Chapter 23

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[please watch video after reading, their may contain spoilers to the chapter!!!]

Chapter 23 (Elemmire's POV)

Later that day we said our goodbyes to Reinya and Gorell. They were both displeased to see that we were in such a hurry to leave, but I was in desperate need of a change in scenery. Reinya insisted that we were making rushed decisions and there was no reasons to go, though I knew she was wrong. This was her home, and I am glad she was ready to settle down, but there was something still waiting for me, and though I did not understand this feeling I had. It was something I had to seek out.

Even after countless tries to reason with Legolas to help the dwarves in any way we could, he did not give in.

In the end we decided that Rivendell would be the best place to travel to. We both thought it would be less stressful (and neither of our parents lived there).

As we left the Mirkwood forest behind us, we took our time traveling to Rivendell. There was no point in rushing, and it was nice to enjoy the beauty of Middle-Earth.

We had a few small disputes about which way to travel through the Misty Mountains, but in the end Legolas won, and we traveled through Lothlorien. It is not that I thought it was a bad choice, I just did not feel up to talking with my mother, who I knew would want me to stick around for longer.

We stayed in Lothlorien only for two sun rises to rest and relieve my mother from any worry. I also promised her that we would start thinking about our wedding plans... soon.

Our trip went smoothly and we reached Rivendell a couple days later. Lord Elrond was happy to let us stay for as long as we wanted. And we took him up on his offer, staying for a mere 15 years. In that time I became well acquainted with Arwen. She was a lovely friend to have around when Legolas went off on hunting trips.

Every once and a while my mother would come up to visit and to discuss matters with Lord Elrond, and of course wedding plans with us. Finally Legolas and I made up our minds to hold the wedding in Lothlorien.

At first we thought it would be a small relaxed wedding, but it did not stay that way for long. I felt like we were inviting the entire elf population to this grand event.

Our wedding went surprisingly well for the fact that Reinya was my maid of honour. Though just before we left on our honeymoon, Gorell, Reinya, and their child Elinya shared with us that they were planning on venturing off to the Undying Lands. As sad as I was to hear this, I knew that this was something they wanted to do.

I wished them a farewell, I hoped that I might see them in many years to come, but I could not be certain. "Take care of yourself," I told Reinya, "And I will see you when we are done here in Middle-Earth."

~~~ A couple hundred years later ~~~

Legolas and I had a chance to travel all over northern Middle-Earth, and we planned on traveling around the southern half after heading back to Mirkwood for a while. Legolas had been itching to see his father again, and I thought we deserved a break.

In the end we spent a lot of time in Mirkwood, but I never expected to stumble upon Thorin who had now grown much older. Him and thirteen other (including the most interesting Hobbit) traveled their way to the footsteps of Mirkwood before our kin captured them.

Legolas would have never agreed with me, but I was happy to hear Thorin planning on taking back the Lonely Mountain. Even though his plan was very unlikely to work. He had to persevere in any way that he could to restore orders.

One thing I will never admit to, but it just happened that I might of slightly hinted at an idea of how escape Thranduil eye's unseen and elves don't usually get that drunk unless you spike their drinks... Opps.

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