Nightmare or Reality?


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Waking up in a place you don't know is one thing but waking up to find you have been transported to Hueco Mun... Еще

Nightmare or Reality?
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 7

231 10 1

The walk to Sam's chambers was a quiet one, which surprised Sam to say the very least. She at least expected Gin to make a witty comment about what he had seen between her and Ulquiorra but then did anything really happen?

All she did was thank him, what did she expect to happen? That he suddenly would go against Aizen and rescue her from this hell hole. No it was wouldn't happen, so she need get her priorities in order and figure out a way herself.

Sam was pulled away from her thoughts as she bumped into Gin's back who had stopped suddenly. Quickly she skirted back and held her flushed face down as the ex-captain glanced back at her in surprise.

"Oh my it seems you failed to noticed we had stop." He commented failing to hide the playful smirk gracing his face. "Is someone's head up in the clouds?"

Sam's cheeks grew even redder as she mentally cursed herself for being a clumsy idiot.

"No Captain Ichimaru and I'm apologize for running into you."

A chuckle came from the snake like Captain as he fully turned to face the embarrassed girl.

"Don't look so embarrassed, it was simply an accident."

The woman stared up at the man, completely confused by his fluctuating attitude. Once again before she could even think of responding, he dropped the subject and opened the door on their right. As she glanced into her room, she failed to noticed Gin's gaze watch her carefully.

She clearly was entertaining thing to observe in this boring place and so far she hadn't failed his expectations of her.

He watched her hold back a sigh as she slowly made her way into the room. As Sam turned to look back at the sly Captain, she saw him beginning to close the door to lock her in for the night. Her green eyes connected with his for a brief moment and then he gave a huge smirk .

"Nighty night Sammi-chan." He hissed in a sinister tone that absolutely frighten Sam, luckily after he said that he closed the doors leaving her alone once more.

Still on edge about her situation, Sam tried to keep herself up throughout the night trying to come up with a plan to get out of there. Unfortunately since she was only human she fell short of that plan and fell asleep.

-N & R-

Sam awoke some hours late and stared up at the window that lingered on the wall to the left of her. It was still night but she felt like she had slept roughly eight hours, giving a quiet sigh she pulled herself out of bed and to the window.

Her gaze focused on the crescent moon that hung in the sky, even though she enjoyed the night she was begin to miss the daylight.

"No matter how long you stare, it won't ever become day."

Sam literally jumped at the comment and darted around to see an amused Gin lounging at the table.

"G-Gin..." She breathed, her hand clutching her chest in utter panic.

"My, did I frighten you? I thought it would take a lot more than that to startle you after you stood your ground yesterday." He explained, his smirk somehow getting bigger as he spoke.

Her panic was came to a dead stop as he said that, making her grow even more confused, "Wait.. what about yesterday?"

The sly captain sent her a knowing smirk before gesturing to the table, "Nothing to concern yourself about, now why don't you come and sit down. There is a meal here for you."

Sam stared at Gin, narrowing her eyes slightly as she took a weary step toward him.

"Now come I promise, I won't bite Sammi-chan." He joked, giving a small chuckle that in Sam's eyes didn't seem friendly.

Shooting him a look, she walked over and sat down uncomfortably across from Gin, who watched her every step of the way.

"There we go. See, that wasn't so hard, was it?"

She kept silent as he made a move for the teapot she just saw on his right. Confused, she watched him pour not just one cup but two then move the second cup over toward her.

Taking back by her expression he paused and let his smirk fall slightly.

"What is it, do you Americans not like tea?" He questioned, raising his own cup to his lips.

The girl glanced down at the cup then back at Gin, whose attention was still on her.

"No, I like tea but it has nothing to do with me liking tea. I'm just wondering why exactly you are still here."

The fox like Captain lowered his cup and pouted almost dramatically at her, " My Sammi-chan, you are harsh, implying I'm here for any other reason than to have a nice little chat with you."

A frown set on the young girl's face as she highly doubt what Gin had said to her, she knew he had his own motives and plans. Her silence reply tipped him off to the fact, that she really did know more to what she was letting on.

"Come, don't be so quiet," he spoke up breaking the tense silence that hung between the two of them. "How about I start off answering a few of your questions first?"

This peeked Sam's interest as she stiffen slightly in the chair and kept his gaze.

"Ok, fine." She agreed finally taking a sip from her cup of tea.

She fell silent again as she tried to think about what she could ask him and the question that stood out most in her mind was why.

"Why am I here?"

Gin's expression melted into one that slightly resembled confusion before he smirked once more, "My Sammi-chan. I thought you figured that out already."

The woman's eyes narrowed at him as he made a move to continue, his smirk growing larger, "It because Lord Aizen commanded it."

The woman's face turned cold as she glared at him, he was just barely answering her question. He must of known why exactly she was he but he clearly wasn't tell her. Taking an annoyed sigh, Sam closed her eyes in annoyance.

"Let me reword it then if you won't tell me the truth."

"But I am. Lord Aizen commanded me to go and fetch you from your safe little home and bring you here."

Sam's terrified gaze snapped open and landed on the grinning man. Slowly she tried to push back the fear that started to pump through her.

"I-It was you-" "Me who fetched you? Yes." Gin hissed out interrupting her, making her feel more on edge.

"Who else did you think it was? It clearly couldn't have been one of the Espada, he doesn't even trust them to touch you, let alone take you from your home and bring you here." The snake gave a shrug before leaning back in his chair and put his hands in his sleeves, "You are far too important to Lord Aizen to let one of those Espada be in charge of you."

