Dricki dabbles

By Tellthemthinkpink

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A bunch of one shots. I go back to some by popular demand. Please read More

Sweet nothing
Sweet Nothing 2
Over everything part 1
Over everything part 2
For free part 1
The crying game part 1
The Crying Game 2/4
Cute things.
Lost Files 3: College
Games part 1
Billboard Billionaires
Blem reversed pt 1
Stick up
BillBoard Billionaires 1
Billboard Billionaires 2
Billboard billionaires 3
The Most Dangerous Game 2
The most dangerous game Q&A
Its in the air part 1
Its in the Air Part 2
Lost Files 1
Lost Files 2
Money bags
Thats how you feel
Fever part 1
Leave Me Lonely
Family Feud Part 1

The most dangerous game

866 19 40
By Tellthemthinkpink

The smell of the salt filled water made drake scrunch up his nose as he sipped on his champagne.  The moonlight lit the decorated upper deck of the large ship enough for him to make out the ace of chubs across from him. "There's an island out here" he informed  his good friend  "impossible , never seen an island out here on the map" Drake said sitting up.

"it's a mystery" 

Drake laughed at his friends gimmicks to amuse him for the night , the effects of the champagne and the blunts they had helped themselves to that evening left their brains buzzing. "What , its inhabited by Basilisks and hippogriffs? The water glows ?" He entertained the story as he finished his last drink of the night.  "If it did , you would have set up camp there a while ago. Have each head mounted on your walls" chubbs commented "I would have tried to buy you out of it. That would be a true  experience, there's little fun game to hunt now. Being the top hunters in the world has grown boring don't you think?"

"Maybe, I enjoy traveling even if it's just to gain one head I already have back at home. "

"A damn basilisk" chubbs laughed standing up  he stretched out his limbs and yawned walking over to the rail. "It's that's way, They say of you follow the current it finds you" Drake only listened and looked off into the distance the blue of the ocean fading to the black of the sky.  "Goodnight drake. I'll see you tomorrow you gonna have another drink?"
"No, just going to think for a while and finish my smoke then stumble off to bed later"  he told hi truthfully looking over the rail. They said their goodbyes and now he was deep in thought the waves sounding as if they were right inside his head.

Three shots rang off in the distance causing the tall man to spring up from his hunched position. He looked over in the direction they had come from desperately trying to see the Island chubby spoke of. But the night sky was like a thick blanket , he stood up on the rail in attempt to get a better look. Balancing himself he looked once again moving a bit upward his blunt was knocked from his mouth. Trying to catch it he lost his balance and fell forward towards the black waters below him.  The cold water stabbed at his skin stinging as it consumed his entire body. Everything became a blur, he swam in any direction he felt was up until he finally felt a cool wind on his forehead. Taking his first breath in a few minutes his lungs burned with the taste of salt following.  He looked around for the light of the ship only to see them fading and far out of his reach.

"Fuck" escaped his lips as the water from the sea slapped at his face burning his eyes. This wasn't his first life or death situation, however those usually took place on dry land. He remembered the shots he had hear earlier, they had come from the right. He turned and began to swim , it felt as if his eyes were stuck shut the way the darkness never went away no matter how much he blinked. He swam for what seemed like an hour , limbs sore begging for rest. His adrenaline had run low by now. All he wanted was rest, he heard a sound. A low growl , no sea animal was known to make a growling sound. This means land , the sound of waves crashing on rocks sent relief to take over his body. Swimming towards the sound he stopped after hearing a ring through the air. A pistol. Finally he was met with sharp rocks on his now raw skin , grunting at the unwelcoming feeling. He pulled himself upwards until he felt a flat surface beneath his hands.  He was met with a jungle , filled with vines and larger than life trees , he let himself roll a little bit before finally letting his body rest at ease falling into a deep sleep.


I opened my eyes, the sun wasn't directly over me , I knew it was late noon now by the piston of it. I'm guessing my boy needed rest after that swim from the middle of the sea in the dead of night.  I managed to live , and now I was focused on feeding myself , I sat up and smirked. That shouldn't be hard , there was a gun shot last night. And where there are guns there are men and men have good , I wonder what kind of men would reside to this small in documented island. So far from civilization  unknown to the world , I stood up trying to understand my surroundings. Knowing better than to head deep into a jungle unarmed I decided to walk the outskirts of the beach.

