:Press this button to upload.I couldn't do anything else,neither close my computer entirely so I just pressed the button.What I shouldn't hade done apperently because a hand came out of the screen.A REAl hand.3D hand.Human hand game this letter."She handed over a letter that was blocked from opening with a decoding system.It was weird glitching sometimes..I examined it for a bit.Behind of it there was another sentence that was also glitching.It read:Your touch Cry:)That's all this letter needs...It was weird and mysterious like Virus' way.In a matter of seconds I realized what this meant.

I raised my finger and aproached it to the decoding system,when Pewds stopped me.

"Wait!"He shouted,not letting me open the letter."Be carefu;.We don't know what this thing has in it."I nodded and aproached it slowly and more carefully.The paper and skin touched.While the decoding system was working and it created the sentence:Detective är i Factory.Russ med Rött.I felt something rushing through me that made me drop the letter.

I got a terrible headache and Minx and Krism rushed to me to see if I was okay.I was.I just needed a second.Felix picked up the letter and glanced at it.

"This is Swedish."He said while looking at the letter non-stop.

I got up and asked him what did it said."It says:Detective at Factory.Russ with Red.".Those words that saved my friend.

"Detective Brannigan believed me when I told her that Russ was missing in the Factory.And he left him at Red's place."I said.Pewds looked at me,with those eyes that say:Do we believe it.I answered him with the eyes:I don't know,grabbed my mask and told everyone to follow me,getting in Minx's car and telling her to drive to Red's house where I would guide her there.

Hold on Russ.I am coming buddy.

******************************Author's Notes******************************

Hai everyone.Everyone that is reading this crappy story:D

Just why?Why?I have so much to learn about writing and yet you read this little terrible dude!While I am writing this we are at 92 reads.Say 91 without mine.And every time I go to my profile I see the reads on this bad boy.Everyone makes me smile.Fills me with joy.I admire those awesome writes like SnorlaxWasTaken and SynderzzX16,even Skylespin that his book has so little recognazion than he deserves.And I think:I can't believe those guys had only 100 reads.And I was all like:I hope that my book will once get 100 reads but that's impossible.My book is crappy.And those ten poeple that read this book,even though no one has ever messeged me,I felt like we were bond.And I know they accidentally stumpled on this story through tags and one of those 10 didn't like it,I am sure.Hell,even YOU even all those 91 poeple didn't like it and just didn't even bothered reading the second chapter.But I owe them a thanks because they just wasted 3 minutes of their life just to notice my book,I owe them,I owe YOU,yes you that didn't got bored reading through this,I owe them a huge,deep,from my heart THANK YOU.Thank you for even reading this!Thank you for checked this chapter out and did not vomited from how bad my writing is.Also thanks to those 3 guys above(SnorlaxWasTaken,Skylespin,SynderzzX16) for just inspiring me to do this!If it wasn't for them I wouldn't be here,writing this story,this Notes,that title that I haven't figured out yet.Also thanks to Wattpad because I made a really good friend through it.And I have to tell you guys.Tell you Sky that...I am a guy.Yep,A guy writing fictions about Cry and Pewds.They just inspire me so much and I just HAD to bring to public these stories so they can stop torturing me.That's also another reason I write this.

I have to end this here.It's getting too personal.I believe in privacy.I hope you do too(what I am talking about:S).Maybe you don't give a shit about my gender,about my life,about anything,really.I just had to write this.And to celebrate I will write a 3000 thousand words chapter.Maybe you don't give a shit about this.But for those who do.As I said before just Thank You.


Thank you guys.Thank you.

And bye.


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