Mustering up her courage, the girl looked down briefly before connecting with Gin's gaze.

"But why...? Why am I so important?"

The trace of a frown lingered on Gin's smirk before he glanced away, giving another shrug.

"Now that I simply do not know. Lord Aizen keeps his secrets close."

It grew quiet between the two as the outsider woman tried to let that thought sink in. Getting lost thoughts she failed to notice the silver haired Captain get to his feet and make his way over in front of her.

His pale hand came into view on the table as her gaze snapped up at the lingering man.

"Now it's my turn,Sammi-chan." As he spoke he began to lean down, freezing the young women on the spot.

As he drew to a stop, his lips hovered right beside the trembling girl's ear.

"Why didn't you-"


A new voice cut the snake off as he pulled back and glanced over Sam's chair to see the new visitor.

"Why hello Kaname. What a pleasant surprise."

Sam slowly turned in her chair to get a glance at the blind Captain who gave out an annoyed aura. His hidden gaze seem to stay on the silver haired Captain but she had a gnawing feeling that he was staring at her as well.

"Gin, Lord Aizen wishes to see you."

Gin barely reacted to the order given from Kaname, only giving a half chuckle and a shrug.

"I wonder what he needs this time." The grinning man joked, connecting his gaze to the curious and still frightened woman who glanced up at him.

"Well, it seems I must go, Sammi-chan. This was surprisingly more fun then I thought." He commented, his one hand coming down on top of the young girl's head making her jump from the sudden interaction.

A brief stare was shared between the two before Gin removed his hand and made his way toward the silent Captain.

"Bye bye."

He waved over his shoulder at the woman only to follow his colleague out and leave the stunned and confused woman alone.

The second the two left Sam's presence, she struggled to get go her feet and close door which was left open. She had no mind to wander around this place again today after yesterday's experience. Giving a weak sigh, she leaned up against the cold wall, trying to process what had just accorded.

Gin was always weird and mysterious in the series but experiencing it first hand was a lot to handle. Slowly the woman's hand travelled to the top of her now slightly messy hair. Of all the people she hadn't expected Gin to make physical contact with her, it had genuinely surprised her. Taking another deep breath, she pushed herself off the wall and started the begin of her eerily long day.

Sam just lingered in the white room throughout the day, her mind jumping from one idea to another. Staying in the silent room, the woman caught herself mumbling to herself aloud to fill the emptiness. Nobody came to see her the rest of the day other than the random arrancar that brought her two more meals and they never spoke.

Soon the hours passed and after getting cleaned up and showered, she turned in for the night hoping that tomorrow maybe she would be able to move forward with some sort of a plan.

Unlike the previous evenings, that night she was restless, her senses on alert for any strange occurrence. Most of the night was quiet, the only thing being heard was the occasional shuffle of sheets. It wasn't until what the girl assumed to be close to dawn was when she heard the lock on her door clicked and it be pushed open.

Darting up in the bed, Sam grabbed her glasses quickly throwing them on to see none of than Gin stopped in the doorway.

"Oh, did I wake you?" He commented breaking into a sly smirk then second he saw the girl, "Too bad I was going to have fun waking you up this morning."

Not even wanting to figure out what he meant by that, she flashed him a slight scowl before getting out of the bed.

"Why are you here, Captain Ichimaru?"

"To bring you breakfast, of course." The man expressed, making him way forward once more and gesturing for the masked servant to come in.

Sam watched the second figure come in and place the cart near the table before Gin waved dismissing them. Once the arrancar left the room, her hazel eyes turned to Gin who was grabbing stuff of the cart and setting it on the table.

The woman made her way to the table and eyes focused on Gin the entire time as he took the same seat he had the day before. His sly smirk never wavered as he just observed the caution girl take her own seat across from him.

Clearly she was more than uncomfortable with this situation and was trying to figure out his true reasoning behind it. He turned his gaze down to the table before  throwing her for a curve ball.

"So Sammi-chan, tell me about your world."

The woman's hand reaching for a cup drew to a halt and her gaze snapped to his.

"Y-you want me to tell you about my hom-" "Too bad you can never return." He interjected, cutting her off mid sentence.

Puzzled by the statement, Sam felt a knot twist in her stomach as she narrowed her gaze toward the silver haired man.

"What do you mean can't return?"

"It's gone, there's nothing to return to." Gin declared taking a sip of his tea before looking at the bewildered young woman, "You didn't know? You are the last surviving human of your world."

She silently stared down the smirking Captain who took one last sip of his tea before getting to his feet.

"Well I'll leave you with that thought." He instructed turning toward the door.

His soft footsteps echoed in the silence, only to become overshadowed with the sound of a chair sliding back and feet scraping the floor.

"Are you serious, Gin?" The woman demanded, intentionally dropping the formalities, making the white clad man down to a halt.

The man's gaze fell on the standing woman, whose face was like stone but eyes showed the true doubt coming through. Flashing a smirk toward her, he continued to exit the room giving one last remark

"Oh Samantha, I never lie."

Hey guys,
A lot of Gin and Sam action in this chapter and a lot more problems then answers with Sam's predicament. Do you think Gin is really telling her the truth about her world being destroyed or is he lying? Comment with your thoughts and soon I will have a poll for who you guys thinks Sam should have some future smexy time with. ;3 See you guys next week!

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