Then I saw it, a large beast like animal , the plants beneath it had been pressed deep into the earth and had been stained crimson. The size of it alone helped me to understand why I heard so many shots. An animal this size would require at least three bullets, I wandered past the animal until the sun started to set. The sea had calmed now and I still hadn't seen another animal or human yet.  I could see lights off in the distance , maybe it was a village ? I walked towards them hope filling my void of hunger. Once I got closed I realized it was not a village, it was a large house. I trudged up the grey stone steps and and touched the door "I'm not hallucinating?" I laughed joyously to myself. I lifted the large steel knocker and it creeped as it it hadn't been moved in ages. Slowly I knocked twice the sound of the steel hitting the large door echoing through my head. It was silent , maybe nobody was home ? I knocked again and silence fell upon me once more. The door sprung open slowly as if it was automatic and knocking twice had triggered it. A gold light poured out onto me I blinked a few times so I could see what was inside.


That was the first thing I saw, an abnormally large man with a bread that would take years to grow. In his hand he held a long barreled revolver pointed straight at my heart, "no need to be alarmed I am in dire need of you help " I began to tell him. "I fell off of my boat , my name is Drake Graham. I'm from Canada"

The cold glare in his eyes didn't seem to change or show any signs of him hearing or understanding a word I had just said. I repeated myself only to have him load his gun , shit. His hand moved to his forehead in a military solute , a tall slender man emerged from the stair case and extends arm to me.

"Drake Graham what a pleasure to meet such an honored hunter , I am glad to welcome you to my home." Instinctively I shook his hand as he continued speaking "I've read all your books about hunting , I am general Chaser " he introduced himself to me. He looked like one of them Italian fashion models a sharp jawline and high cheek bones.

"Nice I meet you" I spoke up. He turned to the giant man I had encountered " excuse my friend , he can't help that he like his people have the nature of a savage" he told me.
"Is he Russian ?" I asked taking in the large mans attire "Cossack" he corrected me.

"Is everything alright ?" A soft voice asked from off in the distance. It was one of a female and it sounded like a calm wind sending warmth down my spine

" we have a guest. He wished for shelter rest food and clothes" General chaser said to the woman as she stepped down the last stair. Her hair was long and wavy , it looked like expensive silk. The dress she wore had various animal patterns on it and he shoes left a rather beautiful diamond pattern on her legs.
"Oh hello" she greeted me as General Chaser pulled her to stand closer to him. I assume this was his wife I wonder how they both had ended up here.
"I feel that my clothes will fit you as you are a tall man yourself follow me " he instructed, he wrapped an arm around his wife's waist and led her up the stairs as I followed. The room he led me to was larger than the main room in my house. Accented with gold and red accompanied by a larger canopy its was nothing less of luxury.

"Get him something appropriate to wear for dinner " he told the woman, she left his side quietly walking to the left walk in closet. She smelt like vanilla and he cent lingered in the air when she walked by. "I have business to attend to , Onika will show you the way to dinner once you are done" he told me before exiting. Soon she emerged with an all white attire and laid it out across my bed "Onika ?" I asked and she turned to me "that's a pretty name where are you from ?"

"I am from Trinidad" she told me in her soft voice , it sounded like what velvet must feel like. "Oh an island girl" I said aloud "how did you get all the way out here , I didn't even know this place existed."

"Well Mr Chaser visited my island a long time ago and met me. " she vegans to say, I turned to look at her expecting her to continue "oh is that all? No more to it ?" I poked fun at her guarded demeanor. "I'm not suppose to speak about it. Please get ready my Graham I'll wait outside your door" she said to me before quickly rushing out leaving me dumbfounded.


I sighed and looked off at the decorated walls , hopefully Chaser hadn't been listening in on his new project so soon. If so then I could enjoy my night without being tied up for him tonight. Another hunter magically stumbled onto our island and right into his palm , I knew he'd be far to happy and busy to bother with me for the time being. At most I'd just have to be present and still , which was fine with me.

His door opened and he emerged dressed in all white like the gods I'd read about. I just wanted to see if he'd hold to my imagination. Tall with black curls and brown eyes he did a very good job "this way" I said politely turned and picking up my dress as we walked. I led him to the large dining room where we were met with Chaser and the men sitting with dancers all around the room. But Chaser , he had two I wanted to roll my eyes at him but I knew better. Instead I sat Mr Graham down and took the empty seat next to him, that got his attention.

"QUIET" he boomed over the chatter in the room "our guest has arrived, this is Drake Graham" he introduced him to everybody. Hey all cheered and clapped before dinner was placed in front of them and all the women began to leave. "Stay here. I want to be fed good help is hard to find" Chaser told the female on his lap. Of course she sat and began to cut up his food for him as I sat idly watching everyone around me.

