Ravaonna- A Legolas Love Story

By Kt_love

64.9K 2.4K 456

To anyone, it might look like their world was falling apart. For Reinya and Gorell, it is. Legolas has been c... More

Ravaonna- A Legolas Love Story
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Author's Note :(
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
One More Book :) :)

Chapter 19

1.4K 95 30
By Kt_love

Chapter 19 (Elemmire’s POV)

I sat in the chair for what seemed like an hour before Ravaonna came waltzing back into the room. “So Elemmire, you ready to die?” A huge smile crossed her face.

“Make it fast,” I hated the fact that I had given up, but there was nothing left.

“This is no more fun!” Ravaonna exclaimed, “Well then maybe I will have to  bring in someone.” She drew out every last word making each one hit me like daggers. What is she planning?

Then all of a sudden two guards shoved Legolas into the room, and my heart dropped.

“Legolas is no longer important to me, so I thought you would want to watch his execution!” One of the Guards handed Ravaonna a sword, and she stood behind him with the blade at his throat.

“I don’t believe you, you are not going to kill him,” I shook my head in dismay. She couldn’t actually kill him, could she?

Ravaonna let out a small cackle before continuing, “Any last words, you’ve got ten seconds, 10...9… 8…”   

I did not want to believe her, but the look of worry in his eyes, and the sweat dripping down Legolas’s face made me think otherwise. She was actually going to do this.

“7...6…” Her countdown continued.

There was nothing I could do, but struggle against the chains I was tied to, and there was no way I was able to break free of these.

~~~(Reinya’s POV)

I squealed in delight as I looked over the edge and into the volcano. We finally found it! I wrapped my hands around Gorell neck out of excitement, the both of us were really starting to get tired of  searching for vulcano. And I would never admit this to Gorell, but he was right, the volcano was ground level, hidden inside a cave. Somewhere where most people won’t look.

“What do we do now?” I asked, “Where are we suppose to put the flower?” The question must have sounded really stupid, but the whole trip we were worried about getting to the volcano, never actually thinking about what to do when we found it.   

“I think we should just drop the flower into the lava,” Gorell suggested, “It should not hurt the flower, and then this way no one else can manipulate it to their will.”

“I guess,” my voice was slightly weary. I was unsure of whether this would work, or kill Elemmire in the process.

Gorell then carefully pulled the Fire Flower out of his pocket, “Though I will only do it if you feel one hundred percent positive with this decision.”

I stood there for a couple of seconds thinking of our best decision. Dropping the flower into the lava could not hurt right? If anything the flower should fluris, right? “Alright,” I sighed, “We should drop it in.”

He held the flower over the volcano, and I could tell Gorell was counting down until he dropped the flower. 4… 3… 2… and on 1 Gorell released his fingers from around the flower and let if fall towards the hot lava.

~~~(Elemmire’s POV)

I was frightened, Ravaonna was really going to kill Legolas this time, and her countdown is now at 5… 4…

I struggled against the chains with all my might, I was not going to lose Legolas. He meant everything to me, and he did not deserve to end this way. It was my fault that he was in this predicament anyways.

I-I should be in his place.

Then the tears started rolling down my cheek. Never before had I been so frightened. Even after everything else I have witnessed, this was still much worse.  

    With everything I had, I continued struggling against the chains that held me down. I could not give up on Legolas, and I swear, Ravaonna will pay for what she is about to do. I swear…

(Reinya’s POV)

I watched as the flower fell feet down towards the  lava and then slash into the liquid causing it to ripple and spray upwards. A large eruption of hot gas came bursting upwards. With one last look over the edge, I saw the Fire Flower flourish and thrive before sinking into the hot lava. The bright green roots even started to spread across the lava, and the flower return to it's full glory. I took a deep breath, hoping for the best, for Elemmire.    

(Elemmire POV)

All of a sudden I felt a shock of heat flow through me, like nothing I have  ever felt before. Energy rippled through me in waves. I even noticed small flames starting to build up in the palm of my hands.

My thoughts were cut short when Ravaonna continued her count down, “3...2…”

It was now or never, and I chose now.

Before Ravaonna reached 1, I forced most of the heat raging through me into the chains tying my hands down. And within a split second the chains burst and flew away in a large explosion.

In shock, Ravaonna shoved Legolas away and jumped back leaving a clear path between me and her. “What the hell!” Ravaonna screeched at the top of her lungs.

“I have got you now, Ravaonna the Black. To many people have died at your expense to let you leave here unharmed.” It took all of my might not to lash out at Ravaonna right this second.

“You are such a child! Do you really think you could kill me? Because I think not, my blood on your hands would torture you forever until the point where the nightmares get so bad that you break in a million pieces and no one will be there to save you. This would be all your doing.”

“Do you really wish to test me,” My voice shook with rage, I truly did not want to kill her in cold blood, but I was not sure if my anger would let her get away again.

“I think I will take the chance,” then Ravaonna turned her attention back over to as she aimed the a knife for Legolas’s heart.

In quick thinking, I lunged at Ravaonna causing her aim to falter, but she still threw the knife. And seconds later I heard Legolas let out a whimper, letting me know that the knife hit it's target, though it did not land on the bull’s eye.

I so badly wanted to run over to Legolas and save him, but the only way I knew we would be truly saved is if I defeated my greatest threat.  

“You will pay Ravaonna,” I snarled one last time, as I let some sort of fireball escape the palm of my hands, and engulf Ravaonna whole, leaving nothing but her ashes.

A small pile of what looked like thin black and grey sand lay in the middle of the room. What used to be Ravaonna is now a pile of ashes, dead, non-moving, and no longer a threat.

Then it hit me like knives in my back, I actually killed her, but that was not me, it was my anger. I can not be controlled, I am just as big as a threat as she is- I mean- was.

Legolas let out another cry of pain, and I knew I could not bellow in my grief until after he was saved. I spun around and noticed that the knife was deeply wedged into his lower chest, inches away from an instant kill, but still very sevier.

Quickly, and without much thought I pulled the knife out of his chest causing him to cry out in pain once again. Before I placed my hands on his chest and used whatever energy I had to heal him, because if he died, his blood would also be on my hands.

It took a long time, but I finally healed Legolas to the point where I could do no more but let time decide his fate. Though I did feel confident that he was going to make it. The only part that saddened me was looking at the large scar that now crossed half his chest. It was a mark that would never leave him, and I would feel grief every time I look at it thinking that it was my fault.

I wanted to focus my attention on something else other than the events that just happened, so I tore my eyes away from his chest and focused and his beautiful blue eyes.

To my surprise his eyes were cheerful, and his smile only looked partly forced. “Oh Legolas,” I murmured before wrapping my arms around his neck and pressing my lips into his.  

I continued to press my lips into his for a long time, Legolas was my protection, and right now he was the protection from my grief. I could never repay him for what he has done for me.

RAVAONNA IS DEAD!!!!!!!! How many people are happy about this?!?!?!

At first my plan was to make this the last chapter and then start the long epilogue, but then my plans changed and now I think that there are still going to be a few more chapters after this one. So don't worry it not over quiet yet!!!

I have tried MANY times to write <the end> and just finish it, but I cant, I really don't want to put an end to this series, but it must happen at some point....

Anyways, Please don't forget to vote, fan, and comment your thoughts (even if they are rants, I would still love to hear them!!)

Kt_love and YouCantHandle

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