lost in time // todoroki x re...

By uravitys

71.9K 1.8K 1.6K

you are a new student at U.A,, im not good at descriptions im sorry- More

Author's Note (Deleting Later)
Authors note v2


3.6K 115 69
By uravitys

"Welcome back," I said, turning in my chair. At this point, I was wearing the pair of short shorts I wear under my skirt and a tank-top. Oops. I was waiting for him to yell at me when I heard yelling.

"Why the hell do I even have to stay here and-" The ash blonde boy in sports pants, a muscle shirt, and a jacket stopped mid-sentence when he saw me and Todoroki. "What the hell is creamer doing here?"

"I-I can explain," I said, trying to get out of my chair. I forgot to prepare myself to get up and instantly fell down.

"(Y/N)!" The all said in unison. Todoroki got out of his chair and bent down to help me back up.

"What the hell happened?" Kacchan asked. I could tell he was concerned. Before I could answer, Shiro ran up to me.

"Did you tell your parents?" He said, handing onto my arms. I winced a bit and nodded.

"Answer my damn question, you flat chested moron!" I sighed at his childish remark.

"She was attacked," Todoroki said, stone-faced. I nodded, but I didn't really want to relive it. Just thinking about it makes everything hurt.

"By who, why, where the fuck can I find this bastard?" Kacchan said, angrily.

"Some villain and the police already took him into custody." I sighed, I really didn't want to tell them it was because of my quirk and that they were in danger too.

"And why?" He said, ticked off.

I sighed, "My quirk." I turned back around and started to eat our dinner, ignoring everyone else. I was eventually able to zone everyone out. I snapped out of it when I heard someone say, "will it happen again?" That's right. They know I'm here now. This was only the first attack, this is only the beginning. After someone asked that, I got up and went to my room. I plopped onto my bed, wanting to cry. I didn't, just in case, someone heard. I don't want them to worry any more than they already do.

As I was about to fall asleep when someone came into the room. They sat down on my bed, and I could feel them staring at me. I didn't have the motivation to move, so they just assumed I was asleep.

"I'm sorry." He said, apparently it was Kacchan. "This is all my fault. If I didn't leave campus, then creamer wouldn't have had to take my job. If he went with you, then you wouldn't have gotten hurt." I can't believe that he's apologizing. It's probably just because he thinks I'm asleep. I turned around to face him.

"It's not your fault. Please, don't blame yourself." I sigh, sitting up. Now, we were sitting up, next to each other.

"Yes, it is, if I just did what you asked this wouldn't have happened." Is he actually showing concern? Is he okay?

"Please don't blame yourself. I'm the one at fault. I'm in the hero course, I should have been able to defeat a villain."

I look up to him, he had pity in his eyes. I didn't want him to pity me. I looked back down and everything felt a little fuzzy. I leaned against Kacchan end everything went dark.

(Bakugou's pov)

She looked up at me, I couldn't help but feel bad. This is my fault. She looked down shortly after. Shit, she can tell. Her head started to wobble a bit. What the hell is she doing? A moment later, she placed her head on my shoulder. What the hell? I shook her a bit, but she didn't move. I picked her up a bit and placed her on the pillow and pulled the blankets up over her. I was about to turn and leave, but she grabbed my wrist. So you weren't asleep after all? She mumbled a few things, but I couldn't really tell what she was saying.

"Don't... go..." I tilted my head a bit but tried to tug my arm away. "I'm... sorry..." she continued. What is she going on about? I tried to leave again, but she wouldn't let go. Why is her grip so strong if she's asleep? I ask myself, trying to think about what to do. I'm not going to ask for help from those idiots out there, and if I tug too much I might hurt her. I ended up just sitting on her bed, getting lost in thought.


Ah im sorry for not updating in so long!! School has been taking up all my time im sorry!! Since it's Friday, I'll be able to write a bunch of chapters this weekend! Hopefully, I'll be able to make a better uploading schedule besides just randomly remembering this story exists.

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