"Not hungry ?" Drake asked me looking at my untouched food , I shook my head. "I don't like pigs very much. " I stated through gritted teeth. I heard a fork hit a plate and I knew he had heard me, "cocktail ?" Ivan the servant asked me I nodded my head "And mr Graham will have one as well" I insisted. The drink was placed in front of us seconds later and I happily sipped on mine enjoying the fruity flavor. "Are these forks real silver ?" He turned and asked me , the effects of my drink left a warm feeling in my head. I laughed at his surprise "yes. Mr Chaser is very well off everything here is ...what's the word ?" I trailed off. "I understand" he said to me, soon the borscht was served and finally my hunger got the better of me and I drank the soup savoring the taste of the red substance.

"We do our best to keep everything , up to par here. The best that civilization can offer do you think the alcohol suffered on the trip over ?" Chaser asked him. He shook his head "no. I'd say it made it better I've never had champagne this good" he admitted to him and I smiled happy that our food had pleased him.

"You have wonderful heads here" Drake spoke up examining the heads bestowed on the red walls. They've given me nightmares since the day I got here , he use to make me sleep out here until I'd cower and beg for him to come and get me. He loved that , when I clung to him and needed him when I was scared. Maybe that's what he likes about me.

"That Cape buffalo is huge. The biggest I've ever seen a beast like that must have taken an entire magazine" he commented, I let out a dry laugh. He was right , I watched them hunt him down yesterday night and helped to take its head. I was forced to, Chaser said it would be best for me to get my hands a little dirty every once in a while so he held them on the blades and made me held him

"Hold still Onika damnit" Chaser yelled at me as he struggled to grasp my hands and pushed the swords blade down on the neck of the animal. Fussing from in between his arms I cried out "no you're going to dirty my dress please" he grunted and shook me. Clearly he had lost patience for my fussing today. He leaned down and whispered into my ears "Onika. Don't make me upset with you or I'll leave you out here with this guy for the night " he warned. I stopped fighting him still terrified at the sight of the glossy eyes that stared at me. With one push the blade sunk beneath the short black fur and crimson showered us both, he began to laugh excited at his new catch.
Finally he let go and I turned to hug him clinging on to his shirt as I began to cry. He hand rubbed the back of my head as he shushed me "hush darling it's fine" he said kissing my forehead not minding the blood that stained it.

"Baby id like to take a shower please" I said once the shaking sobs had subsided. I wasn't terrified of killing it , but more so of the fact that I had seen it in action. A raging beast that charged at me , what if it had sprung up then and there ? My nerves got the best of me.
"MEN , were going to get cleaned up , finish this for me" he told them handing a blade to Ivan.

"Yes he's huge , wild and rabbid. Took a few good shots to get him down. When Onika began to cut the head he practically sprayed us with blood. Took hours to drain" he explained to drake, I remains focused on my food. Hopefully he didn't mistake me for some crazy hunter like them , I rather not look at dead animals. "She's small and quite but there's a little hunter in there that I'm proud to say I've trained" he boasted.


I looked at her next to me trying to hide herself from the conversation and laughed. She was merely up to my torso and that animal was far larger than I am I could only imagine her terror taking it on. It was now my impression that she was not his wife but a partner in hunting most definitely. He did have two girls on his lap rubbing his member when we walked in. Something about this made me rather amused. I wanted to go hunting with her "Cape buffaloes are the most dangerous Big game to hunt" I said in admiration staring at the large head. General Chasers lips drew into a wide smile and for a moment he was silent. "Here on my island they are merely light work hunting. I hunt a far more dangerous Game" I began to say to me.

"More dangerous ?!" I asked surprised "this island has more big game ?" He nodded with a big smile "tigers ? Lions ? " I began to think of the most amusing game to hunt. He shook his head no to each one "those ceased to amuse me years ago , I had to find something bigger and better. Something thrilling" he told me bringing a black cigar to his mouth "me and you, we shall go hunting" he told me. The news made my body tingle with excitement. A good hunting on a private island was better than my original destination. Seeing his wealth I knew he had only the finest weapons for me to use.

"What shall we hunt ?"
I asked him "you will be amused. I've invented a new kind of hunting that's rather ... unheard of. I mean to sound modest when I tell you that you will love it." He told me , already I felt a switch inside me ready to hunt with him. He went on to tell me about how he hunted at a young age and began to catch big game by the age of twenty. How he acquired his fortune through hunting all over the world and investing in American businesses.

"I became bored with hunting you see. I wondered why it no longer amused me "

"And why was that ?" I asked him

"It was the game. It became to easy , it was no longer a sport for me. There is no greater view than perfection, Drake. " he explained to me, being a hunter myself I understood how he could become bored after continuously hunting the most dangerous animals day after day. There was nothing to move on to.
"The animals don't stand a chance against me , all they had was their instinct which was easy to figure out down to printing it in a book. Which inspired me to do what I had to do to make it amusing again "

"And what was that ?"

"I had to invent a new animal to hunt" he said , "a new animal ?" How on gods earth could he do that. Was he that rich he could breed new animals in a lab and have them sent here. "Well what is it ?" I asked him and he laughed
"It gives me the most exciting hunt I've ever had. " he assured me "well, I wanted an ideal animal to hunt so it had to match my quarry. It must have courage , cunning and above all it should be able to reason. Reason changes more than instinct it is truly unique every time "

"But no animal can reason" I furrowed my brows at him , what could he be hunting here that reasoned. "My dear boy" he laughed "there is only one." He went on to say, I put my drink down and looked at him astounded. "That is one sick joke General Chaser " I said to him. He nodded his head in disagreement "no it is not. I'm speaking of hunting Mr Graham "

"You're speaking of murder General Chaser. Hunting humans is not a sport " I said Incredulously. He couldn't be serious about hunting human beings , "oh lighten up Graham. I refuse to believe such a modern man like yourself that has fought in war harbors romantic ideas about the value of life , you being a war h-"

"War did not make me desensitized to the meaning of death or blur the lines between murder and fun" I said sternly. I felt two taps on my thigh as the General went into a frenzy of laughter. I looked over to the small woman who's brown eyes had grown wide "stop" she mouthed to me before turning away quickly.
He was drunk and I took that as a warning to just let him talk And joke as sick as he wanted to. "You'll change your mind when we go hunting tomorrow " he told me. "Thank you , but I'm a hunter not a murderer" I said wiping my mouth.

"Again with that word. Murderer" he sighed.

" life is for the strong to survive Aubrey, no matter what race or gender. The weak are here to pleasure the needs and wants of the strong. I hunt the scum only. I am doing the world a favor by picking off the sailors that steal girls for sexual favors and sail through the ocean with them. The thriving merchants , pirates "

"But they are still men" I told him. It was still murder. "How do you get them ?" I finally asked the million dollar question, "this island. It's called ship trap island rocks are far enough in the water to rip ships to threads and give anyone who's strong enough to swim here a chance to be hunted by me , I believe the angry gods of the sea sends them to me. " he told me.

"We try to be civilized here with all the riches and basic things like electricity and running water. "Civilized but you hunt humans ?" I asked him with a sarcastic laugh. He was insane this was more than alcohol. A trace of anger was in he generals eyes and I could feel the small pinch of her soft hands on my thigh. She was begging me to stop.

"What a bold man you are Drake. I promise I am not the inbumane murderer you think I am. These people get rest and food an exercise all provided by me. You'll see tomorrow when I show you my latest trainees , they're from a Spanish ship. After they train and learn the ways I suggest we go hunting. Provide them with supplies and give myself the smallest caliber gun and give them three days to elude me. If the do they win, I find them...well. End of the game" he told me with a rather uncomfortable smirk on my face.

"And if they say no?"

"Ivan handles them" Onika spoke up startling me , was she in on this sick game ? "Awe you're speaking now. I thought you hated this game ?" He teased her "I do" she remarked.

"She cries when you take her to hunt animals and still Cries when I dont hunt animals " he said staring at her. " why are you all the way over there beautiful?" He asked her "you seemed busy with your whore" she spoke up. The use of the vulgar label shocked me coming from her sweet looking lips. He let it a dry laugh and blew her a kiss "what if hey win what do they get ?" I asked him.

"I don't know. I've never lost" he said to me "one almost escaped then I had to use my dogs on him"

"Would you like to see my heads ?" He asked me. Alright time for bed. "Actually I'm real tired my swim was rather long and I didn't get a good rest" I said to him standing up. "Oh then I'll see you tomorrow then, Onika show him to his room then hurry back princessa" he told her. Quietly she got up and I followed her back to my room the second w were inside I felt a hard slap to the back of my head.

"Do you know what the fuck stop means Mr Graham ? Do you have any idea what you just walked your giant ass into ?" She scolded me keeping her voice down. By now I had a pretty good idea , "Onika how do I get out of here ?" I asked her. Her eyes glasses over and she opens her mouth but no sound came out.

"You can't you're stuck" she whispered she motioned towards her balcony and I followed her out there. "How did you really end up here ?" I asked her

"Make no mistake he is sick and twisted but he does love me drake. He has since the second he laid eyes on me. But I don't really have many options when it comes to having enough and leaving since we live here on this island with no way off it" she began to tell me

"I was on a ship of girls they had taken from Trinidad , I floated all the way over here along with 29 others. Some I had grown up with. He picked me out and kept me from his weird game , he only hunted the men on that ship they were the evil ones. They're now the ones who entertain everyone on this island so I guess he didn't really change their fate. But they all felt compelled to do it they never refused it. I'm here as one of his prizes I just happen to be alive" I looked at her astonished at her story. She wasn't exactly kidnapped or held hostage but she was stuck.

"He's going to hunt you tomorrow drake. Please be carful, I've drawn a map I'll give it to you before breakfast Tomorrow. Study it. " she said to me softly

"Do you want to leave here ?" I asked her

She giggled a little before looking back up at me "life on my island wasn't too different from the way it is now. I'm use to this"

"There's far more to see Onika. When I win I'll take you with me " I said to her. If he was this cocky I knew he'd bet anything to be my prize. She looked at me with a glimmer of hope in her eyes and I felt compelled to lean down and kiss her beautiful skin but she stopped me "he'll smell you on me Mr Graham don't get us in trouble " she warned me.

"Okay, I understand but just so we're clear you did want that kiss right ?" I asked her

She smiled at me before turning back inside and walking out my room her dress railing behind her.


Soft wet kissed were planted up and down my torso as I breathed heavily my arms still handcuffed above me. "Chaser" I said out of breath I could feel him smile against my bare chest as he sucked on a small patch of my skin. "Yes?" He whispered against us before sitting up, I pulled at the cuffs again "they're going to leave marks" I whined and he undid them letting my hands go free for the first time in a while. He moved my hair to the side and wrapped his arm around me "sleep we have preparations tomorrow for our guest" he told me.

"So you're really going to hunt him ?" I asked

"Onika , be careful with what you say. I'm under the impression you're fond of him which is disrespectful. I'll shoot him right between the eyes before I let you even think about opening your legs for him " he told me.

"Chaser many men have come through here. I wouldn't do that to you" I told him as he kissed along my shoulders.

The next morning was particularly soothing , nicki rushed about in a red dress that flowed behind her , and her long black hair was put up into a ponytail. Drake arrived just in time to be seated with Chaser and Onika as she poured him some coffee. "Chaser please be careful with that you know you have to watch your condition" she told him worried. Drake was still confused about her feelings towards Chaser. She was livening and caring towards him despite what she said last night , she kissed his cheeks and left them to converse.

"Hunting was no fun last night. He was very boring don't put up much of a fight when. They're dumb" he began to tell drake

"Let's cut to the chase Chaser. Fuck all this hunting talk I'm not going murdering with you. You want to hunt me don't you ? So let's not waist any time. " drake said dropping his fork on the plate , nicki sat down avoiding eye contact with the both of them. Chaser laughed happy for the inaction to speed things up. "You'll love this game Mr Graham. My intellect and skill , my strength and reason against that of another human being who is as well trained as I am will call for the best hunt yet."

"And if I win ?" Drake asked "if You do I will accept defeat and you will be bright to a town on the main land". "Well as the first winner I think I deserve to add on to my own prize " Drake said. Chaser laughed at his cockiness and decided to entertain it "what else would you like Graham"

"I'll be taking her with me " he said gesturing towards Onika. Her eyes widened as she looked at her fruit salad , chasers jaw stiffened. Of course he knew drake could never win but the bold statement to ask for his woman was a slap to the face.

"Onika ? Ah, what a perfect prize , plump lips that only speak gentle words , soft skin that smells of honey and vanilla. Beautiful smile and many other things only the man she loves will have the pleasure of feeling" chaser bragger. Her cheeks grew red and she wiped her mouth.

"It's a deal. You will get my princess if you manage to win. But know now that you've let me know you've been eying what's mine I will waste no time killing you "

5007 words. And this is only part one. Please please please leave a good long review I wanna know everything you think of this remake of my favorite short story. Shout out to OTMADG for knowing this one. PLEASE COMMENT

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